Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Fire Elk

Thanks Ross. I saw you put a scroll back on for "Vote for Hebb" in an earlier post, thank you. I'll take you up on that invitation for coffee when I can. My work is moving me all over the country right now, due to the bad economy. Next time I am in EK I will look you up. I sincerely want to meet you.


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 29, 2012, 05:59:42 PM
Thanks Ross. I saw you put a scroll back on for "Vote for Hebb" in an earlier post, thank you. I'll take you up on that invitation for coffee when I can. My work is moving me all over the country right now, due to the bad economy. Next time I am in EK I will look you up. I sincerely want to meet you.

I'll be looking forward to me you!
Send me a pm and I'll try to meet you over there in Longton for coffee, if possible.

I went to the big shindig in Howard tonight.
Big turn out, I counted 40 people, including the candidate, but not counting the ladies serving ice cream.

To bad oldtimers had set in on me, I showed up a half hour late.
I thought, I was a half hour early.
Anyway, I missed out on 95% of the Q&A !

But I had an excellent time visiting with some interesting people.

Including a blind man that is new to Elk County, it was a real pleasure visiting with the youg man.
And I gave him a hearty welcome to Elk County. I didn't notice anyone else doing that?

And after the talk a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner had about whether or not people talk proudly about being from Elk County when they nay be in another county.

Well, I'll tell you this much about me, I wear a Mills Feed and Supply cap just about every where I go.
And I am frequently asked if I live in Moline.
To that, I respond yes I live just outside of Moline and then ask if they happen to know Elk County.
And that usually starts, a conversation about the advantages of living here.

Now a different take on Elk County. I was quite surprised when I heard these words out of a land owner, right here in Elk County this morning.
I'm not making this up, because I am not that cleaver. The man said and I quote. "That Elk Konnected has made me realize it is time for me to be Elk County dis-connected." I think he was suggesting selling out and leaving Elk County. I find that a terrible shame, he seemd like such a nice guy, it would in my opinion be a shame to loose a resident for such a reason.

I'm looking forward to the shindig tomorrow night about saving the Flint Hills.
Who know there might be something to learn at that Community Conversation.
I just hope they don't play musical chairs, with kindergarten stars and such.

Good night folks.


Tonight's Community Conversation

Is it truly going to be a Community Conversation ?

If so, why will you be required to sign in?

If they truly only want a head count, why not just have someone stand there and count heads. They could even have a clicker to help do the counting, couldn't they ?

Remember right here on this thread, I was told I was a member of Elk Konnected, LLC, simply because I attended a meeting. Folks, I am not a member of any organization, especially one that controls our County Government via two controlling votes as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that represents what I believe to be the "Old Guard" that Elk Konnected, LLC claimed to weed out of their organization. Another term for the "Old Guard " is the "Good Old Boys Club" only now women are in it !

Are they possibly planning to make another list of GREAT IDEA'S? Like the one at the start of this thread?

If so, will they include names of the people that come up with these GREAT IDEA'S ?
Or will they be ashamed of their GREAT IDEA'S ?  I mean Elk Konnected, LLC's own Steering Committee (or as I like to call them, "Board of Governors) didn't even sign it, did they. No pride in that list anywhere in my personal opinion.

How about this one where they wanted to do away with all the city councils in Elk County and take complete control to Howard ! A really Big Idea, really?

Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM
Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

If all their Big Idea's are so good why weren't there any names attached to any of them?
Why is it that even Elk Konnected, LLC or their illustrious founder won't take responsibility for the list of Big Idea's. That terrific list is right there on page one of this thread, please revue it. They were discussing spending possibly hundreds of millions of dollars, when the very maximum to be realized, from the wind farm money to the county would be less then twenty million dollars over twenty years. If the wind farm last that long. But will it last that long, that is an important question, isn't it?

Nobody assumes responsibility, for anything Elk Konnected, LLC, nobody, ask yourself why?
Where are the leadership qualities in that?

Now tonight, Elk Konnected, LLC an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) is bring a much larger NGO into Elk County that has a consortium of NGO's.

Does Elk Konnected, LLC lack the ability to operate on their own?
I guess so, and it appears they are losing ground through all their failures!
I think, they are afraid they are going to be voted out of our County Government!
So they, call in reinforcements in order to look important, right?
Join another group instead of leading and to follow that is the way for them to go IMHO!
Then they can say look at what we did, when it is people from who know where doing it.

Anyway, moving on!

Is it really about saving the "Flint Hill's" ?
What are they saving the "Flint Hill's" from?
Is it you they are saving it from?
Or is it the farmers and ranchers that own the land ?

No matter which one what are they saving the "Flint Hill's" from, why do they need idea's ?

Why not just educate people to p[rotect the Flint Hills ?

I'll tell you why, I don't think it is about educating, because it is about control !

If they get idea's and no names attached, there is no responsibility on their part and they can shift responsibility to the citizens at large. And nobody know's who that is, right ? !

But I think it will, eventually come down to "Sustainable Development" ! Agenda 21?
And Sustainable Development of the United Nations, the same people that want to take away our rights to have guns!

What exactly is Sustainable Development? I don't know!
"Sustainable development (SD) refers to a mode of human development" ,this is from wikipedia.  Still very vague, right?

What does that mean?

It can be twisted to mean anything and everything, because of it's vagueness, that's what it means, they don't IMHO! It can mean from what you can or can not eat, to what you can or can not drive, to what you can or can not plant on your farm, to what you can or can not graze in your pasture, to what you can or can not build on your property, even down to where or where you may or may not live. And like in China, it could even be used to mean how many children you may or may not have. Just think about the vagueness of that term, "Sustainable Development", please?

Why a consortum of NGO's, coming to Elk County? Simply power, nothing more, IMHO!

Power either comes from having lots of money or lots of people or lots of organizations, or all three, lots of money and lots of people and lots of organizations all pulled together.

They will be very well organized tonight, they will have their plan right down to a nat's ass on control. I bet they even have the Sheriff and his deputies there?

Maybe they will even have the Chataqua Sheriff there, afterall he was at the "Meet and Greet the Candidates" in Grenola, yea he was there! I spoke with him and asked why he was carrying a gun, when there was a sign on the door, no guns. That's when he told me he was the Chataqua Sheriff ?

What business does a Sheriff, outside of his jurisdiction, on a friendly visit to Elk County, have with carrying a gun into a Community Conversation, where a sign is saying no guns?

He is not in his jurisdiction and apparently not on duty and not in uniform, and that makes him an everyday citizen just like you and me.

So, why does he break the rules, why is he allowed to break the rules, why didn't our County Sheriff ask the man to abide by the rule,s and leave his gun in his car ?

No, I don't buy that professional courtesy B.S., it does not apply in this type of situation. Rules are rules and laws are laws, which pertain to all including sheriffs outside of their jusrisdiction.  Or, are the Sheriff's and police in our country above the law and rules and regulations?

But really, what is our country and our county becoming?
What are NGO's becoming?
Are they the new form of Government?

Just food for thought!

I'd suggest as many people attend tonight, to learn what is coming down the pike, in Elk County and your way of life!

I'd also suggest not signing anything, until you have a couple of days to think about it.

If you feel you must sign their registry, please print, better yet don't even do that!
Your name on their registry can be used in such a manner that it appears you are in approval of whatever they say or do, even if you don't spprove.

All just simply my opinion and my thoughts.

Please do your own thing and your own thinking!

And I hope you enjoy the conversation tonight.

Let's get the vote out for Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich!


As a side note... I wonder if the Sheriff and/or his deputies will be providing 'security' for this privately held meeting at taxpayer expense as they have at least twice before.  Must be nice to have a fully armed security force for free at your private meeting.  Talk about government/private partnerships!  I guess they misunderstand constitutional limits.

Then again, this whole thing stinks of UN Agenda 21 usurpation of constitutional US sovereignty.  Put your thinking caps on, citizens.  Look for open debate on the issues, open votes on the decisions... look for a 'facilitator' who wants to suppress any free speech that doesn't support the agenda of those running the meeting.  Let's hope not.... this is still America, after all.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Yea, I'm anxious to see of Elk Konnected, LLC is so parinoid and fearful of Elk County and other Kansas Citizens to have the Elk County Serifff Department on guard duty for them !

And I do believe if they do, they should have to pay the Departments salary for the day, plus the protion for medical benefits and Social Security. Awe heck all the benfits for one day and vehical expenses for a day.

Do you think thiose Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are responsible enough to understand and compensate the county appropriately ?

I don't think so!

I didn't see the Sheriff's deputies as security for the event last night, for the Farm Bureau !
Did I miss something?


Toinights meeting for vitality of the Flint Hills was overall a farce IMHO!
It's to late to go into it tonight, but I consider it another Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners failures.
I thought it was suppose to be about saving the Flint Hills, I do believe the first newspaper article about this Kommunity Konversation said exactly that.

But no, it had nothing at all to do with saving the Flint Hills, nothing what so ever, talk about misleading, wow!

I'll try to give more information tomorrow, because, tonight I am tired and ready to go to bed.

So, good night everyone.


The Kommunity Konversation about saving the Flint Hills wasn't about saving the Flint Hills. In fact at the start of the meeting they said. "For those people who showed up to learn something about the Flint Hills, well, you will be disappointed, because we don't know anything about the Flint Hills.

So let's back up a moment or two. I took a head count and came up with 53 people attending. What a pathetic turn out for supposedly four counties. Two were Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, one was the Elk County Youth Development Employee also Konnected, the Konnected West Elk School Board President, maybe three people from Flint Hills Frontier the NGO that was invited to hold this shindig, and other Konnected people. A couple of men from Chautauqua County. And a man from Butler County. Just to name a few.

The sheriff's department was not present. I guess the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners got the message that our county sheriff's department should not be working as Elk Konnected, LLC's private security agent's.

Oh, no circle of chairs and no kindergarten colored stars and no name tags. But they did have tables and what appeared a facilitator at each table. Except at the table where I was sitting. My table had all the seats full and they were all rednecks. The name redneck is a name to be proud of because rednecks are determined and get the job done.

Very interesting the group from out of county was less prepared then Elk Konnected, LLC has been to hold such a shindig. The referred to Elk Public Squares Communities several times at the top of the meeting. I guess they didn't know it is Elk Konnected, LLC! I believe due to the amateurish way the meeting went these were newbie's in training, training to learn how to control and manipulate people.

The man said something about, "We a multi-county community."
No wait a minute I thought Elk Konnected, LLC was all about the local Konnected Kommunity. You know the one with no boundaries? Well I guess the no boundary is spreading to multi-county communities! What next, multi-state communities and multi-National communities. Wait a moment we have Multi- National communities don't we, through NATO don't we? Where does all this B.S. end?

Someone got up and spoke about some of the activities for kids and how their community and their how their children were not informed! And the man doing most of the answering said, "If an organization truly serve the people, there be direct communications with the people."

Did you hear that Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, right here is your direct line of communications. Remember you folks said, you were going to use the forum for that purpose several years ago? 

I liked this one, an older lady, who I have seen and heard before, said what keeps this county going is the Rugged Individualism of the People of Elk County. I thought that was well said and a very strong point. I respect this lady for her view points. I spoke with her after the meeting and she told me she has been studying Communism for a very long time and in fact, she said she just finished a course in Communism. I find her fascinating! Her nephew could learn a lot from her IMHO.

But when this lady started speaking the people at the table next to the one I was sitting at started giggling and laughing and I believe it was about what she had to say but I can't swear to that! At any rate it was very rude and disrespectful of the IMHO! It sure appeared to me to be a table loaded with Konnected folks, just shameful in my opinion to act in such a fashion when an elder is speaking. I personally thought what this lady had to say was the high light of the evening. However, organization of this nature in my opinion do not respect individualism and are more interested in collectivism because of their terminology and actions and only have room for one individual and that is the one at the top of the chain. But they have to have followers in order to be at the top don't they?
I see the top failing because of the lack of followers and because of the deceit such as this meeting supposedly being about "Saving the Flint Hills: and then not being what they originally claimed. Once again they only had a total of 53 people from supposedly 4 counties being invited, that is a pathetic turn out especially since that included Elk Konnected, LLC Konnected people and the people from the NGO Flint Hills Frontier.

Oh. There was so much B.S. I could write about, but since it is so boring, I'll stop right here. I'm sure you folks reading this need a break. The whole shindig was a complete flop IMHO! Very amateurish! Going nowhere!

Perhaps someone else found it to be different than I did, especially the Konnected Followers.


They had ink pens on the table for us to use and I visited the http://www.coreessentialscenter.com site that was on the ink pens.

It was Angie Baur that was in charge of last night's meeting, however some guy did most of the talking, any way, here is a paragraph from her web site:

Angie Baur is from Towanda, KS

Since returning to Kansas in 2008 Angie Baur has worked in the world of Philanthropy. Presently she is the Associate Director of Central Kansas Community Foundation, based in Newton, KS. In addition to her meaningful work at the local Community Foundation she owns, Core Essentials LLC, a consulting and coaching business. One of her topic clients is Public Square Communities Inc. As a community facilitator she works with citizens in progressive communities who want to thrive. All her work ties into building strong communities.

I took a google earth drive through Towanda, Butler County, KS population 1,450 and I don't see any thriving community there, Why, isn't it thriving with this expert living there?

Oh well!

But you can not possibly believe these people are running, what I consider a racket, without making a really good pay check?
That have all that extensive edumaction that isn't cheap to get. So they gotta be making a hefty income off of this stuff. In seven years of Elk Konnected, LLC have you seen anything substantial come out of it? I haven't, except for continuous failure!


But Ross, she has a degree and is a Licensed Master Social Worker.  It's good to know we have a Social Worker helping us with the 'problems' in our community.  Would that make these 'konversations' more like group therapy?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

You are both beyond hope. Sarcasm is all you can come up with? Why the disrespectful put downs? Feeling a bit inadequate are we? More reasons while only a few of us will even try to talk to you. Perhaps you and Pat should just talk and puff up only to each other, and the rest can sit along the side lines and throw peanuts at you.
   I think someone should start a sarcasm thread where no useful ideas may ever  be addressed.... Just long strings of personal attacks and put downs may be written, no matter who writes or what the subject is.
  You two can start.You haven't had any really useful information to share with your local people for a very, very long time. It's just tons of rehash over and over. I keep coming back expecting to see something new or proof of wrong doing or something worth reading...nope. Even your so called report on that meeting just reeks of negativity. Just close it all down at watch the area become a ghost town even sooner than expected because you have driven away anyone's will to try? Every effort is seen through squinty eyes and with suspicion. If that's the way it is, I sure wouldn't want to try to start up a business there. Might as well shut the doors and turn out the lights. It is what it is and what will be already is. Nobody new may apply.

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