Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I thought these worth repeating here, because some people mat not read the other threads. I don't know for certain. But I thought these worth repeating again just in case.

Quote from: ROSS on March 19, 2014, 06:40:10 AM
Isn't that convenient Warph!

Re-Brand or Re-Name it in order to confuse !

A lot like the West Elk Grade School we voted "NO" on.

And what appears to be an attempt at building a Professional Sports Arena under the disguise of a FEMA approved Storm Shelter to protect the children. And now the new gymnasium (if built) will be a grade school gymnasium with no bleachers and a grade school gymnasium with no score board just little kids basket ball hoops. Storm Shelter ---- Huh-uh. The smoke screen burnt down. LOL

What has been called grade school class rooms since the last School Board Meeting are now only to be referred to as class rooms.

The half a million dollars worth Howard eye sore often referred to portable class rooms have been inquired about by the teachers. They must not be that big an eyesore or all the unsafe in these Kansas winds! HUH!

The School Board Continues undeterred by the knowledge that their phony survey failed them by not producing the results they desired. They have spent over $28,000 plus on Architect's with little to show for the money. Now they are going to spend real close to $3,000 to prove what they already know. They have said it at many School Board Meetings at a few Special School Board Meetings! What it that?  A "NO" vote.

So, when do these supposedly people with Higher Educations wise up?
When do these supposed leaders of the community, lead with some common sense?
Op's my bad education in common sense is not a college subject is it?

These supposed leaders of the community lack either the

Knowledge of How
School Board Meeting
Should be Run
of Protocol
Or they just

Don't care

About the

Taxpayers or Voters


The School Board President said. "My children will not have the opportunity to experience a new gymnasium."  Well sir, if indeed that is what this is all about, reach deep into your wallet and build one in your own back yard for them.

Quote from: ROSS on March 19, 2014, 08:20:46 AM
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Changes in the SAT, announced on March 5 by the College Board, adjust the test to the ongoing decline in the nation's public schools.

I wonder what the thoughts of the West Elk School Board is on this Subject?
I wonder why the West Elk School Board doesn't address this issue even occasionally?
I wonder does the West Elk School Board even know Common Core is an issue?
I wonder have any of the West Elk School Board even read about Common Core?
I wonder do any of the West Elk School Board even Care about the Common Core and follow the news on it?

Will we ever find out with the self made School Board "CRISIS" going on.
You know designing a new Grade School as pieces that they have been working on for 2 1/2 years and phony survey going on and all the other hocus - pocus going on.

Like leading on of the Assembly of God Church, how shameful.

Just my thoughts and opinions.

Please develop your own and vote them as they come up.



Prairie Star
Wednesday March19,2014

West Elk Voters
will vote on bonds
totaling $4 million

Following last weeks decision by the USD-282 West Elk Board of Education, a special bond election will be scheduled in the near future, the exact date will be announced later.

(In last weeks publication under legal notices it was listed as June 3, 2014. The original plan was for as much as $7.5 million. At the last meeting they went to crisis mode because the Architect reminded them that they had to have the legal notice in the news paper right now, in order to have a bond issue in June. And they quickly decided to drop down to $4 million with little discussion.)

This is the first attempt since 2009 when a bond issue election issue would have built --- one that would have constructed a new grade school facility in Howard.

(I wish this editor could get his geography right? West Elk is not in Howard and the Grade School was to be built at West Elk. This from a guy that called us BOOB's. It didn't pass then and it won't pass now because the present building is designed to handle 600 students and there are only 300 students attending the school. And we just paid out $500,000 dollars for portable buildings that are designed to last 30 years with proper maintenance.)

Skipping down a ways the paper says, "The board also started a survey in November 2013 to determine the views of school taxpayers before planning a bond issue on the ballot."

(Now ain't that some happy crap? They sent the survey to all parents and patrons whether taxpayers or not. Also not all the surveys got delivered and approximately 200 were returned as undeliverable. The fact that the survey was not to find out if taxpayers were interested in a bond issue but rather in what order of importance to build  the gymnasium,  the classrooms, the new office, etc. The survey was a total failure as far as trying to find out how taxpayers felt about a multimillion dollar bond issue. This article on the front page in my opinion is not reporting but is simply writing fantasy. Is it delusional, an illusion, science fiction, fiction or just a blatant lie your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps it is just poor reporting?

(The Fantasy)

West Elk currently has an enrollment of 315 students, and projects project growth over the next five years.

(Based on what, where is all that growth going to come from? Everything shows a steady decline in population and even the School Board has said so many times during active
School Board Meetings. What has changed?

West Elk started the year out with about 313 or 315 students and at the first School Board
Meeting after school started, the principal reported to the School Board that they had an additional 30 pupils enroll. That would a have been about 345 students enrolled. So from reading the Prairie Star we can assume we have had a decline of 30 students this year alone. Who is telling the truth and who is not? Is that not a 1% decline in enrollment this year all by itself? FANTASY!)

Bert Moore, superintendent said the board believed the West Elk District will continue to grow because of it's strong academic reputation, as well as provide multiple vocational – technical programs. School Clubs and activities also add to West Elk's Advantage.

over what? These things are what happen at probably every school across the nation. Does Mr. Moore actually believe the people of Elk County are actually that naïve'? D Mr. Moore think, we believe that only West Elk has these studies and extra curricular activities? Really?

Give Me A Break, those are not the things that would entice an influx of family's to Elk
County. Just the same to fill up a building capable of handling 600 students you would need to add 300 more kids. I believe to get that many you would need the influx of a minimum of 100 family's averaging 3 kids per family.

I also understand the School Boards apprehension about the closing of school district's.
Especially since Mr. Moore has remarked about that happening to Elk Valley several times during several School Board Meetings. That is a real possibility if there continues to be a State Shortage of funding for the districts. This is not dependent on the sizes of the building or the number of students enrolled alone, there are other factors involved. But guess what a law suit against Kansas was just suppose to start paying more towards education.)

School Board Member Whetstone made the remark that they should ask the teachers because they should be considered experts on Education Building. The school coach took the floor and said all they need to do is drop the safety net across the center of the gymnasium to protect the smaller children.at during this time of crisis?

Now, I bet School Board Member Whetstone regrets the," experts on Education Building" it probably provide the answer he wanted. But you can see what is wrong with that phrase can't you? School Board Member Whetstone said," experts on Education Building" which is considerably different than expert on construction. LOL Was that error for plausible deniability or trickery or fantasy or what during this time of the School Boards self made time of crisis?

Oh heck that's enough fantasy
and crisis
           for one day.

Just boldly say NO to the few,
to the supposedly
"NO" :

b]Be SMART,[/b] Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.



I have no idea where our School Board stands on this subject, I doubt they even know!


Wisconsin School Board
Stops Common Core

At American Majority, we are doers. We know that our broken political system can only be repaired if
people are willing to stop simply talking and do something to fix it. We are hard at work equipping people to take action, organize and win elections. With the New Leaders Project, we specifically ask people, you, to work at changing your local government by finding and electing new leaders.

One of the issues affecting communities across the nation is the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Opposition to the CCSS has grown significantly in 2013. Several states have de-funded implementation and made other attempts to back away from CCSS. In Wisconsin, local school boards are now leading efforts to push back against federal intervention in the local education system. Two weeks ago, the Germantown School Board became the first in Wisconsin to oppose the adoption of CCSS.

Brian Medved, a local father of four, was one of the Germantown School Board Members who voted to stop Common Core. Brian was just elected this past April to the School Board, and is a great example of a
parent stepping forward to improve his community.

Brian says he was frustrated by the state of politics today and "made the choice that I would no longer stand by and do nothing- I chose to do something." First Brian sought to find other people who could become candidates for school board- but with encouragement from our partner Ed Willing, Executive Director of Founder's Intent, Brian said, " finally decided to get myself on the School Board to help them and see just what we could accomplish with some common sense policies."

Despite being a first time candidate, Brian was able to get 61% of the vote for school board using the knowledge and practical advice he received through American Majority's New Leaders campaign training. He was elected to a three year term.

In his first year on the School Board, Brian has faced plenty of challenges. He says "working within the rules and the never ending bureaucracy can be frustrating and things never seem to move fast enough for me, but with some persistence, major victories can take place." The "home run" his School Board hit in stopping Common Core was significant. He says, the work can be tedious, "but the rewards far outweigh the struggles."

Brian challenges us all to step forward to do our part. "I would encourage anyone that was feeling the way I was to get involved," he says, "you do not have to be the one that gets elected, but you sure can do your part to get the right ones elected to your local Boards."



So what does our West Elk USD-282 think about Common Core?

Or do they only think about building a larger building that is not needed and raising the mil levy on top of the 4 MILLION DOLLAR SCHOOL BOND that they realize won't pass.

How about thinking of saving the nearly $3,0  00.00 it is going to cost to hold the Special vote, since you know it will fail. Ya keep saying it will fail at the board meetings. So save the money for the kids education.


These are actual figures from:

USD#    District     1997 Tax        2012 Tax          Tax Change            
282      West Elk    $457,446.56   $810,128.44           77 %      

1997 Mill   2012 Mill    Mill Change
27.00         46.49            72 %

Check the numbers at: http://www.kansasopengov.org/PropertyTax/USDPropertyTaxandMillRateComparison1997to2012/tabid/2398/Default.aspx

And the talk at the School Board Meetings continues to be raising the property tax mill another 4.00 mil even if (and that is a big IF) the $4,000,000.00 Bond Issue passes.

A few things to consider when voting June 3, 2014.

After all the School Board does not expect the $4,000,000.00 Bond Issue to pass, but will continue to further waste nearly
to run a special election.

Will you be happy with a Taj Mahal you don't really need?
Will the School Board be happy with a Taj Mahal they don't need?
If the School Board would be happy with a Taj Mahal why would they even be talking of raising the property mill after getting the $4,000,000.00 Bond Issue.

"If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road."—C.S. Lewis

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and ALL problems solved.



Perhaps we can get the West Elk School Board to tackle a real world problem, instead of whipping a dead horse, board made problem of construction of a Taj Mahal, does any one think that might happen?

Lets try a few links and see, okay?

Perhaps a couple more links may draw the School Boards Attention to a real problem ---- Common Core!

Common Core Developers Fail To Warranty Product

NEA Says Common Core Was 'Botched'


A Rose By Any Other Name Is Still 'Common Core'

Education Briefs

School Board Members please take a look at Warph's post at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,15765.new.html#new

And let us know what your stance is on Common Core, please!

This will affect all of Elk County's children ---- do you care?


Isn't this just as much about School Boards and School Superintendents saying or hinting at possibilities of increases of student enrollment, based on nothing more than school academic accomplishments, when educational standards have been declared their lowest in decades by state and federal governments and on extra-curricular activities?  How do you get population growth out of those fancy claims?
Back to March 2014 Ed Reporter
Book of the Month

"Confessions of a Bad Teacher suggests that education is about passion, leadership, and commitment. The book's final words are: "Don't let your schools squander precious time and money on empty promises and quick fixes disguised by fancy words and lofty ideals. Our children and the future of our country don't need this theater. They need education."



After questions arose for me following being told there was going to be 5 positions open on the
West Elk-282 School Board in April, I e-mailed the School Superintendent, Mr. Moore and received a very quick response. I appreciate the timely response Mr, Moore.

I received a .pdf listing all the positions and the year they become open.
Five positions will be open next year.

This information is posted for your convenience on my box.com account.

Please follow this link if you are interested: https://app.box.com/s/6h3vni6q1k0oeukhxo9j


Doesn't that sound a bit like Common Core?

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