Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: flintauqua on February 11, 2013, 08:45:25 PM
"It is a great mistake to think that the extremist is a better man than the moderate."

– Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

I am so glad you finaly realized the being konnected is being an extremist.
Good job.

So what are their actual goals?


Quote from: Ross on February 11, 2013, 09:24:10 PM
I am so glad you finaly realized the being konnected is being an extremist.

Got it backwards yet again.  How predictable.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.



Yesterdays attempt to persuade the County Commissioners to keep the Youth Development position failed miserably.

Even though the very small group of people showed up with a petition of supposedly 160 names- it failed. Yet, another failure by Elk Konnected, LLC.
Let's recall didn't they also fail two weeks ago, didn't they?
Is a lawsuit next? I don't think so! I think something else caught their attention, keep reading.

They were told there are plenty of youth development opportunities in Elk County for children:
•   Boy Scouts
•   Girl Scouts
•   6 School Districts
•   4-H
•   Church Youth Groups
•   ETC in case I missed a group.
They were also informed that some of those groups can be recipients of county money through an extension office. Boy did the questions fly about that money from the small group. I believe, I heard over the din of noise, the number $48,000 of county taxpayers money is provide each year to that fund. I wonder will their focus now shift that direction?

A lady in the audience asked how much money Elk Konnected, LLC has. Of course there was no answer. I politely informed the lady that Elk Konnected is a privately owned company and is not required to disclose that information.

I didn't get the chance to tell her but about a year back the Konnected Kounty Kommisioner at that time and self proclaimed founder posted on this thread an amount of
$85,000 if I remember correctly. You can go back and search for it if you so desire,

I asked why Elk Konnected why with all their positive talk of pulling everyone together why they don't work with all the other youth development groups. The response was we are and there are things going on you don't know about. But that is where the transparency ends. They in my opinion are either lying or are being put off because of attitude, I don't know which. You know that like mindedness thinking thing. I think that means think like us or you are wrong.  Some attitude huh?

Their argument, of it's for the kids failed miserably.
Why do they insist on exploiting the children for their own purposes?
That is appalling to me. Isn't it really about money, greed and control?
Go back to page one of this thread and figure it out!

Why do I say that?
Because the conversation changed many times to the following subjects:
•   Providing more hours of work for the Economic Development Position (which is part time)
•    Repairing the roads in Howard and of course they mentioned a few other communities.
•   Losing business in Howard and of course a couple of other communities were mentioned.
•   And several other subjects.

Uh, what happened to Youth Development?

A complaint was leveled about the property tax reduction. It was said that the tax breaks goes to people that live outside of Elk County and own a lot of property here. And that takes money out of the county. Huh! Were they trying to indicate that property tax is a form of Economic Development? Wrong? It is not a form of Economic Development.
The property tax does not support the business, however the reduction in the tax remains in the taxpayers pockets and then the taxpayers that live here have more money left in their pocket to spend with the merchants if they so choose. This in turn improves the merchant's profits. It is about money and profits, isn't it?

Economic Development is really very simple. Bring in industry that provides good paying jobs for people and that brings money to the area. That also causes population Growth the area. But I have heard it time and time again since I have moved here. They don't want the riff-raff that comes with it. What riff-raff would that be? Would that be the people that would bring industry, the people with more money and more power than the money power that exist in Elk County now?

What happened to the Youth Development that the petition was about?
Went by the roadside didn't it?
Even after all that crying about the Youth Development position.
What a shame.
My, oh my, what's the world coming to?

Oh and the group talked about kids growing up and going to college and coming back to Elk County start businesses, that was rich. People really spoke up to that one.
But ask yourself how does that help today's situation of population decline?

And what happened? Rudy didn't show up to provide his support or at least I didn't see him there. I guess we will have to wait and see if someone reports the situation to him and how much they report. I think it may be very interesting reading.

Just my take on what took place.

Really what are Rl Konnected, LLC's real goals?

Diane Amberg

Wow, I don't recall ever sugesting that Elk County citizens should stop shooting each other. I don't care one way or another.Talk about jumping subjects! What happened at the court house was a very sad event.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2013, 09:32:37 AM
Wow, I don't recall ever sugesting that Elk County citizens should stop shooting each other. I don't care one way or another.Talk about jumping subjects! What happened at the court house was a very sad event.

Yes Diane it was a very sad event.
I watched it first hand.
To try to run the County Government by petition, sad!
To not stick to the subject of the petition, very sad.
For eyeballs to light at the possibility of finding money else where, even sadder.
Sad that it was all about greed on their part.

I'm thankful you pointed out the sad point.

Diane Amberg

You were in Wilmington yesterday? Why didn't you call me? :angel:


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2013, 09:45:16 AM
You were in Wilmington yesterday? Why didn't you call me? :angel:

Are you really that ill?
Should we call a doctor or anbulance for you?
Did you acquire thtat illness as a Follower?

I sure hope it isn't contagious, cause that could be real bad.
Contagious via the internet,

But I'm okay, I have virus protection and a firewall.

And even more protection.

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