Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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You are correct Frank, every superintendent in the Topeka school area goes to all board meetings and they also attend all of the school function's and games. And like you I have never voted democrat and never will.


Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
The main 2 Liberal Leftist on the Forum that supported Obuma are also supporting you.

I surely don't have a clue whom those people, you are referring to might be. I believe you are just making that up to fill space. And that would be a good reason for not saying who they you are badmouthing. Tch, tch!

Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
I. Never voted Democrat in my life, I don't see what support of better schools has to do with being Liberal.

Voting for increasing the size of a building that is un-needed because you have a building designed to hold 600 children and only 340 enrolled with a declining population just isn't being conservative in my opinion. And instead sounds very liberal with other people's money! And narry a word mentioned about improving educational standards for all the children.

Do you believe a building; a Taj Mahal improves educational standards for all the children?

Does building a super sports complex improve educational standards for all the children?

Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
I think trying to reopen the Moline Grade School would be a mistake. It would take a lot of repairs.

I do believe any good conservative in his right mind could easily see that any repairs would to the Moline Grade School would be far less then the 5 or 6 Million dollars to build a new grade school as attachments to West Elk.
I also believe any good conservative in his right mind would recognize that not repairing the Schools roof while still under warranty was foolish and would have been far less expensive than the $500,000 spent on portable buildings they now want to dispose of.
They were addressing those portable buildings as eyesores as soon as they put them in, what a shame.

I believe they told the state they saved $150,000 dollars shutting down two grade Schools. But did they tell the state what it is costing to replace their screw up. Will they explain the $500,000 in portable buildings they want to dispose of? Huh, will they?
Will they even explain it to the taxpayer that they want to tax for the next twenty years?
Well will they? How about all the taxpayer money that was invested in the Moline Grade School? What about that? How liberal can a conservative in Kansas be?
I really want to understand, truly I do!

Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
You would make the Severy area grade school children ride the bus 21 miles instead of the current 12, I think the district would loose some of the Severy kids to Eureka. You would have to bus more kids from Howard  to Moline that would be transported from Moline to Howard.

What was that town Public Squares Communities wrote about that didn't have a School and bused their kids 20 miles, but Public Squares said they were doing so great. Perhaps the President of public Squares and Founder of Elk Konnected might come on here and refresh do us? Do you suppose she might do us that favor?

But really ten minutes more on the bus would not harm them, now would it?

But you Really get to the real point in my opinion, don't bus Howard kids to Moline!
Howard kids deserve better treatment than other kids, isn't that right?

Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
You obviously have never served on any boards, saying that the Superintendent shouldn't sit with the Board is a dead give away that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. The superintendent is involved in virtually 100% of all of the business that comes before the board! he runs he school system on a day-to-day schedule.

The School Board is an elected body, members are elected to sit on the School Board. The School Superintendent is not elected to sit on the School Board.

Remember the previous school superintendent, I saw him actually get up on their table with his knuckles and flat told the Board Members they could not talk about something.  It is Not his job to order the School Board around is it? That is how familiarity leads to contempt. An employee sitting on the School Board, pretty simple. They don't even follow Robert's Rule of Order!

Yes, the School Superintendent runs the school on a day to day to day business and that is what the taxpayers pay him to do as an employee of the Elected Members of the School Board. He is not paid to be Superintendent of the School Board now is he? He can sit in the audience right along side the School Principal and School Teachers and answer any questions the School Board may ask him concerning the operation of the school instead of sitting at the head of the School Board and controlling the meeting. That's my opinion and I stand by it.

And yes, I have served on a Board and you can read about it in this thread. For you to say that the School Superintendent should sit on the School Board Shows your lack of understanding protocol and the other things mentioned in the next couple of lines.

I was also in the military and I understand the importance of decorum, leadership and chain of command. The purpose is to keep things operating smoothly and how it prevents an appearance of deception.

Thank you for further encouraging me. I couldn't do this without your support.

Quote from: Jane on December 06, 2013, 06:52:25 PM
You are correct Frank, every superintendent in the Topeka school area goes to all board meetings and they also attend all of the school function's and games. And like you I have never voted democrat and never will.

Attend functions and games may be part of their contract, but sitting on the School Board is not. People are elected to sit on the School Board.

So if all them people jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, I suppose you would expect us to follow suit?

Two wrongs do not make a right, nor do fifty wrongs? Now do they?
Would you please show me in the School Board Rules that the School Superintendent or anyone else that is not elected to the School Board is permitted to sit on the School Board?

School board members are charged, by law, with providing quality education for the youth of your community.

Exactly where is that quality education for every child enrolled in the West Elk School District?

Quote from: daisy on December 06, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
Luckily, the majority of people in this county are sane enough to see you for what you really are...a blow-hard  that spouts off his mouth without a full understanding of the matters at hand. 

So if I am a crazy old fart that knows nothing and the majority of the people in the county see me that way, why are you and Frawin so concerned with what I have to say? Just asking! What are you so worried about?

By the way I have said a couple of times, "I'm crazy but I ain't insane" and  "I am high, but not on drugs, but on high on life." So continue on with your crusade and have a great time, Okay? OK!

Good night all from a crazy old man of a taxpayer and voter! Sleep well and remember there is always a better solution.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO " [/quote]


Ross, I am here to tell you that I am a unapologetic democrat. I voted for and campaigned for Obama in both elections. However that has nothing to do with this issue.

Frank, (Frawin) is referring to me as being on his most nasty liberal list. I do not consider myself to be particularly liberal but that is beside the point.

Frank, (Frawin) lives in Bartlesville and does not vote in Elk county. Jane lives in Topeka and does not vote in Elk county. This is an issue that involves Elk county and its' voters. I think it rather odd that some of the most vocal supporters for this issue do not even live here. The others are directly involved with the schools, not counting Wilma.

As for common sense; it tells me that this issue will fail, and if presented again will likely fail again. I have not spoken to even one person who is supporting this bond issue, and feel that this board is once again wasting our very limited resources. For shame.

This is not a democrat issue, nor is it a republican issue but an issue that involves the taxpayers of Elk county. All others should bow out gracefully or otherwise. And as for shanghaiing other threads to promote this thing is just funny IMHO. Carry on Ross in your crazy funny way. Your message is getting across guy. You got 'em skeered!  :D :D


I have to disagree on at least one point.  This issue involves the children of our district, not just the taxpayers.  I ask again, have you actually seen the conditions at West Elk?  Talking to people that have not witnessed the conditions is going to get you negative responses.  Talk to the teachers, to the other people who work there or have reason to know what the conditions are.  The taxpayers of this district, for the most part, are people who are thinking with their pocketbook, not their intelligence.  How much will this issue actually add to your taxes?  The price of a pack of cigarettes or one trip to another state or a couple of bottles of wine?  A hunting trip perhaps?  There are a lot of things that I could and would give up to improve conditions at West Elk.

I do believe that Jane does pay taxes in Elk County.  I don't know about Frank, but I do know that he and his wife are deeply rooted in Elk County.  Actually, their roots are deeper than mine.


Rex and Jane pay lots of taxes in Elk county, I have owned land and paid taxes in Elk County for several  years, I am currently looking at buying more land in Elk County. Any tax increase for t he school would be minimal and an increase I will Gladly pay. Wilma Elk County needs more people like you.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on December 06, 2013, 11:55:46 PM
Ross, I am here to tell you that I am a unapologetic democrat. I voted for and campaigned for Obama in both elections. However that has nothing to do with this issue.

Frank, (Frawin) is referring to me as being on his most nasty liberal list. I do not consider myself to be particularly liberal but that is beside the point.

Frank, (Frawin) lives in Bartlesville and does not vote in Elk county. Jane lives in Topeka and does not vote in Elk county. This is an issue that involves Elk county and its' voters. I think it rather odd that some of the most vocal supporters for this issue do not even live here. The others are directly involved with the schools, not counting Wilma.

As for common sense; it tells me that this issue will fail, and if presented again will likely fail again. I have not spoken to even one person who is supporting this bond issue, and feel that this board is once again wasting our very limited resources. For shame.

This is not a democrat issue, nor is it a republican issue but an issue that involves the taxpayers of Elk county. All others should bow out gracefully or otherwise. And as for shanghaiing other threads to promote this thing is just funny IMHO. Carry on Ross in your crazy funny way. Your message is getting across guy. You got 'em skeered!  :D :D

sixdogsmom, please accept my sincerest appology!

I did not mean to offend you, not in the least !

I am not at all that good at this, my real goal is to slow down, what I believe are the Konnected folks with their half baked ideas of what education is and what thet economic development is and the children should not be used as pawns in their games with the taxpayers.

They don't care how much of yours or my money they spend.

I am doing the best I know how.

And truthfully, I have no animosity towards anyone for any political persuasion or religious persuasion.

I do have a very important question for them, that they will probably dodge or side step the way most politicians do?

Who came up with this idea originally?
The idea of building a Grade School as wings to West Elk?
No, not the school board --- what one person brought up the idea to the School Board?
Or will this remain anonymous as things did with Elk Konnected?
Did the Board Members that are Elk Konnected bring the idea over from Elk Konnected?

After all just look at all the ridiculous ideas on page one of this thread that were anonymous and provided to the County Commissioners Meeting. The ideas came from an Elk Konnected Kommunity meeting, didn't they, and no body has came forward claiming responsibility for even one of these hair-brained ideas, or the good ones (few of them) either?

Are we dealing with more of the same?

The question again who came up with this idea? And just what is wrong with other options and saving millions of dollars and what is wrong with doing something sensible, if a Grade School is really required?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO " [/quote]


Quote from: frawin on December 07, 2013, 08:51:04 AM
Rex and Jane pay lots of taxes in Elk county, I have owned land and paid taxes in Elk County for several  years, I am currently looking at buying more land in Elk County. Any tax increase for t he school would be minimal and an increase I will Gladly pay. Wilma Elk County needs more people like you.

As long as others are forced to pay taxes for free government schools and control over other peoples' kids, you're for it, plus increasing taxes and control.  You've have quite a liberal/socialist mindset.



No I do not live in Howard but we do own land in Howard and own a house. We may not vote but we pay taxes big time. l do not see you telling Diane to mine her business when she tells everybody which way to turn.


Quote from: Wilma on December 07, 2013, 08:06:43 AM
I have to disagree on at least one point.  This issue involves the children of our district, not just the taxpayers.

Sure it involves the children, but that is a bad excuse for mature adult decisions based on common sense. Your continued use of the children as an excuse borders on abuse of mature adult responsibility and thinking in my personal opinion. There is a great deal of difference between WANT and NEED!

Quote from: Wilma on December 07, 2013, 08:06:43 AM
I ask again, have you actually seen the conditions at West Elk?  Talking to people that have not witnessed the conditions is going to get you negative responses.  Talk to the teachers, to the other people who work there or have reason to know what the conditions are. 

I ask you again why hasn't an efficiency expert been called in to assess this Situation.
Why hasn't a State Audit been Called for?
Why do you believe a contractor/salesman about 1.2 million at the first School Board meeting  and then he starts talking 5 and 6 million dollar That is what an expert salesmen does, isn't it, sell as much as they can?
But you choose not to believe him when he says the classrooms are luxurious, why?

When were bids sent out for construction and how many contratractors responded?
And what were the bid amounts?    But really who cares about being frugal? Right?

Quote from: Wilma on December 07, 2013, 08:06:43 AM
The taxpayers of this district, for the most part, are people who are thinking with their pocketbook, not their intelligence.

Wow, are you confused! It is the intelligent thing to do when someone wants another persons money. I suppose when you are shopping at Walmart, you lay your purse on the bench near the front door and don't think about it until you are ready to check out. I suppose you give no thought to how much anything cost that you put in your basket and whether you will be able to afford it, let alone be able to pay for it? No, I didn't think so!

Quote from: Wilma on December 07, 2013, 08:06:43 AM
How much will this issue actually add to your taxes?  The price of a pack of cigarettes or one trip to another state or a couple of bottles of wine?  A hunting trip perhaps?  There are a lot of things that I could and would give up to improve conditions at West Elk.

That's cost is not the only issue. It is not an improvement that is not needed!
And it is simply re-branding of the School Bond Issue of a couple of years ago.
Someone wants a Grade School so they design it as extensions to West Elk --- very simple ploy against the taxpayers named after them. Who or what special interest group will this building if conceived will it be dedicated to?

Quote from: Wilma on December 07, 2013, 08:06:43 AM
I do believe that Jane does pay taxes in Elk County.  I don't know about Frank, but I do know that he and his wife are deeply rooted in Elk County.  Actually, their roots are deeper than mine.

Most every white person roots that go back to Europe, and if you believe in the bible their roots go back to Adam and Eve. Their roots have absolutely nothing to do with this. What a waste of intelligent thinking. But if they are registered to vote does their vote does have to do with the to increase the issue.

How do you ever hope to increase the population of Elk County or the enrollment at  West Elk or the economic conditions of Elk County with that attitude? The only thing you would be left with would be inbreeding. Ridiculous! The population here continues to decline, doesn't it? Please try again!

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just say," NO " [/quote]


Quote from: Jane on December 07, 2013, 09:06:59 AM

No I do not live in Howard but we do own land in Howard and own a house. We may not vote but we pay taxes big time. l do not see you telling Diane to mine her business when she tells everybody which way to turn.

We all must remember this is an open forum provided to each of us by the owners and at no cost. Let's thank the owners and be gracious to them. (Did Ijust suck up, LOL)

I have only suggested to Diane that she involve herself in her community in Delaware.
I have explained to Diane that Delaware is Delaware and Elk Couty is in Kansas. And are as different as Apples and Oranges.

But, I would never be so rude as tell her to, "Shut Up" as I have been recently told.

I accept your imput just as I accept anyone else's input.

Just remember there are plenty of choices in this world and the choices in the West Elk School District will be up to the voters in the West Elk School District! Please notice I did not say the Howard West Elk School District, because there is no Howard West Elk School District!

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO " [/quote]

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