Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Speaking of UN Agenda 21, have you been to any Konversations or talked to anyone lately who used any of the keywords listed below?

Thanks to Rosa Koire and her team at Democrats Against Agenda 21 we have this comprehensive list of key words and phrases that are often used at the local level when discussing Agenda 21 related initiatives.

Affordable housing  
Ballot Box Planning   Benefit of all   Benefits-Driven   Buffer Zones
Cap & Trade  Choice  Climate Change  Common Core Curriculum  Common good  Community Protocol
Comprehensive planning  Consensus  Conservation Easement

Direct instruction  Downzoning
Endangered species  Environment  Environmental Impact Report (EIR)  Environmental Justice  Equity
Facilitator  Fair
General Plan
 Global Warming  Good Business Sense  Grants  Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions  Greenways
Growth management
Habitat  HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Communities  Healthy Communities Strategy
High Speed Rail  Historic preservation  Housing Element
Inclusive  Inter-disciplinary  International baccalaureate
International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)  Invasive species
Jobs-Housing Connection
Land Use Policies  Lifelong learning  Livable communities  Local Governments for Sustainability
Metropolitan Planning Organizations  Mixed Use Development  Modeling  Multi-Use Dwellings
New Economy  New Urbanism  New World Order
One planet communities  Open Space  Outcome based education  Outcomes
Parking Policy  Precautionary approach  Precautionary Principle  Preserve
Priority Conservation Areas
 Priority Development Areas (PDA)  Prosperity  Protect
Public/Private partnerships
Quality of life

Redevelopment  Regional  Resilient Cities  Responsible development  Restoration
Safe Routes to Schools  Sanctuary  Scenic views and vistas  School to work
Sensitive Lands  Smart growth  Smart Streets  Social justice  Stack and Pack Housing
Stakeholder  Sustainable communities Initiative  Sustainable communities partnership
Sustainable communities strategies  Sustainable development  Sustainable Economic Development
Sustainable medicine
Three "E"s of Sustainablity - Equity, Economy, Environment
 Traffic calming
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)  Transportation Justice  Triple bottom line
Upzoning  Urban Growth Boundary  Urban - Rural revitalization
Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax  Vibrant Neighborhoods
Vision  Visioning Meetings
Walkable Communities
Watershed  Wetlands  Wildlands

(Emphasis added)
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I have seen  a lot of those key words on various web NGO web sites!

I wonder if those running the NGO's are just doing it for an income and have an attitude of
"The Devil May Care" , but I don't as long as I am making a big income, is that the attitude?

Perhaps they are to smart to understand what is really going on!
Perhaps some are to smart to understand what harm socialism can do!
Perhaps some are to smart to understand what spend, spend , spend can do!
Perhaps some are to smart to understand what unnecessary debt can do!

i have known a half a dozen people with Mensa IQ's all nice people, only one exceeded all the other smart people.
Why you may ask!
The one that exceeded had something the others lacked, simply common sense.

One of them had a couple of college degrees and lived in the city, but lacked the common sense to hold down a job!

Go figure!

And those that are to smart to learn in my opinion need to be watched to prevent heaping failure on everyone else.

Just look at the mess some of our major cities, just look ot our federal government.

We all need to be vigil in my opinion.


My exact sentiments and this includes anything I say.
If it don't fit your needs and common sense ignore it. Very simple isn't it.
If you believe it can't happen here just because we live in the US of A, that's your choice.
I personally believe that's what the UN want's us to believe, that my choice.
Who would have believed Pearl Harbor could happen?


 It is my opinion that NGO's trying to tell us how to live, or how to work, or how to spend our tax dollars with their liberal and socialist attitudes is just wrong.

And now even liberals in Vermont are tending to agree as I read it in the article I am about to post.

But first did you realize that if you own a gun you may be referred to as a fanatic or worse a terrorist in your own country?

and second you can be proud of our little wind farm that is owned by an Italian owned Company which is 1/3 owned by Italy, but I'm not. Why? Because all the profits, how many millions, I don't know, but they go to Italy. Great Economic Development for our country isn't it.

Read this article about Vermont and what the liberals and the fanatics, socialists, professors and lumberjacks are saying.

In Liberal Vermont, a Secession Movement Rises
By Neal Colgrass,  Newser Staff
Posted Mar 24, 2013 10:57 AM CDT

(NEWSER) – It's not only Texans: A small but dedicated band of Vermont activists also want to secede from the Union, Prospect.org reports. Railing at the effects of big business and bureaucracy on daily life, they speak at the state legislature, get bills introduced, and run candidates—though none so far have won. What marks this unlikely group of socialists, professors, lumberjacks, and gun fanatics (among others) is their fierce spirit of independence: "Left or right," says a leader of the movement, "who wants to be associated with such a shabby creature as the United States?" Among their grievances:
•   Canadian companies own state hydroelectric plants to produce energy for export
•   Timber sent to China so locals can buy it back on credit as "shoddy" furniture
•   Vermont drinking water sold for pennies on the dollar and sold back in bottles at double the price of gasoline
Even leading "seceshers" realize the feds will oppose secession, so they're promoting a gradual withdrawal of nullifying federal laws and embracing local economics. Their latest litmus test: Residents' hard work recovering from Hurricane Irene before FEMA showed up. "There was palpable pride in the town and its people and a distinct we-ain't-waitin'-for-no-gubmint attitude," said one resident. "We could have easily continued for several more weeks and longer." (But Vermont and Texas aren't the only ones who want out.)

Now, I believe that is the right attitude, not the hiding out attitude of NGO's.


Putin expelled the American NGO's from Russia.  Rightly so.
The NGO's promotion of democracy is nothing more than a front for communism.

Can you name a local NGO in your county?


Does any of this attitude sound little bit familiar?

It is important to overcome confrontation and to foster a climate of genuine cooperation and solidarity.
I think that means any way you can bullshit the people into doing it.
Progressive Liberals pursue their single agenda of local governance within a failed scriptology.
Maybe because a few people are watching, locally that is, don't ya think?
Yea I plagiarized some of these words fro the article below, so what?
I think it fits right here in Elk County.

Emphasis added.

The study of gravity on rain fall.
It failed to get off the ground but just the same, how much time and money was wasted stopping it?

But there is more in the article. Okay Agenda 21 abuse!

Granted, one record Winter does not a glacier make
March 26, 2013

In the two plus years I have confronted Global Government under the guise of United Nations Agenda 21 and sibling ICLEI, the most important thing I have learned is debating facts with Progressive Liberals is a total waste of time and in some cases threatens lifelong friendships.  I look no further than "GLOBAL WARMING" that puts a happy face on every liberals' dream, free money, at some one elses' expense.
From inception Agenda 21 has no other purpose than redistribution of global wealth.  In 1992 Sustainable Development created this 351 page document http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf.  Within the United Nations' very own documents creating Agenda 21 they openly discuss how developed countries must redistribute national wealth to less advantaged countries.  I look no further than the EURO currency with Cyprus, Spain, Greece and Italy.  Each failed economy results in redistribution.  These same planners have designs for USA, Mexico and Canada called the AMERO currency.  When all "stake holders " are equal within a nation and all nations are equal, guess who will assume leadership on a global basis?
Agenda 21 – Chapter 2
"In order to meet the challenges of environment and development, States have decided to establish a new global partnership. This partnership commits all States to engage in a continuous and constructive dialogue, inspired by the need to achieve a more efficient and equitable world economy, keeping in view the increasing interdependence of the community of nations and that sustainable development should become a priority item on the agenda of the international community. It is recognized that, for the success of this new partnership, it is important to overcome confrontation and to foster a climate of genuine cooperation and solidarity. It is equally important to strengthen national and international policies and multinational cooperation to adapt to the new realities."
This makes Johnson County Kansas with the second highest US per-capita income a prime target.  Add current campus contamination and education required to work at Sprint (tele-communications), Garmin (GPS technologies) and Cerner (digital medical records) as major employers provides the Petri dish of incubation.  Enter a few career part-time politicians asking for more free stuff and that explains much of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) that continues surfacing as a funding source.
But here I sit, knee deep in snow March 25, 2013.  Kansas Spring started last week.  Firewood is in and fireplace is consoling a sense of normalcy with the crackling.   Heat lamps on in the barn and henhouse.  I heard on CNN and MSNBC of record snows and low temperatures across most of the Northern Hemisphere.   My mind possibly wounded from frost bite remembers back one year ago when, I shiver at the thought.
« County has part-time citizens playing part-time czars.
Granted, one record Winter does not a glacier make
March 26, 2013 by nolathe
In the two plus years I have confronted Global Government under the guise of United Nations Agenda 21 and sibling ICLEI, the most important thing I have learned is debating facts with Progressive Liberals is a total waste of time and in some cases threatens lifelong friendships.  I look no further than "GLOBAL WARMING" that puts a happy face on every liberals' dream, free money, at some one elses' expense.
From inception Agenda 21 has no other purpose than redistribution of global wealth.  In 1992 Sustainable Development created this 351 page document http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf.  Within the United Nations' very own documents creating Agenda 21 they openly discuss how developed countries must redistribute national wealth to less advantaged countries.  I look no further than the EURO currency with Cyprus, Spain, Greece and Italy.  Each failed economy results in redistribution.  These same planners have designs for USA, Mexico and Canada called the AMERO currency.  When all "stake holders " are equal within a nation and all nations are equal, guess who will assume leadership on a global basis?
Agenda 21 – Chapter 2

"In order to meet the challenges of environment and development, States have decided to establish a new global partnership. This partnership commits all States to engage in a continuous and constructive dialogue, inspired by the need to achieve a more efficient and equitable world economy, keeping in view the increasing interdependence of the community of nations and that sustainable development should become a priority item on the agenda of the international community. It is recognized that, for the success of this new partnership, it is important to overcome confrontation and to foster a climate of genuine cooperation and solidarity. It is equally important to strengthen national and international policies and multinational cooperation to adapt to the new realities."

This makes Johnson County Kansas with the second highest US per-capita income a prime target.  Add current campus contamination and education required to work at Sprint (tele-communications), Garmin (GPS technologies) and Cerner (digital medical records) as major employers provides the Petri dish of incubation.  Enter a few career part-time politicians asking for more free stuff and that explains much of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) that continues surfacing as a funding source.
But here I sit, knee deep in snow March 25, 2013.  Kansas Spring started last week.  Firewood is in and fireplace is consoling a sense of normalcy with the crackling.   Heat lamps on in the barn and henhouse.  I heard on CNN and MSNBC of record snows and low temperatures across most of the Northern Hemisphere.   My mind possibly wounded from frost bite remembers back one year ago when, I shiver at the thought.

This presentation was the result of Johnson County Commissioners considering substantial funding to research the effect of gravity on rain.  Public opposition at that time stalled (as in putting the horses back in the barn) that maneuver.  But now in blatant defiance of climatic and peer reviewed science, many if not most of Progressive Liberals pursue their single agenda of global governance within a failed scriptology.

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"
Ken Dunwoody                                                 GOD
Henpecked Acres                                                      One Nation
14850 W. 159th St.
Olathe, Ks. 66062

See the presentation spoke of at http://nolathe.net/2013/03/26/granted-one-record-winter-does-not-a-glacier-make/


I attended a special school board meeting a week ago. Sorry, I haven't had time to post.
I have had a house full of guest for a week and they wanted to spend Easter Weekend in the country. Everyone had a great time. And I had fun cooking all kind of things for a lot of people. What a great weekend. Now, back to the school board of Education thingy.

Nope, no sheriff's deputies were there, just in case you might like to know.
I like them guys, I like them deputies and I give them a howdy every chance I get, I also give them a friendly wave on the highway when I happen to see them.

Oh the special school board meeting, seemed like the same old thing, let's build, let's spend. Just my thoughts and opinions and a suggestion!

One member I am pretty sure is Konnected was at it again. He asked how much is it we can raise the mill levy, is it 5%. Some one responded no it is 4%. So folks, I think we should get prepared to have our property taxes raised by a greedy school district. They don't seem to have education improvement on their minds but building. That is wood or bricks or other materials.

The talk was also about sports and how difficult it is for the basketball teams to practice. The girls High School and Junior High basketball teams and the boys High School and Junior High have trouble practicing. So the school board's only apparent solution is to tax us to death and raise our county property taxes back up to the number one position in the state of Kansas. Good job, good thinking school board. I'd offer a simple cost free solution. Use half court for basketball practice. Then you could practice either both girls or both boys teams at the same time. This would also allow the coaches to help each other and allow the coaches easier communication with their players without having to yell all the way down court. This worked great for the school I attended. Learning positioning was easier for the players and the coaches by being able to communicate easier.

Oh and Dr. Christman's report is in, you know the study done by him after the one done by the college. The studies you and I pay for and don't get to see.
We were invited to be involved in both studies but yet have not been allowed to view either report. I thought the school board of education worked for us, the taxpayers. Am I mistaken?

Yet, another plan by the school board of education is to enter into a contract. A lease with the Church, to use their church building as a gymnasium, another great plan, huh? Anything and any cost to expand and grow and spend tax dollars on sports instead of education.

I think that has been the main goal of the school board of education ever since we got a Konnected School Board president. Notice the word Konnected!

Which leads us to Elk Konnected, LLC

This information taken from Public Squares Communities, Inc's and Elk Konnected, LLC's new web site in my personal opinion is so phony.

And both companies are controlled by Elk County residents, go figure.

I mean with two privately owned companies making these claims and we see absolutely nothing happening. What is really going on?

Is it propaganda?

Could it be considered false advertising?

If any of the local business were continually print or publish or promise things that they could not provide would you shop there?

Read their mission below and please let me know what you think?

We haven't heard anything of Elk Konnected, LLC for months have we?

Oh, that's right a few of them went before the County Commissioners about 2 ½ months ago, begging to save the position that Konnected Kounty Kommissioners made when they had the Kontrolling vote didn't they.

And they were denied, right?
Because they no longer had the controlling vote, did they?

They lost again, right?
No progress for their movement once again.

Here is their most recently published mission statement: (My remarks are in blue)

With the mission statement of "Strong Families, Solid Education, Superior Lifestyle – Stay with us as we grow", the following action teams went to work. Their primary charge is listed below:
•   Community Wellness: create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network   (Failed so far even with years behind it or please show me where?)
•   Community Standards: establish standards in each community (What, how, when, where?)
•   Communication: establish a community-wide publication of all activities and events to patrons  (I am waiting to read it, please disclose it's location.)
•   Physical Image: organize a community appreciation day to clean up our physical image including business, city/county government, civic groups, school working together for each community and in turn so that each community helps other communities    (Didn't we see them try copying fro Elk Valley School district with the West Elk School district and were told NO!)
•   Youth Development: establish a coordinated program in the Elk Konnected community    (Aren't we still trying to find the Elk Konnected community? Where is the youth development? Is it anything like 4-H or Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts?)

Please show us the progress, the accomplishments, please show us something!


One final not, please don't believe a word of this until your property tax goes up, Okay, OK.


Oh, look at that thaar front page of dis weeks paper!

Elk Konnected, LLC  made headlines big bold headlines, wow!
I have been very concerned we would not hear from them, it sure has been an awful long time.
I wonder why other sports event don't get front page headlines, oh well, that's another issue.

They are still trying, good fer them.

Soccer time play is coming up, get them kids out there and let them learn soccer.

What  great exercise for them little boogers.

Maybe someday, some one will follow through and get a soccer league going for our area and the kids can use what they might learn.

Welcome back Elk Konnected, LLC, keep them little munchkins busy.

I'm feeling a bit more sarcastic for some reason today. Got to get back to my rat killing (that is my euphemismfor work I also like to call work --- " Fun", because work s a four letter word.) , I have lots to accomplish.
Have a great spring day everyone.



Two weeks in a row and Elk Konnected, LLC makes giant front page headlines in the local paper for playing with children.

The editor must not recognize the important issues that are tearing our nation apart as news, or issues our nation is facing over seas as head line news.

But, I guess that is okay because we can get that information from the internet.

What I'd like to know is did the Konnected School Board President facilitate getting the contract or lease signed with the Church to lease their church building?
And exactly how much it is going to cost us taxpayers to lease a church building?

Will all the West Elk School District taxpayers have access?

Because we have a Konnected School Board President will Elk Konnected, LLC be permitted access to the building and equipment?

Has the Konnected School Board President facilitated getting the school board to pay thousands of dollars on those fancy basketball goals with electro-hydraulics and stuff to put in the church?

How much other sports equipment will the school board be required to supply inside the church?
And what will that cost the taxpayers?

Will the school board put in weight lifting work out assemblies? You know those machines?

Since the taxpayers are paying for all of this will the taxpayers of West Elk School District be permitted access to the equipment?

Oh how is that building or adding on to the West Elk School building going? Have you hired an architect yet?
Spend, Spend. Spend that mus be what the job is all about, huh?
I'd like to see that replaced with Teach, Teach, Teach! Improve teaching rather than build, buildings that are not needed.
Lease churches that don't need leasing.

Perhaps, some critical thinking and some problem solving technique's and efficiency thinking is in order!

But, I understand spending other peoples money is plum easier.

Ever heard of half court basketball practice, a team on each end. Oh, that's right, I mentioned that here on this thread didn't I!
While talking Elk Konnected, LLC does our county Economic Development Employee,  who happens to be on the Elk Konnected, LLC
Steering Committee have the choice to show up to work at the County Court House if she feel like it or not? Does she have the choice to say I am working at home? I really don't think so, do you? I don't believe we hire people for telecommute jobs in Elk County. If we do will someone please let me know? Thanks!

I have heard we recently had two employees in the road department fired for showing up late for work, but at least they showed up, didn't they?

I hear she claims to be working with two groups, one I have heard, is the restaurant downtown Howard that wants to move out onto the highway, Is that taking up her whole work da, every day.  

But what is the other group?

I hear this other one is suppose to bring 1200-1500 people to Elk County. Yea, that's the rumor! That sounds rather grandiose to me.
Just what could our Konnected Elk County Economic Development Employee be working on?

Who does this Konnected Elk County Economic Development Employee work for?
Is she really working on something and keeping it secret, or is she just goofing off and getting paid for it?
If she is really working on something, if so she has an obligation to the County Commissioners and every taxpaying citizen to tell us the details. With the exception of financial information, unless it is coming out of our pocket.

Why isn't this happening?

She works for the elected County Commissioners, as well as you and me and every property owner/taxpayer in Elk County doesn't she?  We pay her wages!

If I had ever pulled any of these rumored stunts on any employer, I ever worked for, they would not have allowed me to continue working for them.

I think it is time for the County Commissioners to demand some answers and dispel any rumors, don't you?

What is really going on in Elk County?

"Stay with us as we grow!"


Kansas Country Living.

I get that little rag from my utility company called Kansas Country Living.
I guess they think I should appreciate their gift.
Well guess what, I really don't appreciate it.
I can not for the life of me find anything in it that is believable, because they leave so much out of their stories and their information, IMHO!

They make money by sending it to me, because of the advertiser buy space and those advertisers want me to see their goods and services. Well, no thanks to that.

I glance through it and of course every month it seems there is a connection to Elk Konnected, LLC through an article by someone related to Elk Konnected, LLC via Public Squares Communities, INC.  I wonder do they have a marriage license? Just kidding!
I wonder how many more connections there might be throughout the state and the nation?

This April's article is by none other than the self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC and President of Public Squares Inc and an ex-county commissioner of Elk County and ex-head volleyball coach at our own West Elk High School (or something like that).
I think there maybe a whole lot more use-to-be's involved here, but I'm not sure what they are. Would anyone care to help me out with some more use-to-be's. Don't we want to give credit where credit is due?

I'm a use-to-be, I use-to-be employed, until I was forced into retirement.

Oh, the article was about a little town waaay up in North Central Kansas. She talks like it is the ideal place to live.           Really?

Why doesn't she live there if is she is so unhappy about living in Elk County. She started her little NGO because Elk County is so horrible and they were going to straighten everything out. Well, apparently it hasn't worked!

So wouldn't the pristine little town of Palmer without a school, and a population of 111 people and 50 homes (some relatively new) in a town that has a combination bar/café/ and something else at the end of State highway 115 be the ideal place for her to live. Only one home appears to have a cluttered yard and I bet she could get an ordance passed to get it cleaned up.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.31 square miles. And I could not find a  paved road in the town, I tried to cruise the town on Google Earth.. The State Highway 115 ends at the city limits of Palmer and that is where Google earth ends. At least you can cruise our towns on Google Earth.

I made a phone call to Palmer and I spoke with a sweet and very polite little old lady (she sounded that way to me).  Since the article made a statement that the town continued despite loosing it's school I felt compelled to ask when they lost their school. The little old lady asked someone for the book of archives? What, they can't remember, they have to look it up in the book of archives? That's not mentioned in the article that Liz Hendricks, President of Public Squares wrote! I wonder why? She said she spent a whole hour there. Was that really enough time to learn everything about Palmer?

What is the real question she raises about in-home day care in a community at the end of  (literally at the end) the highway. People most likely have to travel to work and in today's world usually both parents have to work. So what is the real question? I bet if ya check there is a least one retired grandparent that does the baby sitting. So what is the real point of the article?
Oh the little old lady, I spoke with said, they had strong winds blow through town sometime back and blew down a bunch of "old" houses. I could not get any dates of when anything happened.

Check out this little town of Palmer at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmer,_Kansas

It to has a declining population if people had chosen to move back why is the population declining? Okay they have add 3 people to the community between 2000 and 2010, wow, what growth.

Historical populations Census Pop. %± 1990 121 – 2000 108 −10.7% 2010 111 2.8%

The median income for a household in the city was $31,042, and the median income for a family was $35,625. Males had a median income of $23,750 versus $19,375 for females. The per capita income for the city was $14,670. There were 8.0% of families and 11.8% of the population living below the poverty line, including no under eighteens and 30.0% of those over 64.

Median Age:50.00 Median Age (Male):50.10 Median Age (Female):49.80

From what I can ascertain their kids are bused at least 22 miles to USD 223 in Barnes, Kansas.

From looking at a state map of the community and Google Earth there are 9 unpaved roads and an abandoned railroad bed in this small town. There is a rather large mill in Palmer.

Sure there are advantages to living in Palmer, just as there are advantages to living where I choose to live and that is here in Elk County.

Any place has its advantages and it disadvantages. But when articles are written and avoid the whole story they are basically useless. IMHO!

I can't think of a better place to live than Elk County.
We do have a few busybody sometimes refered to as the elite, that in my opinion caused a lot of distrust right here in Elk County through their NGO. But, yet providing lollipops for a very small percentage of the county's children as a buffer zone. That is sort of like saying don't knock us because of the children. It's like don't bad mouth a church, have you followed all the wrong doings and knocking of a few of the churches in the news over the last couple of years and other organizations like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and others and how they have came under scrutiny.  Well it is no longer taboo!

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

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