Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Marcia Moore on July 26, 2013, 08:19:57 PM
Damn!  This is getting old!  Teresa and/or Kjell, where are you?


Why do you want to bother Teresa and/or Kjell?

They have already provided you a way to fix this for your self.

Every e-mail you receive gives you the option to unsubscribe to a thread.

The option for this thread is:

Unsubscribe to this topic by clicking here: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php?action=notify;topic=11780.0

It is in your e-mail click it and then you won't be bothered. Or you could possibly copy and paste the URL in your browser.

Pretty Simple isn't it.

Or is it really --- just Shut Up Ross?


Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 26, 2013, 08:29:58 PM

Many people here that don't belong to the chosen, want to know what goes on when nobody is watching.

Yes, and that fact is galling to progressive elitists who believe they can create some utopian society or who believe that because of their wealth, education or position they are the 'betters' in society.

Quote from: ROSS on July 26, 2013, 09:03:44 PM
Bullwinkle they just want to shut up anyone that asks legitimate questions.

And some of them have been overheard saying exactly that.  Occasionally by members of their own clique who have enough character & good moral fiber to know such an attitude is wrongheaded and who have been willing to say so.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You boys probably already know that the progressives/socialists do not like what you post.

It seems that every now and then, one of 'em will certainly let you know that. 

Bullwinkle, Patriot and Ross:  Stay right in there.


You know what Bullwinkle, I took a tour on some of the different threads and did not see the city office job adveritised on the forum. There is a place for that informat so I am not sure why it was not used.


       You're absolutely right, Maude. I would think a free vehicle for advertising would be used by the cities, or county. I know Batson's and Connie let people know about being closed or other pertinent information, as well as a few other organizations.

      As to the elite and their thinking. I have watched many an old western in which the plot was based on some owner of a mining operation or a cattle baron claimed, " This is MY town, I built this town, it wouldn't exist with out me".

       Seems it went on then, and is still going on in some peoples minds.


Were you aware that Welcome to
West Elk Public Schools are located in Howard, Kansas. - See more at: http://westelk.us/#sthash.3mwYWoiz.dpuf

Just where with in the city limits is West Elk Public Schools located in Howard, Kansas ?

Who is responsible for monitoring the West Elk School District Web Site?

If they are incapable of seeing that this simple lie is discontinued how can they be trusted to monitor anything else on the web site?

What the heck is the WEST ELK SITE COUNCIL and who authorized its formation and who authorized its use of the School districts resources?

You might find their post of their meetings interesting @ http://www.westelk.us/site-council/site-council-minutes/

This appears to me to be a new organization, which has only posted minutes for February and March of this year?

What is their purpose?
What is their mission?
What is really going on?
From reading their minutes it sounds like a special interest group and a Political Action Committee can anyone clarify what it is and who authorized it?

A little further digging into their minutes and I found the following:

Members present: Paula McAlister, Chris Haag, Kevin Weber, Juli Young, Julie Perkins, Kate Perkins, Thad Triboulet, Kay Kelly, Ian Denton, Dana Mills, Gina Wilson

Ian Denton will be the site council's representative, and will provide the May report for the school board. The site council discussed items that should be presented to the school board at the May meeting. These items included how the site council was formed and what our main focus has been this school year.

Who authorized such a monstrosity?

We have a Elected School Board Officials whose job is to work for the citizens who elected them. If they are incapable of doing their job and sanctioned this political group to function on school property isn't it time for some resignations?

Citizens need to get more involved before their property taxes sky rocket. Later after the fact will be too late.

Organization after organizations are being made in Elk County and I see no reason except an attempt to control instead of utilizing the available governing bodies as they are intended. They apparently don't like the system and are attempting to circumvent the system, IMHO!

Correct me if I am wrong, PLEASE!


Quote from: ROSS on July 27, 2013, 09:03:34 AM
Were you aware that Welcome to
West Elk Public Schools are located in Howard, Kansas. - See more at: http://westelk.us/#sthash.3mwYWoiz.dpuf

Just where with in the city limits is West Elk Public Schools located in Howard, Kansas ?

Is this the justification for the questions I asked at an earlier date that I received no answers for?

I quote myself:

Quote from: ROSS on June 19, 2013, 08:16:38 AM
A few more question at this time Mr. Durbin since you appear to be a Howard Booster.

Why do you suppose Howard continues to steal the glory from West Elk about the Boy Track team win in 2008?

Those signs don't truly belong at the Howard City limits, Howard did not earn that accomplishment did they?

Those signs technically belong on each side of West Elk, the school that earned them, don't you think?

The West Elk School is not in the Howard City limits is it?

Or do I have the facts wrong?

Did Howard eventually follow through on moving their city limits?

If they did why isn't the city limit sign south of the West Elk School Grounds?

Can you show me the honesty in all this?

Facts please.

Thank You while we wait for the facts.

Where is the honesty and integrity in Howard and West Elk School District ?

Honestly, Who actually causes the conflicts in Elk County?

Honestly, Who can actually see what the real problems are?


I felt compelled to post the minutes of the West Elk Site Council for two reasons:
•   One in case they decide to delete them from the School Web Site
•   Two for people that may not have PDF capabilities on their computer tablets

West Elk Site Council
West Elk Jr./Sr. Library
Monday, February 4, 2013
Meeting minutes
Members present: Juli Young, Principal, Bert Moore, Superintendent, Mary Mericle, Thad Triboulet, Kate Perkins, Kevin Weber, Chris Haag, Paula McAlister, Ian Denton, Julie Perkins, Teresa Usry, Jackie Gragg, Kay Kelly, Tina Jackson, Gina Wilson.

The meeting was called to order by Juli Young at 6:30 p.m., Monday, February 4, 2013.
First matter on the agenda was election of officers. Mary Mericle moved for the following as a slate of officers: President - Ian Denton, Vice President - Julie Perkins, Secretary - Gina Wilson. Motion passed.

Second item on agenda was Spotlight. Both Chris Haag and Kevin Weber brought items to share with thecouncil.

Chris Haag shared the Backpack Program that will be implemented at West Elk PreK- 12th grades. This is a program designed to battle chronic hunger. Nonperishable food items will be sent home over the weekend for children deemed in need. Right now, there are twenty-one students that will be participating in this program. Numbers can be adjusted as needed throughout the year. Julie Perkins asked about a list of items that could be donated as she has had people in the community that would like to help donate food items. Tina Jackson volunteered to help with preparing the backpacks for students. Bert Moore expressed a desire to look into extending this throughout the summer with help from the community.
The council made their way to the woods shop for a presentation by Kevin Weber. He provided the councilwith a tour of the shop and his classroom. He informed the council about the junior high and high school classes which include basic to advanced woods courses as well as three levels of drafting classes. On average his classes have an enrollment of ten students. Some council members showed concern over the age of some of the equipment used in the shop and the safety issues involved with using the older equipment. A few machines date back to possibly the 1950's. Kevin highlighted a new computerized wood carving machine that the students have been using. When programmed the machine can carve a variety of designs ranging from letters to detailed pictures. Ian Denton asked if Mr. Weber had a budget to work with for purchasing and updating equipment. Kevin stated that his courses are funded partially with Federal money.

The site council returned to the library to continue the meeting.

Next item on agenda regarded school safety. Juli Young provided the council with information regarding school safety. She has been researching information on how to update West Elk's Crisis Plan. There is major concern regarding the safety of our students should a crisis occur. The West Elk campus could be vulnerable to any type of threat. The way the building is constructed with several entry ways, large windows, and disconnected modular buildings makes it difficult to oversee and communicate any threat. Juli has looked into the possibility of hiring a School Resource Officer. She feels the yearly salary would be approximately $32,000 including benefits. Ian Denton asked if the county could share with that expense. Juli stated if that were the case, then our district would have to share the officer with the county's other school district as well as with the county itself. This would not guarantee that an officer would be on campus should a threat arise. She has looked into a program in which the campus would hire its own officer therefore ensuring an officer would always be present during school days as well as school activities. She is in the process right now of detailing the cost and job description to present to the school board. Tina Jackson expressed strong support of this idea. Thad Triboulet asked about a time line to hire an SRO if the school board were to approve the position. It was stated by Juli that if the board were to approve it, the school would begin looking to fill it immediately.

Thad Triboulet and Tina Jackson expressed concern regarding Crisis Management plan. They would like to see a plan developed on paper along with monthly crisis drills practiced by students and staff. Juli stated that she would bring West Elk's Crisis Management Plan to the March meeting.

Juli shared other ideas regarding school safety such as electronic door locks for all entry doors, panic buttons that are a direct link to the sheriff's office, and classroom door locks.
Ian Denton stated that the school district needs to effectively communicate with the community. Bert Moore agreed, sharing that the West Elk web site is currently under construction and will feature links that will possibly contain communication from the board as well as from the superintendent. Bert suggested that the site councilcould also be that link to get reliable information out to the community.
Next meeting will be held in March and Ian Denton will contact members via e-mail with regards to the date and time. Some items to be discussed at March's meeting include a clear vision and plan for the site council, continuation of the discussion of school safety, and a report of the school board meeting.

West Elk Site Council
West Elk Jr./Sr. Library
Monday, March 7, 2013
Meeting Minutes

Members present: Tina Jackson, Kevin Weber, Chris Haag, Juli Young, Mary Mericle, Paula McAlister, Kate Perkins, Ian Denton, Julie Perkins, Stephanie Goff, Thad Triboulet
The meeting of the West Elk Site Council was called to order by President Ian Denton at 6:30 p.m. Ian began the meeting with a discussion about the purpose and vision of the site council. Juli Young presented a handout with information regarding what the purpose of a site council is, and the role a site council has in the educational community. Ian and the council felt this handout was quite helpful in clarifying the site council's purpose and role.
Ian Denton asked Juli Young if she could provide information regarding the February school board meeting. Juli stated that there were three architectural firms present that provided information on how they could help the board with any future endeavors that the board might pursue. These future plans might include items such as roof repair, air conditioning units replaced, ways to become more efficient, etc.

Juli Young also reported that she presented several school safety options that she had previously discussed with the site council. These items included hiring a School Resource Officer, automatic locks on doors, and panic buttons. The board put the SRO to a vote, which failed 3-4. She stated that no action was taken on either the automatic locks or the panic buttons.

Many members of the Site Council voiced their concern as to why the school board is reluctant to pursue school safety issues. The consensus of the site council was that our school campus is vulnerable to issues regarding the safety of West Elk students, whether it be a threat from an outside source, or an issue with custody disagreements among non-custodial parents. Thad Triboulet voiced a concern about the school's liability if students were subjected to a dangerous situation on the school campus.

The Site Council would like to get opinions from the community pertaining to school safety. The council would also like to see an on-going conversation with the school board regarding the safety of our campus.

Paula McAlister requested copies of the Site Council minutes to provide to the school board. Gina Wilson will send these to Paula.

The Site Council members were offered Crisis Management notebooks and a universal procedure handout to prepare thought for future school safety conversations.
Chris Haag reported that the food backpack program is going very well. Mary Mericle also provided positive feedback regarding the backpack program.

The next meeting will be March 28th, at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting concluded at 7:45 p.m.

West Elk Site Council
West Elk Jr./Sr. Library
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Paula McAlister, Chris Haag, Kevin Weber, Juli Young, Julie Perkins, Kate Perkins, Thad Triboulet, Kay Kelly, Ian Denton, Dana Mills, Gina Wilson

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. February 28th.

Ian asked Juli Young for a report on the February Board meeting. Juli reported that she feels as if the school board is concerned with school safety. The board wants to ensure that whatever decisions are made regarding school safety will mesh with future plans for the West Elk campus.
Juli shared with the council that the school board has invited Heckman and Associates back in April to discuss ideas for the school campus. Safety, efficiency, space, and the roof of the main building are among these ideas.

Juli also reported that the board has set three main goals; facilities, kids first (curriculum), and teacher retention. School safety would be addressed in the facilities part of the goals.
Ian asked how the site council could help support the idea of promoting school safety. Juli's response was that Bert would like the site council to give a year-end report in May. This would be a good opportunity for the council to address their concerns regarding school safety.

Ian Denton will be the site council's representative, and will provide the May report for the school board. The site council discussed items that should be presented to the school board at the May meeting. These items included how the site council was formed and what our main focus has been this school year. The council feels that school safety is our primary concern at this time. We, as a group, feel that our school campus is vulnerable due to the number of entries, the amount of windows, and the modulars. The site council would like to see an electric lock system that was presented to them by Juli Young, implemented in the West Elk campus. It is felt that this system could be adjusted to any future changes that could be made to the campus, while helping to maintain a safe environment in the meantime. Members of the council discussed the possibility of future government mandates regarding school safety, and feel it would be wise to get a jump start on the safety situation.

Other matters discussed by the site council included the possibility of putting up signs on the campus stating that video surveillance is in progress, to deter any possible threats. Also the council has asked Juli Young to check with the Fire Marshall about the gates that surround the modulars and whether crash gates could be used to help prevent the easy access to the modulars.
Next meeting is scheduled for April 17th at 6:30.

Isn't this the reason we Elect a School Board of Education?
What is really going on?
Isn't this just another NGO?
So why are they using taxpayers resources?
Are they paying $.25 per page of the handouts?


If one makes comparisons of this new Site Council to the Elk Konnected encroachments into county operations that began in about 2007, this looks much the same only with 'open to the public' meetings.  Making observations, creating suggestions, & acting as an 'advisory' group to elected officials.  In terms of members, it also looks like a subset of the Konnected Klass.  We'll see.

What ever happened to the PTA?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on July 27, 2013, 11:53:34 AM
If one makes comparisons of this new Site Council to the Elk Konnected encroachments into county operations that began in about 2007, this looks much the same only with 'open to the public' meetings.  Making observations, creating suggestions, & acting as an 'advisory' group to elected officials.  In terms of members, it also looks like a subset of the Konnected Klass.  We'll see.

What ever happened to the PTA?

Those are my exact sentiments!
But who can authorize such activity on taxpayer property?
All I see is an NGO and they have no legal right to meet on School Property nor do they have any right to use school property, such as paper and printers and increase the electric bill at the taxpayers expense.

Isn't this the same thinking Elk Konnected, LLC had and did with the county property until called on the carpet.

Isn't it time for the elected officials of the West Elk School District Board to stand up for the majority of the taxpayers and do their job?

Or are they spineless?

Stop the abuses now?

Move the NGO off the taxpayers property, NOW.

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