Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 09, 2013, 05:00:34 PM
Ross, you are talking about Smart boards, not white boards. Research them for yourself to see what they are all about.

Why thank you Diane for correcting that minor error, but I have also heard them referred to as white boards.
I suppose that is because they are white, I don't know.

But at least this error didn't cost the kids and the taxpayers $19,000 and more did it?

Thanks again.


Lets take a look at the LONG-TERM EDUCATIONAL PLAN WEST ELK U.S.D. 282 starting with what the kids told Dr. Christman.  I am going to add my remarks in blue.

I tried to keep everything original but scanning the document into word is not perfect, so if you find an error, I apologize for that.

Only a few people have actually looked at the documentation I provided from the school, so I though I would share a few excerpts in hope to peak your interest. After all it is your tax dollars that pay for all these studies and it may be your property taxes that get increased to build a Taj Mahal. Everyone wants a new gym and others want to build a Community Storm Shelter for Howard at the expense of people across Elk County. If you live in Moline do you want to pay for a Community Storm Shelter for Howard? Moving on!

First what the students had to say to Dr. Christman:

Group: Students?

1.   New facility-the grade school should have their own instead of a trailer park at the north end of the building.
                      Really kids! Do you kids have the money to build a new grade school? No! How about you push to reopen the Moline Grade School? Something that is feasible!

2.   Teachers-the bad ones should go and keep quality, involved with students.
                What? Bad teachers at West Elk? The kids should know right? Good point, do it for the kids.

3.   Better  lunch-Not  enough and improve quality.
                Isn't it claimed that kids learn better when feed properly?

4.   Bullying-"Better  look  out", the teachers  say they  don't know  it is happening-reported by nothing done
                If it is reported how come teachers are unaware> Don't they care about the kids? What happened to, "it's for the kids"?

5.   PDA  (Public Display  of Affection)-Lots  in the halls-way too much.
               Who is tending to the business of kids at school?

6.   Breakfast  is crowded- Grade schoolers everywhere and maybe 1 or 2 tables for high school.
                Cry me a river, we didn't have breakfast at school. Don't you like grade schoolers? Where are those social skills you are       supposed to be learning at West Elk?

7.   Shared gym with elementary.
                Better than no gym isn't it?

8.   Always feel prepared  for the next grade level-middle school math teacher (former) always had us very prepared.
               Does this only happen in the math class? What about the other classes?

9.   Scholarship  lady is awesome.
10.            Smaller  class size is a plus.
11.            Gym- We need better equipment and weight facilities. Wrestlers practice in the cafeteria. We need a 2nd gym.
                There is a great difference between need and want. Things have been working great for a couple of years and can continue if the proper social skills are used. Unless you kids have the money to pay for all your wants. Perhaps those people that have land leases and making $3 million a year from the wind farm will buy your wants for you, do you think you might consider asking them?

12.   New gym floor.
                Now you kids are maintenance experts, amazing! Ever heard of repairs?

13.   AC in gym.
               Oh heck lets just build a sports club, put in a sauna so you can sweat on demand, how about an inside Olympic swimming pool. After all it is only money and what is an education with out the very best gymnasium?

14, School board and superintendent need to see the student body. Superintendent should come introduce himself the first day of school.
15.   Better  English  programs@ HS. We need  grammar-less movies and literature. Bring
grammar back! And explain more.

16.   More college prep.

17. Improvements to softball, baseball and football field. Softball girls pick up rocks every practice.
               There we go again sports, sports, sports? Sports extreme!

Group: Students

1.   Money.
2.   Government.
3.   The community-they don't think we need more space because they are not here and don't  understand what it is really like. They are more concerned about their own money.
                 Yes children the adults are concerned about their money and when the don't have it to give to you, you to will be concerned about the adults money. Where do you get your money for food, housing, clothing, medical care, dental care and so many other things provided by your adult parents?

4.   Financial support for extra classes-FACS, Woods and Ag.
5.   Student support is here, but the money  isn't.

6.   Bullying-teachers won't do anything about it. Sometimes if you do tell the teacher it just gets worse. A lot of the bullying        happens outside of school. They tattle at school even if it didn't happen at school. You should not be punished at school for Facebook and Twitter problems outside of schools.
               School Board of Education I don't hear you discussing this problem, why? Isn't it al for the kids?

7.   Social media is carrying into the schools in a very negative way.
               Doesn't the school board of education comprehend the importance of technology?
               Are social media such as facebook and others blocked on that powerful internet ya'all have?
               I know the Elk Valley blocks such things.

8.   Why do the boys get better coaches than the girls?
               Waa! Waa! But yes, why? Is boys sports more important?

9.   Physics is all on the computer and he is not able to teach the class.
                School Board of Education Alert! Alert! High tech apparently getting in the way! Is the kid say this is a bad teacher?
                     Alert! Alert! Alert!

10.   We don't have Driver's Ed, all on-line and drive on week-ends.

Yes, I am a bit sarcastic when the establishment wants to use kids to further their agenda.

"It's for the kids" is a phrase that encourages obfuscation and posturing. It allows self-interest to hide behind self-righteousness and vapid sentiment. It also imposes real costs. The rhetoric of "it's for the kids" makes it easy for serious disagreements about policy or practice to devolve into name-calling and questions of motive.

Spending my tax dollars wastefully is not all about the kids.
Building a Taj Mahal is not about the kids or for the kids. (now that's a real negative, IMHO)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 09, 2013, 05:00:34 PM
Ross, you are talking about Smart boards, not white boards. Research them for yourself to see what they are all about.

Diane I finally  gave your suggestion a little thought, I have been very busy with more important things, so pardon me.

The term whiteboard was used by a salesman at a school board meeting I attended about a year ago.
I observed the display of one and it is simply a white board with a projection computer, projecting on to the white board.
You can get the internet projected on to the white board and even get your facebook or this forum up there.
The sales pitches are great all about enhanced teaching. Sure ya gotta hype those expensive toys to sell them.
Of course you can buy services from companies that can provide anything educational over the internet up on that white board at hefty prices, to further enhance teaching. As a matter of fact, I don't think you need a teacher, much like home schooling over the internet. The possibilities are unlimited through technology. It just depends on how much you want to pay and how you want to use it. It is an expensive toy or an expensive tool that could replace teachers.

Did you notice the kids said a teacher had geometry on the computer but still could not teach the subject?

Diane I suggest you research white boards and here is a link for you.


Ain't this education teacher? I ain't the smartest poster on this forum and I accept that, but facts are facts. And opinions are opinions, right?


      Sure stuck her foot in her mouth on that one. Now she'll tell us all about smart boards, to cover her mistake. ::)


Had some high school boys come by my yard sale other day ,I had a wooden box from  Cuba that had cigers from 1950 something .They had no clue where the hell Cuba was they thouth it was in Russia,when told it was off coast of the USAtold me I was full crap


Quote from: oldfart on July 10, 2013, 09:43:39 AM
Had some high school boys come by my yard sale other day ,I had a wooden box from  Cuba that had cigers from 1950 something .They had no clue where the hell Cuba was they thouth it was in Russia,when told it was off coast of the USAtold me I was full crap

That must be that average education they are receiving and those social skill learned in an average school. I'm sorry to hear they were so rude to you.

You know the State School Board has even said the standards have been lowered so being average shouldn't be to hard. And that why we need to concentrate on building gyms and Community Storm Shelters with the school budget instead of on better education. Oh least we forget thousands and thousands more on those fantastic toys called white boards that can provide internet browsing for the whole class room.

Remember what the kid said about the geometry class with the high tech white board and that the teacher still could not teach the subject? Doesn't that speak volumes about high tech in the class room?

Thanks for letting us know Oldfart.

Perhaps the School Board of Education might take notice if they stop thinking about construction and focus on education?


Or better yet, folks ought to recognize what the government schools really are and place their kids in private school or homeschool.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 10, 2013, 07:25:00 AM
     Sure stuck her foot in her mouth on that one. Now she'll tell us all about smart boards, to cover her mistake. ::)

Now Bullwinkle can't we all, just ---- just get along!

After all I'm human and I make errors too!

I think she may just accept what is an error on her part and let it go, she's human too, isn't she?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


While red makes the best point, oldfart's experience more closely reflects our current reality.  Until citizens & parents wake up to the folly of turning children over to the government for indoctrination, they could at least hold the feet of elected officials & elites to the fire and demand something that at least resembles reasonable education.  What oldfart experienced, I opine, is far too common.

You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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