Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Would some one who has listened to the audios at  https://app.box.com/s/dv5frjad5ddra6i3fn51
tell me if they are working properly for you and if they are loud enough. Thanks.


Loud enough to clearly hear that the 'elites' think members of our community are "boobs" and "unsociable idiots".  Nice talk coming from a man who receives taxpayer money to support his newsrag!  Of course there are other elites (even elected ones) who chat back and forth about the CAVE people in Elk county... or are busy telling the 'lowly' folks to shut up.

Of course, none of this is surprising.  These attitudes are prevalent throughout the Progressive movement.  It's the way of those who know best how to run the lives of everyone around them... form Washington, D.C. right down to lil ole Elk County.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ROSS on January 19, 2014, 01:13:21 PM
Satire, Sarcasm, Humor
Or Just Plain
Smart Ass

Or just for fun writing, call it what you will!

As I see it our nation is riddled with Non-Governmental an Non- Profit Organizations sucking the life out of our Governments through the us of Federal and State Grants – FREE Money – Taxpayers Money, This is Money that could pay down our National and State Debts!

I recently spoke with a man from an NGO and I asked him if his Organization had power to accomplish anything without the Governments and his reply was, "NO". And I was immediately accused of being told I was pointing out a Conspiracy! Why the name calling? It's called Bullying and it is a way to try to shut someone up! That seems to me to be an approved method used by NGO's!

Also on the local scene it appears a major factor to run for office appears to be, "I was born and raised here." Even by those that may have left for years and came back. I just don't understand that as a qualifying factor, do you?

What about those people you vote for in state government, were they born and raised here in Elk County? If not then why vote for them?

Sarcasm Starts Now!

So Now

I'm Thinking Sarcastically
That We Should Organize A
Redneck NGO

By forming this Redneck Organization perhaps we can benefit from Government hand outs just by begging for them. I mean Grants to improve whatever! Instead of the government actually putting the money to use lowering our country's debt or supplying terrorist organizations they can enrich a few good Rednecks! Right? Right!

Let's start now by gathering 7 people together to have a Board of Governors. So we can develop Redneck's policy's. 

Volunteers for the Board of Governors, here after Know as the  BOG should be residents that have chosen to make Elk County their home by re-locating here. No people born and raised here shall be on the BOG.

This BOG will then be empowered to recruit like minded Rednecks, by virtue of being certified as Rednecks.

This certification will thus provide Accreditation to our Redneck Organization,NGO.

The BOG will be commissioned to appoint three Rednecks as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer as designated by me. Of course they will assign me as President. They will also be commissioned to approve the salaries for the above mentioned positions as expressed by the President of the Redneck Organization, NGO! All others members will be shall volunteers. Volunteers preferably will be of the born and raised here group!

The BOG shall also appoint volunteers to head up, whatever Action Groups they wish.

The first Action Group should be the Outhouse Action Group, from here on know as OAG, designated with the clean up of outhouses in the OAG community. First point of business shall be to find volunteers for this shitty job. No studies are to be performed; no solutions to problems shall be discussed nor disclosed. However any pooh collected shall be stored for non-designated future investment!

There shall be no geographical or geopolitical designation of what the Redneck neighborhood is! Hush now!

However, if any Redneck  agrees to the aforementioned BS, the Redneck  Organization, NGO shall immediately be abandoned.

Because Rednecks  get the job done right through self motivation and innovation! Thank you!

This NGO, Organization of Rednecks  and its BOG is here by null and void and dissolved due to the fact that a Redneck  wanted to join which signifies compliance to the written agreements above. A big NO-NO.

To Meet All Ends.

I'm headed outside to a beautiful warm and sunshiny December afternoon here in Beautiful Elk County.
I sincerely hope all of you can do the same. Bye-bye.

I must say that after listening to this MP3 of your Elk County - County Commissioners Meeting... 

...Are these people for real??  They sound like the Obuma Administration hard at work trying to screw someone without out checking into what the real story is on Rudy Taylor.  It made about as much sense as this one, Ross: 

Also, I like your idea on the REDNECK NGO thing.  But wait... you need a good vice  president.  I would like to recommend our Bar Maid here at the 19 Hole, Bobbi Lou Sri:

She would be excellent as your VP. 

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



I appologize if it is not understandable, but I did the best I could at the moment.

I wish, I had the printed e-mail, I'd post it.
I have a poor image, a picture of, but I really don't want to use it.
Maybe some one else has a copy and can post it.
It definitely wasn't a good e-mail.

And after reading Rudy's editorial in todays newspaper about social media (I consider e-mail as social media because of the way I use it) a person would think he would know better. At least that is my opinion.

The e-mail speaks for itself.


    Thanks for putting this information from the meetings out here Ross. Some unbiased reporting for a change.


Hi Bullwinkle,

Thanks for the vote of confidence, that is much appreciated.

I've said it before and I'll say it again!
When I started this thread all I knew was that I felt something was very wrong.
I didn't have any idea what was wrong or how bad.

Well, I feel this e-mail explains a whole lot.

The e-mail was started by Rudy who told me in the past that he was affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC and it was addressed to a person who was an Elk County Employee at the time and was using a county cell phone and a county e-mail account. That makes the e-mail public property and public information.

Jennifer Montgomery was our Elk County Economic Development and Elk County Youth Development Employee while also being affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC.

Rudy also expressed speaking with Liz in the e-mail and I can only assume that would be the Liz that claimed to have founded Elk Konnected, LLC.  If someone, knows differently please let me know.  I'd appreciate it.

Well, Rudy stated in the e-mail that he would do an expose' only no one would understand it, especially two County Commissioners. I suppose he would be excluding the only County Commissioner that has praised Elk Konnected, LLC from its conception at County Commissioners meetings.

I don't understand what he could do an expose' on!
But this e-mail we are discussing would be an excellent start, don't you think?

I wonder how Rudy's affiliation with Elk Konnected, LLC is working out, since he said he doesn't come to Elk County like he use to!

I wonder if he has noticed Elk Konnected, LLConly list 4 people on their steering committee today.

That would be: Jennifer Montgomery, Liz Hendricks, Tommie Barnaby and David Whetstone  on the Steering Committee. That's all that's shown on their web site today.
Check it out for yourself at  http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/communities/elk-konnected/elk-steering-committee/

I wonder if Rudy with his newspaper could tell us what is going with that!

Rudy use to write frequently about Elk Konnected, LLC and today we never hear anything. Have I missed his articles on Elk Konnected, LLC or something?

Rudy would tell us in your newspaper which of our School Board Members are affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC like you are? Or is that Secret information?

I do believe most taxpayers and voters would like to know?

Rudy also stated he couldn't do an expose' because, he depends on Elk County
taxpayers to pay his newspaper to print the County's legal news. Well, he came real close to losing that income, don't you think?

These are simply my own thoughts and opinions, nothing more.

If I have any of my information confused, please let me know, I'd like to make sure it is 100% right. Thanks!

You are also welcome to yell and shout at me if you wish.

And please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE. When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well. [/size]

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "


I was asked to post the picture of this e-mail.
I sure wish I had a better copy for you.


Quote from: ROSS on January 26, 2014, 07:59:00 AM
I'm deaf but I heard and I listened.

Sure Rudy has a right to voice has a right to voice his opinion, but that is not what this is about.
This is about him using an Elk County Employee to back Stab the citizens of Elk County through a County email program.

He never expected the email to go public, I guess he must have figured taxpayer owned devices and emails are private and not public information. He need to reread his latest editorial on social media and apply that information to email and publicly owned equipment and email.

But it definitely I my opinion, show the continued workings and negative attitude of Elk Konnected, LLC .

Wake up, upoladeb:

                        1. Rudy has expressed his affiliation with Elk connected, LLC
                        2. He addressed the email to an Elk County Employee who has been a long time member
                                 Of Elk Konnected, LLC and a member of the Elk Konnected, LLC
                                    Steering Committee. 
                        3. Rudy also brought in the Founding member and Steering Committee member of
                                Of Elk Konnected, LLC

Of course this is just my opinion and my opinion is made publicly, not privately on Government equipment and expected to be kept secret.

This was not expressing his opinion, this was back stabbing everyone in Elk County with the exception of what he might consider the elite.

Do you Mr. Upoladeb is this the kind of thing that you Elk Konnected, LLC FOLLOWERS believe to be a positive attitude?

Every where I have ever worked or ever been this type of action was referred to as back stabbing.  How long has


While the elite  in the majority of the country continue to call for more indebtedness Wisconsin has found an Elite that as some sense. It's rather simple --- just like the working man --- you don't go in debt over your head for what you don't need.

Wes Elk was designed to house and educate 600 students and only has 300 students. You don't need a 5 or 6 million dollar debt for piece meal construction for a larger building.

As we should all understand is the primary reason for school is for education not sports. Therefore we don't need to go in debt to fulfill someone's desire to build a professional sports arena at West Elk.

I do believe we have been well informed by the State of Kansas that the education standards of our schools have been lowered considerably over the last few decades. Shouldn't the school superintendent and the school aboard be addressing educational standards instead of building a Taj Mahal for Howard. Or don't they care about the best for the education of our children. There is plenty of room for improvement in the children's education. Is our Education System capable of stepping up to the plate with a positive attitude and positive actions towards a goal of improving education. It is a national problem but can we deal with the problem on the local level?

I think it would be nice to see Kansan's take the Positive steps of return to their conservative roots. Don't you?

Here is an excellent example of a state taking the Positive steps and returning to their conservative roots. I bet thy got tired of all the freeloading NGO's as well.

I think this is bad news to the liberals and NGO's that want to go into debt with taxpayers money frivolously!

Media Blackout Over Wisconsin's Falling Unemployment and $912 million Budget Surplus
January 25, 2014 By 21wire
It's the message that Washington DC fears the most. What happens when Americans figure out that increased social spending and expansion of entitlements and their bureaucracies do not deliver prosperity, or a healthy economy?
Most states are hopelessly in debt – like a crack addict, they cannot say no to borrowed money and to new lines of credit. They take their cue from another helpless addict – their failing US federal government currently running $1 trillion in the hole per year, every year.
Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker (R) has put his conservative economic policies into practice – and with stunning results, in what proponents are referring to as "A Blueprint for Prosperity".
"What do you do with a surplus?" he said. "Give it back to the people who earned it. It's your money."
"The state of Wisconsin's unemployment rate is "rapidly falling" and the government's budget ended the year with a $912 million surplus, Limbaugh explained. He says the dramatic turnaround is due in large part to the conservative policies of Gov. Scott Walker.
What's even more amazing, he continued, is the fact that Walker is going to "rebate the money in the form of tax cuts to the people, who he said own the money." Limbaugh says the news is "earth-shattering" because, in one of the bluest states, Walker was targeted for removal twice but continued to implement conservative policies that he was confident would help his state — and his strategy appears to be working.

"He's going to cut income taxes and property taxes, and he made the point that it's not just a gimmick of budgeting or accounting. It's the result of serious, significant policy changes".
... It was not reported on one cable network, much less all of them. It was not reported in the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the LA Times," he added. "It was reported in Wisconsin. There was an AP story on it, maybe some local papers picked it up, but just as a filler."
... Walker is proposing a $504 million property and income tax cut plan as a means to return some of the surplus money to the people of Wisconsin. Some Democrats and Republicans are already criticizing the plan and are calling for changes.

I believe the taxpayers and voters of both Elk County and the West Elk School District are finally getting a good vision of the trickery happening both inside and outside Elk County.
                               So folks remember you have the power to change things for the positive.
Your local vote carries much more power than your national vote.
Please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE.
When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "


I'll be the first to admit. I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't have all the answers.

That is why I ask so many questions.

However I believe Rudy Taylor gave us a great view and great insight with his e-mail to an Elk County employee and on Elk County e-mail a his own newspaper e-mail which provides validation in my opinion.

Do you think he is a friend of Elk County?

By that I asking is he a friend all the citizens, taxpayers and voters and residents or only just a few who think they are special?

I'd really like to know your opinion.

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