Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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is the aljazerra web site run by the muslims?if so should you trust  their reporting? and what is the agenda?


Quote from: upoladeb on January 29, 2014, 07:06:10 AM
is the aljazerra web site run by the muslims?if so should you trust  their reporting? and what is the agenda?

That's a very good question, but I fail to see what it has to do with this thread.
But, I am willing to learn from you, how it might affect this thread.

Back to your question. I don't feel you can trust any news media. We have been told the white house has paid some news media to print certain stories or not to print certain stores. So, what are we to believe? We can't even believe and trust our countries congressmen or representatives, partially because of what is called political correctness and because of their attempts at gaining votes?

To me, I believe the only option is for each person to listen to all sides and all angles and for each person to make their own personal judgment call.

While attending the recent County Commissioners meeting and listening to the  Non Governmental Organizations Flinthills Frontier Representative telling us how he understood all about the Flinthills and rural living. The man was asked where he is from and he stated a city in Arkansas somewhere? So, I think  one must ask themselves, what can this man really know, without the benefit of living our lifestyle and our (what I consider) our great quality of life here in Elk County?

And after hearing two County Commissioners say "not" interested in signing onto Flinthills Frontiers NGO, Commissioner Liebau appeared to me, to take the defensive for that Non Governmentmental Organization! And Commissioner Liebau made a statement that the organization could represent us in Topeka as far as State Legislation.  And I thought, how lame is that? Why would an NGO be interested in Elk County except for membership dues down the road? The NGO's main purpose would be to represent the larger populated cities on the north end of the Flinthills, where the majority of their membership would be and where the majority of their money would come from eventually. Leaving Elk County as only a drop of rain in a  very large puddle of rain water --- nothing more.

What is the real purpose of the people that are involved in NGO's, the top people?
Is the real purpose to make a living, to make a big pay check? (you don't believe those people that think they are big shots are doing it with out a big paycheck do you?)
Is the real purpose to recruit people to volunteer, so those volunteers can bring more money into the NGO?
Is the real purpose so they can have a large following to give them more Political Power?
What is their real purpose?

So -- all this made me ask myself, why would Commissioner Liebau seem to be taking up the defensive for this Non Governmental Organization? And I remembered, his extremely strong stance at County Commissioners Meetings for the Non Governmental Organizations Elk Konnected. That provided me with the thought that perhaps Commissioner Liebau had already made a Konnection with the Non Governmental OrganizationFlinthills Frontier through Elk Konnected. And I must say, I don't know and I will probably never know the truth.

Commissioner Liebau asked me directly if I understood what volunteering is and I said yes. But, I don't want to volunteer giving this Non Governmental Organization my tax dollars.

Commissioner Ritz asked the representative (or salesman) from Flinthills Frontier if his Non Governmental Organizations was the one and same NGO that met with us in Grenola last year and I never heard a direct reply.

I ask you, if these Non Governmental Organizations are worthy of operating, why can't they get people to donate to their cause? Why do they need to go after taxpayer dollars, by suckering in Elected Officials? Is it perhaps, because they can't sucker individuals to part with their hard earned money?

Why is it we never hear any real facts about what these Non Governmental Organizations ever accomplish? For instance:
                                    How they improved the Quality of life for anyone?
                                    How they improved the education of all the children?
                                    How they improved the poverty of communities?
                                            What we hear is they want to do, but never hear how they plan to do it, why do you suppose that is?
                                 Is it just a way of conning everyone?

Did you know Goodwill is not a charitable organization but a privately owned company?
I didn't until recently!

                                 Of course most individuals want to do good things, but we do it in my opinion as individuals, not as puppets of some Non Governmental Organizations that depends on taxpayer dollars. But, it is an individual decision to do on their own or to play follow the Leader (NGO) while the big shots probably give themselves a pay check while you work for free.

Even the college football players are finally waking up to this type of scam and are suing to get paid a part of that multi-billion dollar industry they work for? Yes, while coaches are being paid millions of dollars to play football the players are putting in 40 hours a week practice, which is work, for nothing. The players suffer injuries that they will have to deal with later in life, some sooner in life. So, Who has been getting screwed for years? The player?

Yes, I question everything and the bottom line is for each individual to think for themselves and ask the questions to attempt to get the best answer for themselves.

And the more taxpayers think and the more taxpayers pay attention and the more questions the taxpayer asks, the better off our county and our country will fair, in my opinion.

Look where all the lack of attention has got our federal government and our banking system. It has done great damage to our country. I'm almost certain those that are making millionaires out of themselves, running our government would prefer that nobody paid attention.

As Charlie Rich sang, "Nobody Knows What Goes On Behind Closed Doors" isn't that simply a simple way to explain the lack of transparency with these Non Governmental Organizations?               

Perhaps, I just made the connection between your question and this thread, what do you think?

All of this is just my personal opinion and I leave it up to you to form your own opinion!
By that I mean I am not asking you  to believe anything I say.


State of the Union:
5 things president failed to tell Americans

By Watchdog Staff  /   January 29, 2014  /

4. Even the government knows pre-k doesn't work

The president spent more time talking about preschool than programs that actually work to improve education, said Jason Bedrick, policy analyst at the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom.

"His pre-K idea is a mistake," Bedrick said. "There is no real evidence that pre-K will do all the things his administration claims it's going to do."

The government's own study of its Head Start preschool program showed that, if the program benefits children at all, the benefit disappears in a few years, he said.

"Head Start has been a complete failure," he said. "We don't have any results for this program and it does not make sense to expand it."

The president should have turned the nation's attention to school choice programs, which have been successful, he said.

The president should have announced that his administration would drop its lawsuit against Louisiana's school choice program, and that he would expand the District of Columbia's program, where the federal government actually has authority, Bedrick said.

"They should cease interfering with state-level policies because that's where the constitutional authority is for education — at the state level."

"There was a lot of talk about inequality," Bedrick said. "If we really care about inequality, and we want to reduce it, states should follow the example of Arizona and Florida and other states that have enacted school choice programs and make them large enough for all students, especially low-income students."



Does Rebranding Or Changing A Name Really Change Anything?

Does changing the name of the West Elk New Grade School Bond Issue from two years ago to Extensions On the Present West Elk School Building really change anything from the Previous Bond Issue?

Will the School Board really waste approximately $3000. 00 to run an election for a bond issue they feel will fail, just so they can rebrand it for another election in November?

Do the School Board Members really think you are gullible enough to fall for their shenanigans?

Have the School Board Members shown any Critical Thinking on trying to fool Elk County, West Elk School District voters? Not in my opinion!

Does Rebranding improve educational standards?

Quote from: ROSS on January 31, 2014, 07:48:16 AM
Emphasis is mine.

Some states rebrand controversial
Common Core
education standards

By Lyndsey Layton,   Published: January 30 

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) used an executive order to strip the name "Common Core" from the state's new math and reading standards for public schools. In the Hawkeye State, the same standards are now called "The Iowa Core." And in Florida, lawmakers want to delete "Common Core" from official documents and replace it with the cheerier-sounding "Next Generation Sunshine State Standards."

In the face of growing opposition to the Common Core State Standards — a set of K-12 educational guidelines adopted by most of the country — officials in a handful of states are worried that the brand is already tainted. They're keeping the standards but slapping on fresh names they hope will have greater public appeal.

Read more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/some-states-rebrand-controversial-common-core-education-standards/2014/01/30/a235843e-7ef7-11e3-9556-4a4bf7bcbd84_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage


Miami Herald >  News >  Legislature

Posted on Saturday, 01.18.14
Renaming 'Common Core' standards
does little to end education debate

By Kathleen McGrory

Herald/Times Tallahassee bureau

TALLAHASSEE --  The state education department tried to distance itself from the controversial Common Core State Standards last week by recommending changes to the benchmarks and giving them a new name.

"The proposed standards are truly our own," Deputy Chancellor Mary Jane Tappen said during a Tuesday workshop on the freshly named "Florida Standards."

But is Florida really moving away from the national benchmarks, which have drawn Tea Party ire in recent months? Or are the suggested revisions a matter of semantics?

"At their heart, the standards in Florida are still Common Core standards," said Anne Hyslop, a policy analyst with New America Foundation's Education Policy Program, noting that many of the proposed changes are minor.

Hyslop added: "The Rebranding and Messaging is Largely Political."

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/01/18/3879688/renaming-common-core-standards.html#storylink=cpy


Rebimbas supports
delaying, examining
Common Core

Thursday, January 30, 2014

HARTFORD — State Rep. Rosa Rebimbas (R-70) joined her Republican colleagues this week on calling for Gov. Dannel Malloy and the state Department of Education to delay implementation of the Common Core teaching program and teacher evaluation process.

The legislators want it delayed until further study on the effectiveness and feasibility of the program can be performed and the discussion can be brought out into the public.

During a press conference in the Legislative Office Building the House Republican Caucus Education Committee questioned the timing and implementation of the Common Core curriculum across the state and called upon the legislature's Education Committee to hold a public hearing on the Common Core. 

According to a press release issued by Rebimbas' office, the committee highlighted problems regarding technology concerns with administering assessments under the Common Core and questioned the reliability and feasibility of linking student achievement scores on the Smarter Balanced standardized test system to teacher evaluations.

"Rushing to implement legislation that makes major changes to how our children learn, how our educator's teach and how both students and educators are evaluated without first properly examining the pros and cons of the system is a recipe for disaster, and that's what we're seeing now," Rebimbas said in the release.  "Connecticut's Common Core program must be reevaluated with clearly vetted and well established guidelines.

Feedback from educators across the state has already pointed out several potential problems with the program, including implementation problems in terms of internet technology requirements for computers in order to take the tests, students struggling with keyboarding skills at young ages, and the sheer amount of new projects and initiatives being rolled out at the same time, the release stated.

Rebimbas added in the release, "To meet the Common Core requirements, teachers and administrators are asked to do many more hours of administrative work which takes them away from teaching and the work they now must do."

Legislators also called for public hearings so the program and process can be fully vetted

On Tuesday, Malloy and legislative leaders sent a letter to the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council asking them to delay coupling the new evaluation system and the Common Core, according to ctnewsjunkie.com.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/01/18/3879688/renaming-common-core-standards.html


Do you trust the Federal Government to make decisions about your child's education?
Does your School Board trust the Federal Government to make decisions about your child's education?
I don't ! ----- Ross

Common Core
Changing Education

By Kay Bivens

February 3, 2014 

EDITOR'S NOTE: Kay Bivens of Lake Wylie examines Common Core State Standards in math and English Language Arts being implemented in public schools in many states including South Carolina. These views are Bivens, and not those of the Lake Wylie Pilot.

Do you remember the television show "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" Americans enjoy quiz shows, because we love challenges and competing to see if we can make the grade.

See if you can solve a math problem from an 1877 elementary grade math test. Remember teachers, who probably didn't have a college degree, taught math in one-room schools, and students learned to do math mentally – no calculators, chalk or slate allowed.

A boat worth $864, and insured for $500, was lost. One-eight of the boat belonged to Bill, ¼ belonged to John, and the rest to Daniel. What loss did each sustain?

How did you do? Could today's elementary students do math problems like this (or read Greek and Roman classics in their original language like students did in the 1700s)? It's a thought-provoking question.

Now compare 1877 math to this problem in a Nebraska third grade class: Mr. Lemke has 5 guitars, 4 banjos and 2 mandolins. What is the total number of strings on the instruments?

After seeing examples of other math problems like this, and as a former fifth and sixth grade science teacher, I wanted to check out the sweeping education reforms in the Common Core standards 45 states promised to adopt. Were you, like me, unaware South Carolina had adopted CC in 2010, with an implementation completion date of 2014-2015?

I also wanted to explore the theory the decline of education has paralleled the decline of federalism so I began to research the pros and cons of yet another new approach to education.

After doing extensive research and attending CC forums, I will share my findings, questions and concerns, but please, do your own homework. There is conflicting information and confusing generalized statements on CC that need to be examined. This is timely because in two recent polls, only 52 percent and 62 percent (respectively) of parents had heard "only a little" or "nothing at all" about CC.

Another poll stated: "Of those who had heard of CC, many were confused by or misunderstood the standards and their genesis." It is curious there has been so little communication about such a drastic change in education.

Changing education

Historical factors changing education may surprise you. "Big business" had and continues to have a powerful influence on the goals of education.

1. By the late 1800s/early 1900s, industrialists Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford needed robot-like, compliant factory workers, so fueled by their influence and money, education changed to facilitate achieving that need. Rockefeller's letter on education stated: "In our dream ... people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands." Carnegie supported educational experimentation. Even President Woodrow Wilson voiced his thinking saying one class should have a liberal education, another much larger class, should forgo a liberal education and prepare to perform specific difficult manual tasks.

2. 1914: Universities got on board to train teachers, effort to control textbook content and standardized testing began.

3. 1920s: H. H. Goddard, standardized test architect, wrote about standardized testing's goal: Make lower classes recognize their inferiority – discourage their ambition and having children. Textbooks: History being blurred and rewritten to reflect author's bias; omission of quotes by people like our founding fathers.

4. 1954 Congressional Committee uncovered a gigantic project to rewrite American history and incorporate it into new school textbooks.

5. 1979: Department of Education was established followed by unconstitutional federal intrusions into state control of education – using tax dollars to influence changes. This loss of federalism does parallel our continued loss of world rankings in both economics and education.

6. Teachers' unions have tremendous lobbying power (influence) regarding education policy.

7. Poverty, single-parent families, removing God from our lives, and public apathy have contributed to declining school and world rankings, not addressed as factors that need to be considered in any reforms in education.

8. As reforms to reverse the downward spiral have been tried, some have resorted to lowering standards to get improved test scores, but No. 1 tells us these changes focus on the need for workers, not what's best for students.

The idea of reform reminds me of "New Math" in the 1960s. My college roommate was told it was going to revolutionize math because the old method was no longer effective. I was skeptical, but my roommate's professor had assured her it would work.

Well, poor student performance made schools recognize it as a failure so New Math went away (almost), but could it be that another version of it has emerged under a new name? Today's CC math criticisms are strikingly similar to New Math criticisms: "Frustrated, angry parents and teachers said New Math was outside of students' ordinary experiences and not worth taking time away from more traditional topics, such as arithmetic. Parents didn't understand it and couldn't help with their children's homework." The preface of Professor George F. Simmons' book "Pre-calculus Mathematics in a Nutshell," summed it up: New Math students knew commutative law, but not multiplication tables.

The core issue about CC comes down to trust:

1. Can we trust that CC is focused on the best interests of our children, not big business' needs?

2. Can we trust CC to reverse decades of a downward spiral in education in America since schools have never been asked to conduct business as CC requires? Check out the comments from teachers on the NEA's website: neatoday.org/2013/10/16/10-things-you-should-know-about-the-common-core/.

Suggested reading:

• Diane Ravich, a proponent of voluntary national standards: washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2014/01/18/everything-you-need-to-know-about-common-core-ravitch/.

• Bill Gates' UNESCO alliance and his involvement in CC's development: crossroad.to/articles2/0013/common-core/bill_gates_teams_up_with_unesco.htm.

Kay Bivens of Lake Wylie is a former science teacher with more than 12 years teaching experience. After retiring, she began leading a series of U.S. Army Family Support Group in the Carolinas, which led to her planning, developing curriculum and teaching classes at several FSG Leadership Training Academies in Florida, Texas and South Carolina.


I received my Kansas Country, monthly rag, from my rural electric company today.

Talk about absurd, the story by Angie Bauer of Public Squares Communities, Inc is in my personal opinion beyond absurd.

Angie Bauer is listed as a Community Facilitator with Public Squares Communities, Inc. web site at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/staff/ . She states in her article that she is involved with Central Kansas Community Foundation which is a tax-exempt charitable organization. So does this give Elk Konnected, LLC a Konnection through Angie Bauer working for Public Squares Communities?

What I find absurd, is Konnecting personal health and medical care of probably many doctors and many doctors visit and their cure, to become a cancer survivor, compared to what communities need or don't need. Who are these people to come into communities and manipulate the communities?

She goes on to say if a community wants to make an improvement there will be "interference, absolutely". Just who makes up a community?
Is it just a hand full of people?
Or is it all the people?
What is needed to approve someone's or some groups vision for the community?
Usually a vote, Right? 

If it is really a good idea, why would there be any interference?

Are these people afraid of the truth?
Isn't that their biggest problem?
Isn't that why they won't openly communicate?
Isn't that why some of them hide behind LLC's and Inc's?

A vote means the registered voters of the community and usually many of them are property owners, which means the taxpayers, isn't that?

Isn't this the way our local governments work?
By vote!

It's not necessarily the people that come into the community, causing these problems, coming from somewhere else, that have their property taxes raised is it?

It's those groups that usually have their hand out looking for a hand out of taxpayer's dollars as I see it. What do you see?

So, what are they doing, but causing division amongst the community, the people that live there?
What happened to all of that positive attitude?
It can't be there if they are causing all this community division, can it?
Yet, they point out that the problem is the citizens of the community, don't they?

She provides lots of supposed improvements in various communities, yet provides no literal information that
[/color][/b]her or her organizations to the improvements, why?
Why no substantial information?
Why no web sites?
Why no letters of appreciation for helping the communities?
Why nothing?

The following is copied and pasted from the web site of the Foundation she alludes a Konnection to.
I couldn't find her name on the web site anywhere.
I wonder why?

Central Kansas Community Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt charitable organization.
Their tax ID number is 48-1221368 with Total assets under management: December 2013 – charitable asset balance $18,000,000+

Why is everything with these NGO's (non governmental organizations) so obscure? Unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful, dubious, mysterious, hazy, vague, indeterminate, concealed, hidden?

At least Central Kansas Community Foundation has some transparency.
Why doesn't Elk Konnected, LLC let us know who membership is?
Does anyone actually belong to Elk Konnected, LLC?
Do you know someone that is an actual registered member of Elk Konnected, LLC?

If not, how can an LLC claim to be part of the community?

Doesn't being an LLC just make them another business in Elk County and nothing more?

Elk Konnected, LLC claims on their Face Book site that Elk Konnected, LLC went to school at West Elk. How is that possible? Have you ever heard of a company going to high school?

I do believe LLChas control of our West Elk School Board and that they will continue to try to trick us you and me, into building wings onto the West School building that are not need. What do you think?

They don't seem to care how high they drive your property taxes, do they?

And we know what they think of us from reading Rudy's e-mail don't we?
And the fact that he discussed it with the self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC
and Member of the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee
and the Public Squares, Inc. Chief Financial Officer, right?

Perhaps we should always remember that, don't you think?

And please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE. When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "


The following is what I posted, when I started another thread and I simply wanted to post the remarks here as well. You can read the original statement at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,15875.0.html

Quote from: ROSS on February 05, 2014, 07:48:58 AM

I try to follow current events both nationally and locally. It is difficult at best and impossible at worst to follow everything. This information slipped by met in 2010, but makes an excellent read today just the same.

Global economics may be a bit difficult to understand and I believe that is the way those that manipulate it want it to be.

However on the local level it is very simple and I don't believe those that we elect to office, to represent us just don't want you to understand. Why? So they can run amuck spending your money and raising your property taxes so they can build what is not needed! For instance build a bunch of wings, extensions, or numerous additions to West Elk USD 282, only to satisfy someone's ego.

I was privileged to work for a very sharp electrician in the military and I learned a great deal from him. His only problem was that he was an alcoholic. He was ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous or get thrown out of the service with less than two years to retirement. Well, he asked me to drive him to one of his meetings and I obliged him. I went inside with him and wasn't too comfortable with it at first. Just the same, I learned something of value at that meeting, one of their saying, "KISS" which means "Keep It Simple Stupid !".

And I don't believe, anything in Elk County needs to be as difficult as some people want us to believe they should. When things get difficult to discuss with the taxpayers and voters or if the conversation is void of proper information, I believe there is a problem with the elected officials.

If my teenager has a problem explaining a situation and talking about it, or says it's too complex, I see red flags and will talk with him until we come to a solution or understanding. If he freezes up and gives the same excuses over and over, that sustains the red flags. This applies to politicians as well, IMHO. So, "KISS", politicians.



Today's local newspaper has a doozy of a letter listed as
"Letters From Readers".

"Public Officials Should Set A Better Example For Others To See"

And I suppose this letter in the newspaper is a real good example of PROFESSIONALISM ?

Oh yeah, Dr. Robert Black giving advice to the County Commissioners about professionalism. I find that real rich.
Doesn't Dr. Robert Black realize that he should follow his own advice as an elected official? He was elected to the West Elk USD 282 School Board and if he wants professionalism, shouldn't he start there?

They have one of the shoddiest meetings I have ever seen!
There is no professionalism there, that I can see!

Is it professionalism for Dr. Robert Black to show up late for the School Board Meetings?

Is it professionalism for the School Board to sit there eating their grapes and cold cuts and cheese and cookies in front of an audience?

Is it professionalism for the School Board to let their employee, the School Superintendent dominate and practically take control of their meeting?  The School Superintendent is perhaps the most intelligent person sitting at the table, but he was not elected to sit at that table. Only the elected officials are suppose to be seated at table as the School Board. What is proper protocol and professionalism!

Is it professionalismfor the School Board Members speak so softly, that people in the audience can barely hear them? And I am referring to those with good hearing, not myself with hearing aids.

Is it professionalism during a meeting for elected officials to permit snickering from certain members of the audience?

Is it professionalism during a meeting for elected officials to whisper to each other during a public meeting?

Is it professionalism for Dr. Black raising his voice at a County Commissioners meeting on behalf of Elk Konnected, LLC several months back?

Is it professionalism for 3 Members of the School Board to hold a public meeting and then permit the School Superintendent to dominate that public meeting? You saw it in the video, didn't you?

My main question is shouldn't Dr. Robert Black follow his own advice, as an elected official, before dishing it out in the local newspaper.

So, just where does Dr. Robert Black show an iota of professionalism as an elected official by writing such a letter in the newspaper, before cleaning up his own act? Can we get an answer from you Dr. Robert Black? A response would be greatly appreciated!

I think we all know that this thread is heavily monitored by certain people, but I doubt you or I will ever get a professional answer to any of these questions, but I felt they had to be asked!

Perhaps, since the West Elk School Board had one of their own broach the subject of professionalism, perhaps they will work on their professionalism during their School Board Meetings, do you suppose?

I really think it was a super idea of Dr. Robert Black to bring up the subject of professionalism. I like that he did it in the newspaper, instead of being professional about it and talking directly to the Commissioners during a County Commissioners meeting!

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to invite him to answer a few questions here on this thread, here on this forum. Thank you Dr. Robert Black!

Dr. Robert Black will you try to instill professionalism in School Board Meetings?

Please let us all hear from you!

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