Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I don't think EK had any thing to do with it---but what do I know ?


Quote from: jarhead on September 12, 2012, 10:34:54 AM
I don't think EK had any thing to do with it---but what do I know ?

If nothing else, jar, you illustrate the point Ross has been making all along.... we DON'T know what influence this privately owned company and its members have or have had on matters that affect the greater population through their kozy konnections with government. 

Elk Falls just voted to join the county Neighborhood Revitalization tax giveback program by rebating city property tax receipts to those who can afford to build there.  Finances in Elk Falls must be good as well.  Like Longton, they apparently don't need the added funds either. But what is interesting is that they voted to join in right after Jennifer Montgomery (Elk Econ Development/Youth Coordinator & EK, LLC Steering Committee) offered some county money for an 'inflatable' for the Outhouse Festival this year.

Backhanded bribe?  Don't know.  Transparency? Probably not.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The county or city or schools are not giving up 95% of thier tax revenue under the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.  I honestly don't think you guys understand how it works.  Over the 5 year life of the rebate the participant is only getting a total of 57% back.  It's for 5 years.  The rest of the life of the structure the NEW or ADDITIONAL portion is taxed at 100%.  That is NEW and ADDITIONAL tax revenue to the county.   


Quote from: patriotdad on September 12, 2012, 12:33:34 PM
The county or city or schools are not giving up 95% of thier tax revenue under the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.

I never said anything to that effect at all.  And in the end, if the county, city or school rebates 57% of the taxes paid over the first 5 years after construction of a taxable structure... that is revenue the city, county, school loses.  There is no way around that fact.  Every dollar the taxing authority gives back to any taxpayer is a dollar lost to the taxing entity.  As for post-participation taxation.. those structures will be taxed at the depreciated (5 yr old) values.  The lost revenues are still lost.

In a county where we have some of the highest mill levy's in Kansas, that all represents an unfair burden on the entire taxpayer base.  Moreover, by setting the 'participation level' ay $20,000, the plan excludes a majority of taxpayers from participation from the outset.  Let's stop copying the latest 'great new thing that everybody's doing' and look at other solutions... like learning to spend only what we have, controlling our expenses, & reducing tax rates as incentives to come to Elk County.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


If the program entices someone to build a new structure or remodel a structure it is NEW. NEW. NEW. revenue for the county.  They can't tax or increase tax on something that isn't there.  It is not a loss to the county in the long run. It's not. For the first 5 year the county will get 43% NEW revenue and after the 5 years it 100% NEW revenue. Whether it depreciated or not it is new.  I think your thinking way too short sighted on this. 

Do you believe that every applicant was going to build or remodel whether the program is in place or not? 


What do I believe?  Here's a few personal opinions..

What I believe is the Kansas legislative intent for these programs to improve blighted inner city areas in the first place and their recommendation that they not be implemented on a county wide basis. 

What I believe is the promotion of this plan to the general public doesn't even have the low quality of an Elk Konnected summer day camp promotion.

What I believe is that with the entry level expenditure requirement being set at $20,000 (Comm. Liebau wanted $40,000 or $50,000) two of our commissioners have no interest in these programs for the average property owner.

What I believe is that you, chuck and others can spin this any way you want, but there will still be revenue lost to the county & participating tax entities, all in favor of a few special interests.

What I believe is that the start date manipulations in the (as yet unapproved) program & taking of advanced 'applications' for the same are mainly to satisfy crony promises & to benefit a select few (like the fish farm/RV park development at 99 & 160 and others).

What I believe is that we have two commissioners who are out of touch with the vast majority of their constituents & have a spoiled rich kid approach to managing Elk County.  As long as it's for a friend or with somebody else s money, damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead.

What I believe is that this program, the way it has been pushed & the way it's being sold stink to high heaven.

That's what I believe.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on September 11, 2012, 05:40:57 PM

What I am talking about as a Blue Ribbon School is all students getting a quality education not just a few that bring home some award or some ribbon. How about a school system that educates all children and bring home a blue ribbon for everyone in the system. What you are suggesting if only a few do exceptional everything is hunky-dory. I happen to disagree with you, okay!

I'm talking about the Excellence in Education Awards handed out - for reaching Exemplary Status (the highest) in several grades: 4, 5, 6, 8 and 11. Year after year! In math, science, reading, writing, history. A+ ratings.

That's kind of really across-the-board quality education.

Yes, I also mentioned the contests the kids go to: Our junior high and senior high math teams superb! And huge - 20-30 students participating at each level, not just a select few.

I understand you don't like David Whetstone or Liz Hendrichs. You don't have to. But don't knock the schools without knowing more about what they are doing. The education our students receive is consistently good. Give them credit. Our teachers are dedicated and do the best with what they have. Give them credit also.


Quote from: patriotdad on September 12, 2012, 09:23:29 AM
The school is a taxing entity.  I'm sure they were discussing participating in the Neighborhood Revitalization program.  The USD tax can be rebated the same as the county.  And cities.  Why don't you talk to your school board member instead of bashing Whetstone.  

Yes sir they are a taxing entity, for the purpose of educating our children.

That is the purpose of the money, not for giving welfare to those that don't need it!

If they don't need the money for educating our children then perhaps they should reduce the property tax on everyone.

Or is it better to cheat the children out of the money to provide "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program that provides welfare in the form of rebates to those people that least need it?

Or, really there are enough children living in poverty here in Elk County, so if the school district does not need the money for education, perhaps the money could be used for the children living in poverty that need welfare, how does that sound. Otherwise this whole idea is simply about greed IMHO!

I'm not bashing Mr. Whetstone who happens to be involved in Elk Konnected, LLC along with two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, I was simply asking questions. We know as I have said before Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is reading this and more then likely Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau because he has said my posts are VILE, remember?

What is Elk Konnected, LLC, really?
Who is Elk Konnected, LLC, really?
Aren't the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and the Konnected President of the School Board actually part of the "Old Guard" Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks refered to in her open letter on the internet? Aren't they really trying to control the county as such? Really what is going on?

I understood Elk Konnected, LLC was suppose to be a community Organization, but I just don't see it that way, why do you suppose that is?

They seem to have an imaginary community called the Elk Konnected Community and I can't find the boundaries on the map.

All I seem to see them doing is begging for money in the form of donations or appliances.

And I believe they are behind the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program called Neighborhood Revitalization, which provide welfare in the form of rebates to people that don't want to pay their fair share of property taxes.

If the merchants in Elk County wish to continue to profit from me spending money in their establishments they will not use this program. Why? Why should I pay my fair share of property taxes and they don't? Why should I provide the dollars they need for a profit which are also used to pay their property taxes. Don't own a store, perhaps your relative does, same story. I will boycott and ask my friends to do the same. This Neighborhood Revitalization program could have detrimental effects on the local economy, huh? Let's call it Anti-Economic Development, shall we.

Let's see how that works out?


Quote from: patriotdad on September 12, 2012, 01:26:32 PM
If the program entices someone to build a new structure or remodel a structure it is NEW. NEW. NEW. revenue for the county. 

The program appears to me being put in place for those already planning to build!

Just like the building all ready started in Elk Falls I believe that has already been started. Even though it has been said that the building was involuntarily registered for a program that does not exist. It appears the party building the structure was simply being used by someone. Why is that? Isn't it simply politics one would find in the big cities?

I'll be building a  new barn but not based on some program but on need, my need?

Why would anyone build something based on this (welfare) rebate if they  did not need it?

Why would any one build a house based on this (welfare) rebate if they didn't want or need it?

Your reasoning is flawed or you are simply trying to fool people, which is it?


Quote from: Mom70x7 on September 12, 2012, 02:08:07 PM
...Our teachers are dedicated and do the best with what they have...

Mom... I think your statement here sums it up pretty well.  It's not about dedicated teachers.  It's about what self-interested managers, administrators and politicians have done & are doing to hold them back.  The more money we throw at administration, unions (and their policitical activities), at non-productive 'programs', the further our kids fall behind.  Nationally, we are falling further & further behind.  Not so much, I think, because of the failure of teachers, but because of special interests & 'new programs' that are pushed on teachers & kids alike.

I'll take an intelligent, dedicated teacher over an overpaid pencil pushing administrator or pandering politician any day.  Cudos to good teachers who put education & thinking first & everything else second!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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