Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
"Give welfare to those who don't need it.'' Who decides that?
It sure does appear that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  are attempting that, can't you see that? Who else is running the proposal or approving the proposal for Welfare designed as a "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" with tax kick backs or rebates? Is there someone else doing it? Is it the "Old Guard" or is it Elk Konnected, LLC or is it both? You tell me who is running the proposal, okay?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
 Do you really expect the new commissioners ,whoever they will soon be, to come on the forum and answer all your endless questions? Why should they?

No ma'am, I surely don't, you see if the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are voted out of office there will be no more Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  will there? And this thread is pertaining to Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  and their NGO, right?
I think you could have figured that out on your own!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
Do you have a demanding petition signed by many? Why wouldn't the people of Elk County expect the business of the commission to continue to be handled at the commission meetings as always?

Am I required to have a demanding petition to ask questions on this forum or this thread?
Am I required to have a demanding petition to express my honest opinion?
How about you, ask the owners of this forum if that is a requirement and clear that up for us, okay?
And while you are at ,talk to the Supreme Court and find out if Freedom of Speech is still alive and well, in the good ole US of A, okay?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
Are you demanding insider information?

I haven't demanded anything, nope no demands on my part?
What insider information? Do you know something? Will you share?
Are not the taxpayers the people the Commissioners suppose to answer to and honestly?
So where does the insider information or secreacy in local government come in at?
Do we have a plutocracy in Elk County is that what is secret?
What do they have to hide?
No, Diane I only ask simple questions?
Who are you trying to defend by trying to suppress my freedom of speech?
What is it that you are afraid will be exposed, by this attempt at free speech suppresion?
Please Enlighten us.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
  OK, Ross I'll take you up on your suggestion and not believe anything you say.

That's perfect Diane, good girl, but why be so upset about it?
If you don't believe what is in this thread why all the hullabaloo?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
So then, the commissioners are doing just fine and don't need to be replaced. Nobody is lining their pockets or taking advantage of the power of privilege.

Who has ever said the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  were lining their pockets?
Do you know something the rest of us don't know?
Do you understand the implications of your suggestion?
WOW! I'm shocked by such remarks!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
The EK activities are accepted and enjoyed by the people of Elk County who understand that not all activities may succeed. Competitive capitalism is alive and well in Elk County.

Accepted by who? Konnected Kounty Kommissioner  Hendricks NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC has failed many times as outlined throughout this thread and they continue to take credit for activities put toether by the Elk County Youth Development Employee, so please tell us what you are talking about from Delaware?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
People can then judge for themselves whether you are just a harmless neurotic with too much time on his hands or a self proclaimed uneducated, frustrated resident who can't understand why so many don't see things his way, and is allowing himself to be manipulated by several  others who have their own questionable agendas, and are taking advantage of him. One in particular should know better.

Oh, Diane that hurts, that accusation that you have nothing to back it up with. I am not the least bit frustrated or being used. I am a pretty durn happy individual. I think you must be pretty frustrated in order to stoop so low to make such accusations. And I can understand your frustration being, what 2000 miles away in Delaware when the issues are here in Elk County, Kansas. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Diane I have said many times. I'm crazy – but I'm not insane as well as I'm high but not on drugs. I'm high on life, don't you see?

I am so sorry for you that you let this simple little thread disturb you so much way back there in Delaware!

Is it possible for you to deal with issues in your neighborhood in Delaware?
There are issues every where one looks across the nation, try yours at home.
It might not be a stressful on you. I am concerned about your stress level at such great distance for our issues.

Have a great day Diane, if that really is you.

And I believe that the Elk County Citizens are quite able to vote their on mind for change if that is what they want, don't you?


Quote from Diane:
to come on the forum and answer all your endless questions?

Endless questions huh ? If I counted right  you have asked 37 questions in your last 5 posts on this thread, but one of them was a one liner with no questions, so correct me if I'm wrong teach, but I think you average over 9 questions per post, not counting the one liner. See what happens when a person is bored ? :police: :angel:

Diane Amberg

Bored! Ya gotta be kidding! Scared, but not bored. And the petition I suggested was not for Boss Ross...his poor reading comprehension strikes again...it was  for the commissioners to come on here and be accountable. It was for a real petition carried by Ross with real signatures, not some forum thing. Lets see...many days with no posts and several with several...not a very big average I'd say. Several of my comments and questions were suggested by forum readers, by the way. As far as "lining their pockets",you people can look it up for your selves. it does or did exist maybe around#160 or near by? Now, time to take out the meatloaf and enjoy it while we still have electricity.


Meatloaf was a good musical group!   >:(
Oops, wrong forum... I thought this was the coffee shop.   Opps, did it again, thanks to Britnay Spears.

hell, I need to get a life!    :-X

ready, and carry on my wayword sons...et al


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 05:46:15 PM
Bored! Ya gotta be kidding! Scared, but not bored. And the petition I suggested was not for Boss Ross...his poor reading comprehension strikes again...it was to for the commissioners to come on here and be accountable. It was for a real petition carried by Ross with real signatures, not some forum thing. Lets see...many days with no posts and several with several...not a very big average I'd say. Several of my comments and questions were suggested by forum readers, by the way. As far as "lining their pockets",you people can look it up for your selves. it does or did exist maybe around#160 or near by? Now, time to take out the meatloaf and enjoy it while we still have electricity.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 05:46:15 PM
Several of my comments and questions were suggested by forum readers, by the way.

What is one to believe out of you Diane,  deception,  unable to speak your own mind?
Really who is being used, now?

Sounded like just one person to me, or did she include her visionaries? I doubt any respectable visionary would be invloved in this type of thing!

My comprehension is bad, I don't think so, you see this is Diane writing this post, but the last couple were questionable and now you admit it, thanks. I can imagine all the excuses now , with the help of my visionaries! LOL

I really didn't believe it was your style of writing Diane, so thank you Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks.

Thanks for helping me make my point, that you and your NGO and the few cronies you call followers, should be questioned as to your motives and actions. Your help is greatly appreciated! Much more than, I can express. Your reference to, no one lining their pockets was a dead give away.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 12:26:18 PM
So then, the commissioners are doing just fine and don't need to be replaced. Nobody is lining their pockets or taking advantage of the power of privilege. 

Enjoy the meat loaf and good luck with tending the issues in your area.
I hope you have a back up generator, it might come in handy.
I sincerely hope you weather the storm well.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 05:46:15 PM
...was not for Boss Ross...his poor reading comprehension strikes again...

Not surprisingly, here's more name calling & personal attacks on a citizen exercising the right of free speech regarding government officials.  Nope, no left wingers here.  Only 'moderate independents'.  Must be a Obama/Biden double standard thing.  At this rate, Ross will be a racist homophobe before Friday.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 But it's OK to attack MY free speech!  HA!
   We've never had a generator. Our fire stations have them, so if I can get there they are always an option.. So the state is closed and evacuations have started and everything we've ever been trained for is up and operational. We are at level II driving now ,meaning only essential  personnel.
   The rest of the readers hear are very entertained by you folks.I'm off to bed now.Tomorrow is going to be a very long hard day.


I thought yesterday was very productive, we recieved information from Diane that she is not writing her own posts, but letting others think for her! I found that very interesting, didn't you? Did you notice the name she gave me? "Ross the Boss" well I disagree with her on that one. Being Boss implies being in charge, I am not in charge of anything except my own life, so that just doesn't apply. sorry Diane! But that is more Diane's style of writing if you get my drift and no I am no expert.

Moving on.

I'm going to try to make it to the big meeting in Howard this evening.
The question and answer program for the candidates at the Cox building at 7 pm.

To bad they won't be fielding questions from the audience, and then it would be real interesting, IMHO!
But, I suppose the reason for that is to protect certain participants.
Otherwise, why not have a town hall type meeting, or a debate type forum.
Either one would be much more entertaining and informative IMHO!

Oh well, gotta accept what they will give us, don't we?

We may be able to determine who has done their homework at best.

I hope, I see a few of you there, as I said it could be very informative, at least I sure hope so!

And then tomorrow night, we,  may get to see our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners in action again with a consortium of of NGO's, brought to you compliments of the NGO Elk Konnected, LLC and our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. A consortium represents more NGO's and a bunch of people, maybe just a small bunch of 10 or 12 people, maybe a few more or a lot more, maybe with more visionaries or not, from God only knows where they come from, they don't come from Elk County, but they know what is best for Elk County, Kansas.

How many of you have seen anyone harming the Flint Hills or the Tall Grass Area  ?

How many of you want a lot of regulations imposed that won't allow you to operate your farms and ranches the way you have been doing for years?

How many of you want to have to go to the court house and ask permission before you can mow your pastures for hay?

Aren't we already being told when we can burn our pastures and when we can not?

Why do you suppose that is happening?

My guess is some NGO or NGO's with their visionaries representing the city's, city's that exceed their pollution levels have blamed it on the farmer for burning his pasture!

Hence, they took it to the governing bodies and got regulations written. Just think about that!

The agencies called a meeting here, what was it year before last?

They showed us a picture supposedly taken from a satellite showing a lone huge cloud and told us it was smoke from burning our pastures and it was headed for Chicago and could raise Chicago's pollution level above acceptable?

Really, where was the proof the picture was real? Where were the stats showing the pollution level in that pretty white cloud?

Ever heard of photoshop?

Do you really believe you can trust the federal government to tell you the truth?
I worked for the federal government and I know better, even at the lowest levels!

But the Agencies sent a lot of men to that meeting to talk to us, why do you suppose so many men for such a simple subject?
To impress, to reinforce and even perhaps some intimidation to the effect that you have to believe us!
Isn't it possible that the more people running the show the more control, the less chance of anyone questioning, what is being told to them ?

Just food for thought!


It is my personal opinion that any votes for anyone but this write-in

M  i  c  k  e  y       W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h

will ensure the re-election of the incumbent Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau!

Mr. Wunderlich has been attending the County Commissioners meeting regularly for more than a year and a half,
and is very aware what the full ramifications of the office entail.

The job requires more knowledge than just the road department. It covers much more than just the road department!     Much, much more!

So, let's remember the spelling and get this man elected for a great improvement to the County commissioners Board.

M  i  c  k  e  y       W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h

Please read his web site and be sure to click through the pages for reading.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 28, 2012, 09:09:52 PM
But it's OK to attack MY free speech!  HA!
   We've never had a generator. Our fire stations have them, so if I can get there they are always an option.. So the state is closed and evacuations have started and everything we've ever been trained for is up and operational. We are at level II driving now ,meaning only essential  personnel.
   The rest of the readers hear are very entertained by you folks.I'm off to bed now.Tomorrow is going to be a very long hard day.

Attack?  No.  In a debate, sandbox labels are different than than using/assigning self evident ideological alignments.  Calling one a political conservative, progressive, capitalist or socialist is much different than calling them a wingnut or using pejoratives like 'Ross the Boss'.  As for the readers here (not hear), please don't assume you have a lock on all of them... or even a majority.  The majority are guests & aren't even registered.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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