Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on January 07, 2013, 05:34:42 PM
If you call the way you acted at the community conversation meeting in Moline polite I thank the heavens I have not been around you since. You made an ass of yourself.

Why thank you for your opinion!

How ever you were not up in the front with me and the white haired gentlemen when I was speaking with him and he offered to speak with me outside were you?

And then I politely apologized to the crowd.

And as I stated earlier in this thread I was very nervous being in front of a crowd, ny first time, and perhaps I spoke a little to loud in providing my apology to the crowd.

But does that excuse Elk Konnected, LLC for rudely doing their advertisement in front of the County Commissioners Board. Instead of the Elk County Youth Development Employee providing her report as requested. Do we need employees like that.

If Elk Konnected, LLC wanted to address the Board why couldn't they wait for County Business to get finished and address the Board during Open Form just as any other citizen? Don't rules of Ettique apply to them? Or again is it that they can just get away with it, so they do it?

I suppose it's polite of them because you are perphaps a part of them?

Come back!


Tomorrow at the County Commissioners Meeting we get a new county commissioner assigned to the board don't we?

That means one less Konnected Kounty Kommissioner doesn't it?

That means no more 2 controlling votes for the Little Konnected Krowd, right?

Only one Konnected Kounty Kommissioner left,  right?

And it means better days ahead for Elk County as a whole, right?

I can sure hope so!

I plan to be there at the meeting to see County Commissioner Hebb seated, the Lord willing.

I believe Elk County needs and deserves this improvement.

Let's show up and encourage County Commissioner Hebb, what do you say?


Just in case you missed it.....

Elk County Commission Meeting - 1/14/13:  TAXPAYERS WIN BIG.  Elk Taxpayers: 6 -  Big Government Liberal Spenders: 0

Read all about it here:   http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,14878.0.html

And yes, based on first impressions, I'm thinkin Mr. Hebb is gonna work out well.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Yes folks, I believe since we are down to only one Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, we are beginning to see improvements in Elk County towards all residents and their quality of life.

We now apparently have County Commissioners who are interested in the county as a whole and each of it's citizens.

Each of you out there that voted Mr. Hebb into office deserve to give yourself a pat on the back.

Mr. Ritz and Mr. Hebb you rock.

Keep up the good work.


I was always taught that when real bullies get a good punch in the nose (figuratively or literally) they tend to back off & get real quiet.

Have you noticed how quiet the followers have been here in the last 2 months or so?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I think we should be praising the everyday people of Elk County that are the voters and taxpayers for taking back control of their county by casting their vote for a County Commissioner that cares for the county as a whole and not just a small group. Everyone in Elk County should be patting themselves on the back. Especially in Howard. Hebb is a good man.

I hope we can all learn from this enriching experience for Elk County and keep the positive momentum moving forward.


I just finished reading today's Prairie Star.

This newspaper really appears biased in my personal opinion.
Well after all, the editor himself told me he was associated with Elk Konnected, LLCvia e-mail.

I did see pictures being taken at the swearing of our elected officials, but no pictures in the paper.  However, CQ elected officials being sworn in and pictured in very colorful picture on the front page.

I wonder, is it because there is only one Konnected Kounty Kommissioner these days.

On the back page an article, Changes being made as new Elk County Commissioners take Office". New break; there is actually only one new County Commissioner, Mr. Hebb and what a great difference it has made already.

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau and County Commissioner Ritz renewed their vows.

To me it appeared Konnected Kommissioner Liebau voted against all but one motion,
I guess he is just not ready for positive change within Elk County Government!
I guess he is not interested in lowering property taxes for every property tax payer in Elk County.

Thank God for the new County Commissioners board and the fact that tghere are no longer two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners controlling our beautiful county.

Speaking of Elk Konnected, LLC I wonder why we haven't heard from them in the last three weeks? I haven't seen anything in the Prairie Star,
Can someone tell me, did I miss an article in the paper the last three weeks?

Hey, followers I haven't heard from you followers in a while, is something wrong?
I sure hope you haven't come down with that nasty flu!

Aren't you rejoicing in the quality of life that the County commissioners are providing to All the Elk County residents and the fact that they are turning the Recreation Fund monies over to each community. Can you imagine how that will help the different communities parks and thier festivals? What a great move for the children of those communities, right.

Can't we hear something positive out of you followers about this great and productive change in Elk County and the improvement in the quality of life about to decend on us ?


Has anyone heard anything being done by Elk Konnected, LLC towards their effort to improve the quality of life in Elk County?

And what's the latest on the Elk Konnected, LLC's Day care Center?

I'd also like to hear about what is happening with the Elk Konnected School Board President's recent study performed by the Professor/Facilitator from Pittsburg?
Isn't this latest study way past due?

Taxpayers money has been used for two studies and and no results have been provided to the taxpayers and I wonder why, don't you?

Isn't it our money that is suppose to be used for the education of our children?

Or are our tax dollars there to be wasted by the school board.

You know I do appreciate the school board member that wants to teach and use critical thinking. Perhaps he should be President of the School Board.

I also appreciate the school board members that voted against the Community Rehabilitation Program, a very good decision, IMHO!

And the board members that decided to remove the previous School Superintendent was yet another excellent decision, IMO.

You folks on the school board appear to be learning that the President of the School Board is simply no more than any other member of the board. It is simply his job to facilitate the meeting by following the written agenda, nothing more. His job is not to shush you up, when you have something to say. That is why each and every board member is there, to have a voice in any action of the school board. The object is open discussion between all members and to explore improving the education of our children.

It is actions such as open conversation and hard work that produce Blue Ribbon Schools.

That would be a very good question to bering up at a School Board Meeting amongst the School Board Members. Why isn't West Elk A Blue Ribbon School?
What can the School Board do to accomplish making West Elk A Blue Ribbon School?
What efforts must the school board put forth to accomplish this task?

Now wouldn't that improve the Quality of Life for quite a few children as they grow older and are out on their own looking for work?

Perhaps the school board could perform a study of their own instead of paying someone else like the Professor/Facilitator that does not produce the desired results?

Just a few thoughts and creative thinking for the betterment of West Elk School for the benefit of the children and the proper use of taxpayer dollars.

Think about it a little bit, please.


It doesn't matter if you agree with Ross or not, his whole reason for Ross knocking the West Elk School board is a personal vendetta against some of the people and families.  West Elk has a proven track record of doing a great job of providing a great education to the students and preparing them for Higher education. West Elk has many students getting more dollars of Scholarships, and attending colleges and Universities and making the Honor Rolls. Ignore Ross and let your School board work and see what they come up with. Ross doesn't have a clue what he is talking about, and he makes up or confuses much of what he is trying to say. Look at all of the big mistakes, intentional or not that he has made in all of his ranting.


If you're not confused, then you must be a firm liberal or socialist to praise the government schooling.

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