Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Does any one know when the school board elections take place this year?
I am hearing in April and that there are 5 seats open.

Any information is welcome.


Quote from: ROSS on March 13, 2014, 09:40:42 AM

The CRISIS accentuated: I received a phone call shortly after nine a.m. this morning from the West Elk Administration. They informed me I would be receiving a notice in the mail of a Special School Board Meeting Friday, but that I should ignore it because, they can't get a quorum. That means a minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct business. They need a minimum of four members.

I would be wondering why any official would tell someone not to attend.  What if something changes and they do get a quorum.. No one there to make sure they stick the rules. How... convenient.

Things that make you go.... hmmmmmm.

Thanks for letting us know, Ross.
Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.


nykkylsdymes you are so right.
I liked to rolled laughing when I read your post.
Apparently I wasn't the only on thinking that.
I don't believe they appreciate my posts and  just lack the
fortitude have an open and honest dialog about it.

It sure has been a beautiful day and I have been out enjoying it,
I hope you have too.


Friday, March 14,2014
7:00 P.M.

Call to Order- 7:00 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance

I.   Roll Call
II.   Adoption of Agenda
III.   Discussion/Action Item:
A.   Hire Architect
B.   Facility Planning
C.   Calendar – Make-up Day
IV.   Adjournment

Next Regular Board Meeting, Monday, April 14, 2014 @ 6:30 P.M.


So any way this is the one I got a call about this morning about 9:00 A.M. from the School Administration saying it is cancelled, because they could not get a quorum. Meaning they could not get 4 of the 7 School Board members to agree to show up.

I guess the CRISIS CAN wait, LOL!

Now, I was sure they hired that Architect Monday night!

I understand they have already spent $28,000 on an Architect and have very little to show for all that taxpayer money which should be have been used for the EDUCATION of the children. I guess the School Board figures they have plenty of money or is that FLUF money?

But if they have plenty of money why was the Principle and Superintendent talking at one School Board Meeting of going to the County Government to ask for money for use on USD 282 Bus Transportation ? Huh, why?

They must surely have plenty of money for transportation when they can afford to provide free transportation for their little Booster Club, right ? But wait a minute back up to the previous paragraph please ?

$28,000 spent and nothing to show for it. Better than 2 years to plan their grade school with maximum attention for a new gymnasium that was suppose to double as a FEMA approved storm shelter. The emphasis was on safety for children it was the FEMA approved storm shelter built as a gymnasium and poof that is gone. So much for the children's safety. The new offices at the front of the building for security and to prevent a gunman intent on mass murder --- poof it's gone. So much for the security of the children.

In my opinion the children have been used by the School Board without shame as a sales job. Very, very shameful of the school board. I REPEAT in my opinion.

Food for thought! Are we going to trust this board any further and let them waste $4 Million Dollars to build a Grade School for Howard. You have already told them "NO". What has changed besides re-branding it ? Are you willing to let them dispose of $500,000 worth of portable class rooms that they could not live without and which have received very little use? Those portable class rooms have a life span of about 30 years.

Remember Your vote is very important on June 3, 2014.

And I am sure they will be out in force especially around Howard with some cock and mammie sales pitch to get a yes vote out of you!

No, this construction will not be good for our economy, if anything it would be detrimental to our
economy and put us in the number one position of having the highest property taxes in the state of Kansas ONCE AGAIN. I don't believe we want to hold that #1 position, do YOU?

But that is up to you to decide with YOUR VOTE.


I wonder has anyone heard from our West Elk School Board of Construction concerning any discussion of Common Core?

Does anyone even know if our West Elk School Board of Construction has even heard of Common Core?

I know Common Core has nothing to do with construction but that it has to do with actual Education.

The reason I ask is because it is really a controversial issue with just about every school board across the nation.

New Gardendale Board of Education members talk about their task ahead and Common Core
March 13, 2014
By Robert Carter and Melanie Patterson
North Jefferson News   

[Editor's note: The comments from members of the Gardendale Board of Education were made before their first organizational meeting on Tuesday night. It was also edited to correct a quote from Chris Segroves involving legal counsel.]

The new Gardendale Board of Education will begin its work with "a clean sheet of paper," as one of its members puts it.

But it also faces the formidable challenges of starting almost from scratch, as well as a controversial issue that almost every school system in the country is dealing with now.

The five charter members of the board met Tuesday night in an organizational meeting at City Hall. (That meeting took place after press deadlines; see njeffersonnews.com for details.) The four men and one woman won't be officially sworn in until April 1, but they decided to get a head start on setting the direction for the new school system, which will break away from the Jefferson County Schools.

The North Jefferson News spoke with four of the members earlier this week about what their biggest task is right off the bat, aside from naming a superintendent.

The members were also asked their views on Common Core, the national initiative that was adopted by the Alabama Board of Education, which seeks to establish national standards as to what students should know in core subjects at the end of each grade. It's an initiative that faces opposition from a number of groups, most of them conservative-leaning; it is the political target of State Sen. Scott Beason (R-Gardendale), who has introduced bills either calling for it to be removed entirely, or for individual school systems to be allowed to opt out.


Would the West Elk School Board of Construction choose to opt out if that option comes about or stay with Federal Government in charge of Education. Will the West Elk USD282 wait until the last minute to have a discussion about this subject. Will they run another piss poor survey? What will they do. I suppose the will continue to push to build a new gymnasium after the latest bond issue fails. Forget education --- Go SPORTS GO !


For the state it is about MONEY for the West Elk School Board I think it is a fear of TRANSPARENCY NOT MONEY!

Kansas Capitol camera costs up for debate

By Travis Perry  /   March 14, 2014  /

EYES ON: Kansas state Senators reacted favorably to a proposal
that would initiate a pilot online video program in four of the Capitol's 13
legislative committee rooms.[/center]

By Travis Perry │ Kansas Watchdog

TOPEKA, Kan. — High cost estimates scuttled Rep. Stephanie Clayton's vision of full-blown government transparency under the Kansas Capitol dome before it got a hearing.

But state senators Thursday shifted the focus from whether the state can afford online video of public meetings, instead debating whether Kansas can afford not to implement the next step in technological transparency.


The West Elk School Board claims us old folk do understand this world of new technology.
I wonder if they have figured out differently from reading this thread?

Myself and one other person that I know or have asked the West Elk School Board President to come into the 21st Century and video the School Board Meetings.

There would be no cost involved because we the taxpayers, you and me already pay through the nose for more than sufficient technology to do the job.

We meaning you and me as taxpayers pay through the nose for a technician who is required to attend School Meetings and has already videoed three School Board Members and which included the School Board President for their sales pitch on the new School Bond Issue.

The School Superintendent told me personally that they would have hire someone, No Mr. Superintendent we all ready have hired a technician.

The School Superintendent told me personally that they would have hire someone to edit the video, No Mr. Superintendent you wouldn't. And I believe if you check that would be unlawful.

They have all kinds of excuses to avoid transparency!
Perhaps the truth is they don't want you to see the picnic and circus they call the School Board Meeting?
Perhaps they know you would not be please with some of their body language and some of the things they say that don't get placed in the minutes. Perhaps they don't believe in transparency in Government! Who knows what is holding them back?

I ran into a man today that told me that certain people are very unhappy about me posting my opinions. Well that is just fine with me. I am sorry that the truth hurts but so be it. This is a big indicator that they are reading this thread along with the number of hits. So, if I'm lying why aren't they rebutting my opinion.

I listening -er- waiting to read any rebuttal.
Some more food for thought!

I hope everyone has a great evening.


Well let's see ! Let's recap!

I received that phone call from West Elk Administration about the Special School Board Meeting letter, I was going to be receiving and that the meeting had been canceled. I received the letter alright, so I called a friend and asked if he received the same phone call and he said no. He said, that's right that is tonight. Since he had not received the call, I decided to go to the West Elk Administration Building and wait and see if anyone showed up.

Well, I got there about 6:20 p.m. in case they may have changed their mind and held the meeting at their normal time. I sat and enjoyed the country music and some news on the radio while I waited for the scheduled 7:00 p.m. meeting time. No one showed up! I called my friend back to let him know there was a no show.

While visiting with him, I asked him what the deals is, wondering who might have called for this Special Board Meeting? I asked my friend, who has the authority to do that? He said he thought they probably voted on it at the school board meeting. I said no and that I had stayed for the whole meeting. And I then said they do have to have a motion and a second and vote for it at a regular school board meeting don't they? And he said he was pretty sure they do. Well, folks I do feel certain that is the way it is suppose to work.

So, I figure either someone doesn't know the by-laws or doesn't care or feels they have a pen and a phone. You know, just like Obama. Yes, there are rules and protocols to follow. Yes, I think the school administration lied to me over the telephone, about not being able to garner a quorum. I whole heartedly believe honesty is the best policy. You are right, I just said, I do not trust them. My trust has to be earned. And I sure hope you feel the same way about your trust.

As I have told you, I asked to see the School Board by-laws which they refer to as School Board Policy, way back before Christmas. The administrative personnel, said it was spread out all over the place and that they would be posting it on the West Elk web site either during or after Christmas break. I just now checked once again and guess what 3 ½ months later it is still not posted. You can check for yourself by going to http://www.westelk.us/district-2/board-policies/ .

The local School Board is an elected governing body and should be a government of the people, by the people, for the people just as any other elected governing body. And especially being local, it should be trust worthy, honest and transparent in my opinion.

Anything else should be unacceptable, again in my opinion.

Let's get that camera rolling at the School Board Meetings, it is perfectly legal and acceptable. No more phony excuses, please!  It is done at the Kansas State Department of Education and soon to happen at the state Capitol.  At the Kansas State Department of Education they even leave the video posted after live streaming the meeting.

Where is that Elk County can do attitude?

Good night folks and here's wishing each of you a great weekend.


Here is what the great leaders of Detroit did.
Must be some highly educated idiots running the show, huh?
A very good way to deal with economic development isn't it?
Haven't these so called leaders ever heard of contracts.
Something like, "Either make 100 (or more) permanent jobs for Detroit citizens or pay the taxes".
Simple stuff. Huh!
I think they need some rednecks running things.
Rednecks Get-R-Done.

Detroit Factory Receives $175 Million Tax Break; Only Hires 15 People
by Tina Nguyen | 2:18 pm, March 14th, 2014

In an attempt to get more people hired in Detroit, the city decided to award a $175 million tax break to Marathon Petroleum as it underwent a "massive expansion project." This should have been enough to get a significant number of people hired, but today the City Council blasted the refinery for using all that money to hire just 15 Detroit residents.

(We're pretty sure that each resident did not receive a $11.6 million salary, or anything close to that amount.)



Just take a gander what Milton Snavely Hershey (September 13, 1857 – October 13, 1945) did without a muckety-muck high edumaction without PHD or any other title. Just a 4th Grade education. He built factories and schools with out taxation of other peoples property. A true entrepreneur, uniike those around here that talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.

Google Milton Snavely Hershey. I love Hershey bars.

Just some trivia about the fact that it doesn't take ten degrees of pretending you are smart to Get-R Done.

No, all goals don't have to include being rich and famous. More times than not it's the little things that count the most.


Just a reminder of information you can download to your computer about West Elk USD282 and Elk Couty information.

USD 282 Documents

Documents Pertaining To The Survey

Piper Jafrey Financial

Elk County Govt

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