Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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evidently it does make a difference to Patriot and Ross since they continually bash Diane and others for posting when they do not live here.


Quote from: proelkco on October 01, 2012, 09:32:12 AM
and that would make them uppity? Again I ask you Redcliffsw do you reside in Elk County?

To uppity to answer a few honest questions with honest answers, me thinks!
And always on the defensive about their organization and it's secret activities, why?
I consider that hiding!
What are they hiding from?

Don;t we need open and honest answers from our elected officials?

I think we can get just that :

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
Let's Git-R-Done



Quote from: proelkco on October 01, 2012, 09:56:00 AM
evidently it does make a difference to Patriot and Ross since they continually bash Diane and others for posting when they do not live here.

Not true about me. Diane was not adding to the conversation.
She was distracting by her petty spell checking and vocabulary checking.
She was also always comparing our little county with her vastly overpopulated county, hundreds and hundreds of miles away.
There is no comparison to her county which has numerous large business and two very large prisons.
And we were made full well aware of her depth of belonging to organizations.
None of which has to do with Elk County, Kansas.

We only have one little tiny organization that was founded by Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and that little organization is a privately owned company known as Elk Konnected, LLC which apparently gets it's instructions from Public Squares Communities, INC, from way over in western Kansas in a small community called Leoti, Kansas.

I even called Leoti, Kansas city hall several months ago and they told me they had never heard of Public Squares Communities, INC, Don't you find that a bit strange that the organization doesn't even operate in their home town?

Check Leoti, Kansas business directory for youself at http://www.leotikansas.org/businessdirectory.htm , do you see Public Squares Community, INC listed? Really strange isn't it?

Leoti is in Wichita County, Kansas and the county has a population of about 1,534 with a declining population! Where is the hope for that county? Why isn't Public Squares Communities, INC active in their own county?

Perhaps, because they, Wichita County, Ks. doesn't want to pay the $4,000 a year tuition or whatever the organization calls it, what do you think?

Do we need Kommunity Kommissioners that condone this junk?

I don't think so!

How many people in Elk County are Konnected?

Maybe 20 people?

Well,  I say let them pay their own tuition and leave our city councils and county government and school board out of it. By involving these entities in paying out our property tax to support such a small group of people is just wrong and unethical in my opinion. Especially, unethical when the elected officials that are involved with the group and they vote to give them my property tax money and your property tax money!

Have they no shame?

Isn't it time to put a stop to the leaching off of Elk County citizens and property taxpayers and the school board funds intended for the education of our children?

Proelkco or any other Follower, why such a small group of people that are being "DREAMERS", "Visionaries" and pretending to be the assigned saviours of Elk County, who have accomplished nothing in 7 years, but has failed over and over again. do they deserve one red cent more of any of Elk Countys tax dollar?

Whether they are county tax dollars or city tax dollars or especially our schools tax dolllars that are intended for our childrens education?

Remember we shut down two grade schools due to lack of funding and placed the children in portable buildings? How much more do the schools need to be robbed?

Wouldn't Elk County be better off with County Commissioners, ones like Mr. Ritz?
County Commissioners that are not Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?
If you don't thinks so, please tell us all, why we wouldn't be better off with out Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?
I'm sure everyone would like to know your reasoning?

Otherwise, folks as Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says, let's "Git-Er-Done!"

Let's get some real men in office, what do you say?

Talk with family, friends and neighbors and let's get a County Government that works for you and not some private company.

Spread the word ----
Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich
And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County



Pro - Ross doesn't answer questions, he only asks them, and yet he berates those who don't answer what he asks. 

And I sure like his bassackwards logic that if someone doesn't refute what he says, then it must be true.  Yet, when someone does have the tanacity to present factual information that does prove his statement wrong, he just acts like the post never happened and deflects to some other grandiose conspiracy and/or supposed governmental malfesence statement, in the form of a question of course. 


Quote from: crosstimber on October 01, 2012, 07:12:04 PM
Pro - Ross doesn't answer questions, he only asks them, and yet he berates those who don't answer what he asks.  

And I sure like his bassackwards logic that if someone doesn't refute what he says, then it must be true.  Yet, when someone does have the tanacity to present factual information that does prove his statement wrong, he just acts like the post never happened and deflects to some other grandiose conspiracy and/or supposed governmental malfesence statement, in the form of a question of course.  

It is all very good logic, IMHO! If what I have posted were lies wouldn't you refute it?

A fabricated Example:
If you were a county commissioner and I called you a sixth grade drop out and said you failed all through those six years, wouldn't you refute it? Wouldn't you call me a flat out liar?
This thread is about Elk Konnected and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, not the least little bit about me.

Your right, I am not the one required to answer questions because I am not Konnected.

The Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are elected by and should answer to the voters, especially when they lack the ethics to recuse themselves when voting to give tax dollars to their privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC, founded by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks!

By the way Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks spent some time on this thread but apparently could not handle the truth and left, never to return, so far. I guess she doesn't feel she can defend the secreacy and actions of her organization which claims to be a Community Organization. It really isn't with only, maybe 20 people involved, is it?

I think they are in business for other reasons and everything else is a scam, that's my honest opinion!

Prove me wrong, I hope you can. so please try real hard?

Again, you are right I am not here to answer questions and that is because I don't have any answers. That's why I ask questions?
I hope you understand that! That is real clear logic, don't you think?

Here is some more real logic, I think Elk County would be far better off with out Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and I hope people will talk about that with their families, friends and neighbors. Anyone can read this thread from the beginning and learn a considerable amount of information. I believe that is exactly opposite of what you want? Because of your challenging me, to answer your questions, why are you doing that instead of being a part of the solution to correct a problem in Elk County?

I think there is a terrific solution to the problem, will you help?
Will you discuss it with your families, friends and neighbors?
Or will you push for the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners organization, LLC to continue to having the controlling votes on the County Commissioners Board?

It all sounds like the "Old Guard" Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks spoke of, don't you think?

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"


If it weren't so sick it would be amusing.... here, just as in national politics, when someone questions the behaviors or policies of a Democrat politician (or a Republican who follows the liberal leader like a starving puppy dog), the questioner is repeatedly attacked and maligned by all the politician's liberal supporters (and some supporters who claim to be moderate Republicans or independents).  Looks more like the co-dependent spouses of abusers blindly defending their abuser.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Okay folks you have been told by the Followers that I don't know what I am talking about. Please take that for gospel. As I have said many times, please do your own thinking. However, I do appreciate you reading my drivel, I just hope it gives you something to think about and discuss. I apologize to the Followers for upsetting them buy suggesting that you do your own thinking.

Now a little of my opinion on Elk County Loyalty

There are in fact two kinds of loyalty the concrete and the imagined. Many people fall haphazardly into the fantasy of being loyal. They define loyalty upon the exploits of the organizations instead of loyalty to all the citizens, voters and taxpayers. They become cheerleaders for organization instead of stalwart champions of their county's citizens, voters and taxpayers.

In fact, true loyalty to Elk County is not about blindly defending one's privately owned company founded by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks,  true loyalty is about frugal use of the taxpayers money and to the benefit of all — even if that means standing against the power structure in place today.

The obvious answer would be to remove the elites who are poisoning the well.

The role of government is to be servant rather than master.

The goal should be to have government tangible and accountable rather than abstract and untouchable and answerable including Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC, don't you think.

Today, it appears we have no such accountability.

Now about Welfare for those of money?

Free markets are systems controlled by the people, thriving on the natural functions of supply and demand. They are not administered by bureaucracies (County Government) or corporate hierarchies that manipulate the economy to fit preconceived political and social ends. That means having "Welfare", for a few that have money, called property tax rebate through a proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program".  Apparently the elite don't believe in free markets and supply and demand and therefore want to manipulate it via Welfare for those of money. It has been proven time and time again that this does nothing for the economy.

Just take a look at the $40 Billion a month that is being printed by the Federal Reserve Bank, how many jobs are being generated by that?  That money is most likely disappearing into the bank accounts of the ridiculously wealthy. Just think about it!

How many jobs could you, yourself generate with $40 Billion a month?

This is pure intellectual idiocy or arrogant ignorance
or are the wealthy laughing at you and saying you commoner's are stupid? Yea, right here in Elk County as well?

Think about those that would benefit from this sort of Welfare, why are they stalling the public hearings, why are they dodging the issue and why do the Followers deflect or not answer when asked to prove any true economic development for Elk County?  Prove that anyone wanting to build, will only build if this package is passed?

If you Followers can prove that, then you are telling us they will only build as a form of coercion and you prove my point, right?

Actually at least one is already started with out the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program, right?

Do we really need such a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Program, I don't think so!
I think everyone should pay their fair share of property tax, don't you?

We really need new County Commissioners, especially ones that are not Kontrolleed Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

I think we need independent County Commissioners that are not like-minded but are individual, self thinkers and have an interest in Elk County as a whole, don't you? Men without Displaced Loyalties, right?

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.
Write-in Mr. Wunderlich
And vote for Mr. Hebb
A Great Improvement, Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
Elk County you rock, let's do this![/b]


Used to be a lot of jokes made about the names given to the fine people of Arkansas and points further south---you know, like, Jim Bob Joe Dan. I see the practice of using  multiple first names is still alive and well down yonder.

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