Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: readyaimduck on November 11, 2012, 06:48:12 PM
The people have voted, now let's get on with the present and let these people do their job!

Oh, ready... you've said more than you know.  Yes, the folks have voted.  Yes, we'll be getting on with the present.  And as 'these people' do their job, I imagine there may be some surprises along the way.  But I wouldn't expect the commentary to cease.  It hasn't ceased since the freedom of speech was codified in the Constitution, and I doubt it will cease now.  While some appear to believe that we live in a kingdom where ancestral blood bequeaths an eternal entitlement to wisdom and the power to maintain a status quo, they may be surprised to find that is not the case.  Heck, even the remaining royalty in England has lost most of its real power.

Never forget the 'flux factor'.  Just be ready, ready.... for anything.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 11, 2012, 07:41:02 PM
Not offended Ross.  Just a clarification.  Your thread started me thinking, and thinking, and thinking.
We agree to dissagree to use big fonts and rolling screens? 

I kove it Ready!  LOL
I have another female friend, that face to face we agree to disagree. And we use to often have a friendly argument.
How I miss them arguments, but once in awhile they still happen. It really is fun, done properly.

I'm a hard headed of old fart of a redneck!

Fire Elk

Quote from: readyaimduck on November 11, 2012, 06:48:12 PM
Sorry Ross, just had to do it as I am  redneck sob-ette from hell!
This was taken admittedly out of context just to show how the melodrama mamma's do it.
Now, that being said....do you have anything new to add to the table, or do you wish to bring up things from 7 years ago like Hendrick's auntie and the original mysterious plots of Public Squares and their pompous patting on the backs?
I don't think so, you will copy and paste and reiterate what hs been so pontifically said over the past 489 pages, ad nauseum.
The people have voted, now let's get on with the present and let these people do their job!

^sarcasm is now off, carry on, my wayword son.^

ready, and out to actually discuss   (yes, you referrd to my thread, of which I thought was an actual learning process, untill you referred to it here.....not cool)

Ready, I believe Ross that he moved my post here to not offend you on your thread. Ross I have modified my response on Ready's here it is.

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 07:21:27 PM
Oh, lest I forget to include our local elk county forum. Voted to keep the status quo. What about the county commissioners? Yes, even that was a status quo vote. Thanks, for those of you that voted for Gary Hebb. His family has a long caring history of doing what is right in EK. [Removed a sentence taking a shot at Ross 11/11/12-- Fire Elk  ]

Ross, now would you go back and answer ready's post about where she fits in? Help wrap her up and put her in a box.


Good Morning Everyone,

Just a little review and some remarks regarding the review.
It's about attitude!

Yes, I know, I have attitude too!

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 07:21:27 PM
Oh, lest I forget to include our local elk county forum. Voted to keep the status quo. What about the county commissioners? Yes, even that was a status quo vote. Thanks, for those of you that voted for Gary Hebb. His family has a long caring history of doing what is right in EK. [Removed a sentence taking a shot at Ross 11/11/12-- Fire Elk  ]

That is not an acceptable apology, if that is what you were attempting. I'm not sure what your intentions were in removing:
Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 07:21:27 PM
Thank goodness no one listened to Ross the outsider.

Here is the original quote,
Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 07:21:27 PM
Oh, lest I forget to include our local elk county forum. Voted to keep the status quo. What about the county commissioners? Yes, even that was a status quo vote. Thanks, for those of you that voted for Gary Hebb. His family has a long caring history of doing what is right in EK. Thank goodness no one listened to Ross the outsider.

That was followed up with:
Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 08:04:18 PM
No the shot at Ross is well deserved, he earned it all on his own for all his name calling. I felt no need to justify my support of Mr. Hebb or my opposition to Mickey Wunderlich. In the end I was right and so was my understanding of EK politics.

The above remark only strengthened your view point, attitude.

And that was followed up by:
Quote from: ELK@KC on November 10, 2012, 08:42:49 PM
Fire elk, you are right on. I like your style and thinking.

Which results in this review, my remarks and attitude.

It definitely appears that your words and thinking is accepted by others about "Outsiders". How can all this be deleted, the attitude that is?

That simply supports my opinion that the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" is designed to provide welfare called tax rebates only to,
Etc of
the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.
It's the attitude I'm looking at!

It is the wrong attitude for Population Growth, it's the wrong attitude for Economic Growth now isn't it?

Perhaps this attitude about "Outsiders" is the reason there is no "Welcome Wagon" in Elk County! Ya'all don't like "Outsiders", perhaps just their money in your stores and in your county tax coffers, is that it?

Do you think you can have population growth by conception only?
You can't keep your kids at home, why?
I doubt the attempts to bribe them with scholarships will work either!
Because there are no well paying jobs, that's why!

Wouldn't it behoove the county to think about Economic Development with everyone in the county benefiting from it instead of a few wanting welfare, at the expense of all the other taxpaying citizens?

Where are all those visionaries when you need them?

And about your remark about Ready's thread. That is up to Ready, that's her business.
I believe Ready understands that I like her and that I respect her. I believe she even understands I agree with much of what she has to say. And that is why I brought your remarks over here to this thread, out of respect and so as not to offend her.


Well said Ross...
Just because there is disagreement in here on threads doesn't mean that those 2 people don't talk off line and aren't respected acquaintances or friends..More times than not, they are both.

And I think that before anyone calls anyone in here and "outsider" ~~~ they might want to step out their back door and see what state they are posting from..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on November 13, 2012, 10:35:03 PM
Well said Ross...
And I think that before anyone calls anyone in here and "outsider" ~~~ they might want to step out their back door and see what state they are posting from..

State?  As in A State of the Union or as in a state of confusion?  ROTFLMAO

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So we have heard the following terms used on this thread

Aren't all those people who are involved in the General Petraeus Scandal all highly respected members of their communities? Some are consider socialites, socialites that have been proven to be financially in trouble.

Aren't all those people highly educated, pillars of their respective communities?

So exactly what does all that talk of education, respectability and pillar ship mean?

Does it mean they are infallible, invincible?

Does it mean they can not be wrong?

I have three Honorable discharges from military service!
Does that mean I am honorable in everything I do?
Hell, no it doesn't!

Does it mean I can't make errors?
Again, Hell no! I'm just a redneck old fart very capable of making mistakes, IMHO!

So what's the point of the words highly educated, respectable pillars the community?
Is it for the purpose of intimidation?
That is the only purpose I can find !

Sure I have people, I like and respect, but I would never put them on a pillar or a throne !
They are people, not gods, pretty simple, huh?

We have leadership in this county, in our county government, so why do we need an NGO with what they call leadership?

Our leadership did fall into what I consider a terrible situation under the development of Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendrick's starting Elk Konnected, LLC which has two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners holding the two controlling votes on the Elk County Board of Commissioners. This provides the appearance that Elk Konnected, LLC has control of the county. This in my personal opinion is not good.

That also leaves me to believe some of what Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendrick's said about the "Old Guard" and that is that she tried to identify who the people of the "Old Guard" were/are. But it is my opinion that she made the "Old Guard" members of Elk Konnected, LLC rather then avoiding letting them in to Elk Konnected, LLC.

And I strongly believe that is why the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have proposed the " Neighborhood Revitalization Program" rather then listen to the Great State of Kansas STRONGLY suggesting not using the program in a rural area. Why do they ignore this warning? Perhaps because of their desire to provide WELFARE/tax kick backs in the form of what they call tax rebates.

Where is the wisdom in that?
Where is the real leadership of real County Commissioners in that?

I believe:
A true leader would listen to their constituents rather then put them down?
A true leader would reconsider this action rather then push it during the holidays?
A true leader would let this issue fade into next year when the newly elected county commissioner takes office?

In my opinion this type of action might alleviate the appearance that Elk Konnected, LLC is controlling our county government, other wise they will push this proposal through in fear that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner will loose the controlling votes of our county government. In which case there will be no doubt left.

Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, I wish to convey to you my opinion of volunteering.
Volunteering is not donating money; donating money is simply donating money!
Volunteering in most cases is getting out there and doing something physical and not leaving it up to someone else.
Volunteering is manning the food line, painting the park, sweeping the floor, making phone calls for charity, etc, it is not about leaving it up to someone else.
Volunteering does not require belonging to some organization that tells you what to do.
Volunteering can be a very personal one on one type of thing.


As I stated on this thread, if I receive nasty or ugly Private Messages, I would post them openly. Well being good to my word, I find this Private Message to fit that description.
I find it to be an attempt at intimidation. A heads up this is a very long post, thanks for indulging me. I broke the Private message down and attempted the best responses I could in the shortest way, I know how.

I have recieved 482 private messages all very decent except for this one.

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 15, 2012, 10:03:56 PM
Ross, the USS Ohio is a noteworthy ship in the fleet. Working at the Naval Shipyard in Washington you would know if you had worked on it.

I was warned about you but, I gave you the benefit of the doubt.  So onward we go!

You sir may be a military historian, however I am not.

Perhaps the USS Ohio is especially noteworthy to you, because your brother was stationed on it. I remember the Ohio, I don't remember if I worked on it. In ten years I worked on numerous ships, including top secret boats. I can't and I wouldn't give you a complete history on my employment if I could, sorry about that, not.  Why didn't you serve in the military?

I had a brother on another Naval Ship that durn near had a mutiny on board. During the stopping and searching of a Vietnamese boat a sailor in the crows nest had his rifle aimed at the back of his Commanding Officers head. There was a book written about that ship, but, I don't remember the name of that ship or what year it happened.

I saw the USS Forrestal fire burning from a long distance.

A friend of mine was sitting in the first class mess of the Coral Sea when a missile was accidentally launched and penetrated the bulk head to the mess he was eating in. Do I remember the dates these things happened, no I do not, and does that mean they didn't happen, no!

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 15, 2012, 10:03:56 PM
I didn't take you for someone that would lie about your service or not be able to remember.

Keep that in mind, because I am not one to lie, and you can take that to the bank and deposit it. But, I do not deny being forgetful about ten years of working on Numerous ships, Especially when I had far more important events to tend to which were my wifes health and her three near deaths. Which, I only have God to thank for, the fact that I still have her with me here today.

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 15, 2012, 10:03:56 PM
Now I question how honest you have been regarding your military service and your time working at the Naval Shipyard.

Take an internet trip to the Dept of the Navy and do a search on me and relieve your anxieties about my service in the Navy.

You sir may question anything you want, that is your privilege! I too question your integrity and your character based on this Private Message you sent me, why hide your thoughts from the public?

Was this an attempt at intimidation, after sending me a decent Private Message wishing me wishing me a belated Happy Veterans Day? What kind of a game are you playing with me? My remarks on this forum have been mainly as a concerned citizen about politics in Elk County, so what is your purpose? I am not a politician as in an elected official.

Do my questions about Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their actions bother you all that much? Are you trying to scare me off? What is your real purpose of this Private Message?

[quote a=author=Fire Elk link=action=profile;u=2335 date=1353038636]
I didn't take you for that kind of person. I am disappointed. I will answer your question regarding my pay grade. I was not in the Navy but I was  a Navy Civilian (not contractor) and my cousin was on the Uss Ohio, Alabama, and Georgia, all of which were at the Naval Shipyard during your so called time at the Naval Shipyard. [/quote]

I did not ask about your pay grade, I asked about your rate. Your rate would have been what your job was in the Navy as a sailor, i.e. MM, EM, IC, BM, AEM, ABM etc.

I don't know what a Navy Civilian is, I was a Federal Employee working for DOD at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,  and I don't remember the names of any of the Shipyard Commanders names. Does that I mean that I did not work there? Does that mean, I don't receive a retirement check from the DOD? NO!
FYI, the DOD is Department of Defense.

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 15, 2012, 10:03:56 PM
You owe me no explanation, so no need to respond. What else have you been making up? Now you are not the only one with questions.

You are 100% correct, I owe you absolutely nothing?

Is this a new method of Elk Konnected Followers that you have used in this Private Message? 

I do not fabricate anything perhaps that is your style, however it is not mine.

And as far as that offer to have a cup of coffee to meet each other, you can forget that. I do not associate with people of your ilk. Thank you.

Now, let's return to the subject of this thread, okay!


       Thanks, Ross, for exposing this cad and his back alley bully attempts.  It is revolting, disgusting, and VILE for someone who didn't serve to question the service of ANYONE.  >:( 

        Animal Mother said it well, " You talk the talk, Do you walk the walk ?"  It is obvious to me the big mouth isn't as brilliant as he thinks he is. A legend in his own mind.  ::)


Quote from: Bullwinkle on November 16, 2012, 09:28:50 AM
It is obvious to me the big mouth isn't as brilliant as he thinks he is. A legend in his own mind.  ::)

We've seen it here before.  It's the West Coast Wail... the Kalifornia Konnection... a mind minus the meds.

Obviously someone who wants to bust sod without all the necessary tools.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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