Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: readyaimduck on November 04, 2012, 10:53:20 AM
Has it been proven that Mr. Wunderlich and Mr. Hebb are NOT Konnected members?  

Well, Ready, consider this abridged information from Wunderlich's website:

Quote from: Micky Wunderlich
It's time for a change!

   For almost 2 years, I've been regularly attending commission meetings, talking with employees & the public, and collecting information from county records.  After such personal & careful observation of Elk County operations over the last many months, I've observed several areas that need some serious, near term attention.  These include, but are not limited to...

   A few employees who are paid well in excess of the actual benefit they actually provide to the county
   Constant wrangling and agonizing over 'copy cat' programs of questionable local benefit - just because 'everybody is doing it'
   The regular micro-management by policy makers over the affairs of full time supervisors, thus affecting both morale & performance
   A lack of accountability, quality control, attention to detail & solid management in many areas of county operations
   Poor and often inaccurate or incomplete communications - both internally and with the public at large
   A lack of transparency about matters that involve huge future expenditures
   A willingness to 'borrow & spend' without sound study & reasoning.
   A trend of handing out money to special interests at a moments notice without taking time to really consider the handout
   The use of county resources by private parties without any reimbursement to the county
   The uninformed & innocent endorsement of plans, policies & programs that are thinly disguised extensions of the United Nations Agenda 21
   The ongoing search for & reliance on government 'grants' (read other taxpayer's money) to satisfy a 'want bone'

   In short, I don't believe you are getting your money's worth in spite of the fact we have one of the highest mill levies in Kansas, and I think it's really less about the money and more about a lack of effective leadership & management.

What we've been doing isn't working.  I would like the chance to change that!

Given that Wunderlich is 1) the ONLY candidate who has publicly demonstrated such a detailed analysis of issues affecting county government and 2) has included several items that are in total opposition to the Elk Konnected way of doing things, I would suggest his relationship to EK (or lack thereof) is crystal clear.

If you lived here, would you be ready... for change?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteIf you lived here, would you be ready... for change?

That was actually quite clever and good!  I may learn to like politics yet! 

ready...or not


One more thing on the ballot, I think is of importance is the fact that someone wants to cut the West Elk Unified School District 282 from six (six) represented districts down to three (3) represented districts.

They say they only want to do this to be convenient, but not really convenient for the taxpayer ?

It's politics folks and of course it is only to  be convenient, at the moment, but not for the taxpayer!

They say there would be 2 representatives from each of the three districts!
Six (6) representatives are six (6) representatives right?
So why cut the number of districts only to be convenient for someone or possibly convenient for an NGO?

Let's consider some reasons shall we?

You could have more representation centrally located, right?
Sort of like from page one of this thread, the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Big Ideas. The key word is Centralized! What is Centralized in Elk County?

Another word UNIFIED as related to Government in the last Big Idea in the following list. What would that mean but, ultimate control, CENTRALIZED! Well that is where, I see them taking our school district, if you say yes on your ballot.
Check out the Konnected Idea's below"

Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Centralized community facility w/ transportation=Ig and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen,
(cont.) fitness center, indoor pool, physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's)
Funds for each community for improvements - 1 (Big Idea's)

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - I (Big Idea's)
Courthouse Improvements - 2 (Idea's)

Centralized community facility w/ transportation-Ig and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen, fitness center, indoor pool,
(cont.) physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's)

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - 1 (Big Idea's)

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Who on the school board is Elk Konnected along with the School Board President?

And hasn't Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners made it quite clear in the list on page one (1) of this thread they have a strong interest in controlling the West Elk School District?
Well just look at the list:

Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Schools - 5 (Idea's)
Libraries - 2 (Idea's)
Scholarships - 2 (Idea's)
Sponsor scholarships for trade within county - 1 (Big Idea's)
Scholarships with the obligation to return after school- 2(Top 3 idea's)
Enrich the education - 1 (Big Idea's)
More $ invested for youth in each town -1 (Big Idea's)

It would then be much easier if you permit this, for them to say, we only have three (3) voting districts and therefore only need three district representatives, wouldn't it?

Is it possible then, could all three of those representatives end up being Elk Konnected individuals, centrally located ?
You bet!

So, why change?

Keep the same district lines, keep all six (6) districts for fair and equal representation.

It is not a mandated change by the State School Board and therefore un-necessary.

I know, and it is my opinion, that we have been being hammered by Elk Konnected, LLC to think positive and to think positive, would be to vote yes.

But folks, I am positive that the correct positive action in this case is to vote NO as a positive action.

If you have ever attended a Elk County Commissioners meeting you have seen the not so positive attitude of the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, not only when they vote no, but in their attitude during the meetings. So, I suggest to you that the Elk Konnected, LLC positive attitude, is only aimed at the few people that show up at Elk Konnected, LLC so called Konnected Kommunity Konversations.
And I also wish to inform you that the Konnected Kommunity Konversations are not the brain child of Elk Konnected, LLC but of Public Squares Communities, INC of Leoti, Washington County, Kansas.
They have a requirement of Public Squares Communities, INC required of Elk Konnected, LLCto have those meetings to maintain their membership with Pubic Squares Communities, INC . What leadership is there in Elk County? They don't lead, they follow the lead of Public Squares Communities, INC of Washington County, Kansas.
I ask you, how weak minded is that?

Well, I'll tell you that is not,what I call leadership.
That is simply called following, and that is following Washington, County.
And that county is no better off then our county.

Leadership, should be able to stand on their own two feet and I am not talking about taking control of the local government or embarrsassing the local governments to go along with this so called form of leadership. If you buy into it that, you are voluntarily inviting trouble. IMHO! And I bet you get trouble down the road.

Vote NO, on the School item on your ballot, vote NO to the Konnected School Board President and whoever else might be Konnected on the School Board.

A NO in this case is a very big positive attitude for the taxpaying citizens of Elk County, even if those Konnected Followers think otherwise. Because, there is always bigger and stronger political reasons for change then just to make it easier or to male something more convenient .

A Question, who sponsored this action? Don't know do we?
Vote NO, a very simple and positive solution.

Vote out Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and vote NO for the Konnected School Board President. Vote NO against that type of control of the taxpayers school district, a very positive thing to do.

Also write in Mickey Wunderlich and Vote for Mr. Hebb.
Be a brave individual, Vote out the Konnected.

I am hoping everyone enjoys voting for an improved Elk County Government.


        Let's hope we can all be ready, for the results, and not have to duck, and cover our arse. ( Sorry Jar, for borrowing your lingo)


Permission granted Bull (Like you need it ) but it's OK to say "ass" on the political thread---no shrinking violets here.
"Duck and cover my arse" served me well decades ago but I hope I don't have to resort to that tactic when I roll out of the rack Wed. morning.Let us all pray now---------


Quote from: Bullwinkle on November 05, 2012, 08:49:44 AM
       Let's hope we can all be ready, for the results, and not have to duck, and cover our arse. ( Sorry Jar, for borrowing your lingo)

Sorry Bullwinkle, I understand your point, but I won't do that!

If the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Non Governmental Organization (NGO) retains it's control of our County Government I will not have to duck, and cover my arse, but I will hold steadfast and I may watch the mess even closer.

And your support and other peoples support in that task will be appreciated.

We can be as persistance with the truth, going forward as we have been in the past year and eight months.

I can deal with being called names and the attempts at bullying.

I'd much rather prefer the citizens of Elk County can see through all the smoke blown at them and recognize the failures over the last number of years and vote them so called Konnected's out of office.

I hope also that people recognize that Mr. Wunderlich is the most qualified candidate running against Konnected Kounty  Kommissioner Liebau!

And a vote for any other candidate, other then Mr. Wunderlich is a vote for Konnected Kounty  Kommissioner Liebau.

And that is what the Konnected Followers are counting on to get their candidate re-elected.

Remember write in Mr. Wunderlich and vote for Mr. Hebb!

All for a better future for Elk County!

  Write in Wunderlich    Vote for Hebb       Write in Wunderlich    Vote for Hebb     Write in Wunderlich    Vote for Hebb  

                         Write in Wunderlich    Vote for Hebb       Write in Wunderlich    Vote for Hebb     Write in Wunderlich    Vote for Hebb  


Compared to what we've read & seen of Wunderlich's assessment of things needing attention in Elk County, the other two District 3 contenders have provided nothing more than sail boat fuel.

Neither have really addressed anything other than to pat themselves on the back... one once worked on a road grader & the other offers a 4 year history of increased taxes, empty promises & backdoor management of the road department.

There is far more to guiding the Elk County government than personal axe grinding with the road boss or blind support of the declared Democrat incumbent.  We need people who really study the issues & support common sense, conservative actions by our Board of Commissioners.

Voters in District 1 realized that in 2010.  They elected a common sense conservative thinker who has tried to help right the ship.  But one of three can only do so much.  A vote for the incumbent changes nothing, and a vote for a man who used to work in the road department is simply a vote for the incumbent.  Remember, Elk County, you will get the local government you deserve... choose people who have been paying attention while you were busy taking care of family, farm & self.

What will it be?  More of the same (big spending & cronyism), a drifting ship (hostile personal agenda, one trick pony), or informed leadership (carefully studied, conservative attention to the need of all residents)?  Choose wisely... sail boat fuel is no choice at all.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: upoladeb on August 05, 2012, 01:55:07 PM
does anyoneknow if there is a buiding and zoning,and if  that is who will issue the permits or if we'll have to hire another county worker.Maybe thats a good reason to take our time,get more info,and for the people that will only move here if they get a rebate....fine don't

Quote from: upoladeb on August 05, 2012, 01:55:07 PM
get more info,and for the people that will only move here if they get a rebate....fine don't
Is that the kind of people that you want moving here?
People that want to hold the county hostage?
What kind of rif-raf is that?

The program is not designed to bring any people to Elk County.
The program is designed for the benefiot of those already living here.
And there are already applications accepted from a few of those people.
Accepted applications for a program that does not exist amazing isn't it.
I feel it is designed only for cronies, relatives and friends perhaps of the Konnected few.
If it was designed for newcomers perhaps it would state so, wouldn't it ?

No, in my opinion it is a scam by the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

As I said before if people want welfare based on such a scam of a program, I will definitly boycott any businees that is associated with the welfare reciepient, be it friend, relative or neighbor. I will also ask friends and acquaintances' to do the same.

Both are just great economic development plans don't you think?
Very Golden!

In my opinion everyone should pay their fir share with out kickbacks/welfare based on what is termed a rebate.

Our school district just lowered their mill levy and the state just raised our property values so our property tax remains the same for the the school district. Have you heard that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have lowered our mill levy? I haven't, so doesn't that effectively raise our property tax to the county?

If they can't afford to give everyone in the county a tax break, it is not fair to give anyone in the county a tax break.
Sweet and simple, isn't it?

We need to give Elk County Government a real break and vote out the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners !

Write in Wunderlich

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on November 05, 2012, 03:49:14 PM
Is that the kind of people that you want moving here?
People that want to hold the county hostage?
What kind of rif-raf is that?

The program is not designed to bring any people to Elk County.
The program is designed for the benefiot of those already living here.
And there are already applications accepted from a few of those people.
Accepted applications for a program that does not exist amazing isn't it.
I feel it is designed only for cronies, relatives and friends perhaps of the Konnected few.
If it was designed for newcomers perhaps it would state so, wouldn't it ?

No, in my opinion it is a scam by the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

As I said before if people want welfare based on such a scam of a program, I will definitly boycott any businees that is associated with the welfare reciepient, be it friend, relative or neighbor. I will also ask friends and acquaintances' to do the same.

Both are just great economic development plans don't you think?
Very Golden!

In my opinion everyone should pay their fir share with out kickbacks/welfare based on what is termed a rebate.

Our school district just lowered their mill levy and the state just raised our property values so our property tax remains the same for the the school district. Have you heard that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have lowered our mill levy? I haven't, so doesn't that effectively raise our property tax to the county?

If they can't afford to give everyone in the county a tax break, it is not fair to give anyone in the county a tax break.
Sweet and simple, isn't it?

We need to give Elk County Government a real break and vote out the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners !

Write in Wunderlich

Ross, I don't follow this post that starts off incoherently for me. You quote upoladeb, you then quote a smaller section of the same quote be for you say anything. Then you say "Is that the kind of people that you want moving here?
People that want to hold the county hostage?
What kind of rif-raf is that?"

I have no idea what your point is it is very disjointed. We may both be unedumacated rednecks, but you are smart enough to do a short rewrite of that post. I really want to understand  what your poiint was in that post.




Quote from: Fire Elk on November 05, 2012, 05:58:47 PM
Ross, I don't follow this post that starts off incoherently for me. You quote upoladeb, you then quote a smaller section of the same quote be for you say anything. Then you say "Is that the kind of people that you want moving here?
People that want to hold the county hostage?
What kind of rif-raf is that?"

I have no idea what your point is it is very disjointed. We may both be unedumacated rednecks, but you are smart enough to do a short rewrite of that post. I really want to understand  what your poiint was in that post.


Ha, ha, ho, ho that's a good one. Thanks for the chuckle.

Oh, that's okay! I think it is clear enough for most people and to change what I said would only lack the meaning that is very clear.

I'm sorry, I can't re-write it.

I hope this post is coherent enough for you Fire Elk, have a goood evening.

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