Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I'm thinking that you boys are doing quite well.  Anytime someone like Diane
says you're beyond hope, I say "amen" because the liberals, socilaists, and the
communists can't stand your comments.  You're definitely not one of them.
Beware that some of 'em are hiding under the Republican Party banner.


Quote from Diane:
I keep coming back expecting to see something new or proof of wrong doing or something worth reading...nope.

And you just keep adding to the "not worth reading ." As for us turning into ghost towns, did you ever consider that is exactly what some of the people want ?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
You are both beyond hope. Sarcasm is all you can come up with? Why the disrespectful put downs? Feeling a bit inadequate are we? More reasons while only a few of us will even try to talk to you. Perhaps you and Pat should just talk and puff up only to each other, and the rest can sit along the side lines and throw peanuts at you.
   I think someone should start a sarcasm thread where no useful ideas may ever  be addressed.... Just long strings of personal attacks and put downs may be written, no matter who writes or what the subject is.
  You two can start.You haven't had any really useful information to share with your local people for a very, very long time. It's just tons of rehash over and over. I keep coming back expecting to see something new or proof of wrong doing or something worth reading...nope. Even your so called report on that meeting just reeks of negativity. Just close it all down at watch the area become a ghost town even sooner than expected because you have driven away anyone's will to try? Every effort is seen through squinty eyes and with suspicion. If that's the way it is, I sure wouldn't want to try to start up a business there. Might as well shut the doors and turn out the lights. It is what it is and what will be already is. Nobody new may apply.

Not that "the boys" need any help from me, but Diane, exactly how was your post helpful and informative? Were you at the Kommunity Organizing Konversation last night to be able to dispute anything that was said about it? I was. Do I feel there is any need to dispute anything said by Ross or Patriot? Nope. Was that meeting one of the biggest jokes I've ever been to? Yep, it was second only to the first Kommunity Organizing Konversation that I went to. They klaim to want open and honest dialogue between citizens of the Kommunities involved but when a person is talking and trying to explain their thoughts and feelings on a subject, they tell them to stop and be quiet because there's not enough time to talk? Some of the Grand Poobahs of Elk Konnected were sitting at tables around the room and when ordinary people, citizens that they klaim to want to make this area better for, would talk and give ideas (ideas that other ordinary citizens were liking and responding to by the way), those Grand Poobahs would LAUGH and make jokes at their tables. What was funny? Not what the ordinary citizens were talking about; no those ideas weren't funny. Those ideas were good. They made sense to the common folk. What must've been funny was the fact that everyone was there as part of a ruse because not ONE of those "ordinary" ideas will come into play in anything that is conjured up by the people that ran that Konversation.

Intelligent people agree that the ONLY way that this county will get any businesses to come here or tourists to come here is to start by fixing the infrastructure of this county. Intelligent people know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes. I liken this forum to the media we see on tv. Some are fair and balanced and provide useful information while others only care about popularity and how much money people have. People need to vote out what has not worked for the past four years on ALL levels!----Jennifer L. Walker

P.S. Elk Konnected is supposed to help all people of the Kounty by using the Kounty Development coordinator (and taxpayer dollars) but guess what? Not everyone NEEDS it or is even OFFERED any help. OUR money built OUR business with NO help from Elk Konnected, nor would we have ACCEPTED it! WE built IT with no help from any Kommunity Organizers, either from here OR Washington, D.C. and we thank ALL our friends and neighbors and the travelers who support us!




Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
You are both beyond hope. Sarcasm is all you can come up with? Why the disrespectful put downs?

Actually, we're practicing what we observe in kommunity conversations.... effective application of the Alinsky Method (aka Delphi Technique):

...the facilitator learns something about each member of the target group.  S/He identifies the "leaders," the "loud mouths," as well as those who frequently turn sides during the argument — the "weak or noncommittal".

Suddenly, the amiable facilitator becomes "devil's advocate."  S/He dons his professional agitator hat.  Using the "divide and conquer" technique, s/he manipulates one group opinion against the other.  This is accomplished by manipulating those who are out of step to appear "ridiculous, unknowledgeable, inarticulate, or dogmatic."  S/He wants certain members of the group to become angry, thereby forcing tensions to accelerate.  The facilitator is well trained in psychological manipulation.  S/He is able to predict the reactions of each group member.  Individuals in opposition to the policy or program will be shut out of the group.

Of course, we haven't had the professional interview, training & practice, but we're trying to learn.   :)

Mr. Liebau get's it though.... as soon as the table discussions started last nigh, he identified one poor soul and instantly tried to ridicule & embarrass them be accusing them of not caring about the future of the flint hills, Elk county and the kids who live here.  He's learned the process, and did very well.  It was fascinating! You would have been proud.  Unfortunately, he failed to turn the table group against the individual.  Pulled the trigger too soon, I think.  But he sure gave it a good try.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

By the way, you have spelling and grammar errors in your post...gotcha back.  ;D.
 I'm sure I wouldn't be proud of anything that would deliberately try to embarrass anyone in a public meeting...I have a much softer style.
The fact you seem to know so much about the  Delphi Technique is very disquieting to me. The people I know of who are so good at it are deliberate radical trouble makers with the intent to destroy whatever they don't like, no matter what it is.
  Jennifer I stand by what I said. By the way, it's great that so far your business is a success. When I started mine, I didn't need any outside help either. Some people do..that's why people loan out money and small businesses can get advice when they want or need it. They have to ask. Usually it isn't offered,one has to seek it out.I'm not sure who you mean by the "common folk" though. Are you separating people out? Aren't you all common folk?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Since you've never seen me run a meeting you wouldn't know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 07:08:08 PM
The people I know of who are so good at it are deliberate radical trouble makers with the intent to destroy whatever they don't like, no matter what it is.

You don't say.  And we know some of the same folks, don't we.  You're right, they are destroying what they don't like.  You should see & hear them in action like many of us did just last night.  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Jar, you have always had permission to skip my posts. By the way ,why would anyone want Elk County to become nothing but little ghost towns? That's very sad.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
You are both beyond hope. Sarcasm is all you can come up with? Why the disrespectful put downs? Feeling a bit inadequate are we? More reasons while only a few of us will even try to talk to you. Perhaps you and Pat should just talk and puff up only to each other, and the rest can sit along the side lines and throw peanuts at you.

I have no answers. because no one knows anything, about your Elk Konnected, LLC, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks. And if you re-read this post of yours, I think you would find it is full of negative and degrading remarks. Now does that sound like all that positive attitude Elk Konnected, LLC wants?

You did tell us awhile back you had $85,000 dollars in your coffers. But you don't say where it has all gone!
Was that possibly used to pay administrative costs, such as paychecks?

Here is a couple of questions for you Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, why do you operate in such a deceptive manner as having donations made to ECCEF and have ECCEF then transfer to Elk Konnected, LLC?
Deception is not a positive attitude is it?

Is it because if your NGO, LLC were non-profit, you would have to be more open with the public?
Is that why? Just asking?

There is no sarcasm or put down in asking questions of an NGO when they are claiming to want to improve the quality of life in Elk County.
An NGO that is supposed to be serving the best interest of the people of Elk County, now is there?
Refusing to answer questions by hiding behind such accusations that you have made here is just childish as all get out IMHO?
Or are you doing that in order to hide something?

If that is the case what are you doing with your position of County Commissioner?
I had to ask!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
  I think someone should start a sarcasm thread where no useful ideas may ever be addressed.... Just long strings of personal attacks and put downs may be written, no matter who writes or what the subject is.

You asked for it, here is some sarcasm especially for you!
Are your ideas really, no useful ideas?
Are you referring to the list of ideas at the beginning of this thread?
Sorry about that! Not!

Really asking questions that go unanswered is sarcasm?
If the questions are sarcasm, then why not answers them honestly, showing that they are sarcasm, and turn the tables on the questions?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
 You two can start.You haven't had any really useful information to share with your local people for a very, very long time. It's just tons of rehash over and over. I keep coming back expecting to see something new or proof of wrong doing or something worth reading...nope.

I have said it many times, I have only unanswered questions.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
Even your so called report on that meeting just reeks of negativity. Just close it all down at watch the area become a ghost town even sooner than expected because you have driven away anyone's will to try?

Well the meeting was a farce, pulled together as "Saving the Flint Hills". Adn them folks fron Butler county said they didn't know anythig about the Flint Hills. Wasn't that extremely negative?

Threats of a ghost town, what is positive about a threat?
Not very nice!
In fact very negative of you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 02:52:33 PM
Every effort is seen through squinty eyes and with suspicion. If that's the way it is, I sure wouldn't want to try to start up a business there. Might as well shut the doors and turn out the lights. It is what it is and what will be already is. Nobody new may apply.

You sure do seem to be having a lot of trouble starting that daycare center.
And you didn't even thank me for helping you acquire the refridgerator, dishwasher and washing machine. But that's okay!

I don't have squinty eyes, sorry. Suspicion of what? Poor performance perhaps and taking credit for what our County Government does?   Oh, and attempting to pay gas mileage to our County employee with County money, while she was on Elk Konnected, LLC business.

But that was not suspicion because Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau during a County Commissioners meeting pulled out his wallet and paid for the gas mileage, didn't he?

However, if County Commissioner Ritz had not objected paying for mileage used for Elk Konnected, LLC you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners would have paid it, right?

No suspicion when, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau's aunt called you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners on the carpet for letting your NGO take over the official County web site, no suspicion at all in that is there?

No suspicion, when you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners let your NGO abuse the
Official County emergency notification system was there?

This is just a few reasons you should vote for someone not Elk Konnected, LLC.
Voting for spmeone that will not abuse the Elk County taxpayers and voters, now wouldn't that be a very positive thing for Elk County, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks? So can we count on your vote for Mr. Hebb as a positive move for Elk County?

That last post Diane was deffinitly yours, doing the spill checking thing and missing the real mnessage, too bad!

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