Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Oh, Ross, I was just pokin' ya. Lighten up! You said you watched our Wilmington Court house incident " first hand," so you must have been there!  ;)


      Uh, he never said anything about Wilmington.  ::)


Quote from: Bullwinkle on February 12, 2013, 10:08:50 AM
      Uh, he never said anything about Wilmington.  ::)

Thanks Bullwinkle,
She is hopeless.
She doesn't comprehend this thread is about Elk County, I guess.


Diane Amberg

Ok,I'll bite. If Ross wasn't talking about the seeing the Wilmington court house shooting yesterday ,what was he saying he saw 'first hand?" If I was wrong and I misunderstood, I'm very sorry.
Yes, it was off thread, but Jar brought it up, not me.  See post 5229... Now I ask you ,who was off subject? That came out of nowhere. Now read 5250,written as a reply by Ross.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2013, 11:07:28 AM
Ok,I'll bite. If Ross wasn't talking about the seeing the Wilmington court house shooting yesterday ,what was he saying he saw 'first hand?" If I was wrong and I misunderstood, I'm very sorry.
Yes, it was off thread, but Jar brought it up, not me.  See post 5229... Now I ask you ,who was off subject? That came out of nowhere. Now read 5250,written as a reply by Ross.

Do you lack comprehension or are you faking it, to make the threads all about you?
He was saying you should pay attention to your problems in your own back yard in Delaware following your remarks about Elk County business. I did not hear any thing representing pity. It was rather simple.
Elk county Court House is in Elk County Kansas and your court house is in Wilmington, Delaware, Get it?

Here was the important line he posted:

Quote from: jarhead on February 11, 2013, 04:18:48 PM
Maybe someone should try to clean up their own back yard before trying to cure all the ills of Elk county .

Is that clear enough? Start a Wilmington, Delaware thread if you think some one is interested here in Kansas.

Why don't you take a minute or two, no more than that please and tell all you know about Elk konnected, LLC?


This is in response to several statements from Ross in post #5247.

Alumni engagement and attraction is a segment of Economic Gardening.  Economic Gardening and Youth Development are both parts of the Entrepreneurship segment of Community Economic Development.

Elk County will never have enough, and/or the right kind, of several forms of capital to go chasing smokestacks, ie Industrial Development.  It does have the resources and amenities within many different forms of capital neccessary to persue a Community Economic Development course of action. 

One based on a focus on the creative class through Entrepreneuership Development, Small Business Creation and Retention, Tourism Development, and Youth Development.

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Dream on.

None of that will bring any jobs to Elk County today, that could possibly increase population, by any decent amount of people to do much good economically.

Youth Development is far more than lollipops and hoolahoops.
And Elk County has plenty of youth development through the organizations all ready discussed.
And if you are going to rely on Child Development for growth, my guess is very few will return because there is no work, and if you are depending on them for population growth good luck with that, twenty years from now.

For economic growth now, you need something that brings more outside money into the county now.

Relying  on a very few people, for instance like me, who has brought money from outside this economy won't do it either.
Not enough people like me that move here in retirement to effect a great difference. I did work very hard for many years to earn my retirement and now it is being used to help Elk County, but it just isn't enough. And if you had another hundred like me . it still wouldn't be enough.

What was the county population thirty years ago, something like 10,000.
And the merchants were all getting wealthy, right.
Isn't that economic development?

So, it sounds like to me that your plans would be to wait twenty years and see what happens.
Therefore there really is no need for an economic employee is there.

How many restraunts and gas stations and beauticians and barbers and hardware stores and fitness centers and beer joints and grocery stores can survive with the present population or even if you were to add a hundred more.

Why are people leaving Elk County, have you figured that out?

Is it because there are no real jobs here and the cost to travel to and from work is getting more expensive?

By the way what is the chamber of commerce doing for economic development?
They are the merchants and work for the merchants right?
What is their business plan to boost profits for the merchants?
Isn't that the main reason for economic development to increase merchants profits?

It looks to me that the non-konnected County Commissioners have done far more for the County as far as Quality of Life then anything done in a very long time.

But now how about telling about Elk Konnected and their followers plans for improving the Quality of Life in Elk County?

I know you can not answer that and will therefore ignore the question of give excuses.

You see we can not get a straight answer about Elk Konnected and haven't been able to for almost two years.

They talk the talk but don't walk the walk, right?
Sorry, the truth sometimes hurts.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on February 12, 2013, 09:22:27 AM
Check out how the Konnected Followers tried to set me up on a new thread here


Again, Ross, I am not associated with Elk Konnected or anybody in that organization or company or whatever you want to call it. That thread was started by me for my knowledge to see if what I was told was correct or incorrect.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 12, 2013, 04:48:51 PM
Again, Ross, I am not associated with Elk Konnected or anybody in that organization or company or whatever you want to call it. That thread was started by me for my knowledge to see if what I was told was correct or incorrect.

Who else would be able or willing to provide you with information of my activities, or my sons activities.
Or a personal message from mr to Jennifer?

And why would you try to set me up the day before Konnected goes to the county commissioners?

Try again?

Thank you.

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