Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on January 18, 2013, 10:37:43 AM
Am I  a follower? If believing that Elk Konnected is trying to get all of Elk County together then yes I am for this group.

Well since you don't want to commit to whether you are a Follower or not, let's converse about your possible beliefs about Elk Konnected, shall we?

What makes you believe Elk Konnected can get Elk County together?

What exactly does "Getting Elk County Together" mean?

I really don't understand this kind of talking so I would appreciate this information in layman's language in order to comprehend it.

I personally believe Elk County is a great little county as it is.

But you know with the added and very positive changes in the County Government, I believe the quality of life is improving dramatically.

And it didn't take years to happen, it started once the new county commissioner's board was seated.

The county commissioner's board now seems to have all the citizens and taxpayers' interest at heart and not some special interest group. A lesson our federal government should learn. So, I think this county commissioners board should be applauded.

So, can we learn anything from you and how you feel, about all this and especially your answers to the questions at the top of this post?

Let's talk.


Finally some gome good news, maybe we can learn something from
the most recent study bought and paid for with tax payer dollars.

We still haven't heard about the previous study by the university,
I suppose we never will. Know why, because they cna get away with it.
No transparency, that's why!

But moving on:

West Elk USD 283
Special Board Meeting
Friday January 25, 2013
6:30 P.M.

AOG Building - Information & Tour
Dr. Christman - Long Range Planning
Board Policy- Section A – Updates
School Safety
Action Items- Board Action on Personnel

Well. maybe we can learn some terrific information from Dr. Christman.
Perhaps how the board can improve Education at West Elk to bring it up to a Blue Ribbon School,
or if we need more brick and mortar.

I am sure planning to attend this special meeting and hope to learn something worth while.
It might be very educational and interesting.


West Elk USD 283
Special Board Meeting
Friday January 25, 2013
6:30 P.M.

Well, I made it to the meeting.
Did I learn anything, yes, some interesting stuff I Think.

First though I must tell you Dr. Christman did not show up.
The poor guy was ill. I wish him a quick recovery.

Before the meeting got started, I was informed by a person, that there is an
E-mail going around, supposedly about trying to get the County Youth Development Job back. The job that the County Commissioners abolished at the end of March, because apparently they deem the expenditure unnecessary since they turned the recreational fund over to the communities.

Yes, I heard this at the school board meeting. No. This was not part of the school board meeting.

But just keep it in mind for later, down this thread.

After the meeting got started we took a tour of the AOG building.

I had been wondering what the AOG building was that was referred to in the School Board agenda, and I learned it is actually the Assembly of God Church that is being built next to the school. Their plans apparently are to make money and want the building to be used on a daily basis by whoever wants to use it. Of course I'd bet it will be for a good fee which only makes sense, maintenance and upkeep and utilities for heating and cooling such a large building is expensive. The two gentlemen leading the discussion and tour informed us the building cost $700,000 of which $200,000 was donated. They also informed us that the floor would be of a special material with lines poured right into it, that would be either two volley ball courts or a regulation basketball court.  And if the school wanted to use it the church would work with them. It was suggested that moveable basket ball goals that were weighted and moveable be used and that when set in place by hydraulics would not move be used. And if the school board wanted scoreboards they could possibly work something out. The church members even suggested that the building might be used as a daycare for the children after school and the children could walk right over there instead of being out there on the street.
Church would be on Sundays and Wednesdays as I understand them to say.

During the discussion and tour I kept hearing over and over again and again, "It's all about the children", "It's all about the Children", "It's all about the Children".

I have to disagree with that, it's not all about the Children. To me its more about a $700,000 investment and how to capitalize on it. It is a big building and although it probably won't be complete until fall (their words) I'm sure it will be quite beautiful inside with state of the art heating and cooling and a whole lot of other amenities, kitchen, bathrooms, classrooms, sound system and other things a church night require. They surely aren't building all that because it's all about the children.  Aren't we getting a little tired of that battle cry, "Its all about the children", "its for the kids". Maybe for their own kids, IDK, what do you think?

I would ask is, it first a Community Center useable by everyone, or is it, first the Assembly of God Church and still available to everyone? Why? Because if it is first a Community Center designed to make money like any other business, shouldn't it be on the County Tax Rolls to help with the expenses of "The Quality of Life" in Elk County. So it could pay its fair share of property taxes to help pay for the infrastructure of Elk County? If it is first the Assembly of God Church it is all tax free and should in my opinion indicate that it is the Assembly of God Church in any transactions with the public, and be proud of that fact. This leaves so many other questions in it's dealings with the West Elk School District for a later time. I did enjoy getting a look at the construction of the wood framing inside the building.

After nearly an hour of discussion and tour of the church, it's back to the school and the regular board meeting.

The board moved right into the long range planning without the presence of Dr. Christman. The professor they hired as a facilitator, remember they said he was ill and could not make it.

The talk was mainly about remodeling/construction adding onto the south west
end of the building. Really.

A School board member voiced the fluctuation of the number of students in the school.

At the meeting the public had with Dr. Christman, The professor/facilitator spoke of declining enrollments due to home schooling and computerized learning at home. Kids would attend school at home via computer.
Some of the things said at the meeting are:

Roof and air conditioning problems that need taken care of. (These are very expensive to tend to.)

Why would anyone want to move here and live in a dilapidated house? (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?)

The County Youth Director Job is gone! (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?) Remember the supposed e-mail about this job.

There is the P.I.L.O.T. money from the wind farm. We could approach the County Commissioners. (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?)

Roads are just as bad in the towns. (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?)

People don't want to move out here to live in town, they want to live in the country. They want 50 acres so they feel like they live in the country. Maybe we or the county or somebody can get some land and sell it to them. (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?) (Sounds like Elk Konnected School Board member to me, what do you think)

Need to replace the trailers they are to small, they don't look good.

The use of a Morton Building was mentioned and I heard laughter. The question was asked, if Morton Buildings knew about building school buildings and the answer was affirmative.

Remember how the last bond issue went.

Talk was about moving the smaller children inside the big building and put the older children that have smaller classes in the trailers.

It was also mentioned that the school has two libraries and only needs one. Then they could make two class rooms out of one of the libraries. (Hey, available space in the building for more children. I bet if they look closer they can find more wasted space.)

It was suggested that board members keep an eye on the commissioners and city councils. Lobby to get things done. (Is this a school board or school district business or budget or function?)

End of "Some of the things said at the meeting are:"
My thoughts and remarks:

A lot of the above sure sounds like Elk Konnected, you know from the Konnected School Board President and another Konnected School Board member. What do you think is really happening here?

We pay property taxes to provide money for the School Districts Budget.
The State provides money for the School District Budget,

I believe the School Board realizes there could be substantial cuts to their budget by the state in the future.

And, folks where do you think they will turn to, to make up that budget loss?

That's right floks, to you and me!

How, increased property taxes, that's how?

Don't you think it is time for the School Board to think about living with in their means and utilize what they have to it's fullest instead of "We Want, We Want."

I thought perhaps it was the function of the School Board to see to educating.
Instead of it all about the children, how about, it is all about education the children.  (Not about building a Taj Mahal.)

No, I am not dissing anyone, just wondering What is really going on?

Is the school board, the school board and interested in education or what?


Would the school renting from the tax exempt church run into trouble with that ol separation of church and state thing ? Just asking


Quote from: jarhead on January 26, 2013, 12:55:37 PM
Would the school renting from the tax exempt church run into trouble with that ol separation of church and state thing ? Just asking

Interesting question.  In today's America, it's hard tellin.  Perhaps the ACLU or one of the national separation of church n state groups will sue and let us know. 

Pehaps another question would be whether this is a really wise expenditure of county & state taxpayers money... especially since the existing roof & HVAC need expensive repairs.  Priorities?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Lordy!  Much of what I quoted below looks like the school board has its' fingers in darned near everything BUT the education of children.  County employees, city streets, county PILOT money, lobby activities....

Do they ever discuss the curriculum, teacher incentives, student test scores, new learning opportunities for the kids, teacher retention or continuing education opportunities? 

Sounds more like the agenda of a private community organizing group than an elected board with a charter to provide the best education possible to the kids in their charge.  Hmmmmm.  Konnections perhaps?

Quote from: Ross on January 26, 2013, 12:10:22 PM
After the meeting got started we took a tour of the AOG building.

I had been wondering what the AOG building was that was referred to in the School Board agenda, and I learned it is actually the Assembly of God Church that is being built next to the school. Their plans apparently are to make money and want the building to be used on a daily basis by whoever wants to use it. Of course I'd bet it will be for a good fee which only makes sense, maintenance and upkeep and utilities for heating and cooling such a large building is expensive. The two gentlemen leading the discussion and tour informed us the building cost $700,000 of which $200,000 was donated. They also informed us that the floor would be of a special material with lines poured right into it, that would be either two volley ball courts or a regulation basketball court.  And if the school wanted to use it the church would work with them. It was suggested that moveable basket ball goals that were weighted and moveable be used and that when set in place by hydraulics would not move be used. And if the school board wanted scoreboards they could possibly work something out. The church members even suggested that the building might be used as a daycare for the children after school and the children could walk right over there instead of being out there on the street.
Church would be on Sundays and Wednesdays as I understand them to say.

During the discussion and tour I kept hearing over and over again and again, "It's all about the children", "It's all about the Children", "It's all about the Children".

I have to disagree with that, it's not all about the Children. To me its more about a $700,000 investment and how to capitalize on it. It is a big building and although it probably won't be complete until fall (their words) I'm sure it will be quite beautiful inside with state of the art heating and cooling and a whole lot of other amenities, kitchen, bathrooms, classrooms, sound system and other things a church night require. They surely aren't building all that because it's all about the children.  Aren't we getting a little tired of that battle cry, "Its all about the children", "its for the kids". Maybe for their own kids, IDK, what do you think?

I would ask is, it first a Community Center useable by everyone, or is it, first the Assembly of God Church and still available to everyone? Why? Because if it is first a Community Center designed to make money like any other business, shouldn't it be on the County Tax Rolls to help with the expenses of "The Quality of Life" in Elk County. So it could pay its fair share of property taxes to help pay for the infrastructure of Elk County? If it is first the Assembly of God Church it is all tax free and should in my opinion indicate that it is the Assembly of God Church in any transactions with the public, and be proud of that fact. This leaves so many other questions in it's dealings with the West Elk School District for a later time. I did enjoy getting a look at the construction of the wood framing inside the building.

After nearly an hour of discussion and tour of the church, it's back to the school and the regular board meeting.

The board moved right into the long range planning without the presence of Dr. Christman. The professor they hired as a facilitator, remember they said he was ill and could not make it.

The talk was mainly about remodeling/construction adding onto the south west
end of the building. Really.

A School board member voiced the fluctuation of the number of students in the school.

At the meeting the public had with Dr. Christman, The professor/facilitator spoke of declining enrollments due to home schooling and computerized learning at home. Kids would attend school at home via computer.
Some of the things said at the meeting are:

Roof and air conditioning problems that need taken care of. (These are very expensive to tend to.)
Why would anyone want to move here and live in a dilapidated house? (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?)
The County Youth Director Job is gone! (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?) Remember the supposed e-mail about this job.
There is the P.I.L.O.T. money from the wind farm. We could approach the County Commissioners. (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?)
Roads are just as bad in the towns. (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?)
People don't want to move out here to live in town, they want to live in the country. They want 50 acres so they feel like they live in the country. Maybe we or the county or somebody can get some land and sell it to them. (Is this a school board and school district business or budget or function?) (Sounds like Elk Konnected School Board member to me, what do you think)
Need to replace the trailers they are to small, they don't look good.
The use of a Morton Building was mentioned and I heard laughter. The question was asked, if Morton Buildings knew about building school buildings and the answer was affirmative.
Talk was about moving the smaller children inside the big building and put the older children that have smaller classes in the trailers.It was also mentioned that the school has two libraries and only needs one. Then they could make two class rooms out of one of the libraries. (Hey, available space in the building for more children. I bet if they look closer they can find more wasted space.)
It was suggested that board members keep an eye on the commissioners and city councils. Lobby to get things done. (Is this a school board or school district business or budget or function?)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well, what can we expect with a Konnected School Board President and a feww Konnected school board members?
I know, we have to count on the few that may not be konnected to continue to think for themselves.

What, with a shacky population, as one of the board members pointed out, by saying something to the effect that you don't know what kids are staying and what ones might move out, how can you even afford to think about building a larger school building? That would just increase the cost of maintenance and upkeep and utilities.

Watch Us Grow! Deeper and deeper and deeper in debt wjith higher taxes, for what?



Okay, I've been put down once again on this forum and I'm okay with that.
You have every right to express your opinion and I respect that.

As a taxpayer and a voter, I also have the same right. And I hope you can respect that!

What I have been reading amounts to nothing more in my personal opinion, is if the people of Elk County don't agree with the few Konnected folks they are wrong. Isn't that what you are saying?

Konnected Kounty Kommissioners admitted at a County Commissioners meeting when they had total control that Elk Konnected, LLC recommended that Elk County have an Employee to do Youth Development and the two Kontrolling votes of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voted to accept Elk Konnected, LLC's recommendation. Wasn't that convenient?

I would suggest that if the privately owned company wishes to keep their Steering Committee Member as a Youth Development Employee fine, hire her.  Most companies/ LLC's do hire employees don't they?

However, as a Youth Development program for Elk County, I never saw anything that represented Youth Development. I know that organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, FFA and other such have programs, that are based on a schedule with the ability to learn and grow do provide Youth Development. That truly represents youth development to me. Since when is sitting down and watching a movie any form of development? Since when is sporadic anything youth development?

The County Youth Development Program never reached anywhere near ten percent of the children in Elk County, so what made the program worth thousands of dollars in pay and benefits? Nothing in my opinion! According to the US Census Bureau 25.7% of
Elk County is under 18, you can do the math. http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/20/20049.html

I believe the real problem is attitude of a few, just my opinion.

I personally have welcomed several new comers to our area.
I don't go around calling them outsiders as I have been called, thank you!

I personally, believe our County Commissioners deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.  But, I am sure you few konnected people do not, because our County Commissioners are not konnected kounty kommissioners katering to a few, they are County Commissioners catering to the whole of Elk County for the betterment of Elk County.

Oh, by the way you can not blame the County Commissioners for the Konnected failures with their Wellness Center or their Daycare now can you?

Elk Konnected, LLC wanted a Youth Development person, here is your chance, why not hire her?

Now, I am done with this thread.

So go ahead and tear me up, you are entitled to your opinion.

Thank you for reading my opinion.

Read the new thread where this post is located at


Quote from: Ross on January 28, 2013, 09:59:04 PM

Now, I am done with this thread.

Read the new thread where this post is located at

I suppose I should clarify this, "Now, I am done with this thread." I was referring to the thread where I posted the remark first and that being  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,14931.0.html

This thread "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" could renain active for a long time. Only tine will tell.

Isn't "Freedom of Speech" great!


Today's newspaper on the back page, Wow!  What a one sided affair.
It appears to me to be a selfless little group of people and some who own businesses crying about nothing.

But wait a minute isn't one of those businesses Elk Konnected, LLC?

Hey and aren't those people that showed up at the County Commissioners to complain aren't those Konnected folks?
Weren't they all from Howard?
Where are the rest of the County Citizens that are unhappy with the County Commissioners?
There weren't any were there?

Why wasn't that mentioned in the paper by the editor?
Perhaps, because the editor is affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC?
Do you suppose?

How bad do these people want Elk County to look to the people outside of Elk County?

Now, then these folks complained that the County Commissioners did not ask the public before they voted to discontinue the Elk County Youth Development position, I ask why should they? The people called the County Commissioners, except for the one remaining Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, I suppose!

Did these folks, that are crying now, who are most likely the folks that make up Elk Konnected,    when they asked their Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to hire this person,
did they go to the public?
If I'm wrong, let me know where, when and how please?   

Did their Konnected Kounty Kommissioners when they had the KONTROLLING  votes did they ask the public? No!
If I'm wrong, let me know where, when and how they contacted the public, please?

Why the double standard?

Why didn't our newspaper report these facts?

If Elk Konnected, LLC wants a Youth Development person, why doesn't the business hire her?                   Doesn't LLC mean a Limited Liability Company?

By the way what has happened to Elk Konnected, LLC are they still around?

We haven't heard from them in quite awhile, have we?

Nothing in the paper for a long time, huh?
Or did I miss the articles about Elk Konnected, LLC?

As far as the declining population and the economic effects it has on the business owners profits just how is it, they expect the taxpayers and their customers pay to improve their situation?

These business people have their Elk Konnected, LLC with visionaries and their Chamber of Commerce to work for them don't they?

What are they doing to improve their business?

The "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" was nothing more than a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" situation and an plan of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. That would only benefit a very few people with what they called tax rebates. Which I would have considered nothing more than welfare for a few.

But them Konnected folks and followers would have us to believe that it would not amount to that much money. Well if that is true, it would not be worth while for anyone to take advantage of it, would it?  And it would not accomplish anything would it?

Why did the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners chose to ignore, that the state of Kansas highly suggested that the program was not suitable for rural use?

Did the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners ask the public if they wanted this program?
If I'm wrong, let me know where, when and how please?   

Why wouldn't the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners do a feasibility study on the  "Neighborhood Revitalization Program"? Possibly because it would have proved it would accomplish nothing, that is if the study was performed correctly!

Why were the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners in such a big hurry to pass it 2 to1?

So, why do these people want to make Elk County look bad in the local newspaper?

What happened to all that positive stuff of Elk Konnected, LLC?

Elk Konnected, LLC won't you please hire this poor girl?
Didn't Elk Konnected show up at the last Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting last year and give our Youth Development Employees report to the commissioners? She couldn't do it herself, why?
Isn't she still on your board of directors er I mean Steering Committee?
After all didn't you get her in this predicament?
Shouldn't you accept some responsibility?

To our Elk County Commissioners , I'm proud of you, keep up the good work for all the taxpayers.

So really what does every one think is going on?

Is this the new Elk Konnected way?

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