Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I need some help, I guess!

Has anyone been able to find the video of the public meeting with the three school board members about building the extensions onto West Elk. We paid good tax money for that recording and they told me they would be posting it during the Christmas Break.

Has anyone else seen the video and if so would you please post a link to it, here on this site? Thanks a lot!

Same thing about the School Board Policies or by-laws, I can't find that posting either. The District Office said they would have it posted after the Christmas Break.

I know it only takes a couple of clicks to post on a web site, so what's the problem?

Is it incompetence run amok in the District Office?

Is it a lack of ability to get the job done?

Or is it lying or hiding something or covering up something or what?

Is it a lack of competent  leadership in the district office?

Or is it possibly a lack of competent  leadership in the School Board?

How many excuses can we expect to hear about the reasons for providing public information to the public and the taxpayers.

Yes, we do have a right and a responsibility to question the actions or lack of actions by our elected officials and the public employees we pay with our hard earned tax dollars! And that is a fact whether those that we elect or employee like it or not. Those persons paid by your tax dollar work for you the tax payer, that includes the School Superintendent, the School Principal and each and every teacher.

Therefore, yes, we should expect and receive excellent service, not mediocre service, nor excuses.


County Commissioners Meeting Monday January 13th 2014.

There was a discussion with another yet another NGO -  Non Governmental Organization wanting to work on us in Elk County, called the Flint Hills Frontiers, not entirely different than our very own Elk Konnected, LLC and Public Squares Communities, INC, or any other NGO, in my opinion.
The man said Flint Hills Frontiers got started about a year and a half ago. I believe that! From looking at their web site and the very few members they have. I find that to be much like most of the bunches of NGO's popping up all over the country. And by country, I mean the US of A. To me they all seem to have a lot in common, they All appear to be using the term I first learned of by reading the United Nations Article 21 which is the word "Sustainability"

The Flint Hills Frontiers project has "hit the road" with roadshow
http://flinthillsfrontiers.org/   https://www.facebook.com/FlintHillsFrontiers

As part of a Preferred Sustainability Status Community

We were a part of that road show.

Most people that spoke up during the conversation opposed the mans ideaswith the exception of Commissioner Liebau who happens to have made clear during previous Commissioners meetings that he is affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC our very own NGO and one other person in the audience, who I can only assume to has the very same affiliation.  In my opinion Commissioner Liebau got terribly upset that people were opposed to this idea. He claimed we need to be a part of it so these people could represent us in legislation. That to me is a strange idea since it by itself is such a new and small organization. Why push so hard for something you don't know anything about, unless you are with holding information?  Why make accusations against someone asking simple questions that they are claiming a conspiracy and to do so with so much anger? That brings me to the question, does Elk Konnected, LLC already have an affiliation with the Flint Hills Frontiers project?

Meet our staff
Gary Stith, Associate Planner
Jeff Adams, Regional Planner
Unique Hiram, Administrative Manager
Stephanie Watts, Transportation Planner
William J. Clark, Executive Director 
(Do you reckon they work for free, or perhaps take a 6 figure salary, which is most likely provided by government grants that orignate from federal taxation? Or do they volunteer full tme? More on this down the page.)

The gentleman that spoke to the County Commission lives in a city in Kentucky, but claims expertise in rural living in the Flint Hills. He claimed to understand the declining population in our rural area and our declining economy. He claimed their goal is to turn the economy around. I suggested he would be able to do that best by turning the national economy around.

But really folks do we have an industrial park anywhere in Elk County where a business of any size could build and bring jobs to Elk County? Do you suppose the elite of Elk County want that kind of competition? Do you want a massively expanding population in Elk County?

Why did the business, that only provide a service and hired very few people choose to leave Elk County? Well an old timer told me that the case in Moline was due to major fires on each side of town, of course in different years. What happened? Well as he led me to believe, it appears those merchants chose not to rebuild and took their insurance and left, doesn't it? Why? Weren't some of those merchants born and raised here? Could it have perhaps been because of some attitudes at the time? Why not rebuild and keep going? Those are the questions that would require honest answers.
To be perfectly honest with you I chose this area to retire too, because it is rural and most everyone is friendly. There are exceptions to everything and I think there seem to be an elite attitude that sux. But, I can live with that, it is something that is every where a person might choose to live.

While exploring the Flint Hills Frontiers web site I clicked on some words that opened another web site. And durn it, I can not find that link again. But the web site was http://newamericanspring.org/index.htm which to appears to be a very, very large NGO. New American Spring evolved out of a unique take on the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States, this statement was copied and pasted right from their web site under their history. I am trying to figure out the connection between the NGO's. Because, I am curious who or what is working to get Elk County involved. I'd appreciate it if anyone else is curious I would appreciate their input if they find anything.

Under the New American Spring membership they state:

New American Spring is desirous of membership on all of the following levels:

Under their Area Organizerspage they state:
New American Spring is looking for Area Organizers throughout the US:

(And get a load of the benefits)

Benefits: These positions are voluntary until New American Spring has recruited appropriate start-up funding. Even prior to salary offerings, these positons may receive Americorps designation...

(there you go, living off the tax payers of America. These types of organizations operate off of taxpayer dollars, while our military is faced with wage cuts and benefits cuts. Good job, huh! Do you believe the top of these NGO's don't pay themselves big pay checks from those tax dollars. My guess is the big ones get paid better than a 6 figure paychecks each month.)

Apparently their slogan is:
Revolution of Vision!
Evolution of World...

(Does this mean their visionaries have new and better visions than our local visionaries?)

Preferred Sustainability Status Community, United Nations Article 21 talk, as I see it.

Meet our staff
Gary Stith, Associate Planner
Jeff Adams, Regional Planner
Unique Hiram, Administrative Manager
Stephanie Watts, Transportation Planner
William J. Clark, Executive Director

Commissioner Liebau asked me during the Commissioners meeting, if I knew what volunteering is, and I said I sure do. I replied, I don't want to volunteer my tax dollars to ths organization.

Do you suppose folks that are Managers, Directors, Planners with fancy titles work for free, so there goes the volunteer theory doesn't it?

I wonder what the local NGO's pay their operators?

In my opinion all these NGO's do a lot more than we know or understand, and would not appreciate in much the same way as our federal government.

There are so many NGO's and some rather large which in may opinion makes them dangerous, because we are kept in the dark about their complete operation. They don't have open book policy's they and tell us what they want us to believe. Otherwise why do they get upset when questioned or refuse to answer?
Just something to think about, something to wonder, something to discuss, something to question, Nothing more.


Well, I finally found the video of the Public Meeting with members of the only three of the School Board Members.

As the School Superintendent stated the School Board Meetings are open to the public and you can attend and here what they are talking about. Maybe you can here, I have a have a hearing problem even when I turn my hearing aids all the way up and I have asked them to speak up to no avail. I have talked to other people that have attended the meetings that don't have hearing problems and they have problems hearing  what is said.

But mind you, this public meeting was suppose to be, so people could address the School Board Members!
But just like at the School Board Meetings, the School Superintendent dominates this public forum with the School Board Members. Are the School Board Members incapable of communicating their supposedly own plans? Just asking?

Here is that video
Published on YouTube on Jan 13, 2014 
Community Conversation held on December 17th, 2013 at West Elk:


Well, now that you have had a chance to see the video of the School Board attempt at selling you on a new grade school building built piece meal what do you think?

Do they really want ( I didn't say need) all those extensions built on the school for the purpose of education?

If that is true, why spread it out over ten years as the Superintendent said?
Their architect/salesman told them that spreading it out over ten years would cost them considerably more due to inflation and higher interest rates. Makes good sense. But if they build their gymnasium first for sports enhancement they would be okay right? Then they could decide they can't afford to build the rest, right?

If that is true, why so concerned about the contract with the church next door to utilize their building as a gymnasium? Because that is what all this is about isn't it? Sports that is!

He spoke of security and safety of the children getting to and from the portable buildings, so where is the concern for the security and safety of the children traversing the distance and leaving school property between the School and the Church?

Speaking of safety of the children, when I took the tour of the school with the School Principal, she informed me that she was concerned about the smaller children sharing the gym with the larger children! She said they have had smaller children get hurt by balls from the other end of the court. So, why not take protective measures and put up the safety net that separates the court across middle of the court? Or is that a safety device that is not needed? The Superintendent did state that they would have to install a safety net to protect the churches equipment, didn't he? So is the churches equipment more important to protects than the school children? As far as the walkway to and from the school, the land the School Board would want to improve is on Church Property, do you make improvements to your neighbors property? That would be the responsibility of the land owner, or as our landlord who would be getting paid $1000 a month of taxpayers dollars, wouldn't it?

But, I believe with Konnected Board Members, who want to be so liberal with our tax dollars, you know other peoples money, they don't really care, what do you think?

You heard the School Superintendent say that the Moline Grade School would have to be brought up to new state standards in order to be used again, right? So, I ask you, do you think you rather pay 5 or 6 million dollars plus massive interest on the loan to have the class rooms they claim they need, and ten years to build or bring the fully built Moline Grade School up to snuff for a whole lot less money? Plus, they get the gymnasium they need for the grade school children? Where is the critical thinking, they want to teach the children? Critical Thinking consists mainly of asking questions? Where is that?  You can't find solutions to problems without asking the questions, now can you?

The Superintendent spoke of the biased survey they mailed out.
Biased in what way?
Well, they didn't give anyone a choice to say NO, did they?
When asked about the results, he didn't tell you what he said at a school board meeting,
I wonder why?
No, I know why, think about it.
He said people didn't seem to understand the survey!
People gave the same number to each option when they were supposed to mark them numerically in the order of importance to them?
Did the Superintendent provide any statistics about the tabulated results? NO!
They wrote the survey in a fashion that provides an appearance that the voters have no choice but to accept their demands, didn't they?
Not just a little bit biased is it?

The School Superintendent referenced the extra time, I believe he said 4 minutes extra time to commute to Moline for the children, way up there in the North East part of the county as if it were a hardship, didn't he? I believe the ride would perhaps actually add another ten minutes. But when addressing the children they pick up from the far South West part of the county, did you hear any concern about the extra length of their commute by bus? No, not one word! Think about that, personal, I think it is a much longer commute. No bias from the School Superintendent on this subject is there? That is another point of Critical Thinking, dealing with your personal prejudices! Everyone has personal prejudices, including me!

The Superintendent made the remark that the state uses Smoke and Mirrors, yes he did, go back and listen to the video if you don't believe me. Well, folks this in my opinion is the same thing he is doing Simply by omission of details.

The Superintendent said the School Board Members were volunteers, no they are elected officials that voted during a School Board Meeting to hold this meeting to sell their goods to the public. They also agreed with the Superintendent to have only three Board Members to be there on the stage to prevent having an actual School Board quorum to prevent having to have it on the record. Smoke and Mirrors? You decide!

The Superintendent talked about 40-50 students per room possibilities? Think about it folks, how many decades ago did that happen? 4 or maybe 5 decades ago?  So why throw in confusing numbers? More Smoke and Mirrors isn't it?

There was some discussion about the roof leaking and the air conditioners having problems. Why has the School Board created a crisis? What constitutes a crisis, Virtually any scenario can range from having trivial to extreme impacts, depending on circumstances.

The School Board was advised months ago on this subject via an efficiency study provided by the Emporia State University, I have to assume our employee, the School Superintendent provided a copy of the study to the School Board, anyway I quote from that study:

"It is recommended the district evaluate the cost of scheduling the repairs to the roof and roof top units over several years as compared to making the repairs at one time and deplete funds at one time.

Impact:  This would allow the district to become proactive in scheduling repairs. The
real savings could be in scheduling smaller areas for repairs and not expending all your
funds at one time."

End quote.

Folks this is just plain common sense and common maintenance practice.

The School Superintendent alluded to the possibility that other school districts in Elk County are having financial problems and may be forced to close. Why didn't he tell you what he said at the school board meetings? As I recall he spoke of Elk Valley USD 283 in Longton. He stated if the Elk Valley USD 282 closed the kids could be spit between several other districts. Some could go to Sedan, some to Fredonia and some to Independence and some to West Elk USD 283. So anyway, folks if that did happen there would be the possibility of maybe 25 more kids a West Elk. That is unless the State with all their Smoke and Mirrors the School Superintendent alluded to mandates all the kids were to attend school in Fredonia or Independence, right? Meaning West Elk might not get any of the kids. No Critical Thinking here School Board is there?

But all in all it still leaves us with luxury class rooms as the architect/sales man called them and a building built to handle 600 students with only 300 permanently enrolled students and 40 new students that may only be temporary, because they are from a different school district. Remember the busing controversy, how many miles are these kids bussed? As Hillary said, What does it matter ?

Did you think the School Board Members even appear to be informed and ready to be addressed by the public?

What did you hear that was impressive from the School Board Members at this Public Kommunity Konversation?

Folks have you noticed there is still no rebuttals, no responses, no answers to what you have been reading here?

Are the elite speechless?

There is just no proper rebuttal to the truth is there?

And please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE. When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.
Lets just say "NO" to the Smoke and Mirrors shall we ?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "


The following notes were copied and pasted from the following study performed with the approval of the West Elk School Board.

Performed by people educated in this particular area of expertise.

Has the West Elk School Board even paid attention?

Did they pay any special attention to the section on Protocol?
You decide!

Why do they continue with the very Smoke and Mirrors, the Superintendent spoke of concerning the State? Why should we listen to jibber-jabber and poppycock?

It would seem to me that educated people would listen to people educated in this particular area of expertise. But you decide for your self, please!

Effectiveness & EFFICIENCY School Reviews

Prepared for the
Board of Education
West Elk
Unified School District #282

March 2012

Center for innovative leadership
Emporia State Universe, Fort Hays State Universe, Pittsburg State Universe

West Elk School District currently employs 119.9 employees, including 47.9 certified teaching and administrative staff.

In 2010-2011 the average teacher's salary was $50,025. This compares to an average of $48,865 in region schools, $46,359 among peer schools, and a statewide average of $48,974.
[My note: The median income for a household in the county was $27,267, and the median income for a family was $34,148. Males had a median income of $28,580 versus $16,219 for females. The per capita income for the county was $16,066. About 9.20% of families and 13.80% of the population were below the poverty line, including 18.80% of those under age 18 and 15.00% of those age 65 or over] From Wikipedia
Food Service
1.  It is recommended the district phase in a plan to increase lunch cost or decrease costs over a years. The district has transferred up to 30% f rom the General Funds and needs to
increase lunch fees of decrease costs.
Impact: This would save the district up to $30,000 a year.

  It is recommended the district evaluate each of the bus routes to determine ways of
decreasing routes and buses. This would also include evaluating the number of stops in towns and ways to save time on routes. The district has been unable to reduce the number of buses or routes because of the distances buses travel. The district will have lost approximately 30% of their students in a period of a few years and need to find ways decrease costs per students.
Impact: This would enable the transportation department to develop a plan to reduce
routes and save money without extending the routes to unrealistic times. The savings
could be $10,000 to $20,000 a year.

Evaluation and Supervision
  It is recommended the district regularly review, make revisions, and share classified job descriptions with all classified staff. Some job descriptions provided did not have evidence of a last review. Those that did ranged from an adoption date of 1998 to 2011.

Impact: This would promote improved communication and convey to classified staff
their roles are as important to the mission of the district as licensed staff. Some classified
staff reported either not receiving job descriptions, or the nature of their assignment
having changed and the job description was no longer accurate. A good method for
maintaining accurate job descriptions is to require an automatic review prior to posting an
open position.

Salary, Wages, and Benefits
  It is recommended the district analyze the exact costs of the special education
paraprofessional program. The number of special education paraprofessionals employed by
USD 282 on behalf of the Howard USD 282, Chautauqua and Elk County Special Education
Services Cooperative appears to be significantly higher than two comparison small special
education cooperatives.

Impact: This would potential save the district money. The financial savings are difficult
to calculate without information on the specific salaries paid to those employed as special
education paraprofessionals.


Administrative Team

  It is recommended the district provide a board meeting written re-cap to the staff and
"Friday" notes to the board need to be implemented on a regular and consistent basis. The
team should write a weekly article about school events in the Prairie Star newspaper.

Effectiveness & Efficiency School Review  West Elk USD #282

Impact:  This would provide patrons and staff with factual information allowing them to
converse with interested parties in the school community.

Board of Education

1.  It is recommended the district consider certain policy revisions in the areas of Board of Education Code of Conduct, including the chain of command, board meeting agenda format and meeting protocol. Any change in policy should be developed by a committee of appropriate members, communicated in multiple formats and provided with professional development as needed.
Impact: This would allow everyone in the school community an opportunity to better
understand the practices used to manage the school system.
2.  It is recommended the district reconsider the current generic job descriptions for the
superintendent and principal.

Impact:  This would allow both professionals to better understand what the
expectation of the board is for each respective leadership role.

Teaching & Learning
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

1.   It is recommended the district use a systemic process to analyze district assessment data that includes teachers. Whatever process chosen can then be extended to use for all staff for data analysis work during curriculum alignment work.

Impact: This would support understanding of data analysis and increased usage of data
driven decision making by staff. It would also provide a common language to be used
during expected collaboration efforts between all staff, K-12.

Staff Development
It is recommended the district consider MTSS (Multi -Tiered System of Supports) building wide.

Impact:  This would provide a continuum of interventions that would meet the needs of
students. It would be beneficial to students if a plan for interventions was immediately
available to address their learning needs. The process of implementing MTSS at all
levels would streamline the process building wide.

Opportunities for Improvement / Recommendations from Students:
35% of responding students said too much emphasis is placed on extracurricular programs.

  The EPDM roof and the rooftop HVAC Units were all installed at the same time and are being schedules to replace all at once for approximately $750,000.

EPDM roof is in very good shape no visible signs of any major problems.
•  The work order system is very informal.

Energy Management
•  An energy audit was conducted two (2) years ago.
•  Lighting has been retrofitted to save energy.
•  Rooftop units can be set to activate setback thermostats
  No specific energy conservations plan in effect.


  It is recommended the district evaluate the cost and advantage of any repairs to the rubber roof and the seams to determine if making repairs would extend the life of the roof and allow longer time frame to make any replacements.

Impact: This would extend the roof life and conserve funds for a period of time when an
exact replacement schedule could be developed. Instead of $750,000 expenditure at one time the district could make repairs and conserve funds.

It is recommended the district evaluate the cost of scheduling the repairs to the roof and roof top units over several years as compared to making the repairs at one time and deplete funds at one time.

Impact: This would allow the district to become proactive in scheduling repairs. The real
savings could be in scheduling smaller areas for repairs and not expending all your funds at one time.

  It is recommended the district evaluate each of the bus routes to determine ways of decreasing
routes and buses. This would also include evaluating the number of stops in towns and ways to
save time on routes. The district has been unable to reduce the number of buses or routes because
of the distances buses travel. The district will have lost approximately 30% of their students in a
period of a few years and need to find ways decrease costs per students.

Impact: This would enable the transportation department to develop a plan to reduce routes
and save money without extending the routes to unrealistic times. The savings could be
$10,000 to $20,000 a year  [My note: I would suggest log books that would require mileage be logged at each time the vehicle is started and stopped and a digital record be kept for analysis. Also a daily safety check off inspection form on each bus. Just like the big boys do. And stop providing free bus transportation to special groups for out of town groups. If they want to be Boosters fine, but stop boosting benefits for your self which takes away from the taxpayer and students. You should be ashamed of your self in my opinion.]

I feel the need to include this extra note about Elk County's population. Because some politician's act as he  if though the declining population is something new. This chart should clarify that it is not and could be utilized to figure what may have happened over the decades.

With all the talk about population, check out the statics:

1880     10,623   
1890     12,216      15.0%
1900     11,443       −6.3%
1910     10,128      −11.5%
1920       9,034      −10.8%
1930       9,210          1.9%
1940       8,180      −11.2%
1950       6,679      −18.3%
1960       5,048      −24.4%
1970       3,858      −23.6%
1980       3,918      1.6%
1990       3,327         15.1%
2000       3,261         −2.0%
2010       2,882       −11.6%

Est. 2012     2,720   


I have just up loaded some new files to Box.com that perhaps some of you might find interesting and useful. Check out the folder named West Elk 2013-2014. https://app.box.com/files#

Which contains Bus Emergency Information from the state and the Kansas Educational Consolidated  Directory and just a couple of 2014 statistics I found interesting and a letter from the West Elk Superintendent.

I have also uploaded Kansas School Board Statue. Kansas School Bullying Statue, interesting information as reported to the State about West Elk.

Or a use this direct link to the individual files: https://app.box.com/files/0/f/1480205393/West_Elk_2013-2014.

I hope every one has a great weekend, it's sounds like a beautiful one is going to happen.


How far are we going to allow the abuses by government officials whether they be federal, state or local?

How long do we allow the abuses of them by NGO's.

How soon will this come to Kansas?

We are constantly bombarded with sales gimmick's. Like the massive sales job by Bill Gates that computers need to be in the class room for kids to learn, he even provided computers to get ourr school systems hooked on the idea. Just like a drug dealer, provide enough to hook someone then start selling to them at great profits. Really a simple thing to do, get most people hooked for big profits, ho matter how educated they are.

NY State Senator Says: Psych Eval For All Little Children

Saturday, January 18, 2014 9:03
by Jon Rappoport 

It's Senate Bill A8186-2013.

It's been referred to the education committee twice, most recently a week ago. NY State Senator Margaret Markey (wikipedia) introduced it in 2013.

Previously, Markey won a few minutes of fame for introducing a bill that would stop all restaurants from using salt in their meals.

A8186 requires all public schoolchildren in NY to have two health examinations in elementary grades and two in secondary grades. These exams must include a psychological evaluation, which certifies "that the child is mentally fit to permit attendance at [public] school."

No certificate, no school.

Aside from the fact that this psych exam is invasive and potentially disturbing to a child as young as five, and aside from the fact that it violates privacy considerations, it's bogus down to its core, because psychology isn't a science and never was.

Psychology is, to put it politely, a bunch of morons deciding what mental health is all about.

Using high-sounding terminology, these professionals label patients with conditions, none of which are based on defining physical tests. No blood, urine, or saliva tests. No genetic tests. No brain scans.

"Mental health" itself is a linguistic artifact, and bears no relation to life, energy, curiosity, creativity. It's a phantasmagorical standard, designed to draw in patients.

Attaching psychologists to schools is about as useful as attaching barnacles and mold to a ship.

Historically, as the concept of sin weakened its hold on the population, "new scientists" stepped into the breach with categories of "mental disorders."

"You're not bad, you're ill."

Here's the sticking point. Psychologists aren't entirely stupid. They rely on mental-disorder labels that, to a certain extent, mirror human behavior. For example, a child who is sad and lonely is slapped with a diagnosis of "clinical depression."

The fact is, the child is lonely and sad, and the possible reasons are many. But none of them implies a Condition called clinical depression. There is no Condition.

Researchers, allied with pharmaceutical interests, have trotted out a catch-all term to explain so-called mental disorders: "chemical imbalance" in the brain. The drug companies then supply the drugs that are said to correct the imbalance. Profits soar.

This is non-scientific lying compounded. Researchers have never proved there is a normal baseline for brain chemistry. How then could they have established what an imbalance is?

Can a child have problems? Can he be in trouble? Can he be trouble to other children? Of course. Any reasonably intelligent adult can spot these things. But again, this has nothing to do with a Condition.

And a psych eval conducted by a psychologist on a five-year old, to determine whether the child will be allowed to go to school? Absurd.

You would be much closer to the truth saying a psychologist who is part of that system is crazy, than saying a little boy or girl has a Condition.

So what's going on with politicians who are trying to impose psychology and psychiatry on children (and adults)? Most politicians are merely ill-informed, and they're putting their faith in this pseudoscience in the same way that people put their faith in a self-appointed priest class that claims it is the worshiper's only connection to God.

Politicians, of course, always look for answers that make government larger and more intrusive, because it is government to which a politician is ultimately loyal.

But there are other political animals who are more aware. They understand that the real issue is control. They want to be able to hijack freedom and place populations under the gun.

They want the right to say a dissident, a rebel, an outsider, a critic, someone "who is different" is a threat. And they want to back that up with treatment. Which means re-education, indoctrination, and debilitating drugs.

A kinder, gentler face on the old Soviet psychiatric system.



 Folks, I feel a need to clarify myself about how I feel about asking for donations, as being the same thing as begging.

While asking for money in the form of donations is the same thing in my opinion, as just being a beggar.

We have very small activities that take place here in Elk County such as the Longton and Moline community festivals where a jar may be set out for goodwill donations, which I feel is very acceptable.


Because, they do not ask verbally or stipulate how much your goodwill donation should be.
Another reason they are acceptable, because the donations and because the goodwill donations are used to keep the local activity going, for all that want to attend.

NGO's on the other hand, beg  for or demand handouts in specific amounts from local governments ---  the taxpayers and then attempt to manipulate the local governments. Nor do they offer any solutions or answers to honest questions.

Most anything else, especially demands for specific amounts of money and for it to be paid annually, so they have money to pay their Presidents and Executives.

I sure hope I have made myself clear on this issue.

I do donate to the local activities that provide a meal and request a freewill donation by placing a jar for  such donations. I hope you understand.


Satire, Sarcasm, Humor
Or Just Plain
Smart Ass

Or just for fun writing, call it what you will!

As I see it our nation is riddled with Non-Governmental an Non- Profit Organizations sucking the life out of our Governments through the us of Federal and State Grants – FREE Money – Taxpayers Money, This is Money that could pay down our National and State Debts!

I recently spoke with a man from an NGO and I asked him if his Organization had power to accomplish anything without the Governments and his reply was, "NO". And I was immediately accused of being told I was pointing out a Conspiracy! Why the name calling? It's called Bullying and it is a way to try to shut someone up! That seems to me to be an approved method used by NGO's!

Also on the local scene it appears a major factor to run for office appears to be, "I was born and raised here." Even by those that may have left for years and came back. I just don't understand that as a qualifying factor, do you?

What about those people you vote for in state government, were they born and raised here in Elk County? If not then why vote for them?

Sarcasm Starts Now!

So Now

I'm Thinking Sarcastically
That We Should Organize A
Redneck NGO

By forming this Redneck Organization perhaps we can benefit from Government hand outs just by begging for them. I mean Grants to improve whatever! Instead of the government actually putting the money to use lowering our country's debt or supplying terrorist organizations they can enrich a few good Rednecks! Right? Right!

Let's start now by gathering 7 people together to have a Board of Governors. So we can develop Redneck's policy's. 

Volunteers for the Board of Governors, here after Know as the  BOG should be residents that have chosen to make Elk County their home by re-locating here. No people born and raised here shall be on the BOG.

This BOG will then be empowered to recruit like minded Rednecks, by virtue of being certified as Rednecks.

This certification will thus provide Accreditation to our Redneck Organization,NGO.

The BOG will be commissioned to appoint three Rednecks as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer as designated by me. Of course they will assign me as President. They will also be commissioned to approve the salaries for the above mentioned positions as expressed by the President of the Redneck Organization, NGO! All others members will be shall volunteers. Volunteers preferably will be of the born and raised here group!

The BOG shall also appoint volunteers to head up, whatever Action Groups they wish.

The first Action Group should be the Outhouse Action Group, from here on know as OAG, designated with the clean up of outhouses in the OAG community. First point of business shall be to find volunteers for this shitty job. No studies are to be performed; no solutions to problems shall be discussed nor disclosed. However any pooh collected shall be stored for non-designated future investment!

There shall be no geographical or geopolitical designation of what the Redneck neighborhood is! Hush now!

However, if any Redneck  agrees to the aforementioned BS, the Redneck  Organization, NGO shall immediately be abandoned.

Because Rednecks  get the job done right through self motivation and innovation! Thank you!

This NGO, Organization of Rednecks  and its BOG is here by null and void and dissolved due to the fact that a Redneck  wanted to join which signifies compliance to the written agreements above. A big NO-NO.

To Meet All Ends.

I'm headed outside to a beautiful warm and sunshiny December afternoon here in Beautiful Elk County.
I sincerely hope all of you can do the same. Bye-bye.


I feel, I am going out on a limb here, but you can cut that limb if you so desire,
You have the button or buttons necessary to do just that right there on your key board.

How far are we going to allow the abuses by government officials whether they be federal, state or local?

How long do we allow the abuses of all the various NGO's.

We are constantly bombarded with sales gimmick's. Like the massive sales job by Bill Gates that computers need to be in the class room for kids to learn, he even provided computers to get our school systems hooked on the idea. Freebies are great, but only as long as they last. Just like a drug dealer, provide enough to hook someone then start selling to them at great profits. Really, a simple thing to do to get the most people hooked for big profits, The educated folks appear to be the the easiest to manipulate. No matter how educated they are, they have to pretend they understand the twisted words and ideas as intelligence, so as not to be labeled by their peers as ignorant. Now that has got to be a serious mental problem of some kind, LOL.

There are  major assumptions upon which scams are constructed. They don't prove their point, they don't back it up with anything – they know many people will blindly accept what is presented to them. Only thoughtful people examine assumptions.

Yes, you can become a "thoughtful person" if you will start examining what you are told. Ask the questions? Demand answers, and do not accept misdirection. Critical Thinking only comes about by asking the easy questions that people either refuse to answer or are unable to answer intelligently.
I'm trying, I'm practicing!

I have posted a couple of audios, the audios (an MP3 format) are conversations that were recorded at the January Elk County Commissioners Meeting, for your benefit of knowledge.

Click here: I feel I am going out on a limb here, but you can cut that limb if you so desire,
You have the button or buttons necessary to do just that right there on your key board.

How far are we going to allow the abuses by government officials whether they be federal, state or local?

How long do we allow the abuses of all the various NGO's.

We are constantly bombarded with sales gimmick's. Like the massive sales job by Bill Gates that computers need to be in the class room for kids to learn, he even provided computers to get our school systems hooked on the idea. Freebies are great, but only as long as they last. Just like a drug dealer, provide enough to hook someone then start selling to them at great profits. Really, a simple thing to do to get the most people hooked for big profits, The educated folks appear to be the the easiest to manipulate. No matter how educated they are, they have to pretend they understand the twisted words and ideas as intelligence, so as not to be labeled by their peers as ignorant. Now that has got to be a serious mental problem of some kind, LOL.

There are  major assumptions upon which scams are constructed. They don't prove their point, they don't back it up with anything – they know many people will blindly accept what is presented to them. Only thoughtful people examine assumptions.

Yes, you can become a "thoughtful person" if you will start examining what you are told. Ask the questions? Demand answers, and do not accept misdirection. Critical Thinking only comes about by asking the easy questions that people either refuse to answer or are unable to answer intelligently.
I'm trying, I'm practicing!

I have posted a couple of audios, the audios (an MP3 format) are conversations that were recorded at the January Elk County Commissioners Meeting, for your benefit of knowledge. Please read the note first.

Click here: https://app.box.com/s/dv5frjad5ddra6i3fn51 for the recordings.

Make of them, what you will.

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