Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I should have used the word "onset"....as not to confuse  my bad :'( :'(


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
Are they required to answer on a public forum?  

No.  But their continued silence is deafening to some.

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
Isn't the place for questions regarding the propriety of an elected official in the courthouse?

And sometimes in the court of public opinion.

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
Or if someone perceive's impropriety on the part of an elected official, shouldn't it be taken to the county attorney or to the members of that person's political party within the county.

Or some higher official, for that matter.  And what makes you think it hasn't been?

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
Why is this being done on cyberspace?  Why is it being shared with the whole world?  

Why shouldn't it be?  Is there something involving local government that needs to be hidden?

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
Don't you think you can get enough support within the county?

Do you think our questions and the need for answers are totally unsupported by local taxpayers and voters?

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
And by the way, just what is it that you are trying to do?  And don't give me another whole page of words that don't mean anything.  

"Page of words that don't mean anything"... sorta like your posts and those of others that evade the issues being addressed?

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
A simple answer of "we are trying to get Ms. Hendricks out of office" will do, or "we are trying to show corruption within Elk County".  Just what is your motive?

I, personally, have no interest in getting anyone who doesn't deserve to be gotten.  What I want is honest debate, discussion, and truth.  Why does it need to be about 'getting' someone?  As to public corruption, that answer should be self apparent.

Once again, your questions have been answered, ours have not.  Interesting.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


kshillbillys:  By my own definition, I am an idiot, too.  But I do not like the talk about elected officials that is going on without any facts being presented.

Thank you, Mom, you are absolutely right.  I don't have to be told what to think by anyone or about anything.

Ready, don't you think that if there was something wrong, that Mr. Jontra would have had something to say about it.  And the rest of you, don't you think that Mr. Liebau and Mr. Ritz would be doing something about it?

Patriot:  Is this private entity that you are talking about, a business for profit or a non-profit organization for the benefit of Elk County citizens?

Ready:  I never did believe in hanging my dirty laundry out on the line for everyone to see.  Anything that might be wrong in this county should be kept in this county.  I don't like the method that is being used.  There are surely other means to the end, like the ones mentioned in my previous post.  I don't think that calling someone out is the best way to make progress.  It certainly isn't working here, is it?

Two hours later.  I had company drop in and had to let this wait.  I think I have said about everything I need to for now except for one thing.

Ready, if there are things that have been brought out and they are illegal, then it is time for action, not words.  And the legal process is NOT demanding that someone come on this forum and answer questions.  As far as I am concerned the honest, upright citizens of this county will take action if it is necessary.  So far, I haven't seen anything to make that action necessary.

If Patriot and Ross have something that we should all know, then it is time to at least take it to the Democratic Committee for their consideration.  Maybe that isn't the place to start, either.  I don't know, but I am sure that it isn't airing it in front of the entire universe.

Patriot, so you think there is public corruption involved here.  Just who do you think is involved and why?  And don't tell me again about seed money or grants or donations unless you think one or more of our elected officials are pocketing some of it.  And if you make that accusation, you had better be ready to prove it.  As far as I am concerned, it has been posted as to where the money came from and where it went and I don't see any of it being used for the benefit of anyone except the citizens of Elk County.  Just how could ONE of our commissioners pull this off or do you think all three of them are involved.  After all, it does take two votes to pass anything.

I know you are talking about federal grants, etc. which do come from our tax money, but you still have to prove that it is being used to line someone's pocket instead of the intended purpose.  Why can't you name the grants, etc.. the amounts, where and how much went where?


QuoteAnything that might be wrong in this county should be kept in this county.  I don't like the method that is being used.  There are surely other means to the end, like the ones mentioned in my previous post.  I don't think that calling someone out is the best way to make progress.  It certainly isn't working here, is it?

I don't know about whether it is working, ma'am however if "you have nothing to hide, no harm, no foul"
"Calling someone (or in this case, a situation) out is not about one particular person, it is about an entity"

I think your statement says alot about you, Wilma:  "Anything that might be wrong in this county should be kept in this county."
That statement is a very sad state as to anyone in Elk County...if they acknowledge that there is something out of whack.

Tell you what, I will agree to disagree with you, and good luck with your 'own' laundry.

QuoteReady, don't you think that if there was something wrong, that Mr. Jontra would have had something to say about it.  And the rest of you, don't you think that Mr. Liebau and Mr. Ritz would be doing something about it?

Perhaps it is a 2-1 vote then, as it is now?


Quote from: Wilma on May 29, 2011, 04:34:01 PM
And what is even more rude is the continuous harassing of other people.  When it is done via internet it is called "bullying" and isn't just a teen age thing.  Except some "adults" are acting like seventh graders.
You have your opinion, and you are entitled to it,we have ours and are entitled to our opinion. We have not been rude by telling anyone to "Shut the Hell up".
My guess is that was an Elk Konnected, LLC registered member but they are to afraid to have a real conversation.
I don't see where we are harrassing other people we are talking to a company that claims to be here for our good as county citizens.
They have a few followers called volunteers but they won't say who they themselves (Elk Konnected, LLC) are. They just want to use kids as a tool to get our taxdollars with out saying who they are. Why?

Someone said they are well respected people, then why hide? Are they well respected like President Clinton and Monica Lewinski, are they well respected like the wall street people that have drove our country into financial crisis. What??? They are so well respected so they are hiding.

Who are the Elk Konnected, LLC registered members?


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 10:37:48 AM
Please, readers of this forum, don't judge all of us by the majority of the postings on this thread.

Also please don't judge us by the shenanigans of a very few that are involved with elk Konnected, LLC. The few that are in hiding. To cowardly to come forward and have a decent conversation. But are not to proud to write letters as a third person patting themselves on the back.

Instead llok and see for your self who is on the staff of Public Squares Communities,LLC (the company hired by Elk Konnected, LLC) our County Commissioner -- Liz Hendricks
Click the word Staff and read the drop down at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/

See who is listed on Elk Konnected, LLC's webpage --- our County Commissioner ---Liz Hendricks listed as our County Commissioner
and her brother-in-law.
At http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/

See how Elk Konnected, LLC slams one of our communities for not following what Elk Konnected, LLC wanted them to do. They have their own city council them and made their own decisions. I ask is Elk Konnected, LLC going to start telling us where we can shop.
It reads, "In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"? With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service."
The county wide trash service is a private company in competition with other private companies.

Read the letter from or County Commissioner --- Liz Hendricks --- to herself as Elk Konnected, LLC at

Then make up your own mind, and no it's not but a few people in Elk County, that are being taken in by this organization that refuses to talk openly with out an outsider fro Wichita, Kansas controlling every move at so called community conversations. They are anything but community conversations.

Also see http://www.cascity.com/howard/?p=21  about
Our suggestions are to use more aggressively the tools we now have in place.  The Prairie Star published by Taylor News (www.taylornews.org) and the Elk County Forum (www.cascity.com/howard) hosted by Teresa Heilevang.

All area libraries have computer labs and some have wireless capabilities for those who do not have high speed access.


OK, here is someone who can help and, incidentally, also, the place that suspected elected official corruption should be.  Have you tried doing it the right way?

Derek Schmidt, Attorney General
1-888-428-8436 or
1-(785) 296-2215


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 03:45:26 PM
Ready:  I never did believe in hanging my dirty laundry out on the line for everyone to see.  Anything that might be wrong in this county should be kept in this county.  I don't like the method that is being used.  
That's rich, Elk Konnected, LLC does it all over the internet. But we are not to do it. Is that right.
See how Elk Konnected, LLC slams one of our communities for not following what Elk Konnected, LLC wanted them to do. They have their own city council them and made their own decisions. I ask is Elk Konnected, LLC going to start telling us where we can shop.
It reads, "In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"? With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service."
The county wide trash service is a private company in competition with other private companies.

Is that staying in the county or any of the other links of Elk Konnected, LLC.
Is bringing in an outsider to rule over so called community conversations, keeping it in the county.

Where are your ethics? Are you saying asking questions of this organization airing dirty laundry?????

Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected, LLC ?????


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 07:38:15 PM
OK, here is someone who can help and, incidentally, also, the place that suspected elected official corruption should be.  Have you tried doing it the right way?

Derek Schmidt, Attorney General
1-888-428-8436 or
1-(785) 296-2215

Why don't you use that to report the harrassment and bullying you have accused us of?

We want Elk Konnected, LLC to come forward, come out in the open and have a real conversation.
Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected, LLC.


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 07:38:15 PM
Have you tried doing it the right way?

So you are saying that free public speech in a republic is the WRONG way?  Interesting view Wilma, even if wrongheaded. 

Why would legal action be your first approach?  Wouldn't open public discussion and debate be a better first approach in America?  One doesn't even have to be a law scholar or history professor to answer that. Any well taught high school student could see it.

Why would you or others want to restrict or limit free and open discussion?  That's how the leader in Syria is handling things right now.  Sorta like "sit down and shut up."  Doesn't much allow a diverse public to have their say, does it?  Why would you want to prevent others from seeing our questions the responses (or lack thereof) and allowing them to make up their own minds?  Isn't that their choice?

Sunshine is a wonderful disinfectant... No?

Now, who runs was Elk Konnected, LLC and how do they envision the promotion of real growth in Elk County.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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