Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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If it can happen at the state level and they can make excuses, what do you think might happen at the School District Level?

Every meeting I attended when they discussed building the new grade school the contractor/salesman increased the millions. It went from $1.2 M to $5 M to maybe $6 M and maybe more based on inflation. And that did not include numerous other expenses for the School District. Go figure!

Back to the state, and the poor planning, good job folks.
Restoration road map: How Kansas' Capitol project doubled in cost

By Travis Perry  /   November 29, 2013 

WORTH IT?: The coming weeks will see the completion of the decade-spanning restoration of the Kansas Capitol Building, a project that has doubled in time and cost since it started in 2001.

By Travis Perry │ Kansas Watchdog

OSAWATOMIE, Kan. — About a month and a half from now, state officials will be swapping smiles, handshakes and grandiose praise beneath the shiny new gleam of the Kansas Capitol's newly copper-clad dome.

But there's likely to be one fact that doesn't get much play when state lawmakers celebrate the conclusion of Kansas' epic restoration of the Capitol building: The price tag.

Originally slated to take five to eight years and cost $90 to $120 million, the restoration of the Capitol has essentially doubled in both time and cost since its inception in 2001.

However Rep. Jay Emler, R-Lindsborg, said that technically isn't the case. While the final cost is roughly $320 million, he said original estimates anticipated that costs could — or would — change over the duration of the project. Initial figures were never set in stone, he added.

See the rest of the article at http://watchdog.org/118096/kansas-capitol-restoration/
Think it couldn't happen here. Think again, there was a lot of wishy-washy at those school board meetings in my opinion. Heck remember they hired that professor/Doctor to walk them through very elementary decisions. This new grade school folks is not elementary.

First it is not needed as long as the Moline Grade School is standing.
Second I don't believe they have a clue as to what they are doing.
Third I think there is a third party or other force pushing this dumb idea of building a Grade School and attaching it as pieces to the present building.

Silly ideas about improving the economy for Howard, I believe plays a big part in all this crap as well!
What would that mean to the average taxpayer --- absolutely nothing!
What would that mean to the Howard Merchant --- more money in their tills and bank accounts --- but guess what folks that silly idea won't work so for the merchant just additional property tax.

The words Economic Development are hollow unless you bring industry in from outside the county with good paying jobs and the money that would come with it. And Elk County doesn't even have an industrial park where a company could build.

Why would the School Board discuss the failure of a School Bond Issue in April and discuss coming back at you again in November? Just think about that, please.

To try to ram it down your throat, a whole lot like Obama and his ObamaCare, isn't it?
How many lies and false promises did Obama throw at the Public to create what he considers his legacy?
Will the same thing or is the same thing happening in Elk County?

Remember Elk Konnected and their School Board Members, I wonder, do you wonder is this may be similar to what Obama has done?

You have told the School Board "NO" and just like my adolescent son who comes back again and again with a new way in an attempt to change my mind and I still say no. The School Board has the same plan as my adolescent son.

That is what is going to be required of the School District Taxpayers, be strong parents and stick to your original answer of "NO". They will eventually learn you mean business, just like my adolescent son learns. It is either that or you encourage a spoiled brat, and then when will they stop wanting even more.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just say," NO "  


I thought, I'd share with you on this thread, the encouragement, I am receiving on another thread.

Quote from: Wilma on November 30, 2013, 09:28:57 PM
Ross, shut up.

To me it simply means the truth hurts.

It was not my intention to hurt anyone, so I apologize for any perceived pain.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "


Can a huge building teach children! I don't think so! Do you?

Here is some information that might be helpful to School Boards who want to rely on a Taj Mahal to increase educational standards.

Oh, has the School Board recognized the numbers concerning poverty in it area? Don't you think those numbers should tell you something? Approximately half of your students are on free meals for poverty reasons aren't they?  Or is that a lie just to get funds from the state? Just askin'.

I just read this on the internet and thought I'd share it with you: "Sellin' soap's like sellin' hope, you can't sell either one without a little bit of lye."  Rather clever isn't it? But in some cases it might take a a whole lot of Lye, huh?

U.S. Achievement Stalls as Other Nations Make Gains
Published Online: December 3, 2013


Performance-Based Test for Teachers Rolls Out
Published Online: December 2, 2013
Published in Print: December 4, 2013, as Performance Key on Teacher Tests


Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.



Ross, I find your constant referral to the town of Howard as How-weird offensive.  You might think you are being witty and funny, but you are coming off as an instigator.  It seems that you are trying to ignite a feud in this county.  Luckily, the majority of people in this county are sane enough to see you for what you really are...a blow-hard  that spouts off his mouth without a full understanding of the matters at hand.  Yes, I know you have been to board meetings and I know you have posted documents, but you have only heard the things you want to hear so you can twist and manipulate t  hose words, and then ignored the rest of the rest.   You can go ahead and tear apart my post, I could care less.  Just want you to know that the majority of Elk Countians, including those from Moline, think you are a joke! 



Quote from: daisy on December 06, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
Ross, I find your constant referral to the town of Howard as How-weird offensive.

My, my are we testy! I find your being offended to be offensive. LOL  So you must be from Howard or How-weird. How-weird has been around far longer than I have! And you can thank an Elk Konnected Follower in Delaware for reviving it! Their must be some truth in it or it would not be the least bit offensive, now would it?

After all How- weird is it that:

1.   Elk Konnected says it went to school at Howard West Elk, when there is no Howard West Elk ----  How – weird is that?

2.   The School West Elk is located outside of Howard, yet on the Schools out of town games they list it as Howard West Elk --- How –weird is that?

3.   The School was awarded highway signs in recognition in sports and the signs are placed at the Howard City Limits instead of at the School, in essence Howard is stealing the Glory from the School --- How-weird is that?

4.   The City of Howard wanted to move their City Limits South to Encompass West Elk, it didn't happen but still How _weir is that?

5.   Elk Konnected was instrumental in closing down the grade schools by holding Kommunity Konversations, and Elk Konnected is a Howard LTD isn't it? How-weird is that?

There is much more and I am sure people know them better than I do. --- How-weird is that?

You might think you are being witty and funny, but you are coming off as an instigator.  [/quote]   

You are quite correct I am an instigator, I don't deny it. Why should I? An instigator is not necessarily a bad thing. This country has tons of leaders that are instigators. An Instigator is a person who brings about or initiates something. I have been in anstigator in the sense that I ask people to think about what I may tell them and what people of your ilk might tell them. But I go even furthyer and ask that they do't believe a thing I say? Have you done that is not How – weird, but it weird isn't it? That's me a weird, crazy old man that is tired of being taxed to death but people that call themselves the Elite and leaders of the community. And because those same people think using the children as an excuse to building a Taj Mahal will cause people to move to Howard and bring more money into the retailers in in Howard. Our School District and Children should not be used as neither a political tool or economic tool against the taxpayers  --- simple --- not weird at all.

Oh and the word ilk is not a bad word either, okay.OK!

Ya need a sense of humor Daisy?
Ya don't seem to have a sense of humor, is that perhaps because what I ask people to think about irks you. I want Is it because you want just the opposite of what? I don't want higher property taxes just to appease someone's EGO.

Quote from: daisy on December 06, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
It seems that you are trying to ignite a feud in this county. [/quote]
Are you talking about the Feud between H and the rest of the county that has been going on for decades? Why does Howard keep feeding it?

Quote from: daisy on December 06, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
Luckily, the majority of people in this county are sane enough to see you for what you really are...a blow-hard  that spouts off his mouth without a full understanding of the matters at hand.  [/quote]

The matter at hand is very simple! You simply try to make it complex!

Your ilk wanted to shut down the grade schools so you could build a Taj Mahal near Howard for stupid Economic Development reasons --- simple.

There is a building standing there that was built to handle 600 children and only has 340 (maybe) children attending there. This is information you did not want disseminate to the public, right?

You had a School Bond Issue to build a new Grade School and were told "NO" isn't that right?

So you or whoever re-brands the idea as building that new Grade School only attach it as extensions on to West Elk. Nothing new in that idea, except for the fact that perhaps someone thinks most of the voters and taxpayers are voters too stupid to figure it out.

Quote from: daisy on December 06, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
Yes, I know you have been to board meetings and I know you have posted documents, but you have only heard the things you want to hear so you can twist and manipulate t  hose words, and then ignored the rest of the rest.   You can go ahead and tear apart my post, I could care less. 

First I am not tearing apart your post I am simply separating parts of it in order to avoid confusion in our conversation. Tearing it apart is simply bad language in an attempt to make me look like an ogre, but my looks should not play apart in this. LOL

I am so thankful that you are aware that I have attended meetings and if you failed to notice I frequently state what I write is my opinion and please don't believe a word of it.  Also ask people to find out for themselves. But you know saying I twist things is exactly why the meetings are not streamed via the internet, or recorded , that is also why the minutes  of the meetings have been lacking. However, I have noticed since m complaining about the minutes they have improved but still a lot is left out.

By not having a recording you or anyone else can claim anything you want and call others liars without calling them liars.

As far as the rest of the story, where is it? Where is all of it? Do you have it?
Will you share it? Who will answer the hard questions?

Quote from: daisy on December 06, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
Just want you to know that the majority of Elk Countians, including those from Moline, think you are a joke! [/quote]

Thank you for your personal opinion! You know what I you are right?  Everyone deserves a good laugh. And that would mean everyone is thinking for themselves, good deal! 

The when they vote down this ridiculous idea again, you won't be able to blame me for your failure to fool them? And your influence if you have any fizzles, sorry!

Now that sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think?

Let's talk some more, soon, Okay? OK!

And let's make it a two sided conversation!

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "



Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 01:10:33 PM
Daisy, you said it all and said it very well.

That's all you got frawin?
Are you the local EGo builder?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO " [/quote]


I bet all these Taj Mahal builders would vote Obama back in office again if they could, just a thought!

Hasn't Obama built a Taj Mahal of a Health Insurance Program?

Liberal Progressive Socialist, is that right?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "
Is it time to start another thread on this subjec yet?


The main 2 Liberal Leftist on the Forum that supported Obuma are also supporting you. I. Never voted Democrat in my life, I don't see what support of better schools has to do with being Liberal. I think trying to reopen the Moline Grade School would be a mistake. It would take a lot of repairs. You would make the Severy area grade school children ride the bus 21 miles instead of the current 12, I think the district would loose some of the Severy kids to Eureka. You would have to bus more kids from Howard  to Moline that would be transported from Moline to Howard. You obviously have never served on any boards, saying that the Superintendent shouldn't sit with the Board is a dead give away that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. The superintendent is involved in virtually 100% of all of the business that comes before the board! he runs he school system on a day-to-day schedule.


Quote from: frawin on December 06, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
The main 2 Liberal Leftist on the Forum that supported Obuma are also supporting you. I. Never voted Democrat in my life, I don't see what support of better schools has to do with being Liberal. I think trying to reopen the Moline Grade School would be a mistake. It would take a lot of repairs. You would make the Severy area grade school children ride the bus 21 miles instead of the current 12, I think the district would loose some of the Severy kids to Eureka. You would have to bus more kids from Howard  to Moline that would be transported from Moline to Howard. You obviously have never served on any boards, saying that the Superintendent shouldn't sit with the Board is a dead give away that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. The superintendent is involved in virtually 100% of all of the business that comes before the board! he runs he school system on a day-to-day schedule.

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