Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Okay, some new information has surfaced concerning Elk County and I am looking for more information concerning it. Therefore, I thought, I'd ask if anybody knows anything they can share with all of us, and as well to inform those that don't know about it.

There is another study taking place it is called
"Assessing Community Engagement in Wind Farm Development"
                   by a few people at the Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260.

It appears they are  asking certain people to participate in a focus group discussion / individual interview designed to explore their  views on wind energy projects within the state of Kansas.

Now, what I would like to ask you folks out there that are in the know is :

And what s our Elk County Economic Development Employee working on that might bring I ear 1,200 to 2,500 people to Elk Count?
I believe weave a righto know as we are the people that pay her wages.

Would you know who it is that has commissioned this study?
I would like name's not just the name of some group, please?

I would also like to know is if Liz Hendricks, the self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC and President of Public Squares Communities, Inc is involved in this study?

I would also like to as how Elk Konnected, LLC and/or Public Squares Communities, Inc is involved in this study?

I would also like to ask what the purpose of this study is?
What is it that the people that commissioned this study are hoping to achieve?

Why don't they utilize our Elk County Forum to contact more people and post their questions here to get a better sampling of the Elk County community?

Why are Elk County citizens being kept in the dark as to the reason for this study?

I haven't read any thing in our local newspaper, have you?

Why are Elk County citizens being kept in the dark as to the reason for this study?

Just asking what is really going on?  

Any sincere answers would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Oh and what is it that the Elk County Economic Development Employee is working on that I hear  may bring 1,200 to  2,500 people to Elk County?  I believe We have a right to know, as the people that pay her wages?  


May I suggest that you contact either of these two WSU professors for details concerning this study you're wondering about.  They have both been involved with a grant funded by the U. S. Department of Energy titled "Community & Organizational Participation in the Process of Wind Farm Development".  I'm guessing this study you've mentioned may be a part of that grant.  Their email addresses are:  deborah.ballard-reisch@wichita.edu   and  chuck.koeber@wichita.edu      If you do make contact with either or both of them and get enlightened, please share your findings with us, so we are not "kept in the dark". 


 I have contacted the people doing the study and I have received an e-mail similar to this one.
Except mine did not include the statement about Liz Hendricks. I am posting a copy of some one else's e-mail that was forwarded to me. I have removed that persons name because I do not have their consent to use their name.

The e-mail follows:

Thank you for allowing Liz Hendricks to share your email address with us for possible inclusion in our assessment of the Caney River Wind Farm Project in Elk County. I am working with Dr. Deborah Ballard-Reisch. She is a professor at WSU working on community engagement in wind energy decision-making. Elk County and decision-making about the Caney River project is our fourth Kansas case analysis and is an extension of the prior project. We are not for or against wind energy development. We firmly believe decisions about wind development should be made within communities. We don't view wind projects as sustainable without community support, so we are working to identify "best practices" for engaging communities in wind energy decision making. The Caney River project appears to be unique in a number of ways. First, project decision-making appears, at least on the surface, to have been more open and transparent than prior projects in Kansas. Additionally, Governor Brownback's decision to expand the boundaries of the Flint Hills also impacted wind development in Elk County. These are elements of decision-making important to our understanding of the development of the Caney River Project in Elk County. So, we need your opinion. I am writing to ask your participation in our process. There are three options you can select:

1) We would like to hold focus groups with citizens in Elk County to discuss issues of participation in decision-making and the benefits/costs you believe these decisions have had on the county (approximately 60-90 minutes per discussion).
2) We would like to conduct individual phone interviews with citizens in Elk County. Your perspective on the Caney River Project and wind energy development in Elk County is important (20-30 minutes interview at your convenience).
3) If you would prefer, you may answer the attached questions and email / mail your responses back to us. If you choose this option, we ask your permission to call and briefly follow up to clarify any questions we might have about the data you provide (10 minutes).  

We would like to complete this process by the end of April, 2013. As always, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Deborah Ballard-Reisch with any questions you may have.

An informed consent document and the questions are attached.

Pamela K. O'Neal
Academic Writing Specialist
WSU School of Nursing
534 Ahlberg Hall

Deborah S. Ballard-Reisch, PhD
Kansas Health Foundation Distinguished Chair in Strategic Communication
Elliott School of Communication
Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260 - 0031
Phone: (316) 978-6066
FAX:  (316) 978-3006
Email:  Deborah.Ballard-Reisch@wichita.edu
WWW: www.wichita.edu/esc

This raised my curiosity. I am wondering what the final disposition of this study will be.


Quote from: ddurbin on April 19, 2013, 09:02:15 AM
May I suggest that you contact either of these two WSU professors for details concerning this study you're wondering about.  They have both been involved with a grant funded by the U. S. Department of Energy titled "Community & Organizational Participation in the Process of Wind Farm Development".  I'm guessing this study you've mentioned may be a part of that grant.  Their email addresses are:  deborah.ballard-reisch@wichita.edu   and  chuck.koeber@wichita.edu      If you do make contact with either or both of them and get enlightened, please share your findings with us, so we are not "kept in the dark".  

Thanks Mr. Durbin I appreciate your response.

I have over the last three days been in contact with three of the investigators listed in the paper work for the study.

I have also received an e-mail to participate.  I am just looking for answers before choosing or not to participate.

I have just received the following information from Deborah S. Ballard-Reisch, PhD
Kansas Health Foundation Distinguished Chair in Strategic Communication
Elliott School of Communication
Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260 – 0031

(I will tell you I deleted a couple of things of little interest to shorten this a bit.)

The informed consent document indicates that this study was funded by the DOE. No one commissioned the study. I am part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers from WSU and K-State who applied for a grant from the DOE to do this work. Most of them are engineers. My emphasis is social sciences (people).

As a community-based participatory researcher, my question and interest is the extent to which communities have been engaged in wind energy decision making. I belief this is critical to the sustainability of projects. Wind development is not necessarily appropriate for all communities and thus, their involvement in decision making in this regard is critical. This was a novel question as the involvement of communities has been under researched.

This is my personal line of research. We give final reports to everyone involved in our work. Elk County results will be added to our report from prior case studies and disseminated to participants. The participation of individuals in this study is confidential as is the norm in social science research.

But I still curious what will become of this study and I plan to ask her.

Since this is funded by tax dollars I feel we have a right to know.


I feel I have finally received some very satisfactory answers to my questions from Deborah at Wichita State University.

I was informed Elk Konnected, LLC nor Public Squares Communities, Inc are not involved in this study.

And that Liz Hendricks only provide a few names and e-mails to these people.

No I am glad to get that cleared up.

I also received the following e-mails from Deborah:
Subject: Re: Wind Energy

Hi Ross,

Wind development is happening in Kansas. As I stated before, I'm a community - based researcher - meaning that I value the input of communities and their engagement in decision - making. It is our hope that our work will lead to a set of "best practices" for community involvement in wind energy decision - making that will benefit all parties involved in the decision making process. I am not pro or anti wind. I think communities need to make development decisions for themselves and I support open process with all interested parties at the table.

I invite you, given your strong perspective on the development in Elk County to respond to our study questions. If you have any other recommendations for our inquiry, please let me know.


And again.

Subject: Re: Wind Energy

Hi again,

We send copies of our reports to everyone who has participated. We also present our work to the rest of the researchers on the team and at academic conferences. I hope our work will be published. We are working on a manuscript from our first set of three case studies that I hope will be done by the end of summer.

And I have every intention to participate.
And I hope to read the published report.


When will Elk Konnected, LLC consider options other than just spending OPM (Other People Money) or a least consider spending it wisely?

Well, I have been harping on the Konnected President of the West Elk School District USD 282 and his followers about adding onto the school building, essentially building a Taj Mahal for Howard. Also, I have been harping about leasing the new church building next door for use as another gymnasium. Well, I really believe that they have decided to ignore any discussion of creative thinking or sometimes referred to as critical thinking. Even though there has been some talk of teaching critical thinking to the school children at the school board meetings., to me it appears they fail to practice these methods themselves, so how in the world would they know if these methods were being taught?

I have suggested that there is a lack of need for adding on to the present building, which I was informed, was designed to hold 600 children and only has 300 children enrolled.

I suggested that the school board should concentrate on class room education instead of spending, spending, spending. They even discussed increasing property taxes, the mil levy to build onto the school building. It can be increased by 4 mil they said during a recent school board meeting.

I could go along with a property tax increase if it would improve student education and I'd bet most taxpayers would agree with that. But what the Konnected President of the West Elk School District USD 282 and his followers are mostly interested in is expanding and in my opinion deducted from observing and listening is mostly for the purpose of sports not education.

Why don't we have a blue ribbon school if the education of our children at West Elk USD 282 is so grand? It really shouldn't be that difficult should it? Considering, Especially, since Kansas has lowered the educational standards drastically over the years!

We keep hearing that West Elk meets or exceeds the much lowered standards. But I believe we are only receiving a big smoke job, a smoke screen about that if you will?

The school board members at one recent meeting were informed by the school superintendent that a performance or evaluation report could be done on the coaches and the school board appeared surprised that they could ask for such reports. And they then said they would like to have that report. Please notice, this is about sports not real education. You know that pesky stuff called reading, writing and arithmetic, science or others.

The state requires that the board is provided with, I believe a minimum of two reports every year to the school board on all teachers. And I bet the school board doesn't realize that they can require monthly reports from the school superintendent on each and every teacher if they want. Or perhaps even more frequent. My question is how, do the school board members know what is actually going on without such reports. Every job, I ever had, I received job evaluations and on one job continuous evaluations.

If you recall, I was in the running for school board! But I decided to withdraw, because I had just started studying the Kansas State Department of Education web site and other web sites to prepare for the job. I just didn't feel, I had enough time to be adequately prepared for the job, if I were to be elected.

Well, I am still learning.
I did receive 6 votes even though I withdrew, if that tells you anything.

Yes, West Elk USD 282 seems to acquire or provide plaques for a few classes each year but what does that prove if they are teaching at such lowered Kansas standards? They claim to be out performing other school districts, again what does that prove, if it is at the reduced Kansas standards of teaching?

Is our school district required to maintain these lowered Kansas standards or can they exceed them?

Don't we live in a more connected world outside of Elk County, where our children will be required to understand what they read?  Or is this lower standard, a way to keep the children here at home in Elk County, so as to increase the County population for economic development reasons?  Really, what is the thinking about education?

Is this the standards these Elk Konnected, LLC folks want for all of the children of Elk County?

Is this the Quality of Life that the Elk Konnected, LLC folks want for all of the children of Elk County?

Will the Konnected President of the West Elk School and his followers reconsider their way of thinking and bring up the teaching standards for Elk County children?

Does the Konnected President of the West Elk School district 282 and his followers want the Children for Elk County to have the very best education they can get?

Copied from the Elk Konnected, LLC web site:
Vision Statement
Strong families. Solid education. Superior Lifestyle. "Stay with us as we grow!"

So where does Elk Konnected, LLC really stand on education?
Or is it just about sports where they stand?

I see the from the front page of the newspaper that Elk Konnected, LLC has been providing lessons on the weekends for a few of Elk County children, once again on how to play soccer. That is nice entertainment for a few people and a few children, but that is where it end, isn't it? Are there any soccer teams in the area are there any plans for soccer teams?

If no, what good is this exercise except to get Elk Konnected, LLC printed on the front page of the local newspaper?
What value is there in sports education if there is no where to use it?

Which is more important to the Konnected President of the West Elk School District USD 282 and his followers, building a Taj Mahal, sports or teaching a real education for all the children of Elk County.

How much is the School District going to be paying the church for the use of their church building?

Couldn't those good Christians just allow the children to use their building without having to make money off of them?
After all it's all for the children right?
Where is the churches good will towards Elk County children?
Aren't there any Elk Konnected, LLC members that are members of the church?

How much will those hydraulically operated basketball goals for use at the leased church cost?
How much will it cost to maintain those basketball goals.  
How much will it cost the school district to provide a person to do janitorial maintenance and service at the church?

Okay, I have stepped out and stepped into it again. But I want all you folks out there to ignore everything, I have put down here in words.        Because it is just my own thoughts , nothing more.

Happy Spring Everyone.


QuoteThe state requires that the board is provided with, I believe a minimum of two reports every year to the school board on all teachers. And I bet the school board doesn't realize that they can require monthly reports from the school superintendent on each and every teacher if they want. Or perhaps even more frequent. My question is how, do the school board members know what is actually going on without such reports. Every job, I ever had, I received job evaluations and on one job continuous evaluations

I swore I would not come back to this, Ross....however...happy Spring to you!
you see, the above quote from you is exactly the problem:  with your tax dollars, we get to see what is going on.
If the kids are doing par and somewhat in that vicinity that is great!  Teachers be damned!   What do THEY know?  (I studied to become one....it was the school board that made me realize I was a lateral thinker, not a vertical one.  I declined)
However, it is the Sports program that brings in the revenue, especially if they are in the running for championships, and you would be hard pressed to say different.
Sports  + winning = revenue for the school.

Who cares if the quaterback can't speel mush???
<<<<<<takes tongue out of cheek

ready....to get knuckles hit with ruler


Hi Ready,
Happy spring to you too!
And as always good to hear from you.
It was a beautiful day today, and I sure hope we don't get any more of those cold fronts this spring. I did appreciate the 1 3/4"of rain I got with it. I understand others got more and I'm happy for them too!

I won't argue at all about the sports, it's just that we are told how well the school is doing.
But they don't say that is it because Kansas standards have ben lowered well below the national standards.

And my main concern is why the school board is so intent on spending so much money and time and effort on unneeded brick and mortar rather than on more class room effort.

Is the school board up to the challenge of improving all of the kids education ?

Really what should the main interest of the school board be?
  A. Sports
  B. Better Education Standards
  C. More Brick and Mortar

As parent, do they want to give their child every advantage in life, if so it's a no-brainer that they would want to try boosting their child's intellect? And as well, wouldn't that apply to all of Elk County children?

With Kansas standards so much lower than the national standard, It would appear to me that they would want to increase their efforts to surpass the Kansas state standards and shoot for the national standards.

Doesn't the Konnected President of he school board want to live by his NGO's mantra ?
Copied from the Elk Konnected, LLC web site:
Vision Statement
Strong families. Solid education. Superior Lifestyle. "Stay with us as we grow!"

Don't they want the children of Elk County to grow through better education, a sold education in order to have that Quality of life they talk about that would lead to Strong Families.

Will brick and mortar increase the standard of learning at West Elk?
If so, I'd really like to know how!

Oh and the school board has paid to have two studies performed at taxpayer expense, have any of the taxpayer's seen the final results of either study? I believe they didn't like the results (meaning they did not get what they wanted) from the study performed by all those college teachers/professors (they probably said the school district did not need a larger building)  and had the second one performed. Just my opinions and thoughts that's all.


Kansas Has Low Performance Standards


We do Kansas kids no favors by telling parents we have high standards. It prevents kids from reaching their full potential and having the opportunity to succeed. In fact, achievement standards were lowered in 2002, again in 2006, and now rank amongst the lowest in the country.

Even with the lowered standards, only 56% of Kansas 11th graders fully understand their reading material - while state reports tell us that 89% are meeting state standards. Full comprehension is not required to "Meet Standard" and be "Proficient" in Kansas.

Too many kids are not able read well enough to succeed  and lowered standards do not help prepare our children for the future.

They end up having to take remedial reading when they enroll in college because they do not comprehend what they read

USD#                                                                         Approaches
District              Year                                                     Standard         Meets Standard      Exceeds Standard         Exemplary
282   West Elk   2012   11   All Students                           5.6 %                  44.4 %                    38.9 %                      5.6 %


USD#                                                                         Approaches
District              Year                                                     Standard         Meets Standard      Exceeds Standard         Exemplary
462   Central   2012   11   All Students                             3.7 %              14.8 %                       40.7 %                        37.0 %

Which is more important Mr. Konnected School Board President building

                                             A) A Better Educational System for the Kids Future ?
                                              B)          A Taj Mahal ?

Wouldn't it behoove you as the school board facilitator to concentrate on educating all the children of West Elk towards a much better future for them?

So what direction is West Elk going to take with the Elk County Taxpayers dollars, Brick & Mortar or Superior Education?

Oh, lets not forget about sports over education, shall we?

I guess we will just have to wait and see, won't we?

What are the real priorities in education, Mr. Konnected School Board President do you plan to help all the kids ofWest Elk succeed in life or not?                                          


Quote from: ROSS on April 27, 2013, 05:00:43 PM

Kansas Has Low Performance Standards


We do Kansas kids no favors by telling parents we have high standards. It prevents kids from reaching their full potential and having the opportunity to succeed. In fact, achievement standards were lowered in 2002, again in 2006, and now rank amongst the lowest in the country.

Even with the lowered standards, only 56% of Kansas 11th graders fully understand their reading material - while state reports tell us that 89% are meeting state standards. Full comprehension is not required to "Meet Standard" and be "Proficient" in Kansas.

Too many kids are not able read well enough to succeed  and lowered standards do not help prepare our children for the future.

They end up having to take remedial reading when they enroll in college because they do not comprehend what they read

You think these are bad just wait til common core is totally integrated into the schools here.  Saw a math lesson they teach that is based on common core, they taught 1 math problem and thats it the whole hour.   They are not allowed to stack the numbers but have to group them into boxes and then through a convoluted process come up with the answer. We are talking labor intensive bull****.  Stack the numbers and teach them the proper way to do math folks!

Reading skills will go to hell when they cut off reading of classic literature.  You can kiss their futures goodbye with this common core dumbing down even further of our schools.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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