Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Wonder why I scream educate the children instead of erect a Taj Mahal?

If you follow the national news you have read about school districts with serious financial problems and they are mainly due to overspending on construction and are now shutting down buildings. One school building was said to have only 35 students, brilliant huh?

But what is worse kids end up going to college on a couple of small scholarships and getting college loans and can't even understand the contracts they are signing.

But who cares?
Do the educators care?
Do the School Boards care?
Does our school board care?

Do you want all the children educated or overspending needlessly to build a Taj Mahal, you decide what Quality of Life means for your children?

Quality of Life for the children does not come from building a Taj Mahal?
Quality of Life for these children will come from the Education they receive and nothing else.

I had a teenager tell me look I got a free credit card in the mail, I had to break the sad news to him that they are not free, that they can be a very painful trap. I told him to read the fine print in the letter that came with it. 18% interest with the possibility of going as high as 28%. Free, I don't think so.

Leaders appear to leading children down the wrong path in my opinion.
With big ideas of building unnecessary Taj Mahals as schools and creating unnecessary debt. Spend, spend, spend what you don't have. Spend frivolously what is not yours to spend. What shameful leadership in my opinion.

Here is a very interesting story about the knowledge of college students and their knowledge of those loans and how they don't repay them. Is college really worth the debt. How many college students with loans does it take working at McDonalds before people wise up.

Student Loan Crisis Secret: This May be the Unexpected Solution
By Juliette Fairley

NEW YORK (MainStreet)—More than 7 million consumers are in default on federal or private student loans, according to a new study, and standardized financial illiteracy is on the horizon to stop it in future generations.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) found that student loans now outpace credit cards as the highest level of consumer debt.

In the U.S., existing student loan debt is estimated at $1.2 trillion.

Default typically occurs when a loan receives no payment for 270 days. New collection costs are then added to the loan's balance, and the loan becomes more expensive than its original principal. The added costs can only be reduced or eliminated through negotiation or legal action.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 37 million Americans currently have outstanding student loans and 11% of all student loans are at least 90 days delinquent.

"We strongly believe in the importance of communication and financial education that helps students better understand the serious ramifications of defaults, delinquencies and forbearance," said Pat Morris, CEO of ACA International, an association of credit and collections professionals.

Problem is many Americans are illiterate when it comes to finances.

A John Hancock Survey found that 46% of respondents who answered a literacy quiz earned a failing grade with 22% earning a D and 23% receiving an F.

While some were able to select correct answers to questions about financial concepts or product definitions, most exhibited significant knowledge gaps.

For example, only 37% were able to choose the correct answer when asked about an optimal retirement savings strategy.

About 94% of those surveyed properly identified the definition of asset allocation and 85% understood dollar cost averaging but only 62% understand that the price of a bond or bond fund decreases as interest rates rise.

"It is critical that children learn the grammar of economics and finance, the specialized language that describes how our economy operates," said Nan J. Morrison, president and CEO of Council for Economic Education (CEE). "Without that proficiency, they are likely to remain on the periphery of their own potential."

Currently, only four states require a minimum of one semester of financial literacy education in primary and secondary school and only 20 states require that the topic be taught within another subject area.


There is much more to read at


From the MINUTES-of the Budget Hearing of the West Elk USD #282 Board of Education, held
Monday, August 8, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. At the West Elk District Office, Howard, Kansas.

William Sailors from the Center for Innovative School Leadership (CISL) housed at ESU
Was present to discuss conducting a school efficiency audit.
Bellar moved to ask ESU to conduct the efficiency audit of West Elk and the West Elk
Special Education Coop at a cost of $2000.00. Walker seconded and the motion failed
(2-5) Whetstone, Hare, Black, Townsley and Hilton voted no.
Whetstone moved to table conducting the efficiency audit. Hare seconded and the
Motion passed unanimously. (7-0)
What is the problem with getting a school efficiency audit performed?
Are they afraid they might learn something?
Is it the $2000.00 price tag?
That could be paid for by no longer using school money to pay for the gratuity at each meeting. If it ain't school money that is supposed to be used for the children's education, where's the money coming from to pay for the smorgasbord?
I'm talking about the big platter of cold cuts and cheese and all the bottled water. If they are hungry and thirsty bring a drink and a sandwich from home, can't they afford to pay for their own meals?
But here is a better plan to help them improve the whole lot at West Elk USD 282 ask the state to do a voluntary audit. Kansas City did just that and it saved the taxpayers a million bucks.
I sure hope one of the board members has what it takes to broach the subject. That is unless they just want to keep spending and spending and creating debt and  taxing and taxing.
I have a question for those that claim to be in the know, seriously!
Do you know if these School board Members are associated with Elk Konnected?
1.   Whetstone
2.   Hare
3.   Black
4.   Hilton
5.   There is one more but that person is no longer on the board.
These are the ones that voted no on an efficiency study, by experts that could benefit the school board tremendously. Why?

They spent the same amount on a study but a private firm out of Missouri, which was not a real study at all. In my opinion a total waste of taxpayer money? Ya gotta ask your self why did they do that?

Ask yourself do you want these people building unnecessarily and raising your taxes simply because someone things with a Taj Mahal near Howard that people will move to Howard and improve Howard's economy?

West Elk was designed to house 600 students and they only have 319 enrolled.
Sure the some of the rooms may need some adjustment
But it wouldn't take building wings on to the building at the cost of millions of dollars , would it?
Why is expensive carpet a requirement?
I'm sure carpet would be less cost effective than tile.
Maintenance and wear of carpet would surely be more expensive in maintenance costs, don't you think? And Why would you replace all the a/c units, just because?
Would you replace your perfectly running a/c just because it's getting old? Would you?

Are they just doing all this just to build a gym for the purpose of supporting sports?
They have and can continue to operate like they have for the last two years, sharing the gymnasium and socializing all the children together.
Don't you suppose?
After all they didn't need the grade school they had, which had a gymnasium, they just simply shut it down?
They could reopen it, couldn't they? And save millions of dollars, but that would make sense, sorry about that.

Oh well, when they figure out how to raise the cap on the 4 mill they can raise our taxes without a vote, and then we might take notice! That's sorta like raising the debt ceiling for the Obama Liberal Federal Gov't isn't it?

They are attempting and may accomplish an end run around our vote saying no to building a new grade school of 5.5 Million by building unneeded wings. Operating just like our Federal Government ignoring the voters. Which simply means your vote does not count, aren't you proud that you voted?!

Just some thoughts and some questions. Any real answers would be appreciated!

I may be wrong but just for the sake of conversation I had to say it.

Where are they gonna get the money for all the massive expansion?
Donations like they do for sports?
Heck no, you and me the taxpayer that's where.

Millions for perhaps 150 children at most, and a new sports utility called a gymnasium?

Forget cost effectiveness or efficiency, OKAY?


Keep up the good work, Ross.  Looks like the Konnection between the school board money vacuum and the taxpayers wallets is working its magic.  This government/personal agenda garbage needs to stop. It sounds like many on the 282 board are believing the media lie that the economy is really getting better.

Let's remember that the county budget is responsible for only PART of the outrageous mill levy... the school districts play a big part in that too.

Just wondering... what flavors of kool aid do they serve at those board meetings?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


(Let's review what happened in 2009 that Mr. Moore told the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on the Education Budget that led to the closing of the grade school in Moline. This by the way is still a viable building in my opinion. These excerpts are taken from that report. My thoughts, ideas and questions are in parentheses, thank you.)

USD 282 West Elk
P.O. Box 607 Howard, Kansas 67349
(620) 374-2113
Bert Moore, Superintendent
Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on the Education Budget
February 25, 2009

West Elk USD #282 is a rural school district located in southeast Kansas. We are considered a "frontier" county with over 520 square miles contained within our boundaries. Elk County is one of the poorest counties in assessed valuation in the state. We have been experiencing a decline in our enrollment for 12 of the last 15 years resulting in a loss of nearly 200 students since the 1992-93 school year. West Elk USD #282 is the largest employer in Elk County.

(And there has been no change has there?
The present building Known as west Elk was designed to house 600 students and only has 319 children enrolled!
4 mobile buildings have been added at nearly$500,000.
The West Elk School has been functioning quite well for the last several years.
So we need a larger school building because?)

The district has been supplementing the general fund through a Local Option Budget of $900,000 as a result of our decline in enrollment. We have the ability to raise $1,500,000 through the LOB, and we will need to access the remaining $150,000 in authority as a result of our decline in enrollment.

Further reductions considered by the West Elk Board of Education to meet the 10% general fund reduction budget for 2009-10:

o Consolidate the elementary programs to one campus - @$128,000.

(This is what they told the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on the Education Budget that they saved by closing two buildings?
It seems they saved $128,000 to just turn around and spend nearly $500.000 on portable buildings. Does this make sense to you?)

The aging community will be forced to pick up the burden of paying more taxes through the maximization of the LOB and increases in the Capital Outlay fund.

(He said it in 2009, just exactly what has changed? How do you think they will finance $3.2 Million plus inflation and over runs on building the new grade school they want to build? I know it is not the new grade school they wanted so they are calling them wings or whatever other name they might apply! They were told no with the Bond Issue, so okay; let's just run an end play around the voters, right? I wonder whose idea that political idea belongs to?
Yes that's dirty politics, trick the people and screw 'em, that's my opinion! What do you think? Do we have dirty politicians in Elk County that will continue the course?)

The district may not be able to replace its aging buses.

(He stated this about the aging buses; I wonder have they replaced the aging buses? If not, isn't the children's safety getting to and from school a bit more important than building a Taj Mahal for Howard?

What has changed since 2009?

I would still like to know is this an Elk Konnected School Board and is the Taj Mahal of  a School Elk Konnected Idea? You know like all the BIG ideas on page one of this thread?  I'm just asking?)


I'd like a little assistance from someone who understands bookkeeping a bit better than I do?

I made a written request to the West Elk USD 282 requesting all pay for all employees to include overtime and summer pay for the 2012-2013 and I just don't think that is what they provided me with? It cost me $65.71 for 4 hours of work and I just feel like they avoided giving me what I wanted.

So if there are any bookkeepers that can set me straight on this I would appreciate it.

I'm thinking they either ripped me off and don't want people to know what is actually going on at West Elk USD 292 or I am completely wrong.  Just go to  West Elk for 2012-2013 at https://app.box.com/s/7nbnimqqr6b2tkzudw6f

Did I get what I asked for or was I ripped off by the officials and leadership?

I'm certain they understood what I was asking for because they took my hand written request and typed it up. You can read their type written request on the report and the list of pay they provided.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.


Kansas education agency earns C-plus for spending transparency

By Travis Perry  /   August 29, 2013  /  

MAKING THE GRADE: Kansas' education agency did better than most in terms of online spending transparency, but it's doubtful they'll boast abut the "C+" grade anytime soon.

By Travis Perry │ Kansas Watchdog

OSAWATOMIE — While the Kansas State Department of Education encourages students to achieve top marks in their classwork, it seems the state's chief schooling agency would do well to work on its own grade-point- average.

A new report from the  Libertarian-leaning Cato Institute, a think tank based in Washington, D.C., handed KSDE a C-plus for its online presentation and availability of school spending data.

"Public schools are usually the most costly item in state and local budgets. Yet despite tremendous and persistent spending growth in the last half-century, the public vastly underestimates the true cost of public education," the report detailed. "To better understand the source of this misperception, this report examines the spending data that all 50 state education departments make available to the public on their websites. It reveals that very few state education departments provide complete and timely financial data that is understandable to the general public."

Overall, Kansas ranked 13th nationally in terms of spending transparency. States were graded based on four information categories: Per pupil expenditures, total expenditure data, average salary data and public accessibility. Nebraska was the only surrounding state to score higher, placing fifth with a B-minus.

Kansas scored poorly with regard to total spending data. According to the report, while the state offers more than a decade of information online, it's largely at the summary level. Cato also dinged Kansas for failing to go into greater depth and detail on total spending, as well as salary and pension expenditures.

KSDE officials did not immediately return calls for comment from Kansas Watchdog on Thursday.

My questions are?

Looks like Kansas scores above average like West Elk USD 282.

Like the Cato Institute says they need to work on raising their grades.

Do you think West Elk USD 282 can raise their grade by raising property taxes?

Do you think West Elk USD 282 can raise their grade by winning more football games?

Do you think West Elk USD 282 can raise their grade by leasing a church as a gymnasium for $1000.00 a month?

Do you suppose West Elk USD 282 might raise their grade by building a bigger building they don't need?

Do you think West Elk USD 282 can raise their grade by concentrating on improving educational properties and reducing limitations with in the system?

A little information on the Cato Institute:

The Cato Institute is an American libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C.

The institute was founded in December 1974 in Wichita, Kansas
Cato relocated first to San Francisco, California in 1977, then to Washington, D.C. In 1981, settling initially in a historic house on Capitol Hill.[15](p446) The Institute moved to its current location on Massachusetts Avenue in 1993. Cato Institute was named the fifth-ranked think tank in the world for 2009 in a study of think tanks by James G. McGann, PhD of the University of Pennsylvania, based on a criterion of excellence in "producing rigorous and relevant research, publications and programs in one or more substantive areas of research".

The Cato Institute is classified as a 501(c)(3) organization under U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The Institute performs no contract research and does not accept government funding. For revenue, the Institute is largely dependent on private contributions.

How about the school board working on raising the West Elk Schools State Grade way beyond average? Instead of raising taxes?
Or aren't the Board members capable of the task as a School Board of Education? Are their college degrees up to the challenge of Educating?


Well look there!
I got my monthly rag that I get for free; well really its part of my electric bill.
Nothing is really free is it!

The rag is called Kansas Country Living.
They keep printing stories that really mean nothing and say nothing in my opinion.
Like the story on page 20 about an NGO that claims association with Public Squares Communities, INC.

No it's not Elk Konnected, LLC we haven't heard anything from Elk Konnected, LLC for sometime have we?
Does it still exist?
We haven't received any lollipops in quite a while, I wonder why?
Is it because they no longer have control of the county's recreation fund?
We don't even read about them in the local newspaper?   Why?
What are they doing for Elk County these days?
Heck, we don't even hear from the Elk Konnected Followers any more?
Did the Followers get tired of being lowly Followers?
Does any body know anything about Elk Konnected, LLC?

Back to my story about my free monthly rag.
This time it's is not about about a single community, in fact the only place a community is mentioned is as a foot note. LOL

This month they speak about people with disposable income. To me that is an oxymoron.
I don't know anyone with disposable income do you?
I don't care what they mean if they really mean something why don't they say it.
Do they lack the intelligence to communicate intelligently?

They talk about work force housing.
What work force?

They talk about properties being neglected resulting in lower property values?
If it bothers them, why don't they buy the property and fix em up?
A very simple solution isn't it?  Get-R-Done if that's what they want!
They want higher end homes (don't they mean more expensive homes) for those with disposable incomes. (Throw away money?)
Why don't they just invest their money in their own idea, if it is such a good idea?
And government subsidized housing for those at the lower end. Don't they mean the poor when they say the lower end? Why not say it?
Oh, I know its mot politically correct Nor is it appealing to say what you actually mean, is it?

They say they went to the Grinnell, IA Chamber of Commerce to learn how to speed up the building process. Really? I hope they went there over the internet, it would save a lot of gas money and would be the GREEN thing to do, don't ya think?
Don't they have any college educated people with business educations that can tell them anything?
Don't they have any resources of their own?
Don't they have any imagination?
Don't they communicate with each other for Big Idea's?
What is their thought process?
Just let someone else think for them?

I'd like to suggest to all those Public Squares Communities, INC organizations a much faster way of getting all that building started and done. If it is really a super idea to them and if they really think it is profitable, do you reckon they think that?
Well here is my suggestion:
   Have all your members form a Co-operative Investment thingy and have all your stake holders invest a minimum of say $500,000 with no cap on the maximum and get building. Building what you think everyone else should build. You do have lots of members don't you?
So that should be a breeze for you, right?
Real investors in building the Four Corners of a Community, cool!

Heck, you could even build a complete community and have everything you want everyone else to build and you would have a Utopia! Would that be cool or what?
You could even name it Four Corners Community! Big Idea don't ya think?

How are those Elk Konnected West Elk School Board Members doing with all that construction planning?
Here is an idea for them, buy the school and take it private and invest some of that money from that Co-operative Investment thingy I suggested and build whatever you want with out having to worry about the voters and taxpayers.
The poor folks could get government subsidized vouchers to attend your privately owned school.
If all that unnecessary is really a Big Idea to improve the economy it would surely be a good investment for you, wouldn't it?

Well the rag  ends it's story by using someone else's idea, nothing original from these folks, IMHO!
The last paragraph says, " Next month you will hear "the rest of the story".

After reading all of this article of theirs, that I consider to be simple B.S. that led me to check out the Public Squares Communities, INC web site at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/communities where they list all their communities and I am shocked.

Didn't they have like 17 or 18 communities not long ago?

What happened? Did they consolidate the communities?

I only count 12 on their web page, Wow double WOW!

Where is their growth?

Someone tell me I'm wrong?
Someone double check and please correct me if I am wrong.
Wasn't there some communities up around Kansas City?

I'm really worried now, what is going on?

As I mentioned earlier the Elk Konnected Followers appear to have disappeared!
We can't afford to loose any more business' in Kansas can we?
There are more layoffs coming at Spirit and that's not good is it?
We may loose some of the small Inc. companies and LLC's associated with the aviation industries before it's all over!
Do we need anymore Inc's or LLC's shrinking away?
Oh my, I hope not!


I notice people are still downloading and reviewing the documents I posted at https://app.box.com/s/7nbnimqqr6b2tkzudw6f and I am glad they are. The more we know the better off we are.

If there is anything in particular you would like me to get and add to the data base let me know and I will do my best to oblige you.

Either post it here or PM me.

Thanks you.


School Board Meeting

Well folks I attended the West Elk School Board Meeting 0n 9/10/2013.

What school board meeting you might ask?  Well they, in my best hillbilly podunk vernacular (I don't get much practice and it might make this fun reading) they call it that thar meetin such a thing! Even though they call it a school board meetin, dey got elected officials and others on that thar board don't ya see. They got a president and a vice president voted in by the board and they got their school superintendent scooted right up their at the head of the table and the secretary scooted right up dere at that thar table too, They are all right up thar within reach of all those cookies and cheese and ham and them grapes and them free bottles of water that we buy for them. Ain't that sweet. It's just like a family picknic don't cha see.

Well, I think the most important job the president has is askin people too stand and speak the Pledge of Allegiance and reading the first few lines of the minutes. But ya can't hardly hear the words he says. Nothin different from the previous president da had.

I don't think they realize that the meeting is actually ran and manipulated by the smartest man in the room, the school superintendent sitting right there at the head of their table. That man is brilliant and has great skill and manipulating and controlling abilities and good at manipulating what is going on and it is way over the heads of dem elected officials. That's my thought and my opinion. Like I've said before a word count would be very interesting.

Only the elected school board officials should be sitting at that table, but I don't think they know and understand that, forget about knowin' how to do the job. That school superintendent is supposed to be working for the school board instead of working the school board don't ya think. But as long as ignorance persists it won't change will it? The superintendent seems to have the total support of the secretary who keeps interuptin the meeting with her input and the school principle sittin' in the audience does the same thing supporting the school superintendent, what loyalty that man garnishes in. But dem Elected officials don't get it I'm a guessn', zing right over the top. And the superintendent later talks about lack of co-operation by teachers, we will get into that in a little bit.

School boards should follow some sort of rules of order, ya know like the Roberts Rules of  Order (what is that)?, but not at this circus. At least, I don't see no form of order. The superintendent sittin right there at the head of the table speaking out at any ole time he wants and the same with the principle and the secretary, where is the rules of order. I guess since deyall is sittin at the table with all them goodies they are part of the School Board.

I got news for dem, they are the hired help,  and they should behave as such.
What attitude. I bet people are not allowed to get out of line at one of Bert Moore's Superintendent's meetings. What do you think? And if you spoke out their Board Meeting they would have you banned from attending this thingy.

So, I sit quietly at their Superintendent's meeting, so called School Board meeting until I couldn't take it no more.

This here meetin is goin to require several posts so as ya don get bored in one sitting and, me too.

I showed up early as I usually do. I just have a problem with showin up late, even when I was working for a living, I always showed up to work 15 minutes to a half hour early. I showed up plenty early and the president of the School Board showed up shortly after I did. What a pleasant fella he is, very likeable. While walking towards the superintendents office building, I spoke with the President of the Board  and I informed him that, I have a hearing problem and that even with these $3000 worth of hearing aids I had a hard time hearing what was being said. I also informed him that others had with good hearing had the same problem. Anyway, I politely asked him to ask the people at the table to speak up. He said he could do that. And I said thank you! I told him I had thought I about filing the proper papers under the American with Disabilities Act but really didn't think that was necessary and he seemed to agree.

Well, I guess after leading the Pledge of Allegiance he plumb forgot. Because, I could barely hear noise when he spoke during the meeting. He forgot to mention there were people in the audience that have hearing problems and even those that don't can't hear what's going on. So now, I guess I'll have to file the proper papers since they wish to ignore a request from a taxpaying and voting citizen. It is suppose to be a public meeting and the public is suppose to be able to hear what is going on. It suppose to be a professional meeting not a good ole boy's meeting down at the coffee shop.

I did mention they hold the School Board Meetings in the School Superintendents Office building, do you suppose that is perhaps why the School Superintendent runs the Board meetings, because it's his office building.

Where or what is the protocol of the School Board meetings? Where is the protocol? Does the school board understand protocol?

Does the school board even understand protocol?

I ask because protocol does not present itself at these school board meetings. Perhaps the city folks in Wichita are right about the podunks, do ya reckon? About our elected officials that fail to be able to run a School Board Meeting and seem to lack the ability to have a discussion amongst themselves and appear to be directed by their employee the school superintendent.

Oh, the cornfusion at these meetings would make great fodder for Larry the Cable Guy and that guy that says, You might be a Redneck IF". Jeff Foxworthy that's who would have a ball with it I'm sure.

I can not set through the full length of their circus, the performance is just to humiliating to me, to sit through the entirety of it all. I'm not required to, so they have my sympathy because they are required to continue the humility and endure it. The minutes fail to describe what actually happens, you would have to attend a few meetings to understand what I am talking about. 

I'll be back with some more later.

Ya don't gotta believe a word of it, that's the gospel truth.


School Board Meeting 0n 9/10/2013.
Part 2

On the Agenda listed under Roman numeral
    V. Discussion Items
             A. Architect's Report – Heckman& Associates.

Well, I didn't hear or even see an Architect at the meeting.
I didn't see any documents labeled Architect's Report either.
The school board in my opinion doesn't want you to know what is going on at these open public meetings. But that is the main reason they are called open public meetings.

The school superintendent told me I had to pay money for the hand outs they have at the school board meetings. That is just not cool; in fact I think it is uncouth.

But there were a few interesting remarks made about the Architect's – Heckman& Associates and the construction of the Taj Mahal.

While discussing the continuation of construction of the Taj Mahal at West Elk one Board member made an observation that he thought he felt the board had been screwed by the contractor. He said the he could find them another portable trailer for $5,000 and then told them he could not find one. This is the same guy that spoke out about this company saying at their first meeting with him that it would cost the School Board about $1.2 Million for construction, yet at his second School Board Meeting that they would be talking about $6 Million because of inflation. Well folks that same person immediately dropped back to $3.2 Million at that very same meeting but deferred to the possibility of high inflation as the construction continued. Folks these are major RED Flags.  Why is this ignored and not discussed by the board. This is not the only construction company in the region – but no discussion – just accept it and keep going – is that the right thing to do?   But back to that remark about feeling like the guy had screwed the school board, I'm wondering how the guy screwed them. Did he charge them the $85 an hour to find the potable trailer? Did he fail to return the $5,000 that they perhaps paid him for the trailer?  There was no discussion about how the school board might have got screwed or about rectifying the situation. I commend the man that spoke out, but I guess the rest of the school board failed to understand the issue and saw no need for a discussion about it amongst themselves. Why?

Perhaps I've got it wrong!  But, I don't think so. I suggest this because of the utter confusion at these board meetings and because of the fact that they fail to speak up. And I feel that is because of one of at least two things. One, that lack the self confidence to speak so they can be heard and/or they don't want the taxpayers and voters to be able to understand what they are doing.

But what the heck it's only taxpayers money and there is plenty of that and they can raise the tax mil levy by 4 mil every year right?

But back to the discussion about that portable trailer:

Why in the world do they need yet another eye-sore? (Yes that is what I had heard those boxes referred to as. And all the complaints about them.)?

They had discussed moving the play ground they had just put in for the little kids and placing the new trailer. How much did it cost to put in that play ground in recently?

They had discussed moving all those trailers?
     Say what?
      After spending nearly a half a Million Dollars to put them in, really?
             No matter it just taxpayer dollars?
              What planning?
They reported to the state that they saved $200 and some thousand for shutting down the grade schools but did they report spending nearly a Half Million to replace them with the trailers?

They still can't come up with a real plan of any kind.
        All I hear is let's build, let's spend ?

What I have heard is they say they can't engage their employees, they say there is no co-operation from the teachers, and they have talked about bad attitudes concerning these actions. But they are really engaged by their employees known as the Administration. And I don't hear the School Board engaged with each other in a real discussion about what they are doing. That's my observation and my opinion.

That contractor they are paying $85 an hour to work for them provided them with a list of questions about what they want to build and they fail to use it. Why? Well the school Superintend said at a board meeting that it is too difficult to understand and to fill out and that it would take to long. Folks in my personal opinion if you want to construct and redesign the inside of the present building you need a solid plan before you start. And if you want input from and want to engage your employees such a list would be a great tool to accomplish such a task. But no, they just ignore that tool. If the tool is too difficult or it doesn't fit your needs, why not use it as a guide and re-write it to your needs.  And use it to engage the teachers and the taxpayer/voters.

Do the School Board members recall hiring that College Professor that came in and thought them how to think and how to ask the right questions in planning their long term goals? Really, just curious? Remember how he manipulated you with all the large sheets of papers and attached them to the walls? Remember that?

But in my opinion as long as the School Board Meetings are run in the manner that they are run they will never be able to accomplish anything but waste. As long as the hired hands are allowed to continue to sit on the board and speak willy-nilly and the board members cannot have a discussion amongst themselves without continuous interruptions they are a failure as a board.  Because that is the main purpose of the elected officials is to form the board and only them, right? To have uninterrupted discussions amongst themselves. (Keep this in mind, more on this coming soon). If they need input such as a question answered they could ask the Superintendent a direct question and expect a direct answer from him in the audience, not him sitting on the School Board and rambling on. That would be the proper protocol in my opinion.

I'm not done with this meeting yet, there are more questions to come?

I sure hope I'm not boring you.
And I sure hope you are forming your own opinion and discussing this information.
Isn't it time for some constructive change at the West Elk School Board Meetings?
Isn't it time for some real leadership from the West Elk School Board?

Isn't that what them Elk Konnected School Board members have preached for the last number of years? So where is it?

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