Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I have better links for access to the public documents I have uploaded to box.com
If someone could test these for me and let me know they work for you, I would greatly appreciate it. You can private message me if you wish.

The links are:

For USD 282 Documents Click Link Below
Trailer Expense's  https://app.box.com/s/c0xebcwvgf9zd7xru3pp

The first link should open to a folder labeled "West Elk USD 282 Public Records File" containing 41 files, simply click on the folder to open it.
The same goes for the folders in side this folder.

This is the easiest way I have found to make this information available to you. Otherwise each file would need a separate link.

I am still dealing with the Trailer Expense file, for now it has it's own link.

Thanks for bearing with me.


 I think I've finally got it right.
I am receiving a message from box that says quote, "Someone is viewing a document" and "Someone is downloading a document" .
I didn't expect to get the messages, this is great.
Too bad it doesn't say who. LOL
It doesn't matter who, what matters is people are interested and doing their own thinking.

That makes me happy, even if they get pissed at me.


This is what I could understand from the West Elk USD 282 School Board of Education meeting last night. And from what I learned I fee they should be referred from now on should be the West Elk USD 282 School Board of Construction. After all didn't we vote on a Bond Issue for 5.5 million dollars and tell them a loud and clear "NO". Well it seems they don't care what the property owner and taxpayer or voters say. They are going to go ahead and build that school a piece at a time as wings to the present building.

Have they go no shame, have they got no respect for the citizens of Elk County?
I don't think so, do you?

"Build It And They Will Come", was a movie! School Board Members do you understand that was fiction and fantasy. It won't work for Howard. Get a reality check people.

I know you have talked about the fact that you can raise our property taxes by 4 mil and you can do that every year without asking. But what was that talk of getting the ceiling lifted on that? Are you people kin to Obama?

My friends and neighbors and other voters and taxpayers are you ready for steady increases in your property taxes? If not you better start showing up at school board meetings and perhaps start calling School Board Members, maybe even e-mail them.
There may be no end to the taxation.

Some of what was said last night:

They were provided 4 pictures of options for construction (I posted some on Box.com)
No body seemed pleased with the options therefore they will be giving the man more feedback at a later date. Remember they didn't fill out his questionnaire because it was too hard. Well that is what they are doing the hard way and each time cost more money.

Have not decided where to put the storm shelter, maybe in the new gymnasium.
No room in the gymnasium for spectator bleachers. (We know that won't happen, this is more about sports than education, hang on till we get to the class room lighting)

Reduce lighting in each class room by one fixture and they will have the same amount of lighting to save cost. (Do you buy that, if so you are very easy? Light is rated in lumens not in number of fixtures. If these class rooms were designed for optimum lighting for the students, then it should not be messed with. Why deprive the students of class room lighting. Don't the school board members care about student eye strain?)

FEMA changing their ways and there may not be FEMA money available for storm shelter. (That's not good is it?)

May have to relocate trailers. (Hasn't there been enough money wasted on installing the trailers where they are and the board is willing to double down on that. Senseless in my opinion.)
Repurpose the trailers (Wait a minute. Wasn't nearly a half million dollars just spent on making class rooms out of these trailers and now you may have to move them and repurpose them? Does the school board really enjoy wasting taxpayer money? Are they kin to Obama?)

(Who is behind all this wastefulness? Surely the people on the board can't be all this stupid on their own, can they? Remember all their talk about a declining population and declining enrollment?)

Have to modify duct work.

Don't do asphalt the man said, do concrete it's a little more expensive about $110 a yard he said. (Do You believe that? Just a tiny Google disclosed that it is not that simple. I don't have time to dig into it real deep right now. But check this out! "Concrete parking lot cost is determined by strict calculated method rather than a simple square foot price" There is much, much more. Read  more at: http://www.allaboutparkinglots.com/concrete-parking-lots/faqs/concrete-installation/concrete-parking-lot-cost/ this even tells you what is involved in the extra costs and how the work may be performed. I do believe it will cost considerably more than $110 a yard. The school board of construction needs to do some homework so they know what they are doing, don't you think? Oh well it's only money, your money and my money, right?)

Replace stage lighting with LED lighting. Expensive up front costs. (Really you say? Just money, nothing but money --- to replace something that is working,  and at great expense. Good job.)

20,000 square foot additions at an estimated cost of $3,300,000.00 (Where is the money coming from? Raise the property taxes, yeah! And like Obama wants to do raise the debt ceiling, right? Wouldn't that be remove the limit the board can raise your taxes every year --- just have no limit ---- go for the gold (more on that momentarily))

The man said, "these are very generic $ COSTS. The prices do not take into account inflation and since the construction would not be complete until 2021 (really 2021, so the board will be raising our property taxes every year to build the school they were told not to build. They are just doing it in piece meal. Build---Raise taxes, Build---raise taxes. Good job board of construction and destruction of property values due to extremely high property taxes.)

One board member said, "It seems like we are spending a lot of money to make new administration offices and suggested leaving the where they are. (Finally, someone says something that makes sense. Why not take that a little further and say it seems like we are spending a lot of money to build a Taj Mahal for a declining enrollment. Really does it make any sense at all to build bigger with fewer students? Why heck last year West Elk Wanted Elk Valley to join students together for football because they didn't think they would have enough boys to make a team. Elk Valley said heck yes, bring your boys on over. West Elk said no you bring your boys over to Howard. That is how bad things were last year. West Elk went to Elk Valley but then backed out. I guess they must have pressured enough boys into playing.)

There is so much more the board is willing to pay top dollar for and if you look at the list that is placed in with the pictures you will see for yourself. All this expense is just the start. They apparently are not considering the increase in maintenance costs, maybe more employees (oh nice making jobs) at taxpayer's expense. More and continuous expense for electricity and water and air-conditioning, and I'm sure I'm not covering all the other additional expenses that go along with this. But that's alright it's just money, but will there be any money left to pay teachers? Perhaps we can have home schooling in a fancy building with expensive carpeting which will need to be replaced in five years. And all will be well.

Overheard in the audience, let's put gold plated urinals and toilets in the building (that was me by the way) the person I said that to said, what do you mean at these costs ya gotta have solid gold ones. Go baby go --- go spend go --- it's only money.

The school employee let me know they needed legal advice when I asked for a copy of a document that is and was public information, so I was made to wait.

Perhaps our school board needs some legal advice or some kind of advice, what do you think?

Perhaps a state audit of West Elk USD 282 is over due? The state did a voluntary audit for Kansas City and saved the school district and property owners and taxpayers and voters millions of dollars. And I do believe it is done free of charge, I'd have to research that though.

Private Message me if you think this has gone on long enough and think an audit might be in need. I will not disclose those who contact me. Lets talk. Before any more money is wasted.


I know for a fact that there were more than enough boys to play football at West Elk, both on the Jr. high and high school teams.  It was Elk Valley that did not have enough boys and had to cancel all of their games.  And not one single boy was pressured to play for West  Elk.  I know you will ask where do I get my information.  I have family members that are on both teams.


Quote from: daisy on August 13, 2013, 02:32:54 PM
I know for a fact that there were more than enough boys to play football at West Elk, both on the Jr. high and high school teams.  It was Elk Valley that did not have enough boys and had to cancel all of their games.  And not one single boy was pressured to play for West  Elk.  I know you will ask where do I get my information.  I have family members that are on both teams.

That's your opinion and that's fine with me.
I know for a fact that Elk Valley played their games last year.
And I know from authorities what I said was truthful.

So I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

Thanks Daisy


The  Elk Valley Jr.. High (7 th and 8 th grade) played.  I remember that.  A very rainy, cold game with West Elk jr. High.  West Elk Jr. High (7th and 8th grade) had more than enough players, and Elk Valley Jr. High had just enough for a team.  However, the Elk Valley high school (9 th through 12 th grades) did not have a football season due to not enough players.  West Elk high school did have a full season with enough players for jr, varsity and varsity teams.


Quote from: daisy on August 13, 2013, 03:22:00 PM
The  Elk Valley Jr.. High (7 th and 8 th grade) played.  I remember that.  A very rainy, cold game with West Elk jr. High.  West Elk Jr. High (7th and 8th grade) had more than enough players, and Elk Valley Jr. High had just enough for a team.  However, the Elk Valley high school (9 th through 12 th grades) did not have a football season due to not enough players.  West Elk high school did have a full season with enough players for jr, varsity and varsity teams.

So it really is all about sports.
Oh well.
Sports and construction should be way down the list from education, shouldn't they?


There you have it. I posted the actual pay for West Elk USD 282 employees.
But, I question the validity of it because of the games played with me trying to get it and the pay to a couple of people.

First, when I asked for the information the West Elk Staff sent me a scale that showed yearly pay raise steps. Yes, I posted it over there on BOX for you to view. It is public information like everything else I have posted over there. Why do you think they mailed me that with out the $.25 per page and paid the postage and used an envelope, instead of calling me or waiting for me to drop by and pick it up? My opinion is they were simply trying to appease me and hope I would not ask for what I really wanted and had already asked for. You surely don't think they are dumb enough not to understand, do you?

When I resubmitted the same request I said I was not interested in the names of the people. Well the Superintendent told me personally without the names it would take a lot of hand work and take a lot of time. I explained to him it was not my intent to create unnecessary work so if it easier to include the names do so. Well guess what? They charged me for 4 hours of work at $16.35 per hour. Now just imagine, I told the Superintendent not to remove the names because of the excess work it would make, so that makes it pretty simple doesn't it. The bookkeeper should be able to sit down to her computer key board and tap a couple of keys and bring up the proper spread sheet, accounting file for last year and then simply tell the computer with a couple more clicks to tell it to print, right? Just where do they come up with four hours worth of hand compilations from?

No, I don't believe a word of it. They continue to prove they can not be trusted, IMHO.
They called and left a message on my phone that the information I requested was ready and that I would have to pay $65.71 for it. I think they were hoping, I would not show up, guess what they were wrong. I find their attitude very shameful; don't take me wrong they are always very, very polite. But that does not change attitude.

West Elk says they want community involvement, but I really don't think they do. What do you think?

While looking at the pay records they gave me, please, notice that it says the School Superintendent only made $29,846.45 and as director of  SPED he was paid another $71,500 ( I believe that SPED stands for Special Educational Director). For a total of $101,346.45 now you need to remember the additional expenses involved with that figure. The extra employment benefits like health insurance, paid vacations and something like 7% the employer pays into social security. I'm not sure, I know all of the expenses of an employee; you can help me out here if you wish. This man is extremely expensive for only having a very small school to deal with, IMHO!

But really back to the Salary of the School Superintendent position which pays only $29,846.45. I just don't understand why the Superintendent positions pays less than his subordinate the school principle, the School Principal made $71,312.81? Now that is totally weird IMO! Go figure!

And how many paras does it take to get a great school rather than just an average school?
Would 52 be enough? Count them for your self, please! I could have counted wrong.

Oh, wrong thing to ask, ya get a better school with a bigger building, right?
A building that can hold maybe 1200 kids, do you think that might work?
Do you think that might make for better grades?

Well the building of the new grade school will apparently take about 8 years while the school enrollment continues to decline. But where are they going to get all that extra money to pay 3.3 million dollars to pay for the construction and don't forget the expense of inflation that would need to be added on. And the items they overlook and need to be added in. Where is all that money coming from?

Might I suggest by increasing your property tax by 4 mil every year for the next 8 years.
Providing that they are unable to get that cap raised.  If they manage to get the cap removed, they could go to 6 or 8 or even 10 mil each year, what would there be to stop them? As it is right now to exceed mil they have to ask you for permission by vote, by election.

Oh, they have every intention of making their Taj Mahal and won't stop at anything as long as everyone sits back and says nothing. They don't even want me to provide public documents for you to read; why you think they charged me $65.71 for 5 simple pages.

There have been numerous views and numerous downloads of the documents I have provided. Today alone it has been hit on over fifty times and a lot of downloads.

My Thanks to the people that are interested and reading or down loading the information, it makes my expense well worth while.


Upon looking at your pay information I could not come up with W.E. having 52 paras.  There were about half of that for W.E. and the rest were for Elk Valley and Chautauqua County schools.  Are you aware that USD 282 runs the special education cooperative for W.E., Elk Valley, and Chautauqua County schools? And Mr. Moore is in charge of the coop, and his salary is divided among the three districts.  Each district pays their portion to the coop and paychecks are issued through West Elk to all special Ed employees for all three districts.  Thought that info might be helpful to you.


Quote from: daisy on August 13, 2013, 08:15:20 PM
Upon looking at your pay information I could not come up with W.E. having 52 paras.  There were about half of that for W.E. and the rest were for Elk Valley and Chautauqua County schools.  Are you aware that USD 282 runs the special education cooperative for W.E., Elk Valley, and Chautauqua County schools? And Mr. Moore is in charge of the coop, and his salary is divided among the three districts.  Each district pays their portion to the coop and paychecks are issued through West Elk to all special Ed employees for all three districts.  Thought that info might be helpful to you.

Oh yea I knew Mr. Moore is in charge of the coop and yes I know his salary is divided by W.E., Elk Valley, and Chautauqua County schools? And when I was running for school board I was informed the W.E. pays 75%.

Why isn't this public information made available on the W.E. web site?
They have all that very expensive technology that we the taxpayers pay for?
Don't they know how to use it or is it they want to keep it secret unless some one is forced to pay outrageous prices for it?

Just like all the crap going on with the construction of a new grade school building with one section over here and one section over there. What is with that bullshit? They asked the voters via a bond issue and were told no. Don't they understand? I think they do but I think they have a problem understanding right from wrong and they over see the school our children go to, really!

They choose to ignore what the people vote for or against, don't they believe in democracy?
Don't they believe in the American Way?
I don't think so.

Much like our present President aren't they. Forget the constitution , forget honesty, forget morals is that the key to success in whatever you want regardless of the consequences? And people wonder what is wrong with our country. Really?

I suppose you support this attitude, do you?

Where are they going to get the money from, please enlighten us with your knowledge and Konnections?

I truthfully want to hear from you, where is the money coming from?

Anyone, where is the $3 plus million dollars coming from for all that construction and plush carpeting?
I bet the cost will eventually reach $5 million or more just like the bond issue that was voted down?
I don't wager. But I am willing to put up $100 on this one, $5 million before it's done and over with.
Let the expensive good times for Howard roll. And another $100 that substantial growth will not result from this.
Dream on Howard, Build it and they will come was a fantasy movie, not reality.

Where is the money coming from for all the extra utilities and all the extra maintenance and extra maintenance employees?


I doubt anyone can give a better answer than I have. But if they can let's here it.

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