Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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The questions are:

Is Elk Konnected, LLC "The Old Guard" they refer to?
Is County Politics the business of the School Board?
Is the fact that the Konnected School Board President David Whetstone using his position to push County Business or is it Elk Konnected, LLC business?
This old story of wearing many hats is growing old real fast!
Are these people incapable of knowing the difference between one hat and another?
Or are they easily confused as konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks says she is?
Where is the responsibility to keep those hats seperated?
It appears to me to be either an excuse or a lack of responsibility?
Are School Board Meetings, Elk Konnected, LLC meetings?
Are County Commissioner mewetings, Elk Konnected, LLC meetings?

Do we need leadership that is more concerned about Elk Konnected, LLC and it's small group of people, rather then the whole county or the business of the School District?

What I am talking about as a Blue Ribbon School is all students getting a quality education not just a few that bring home some award or some ribbon. How about a school system that educates all children and bring home a blue ribbon for everyone in the system. What you are suggesting if only a few do exceptional everything is hunky-dory. I happen to disagree with you, okay!

With all that confusion about hats isn't it time for some great changes?

Let's start in November, lets get out and vote!

Here are a couple of good guys that are not Konnected as far as I know!

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County


Quote from Patriot:
How on earth did I miss this little invitation to a libel suit? I must be slipping.
Diane, if you feel froggy, leap. Then grab Al and your attorney, come on over, and we'll have lunch. Otherwise, you might take your own advice and back off!

Is it safe to come out of my underground  bunker yet? I been down here shaking like a coon dog passing a peach seed.


Quote from: jarhead on September 12, 2012, 08:18:57 AM
Is it safe to come out of my underground  bunker yet? I been down here shaking like a coon dog passing a peach seed.

Sure it is. 

By the way, I understand the Longton City Council has voted to rebate city property taxes under the county Neighborhood Revitalization Program (when it is adopted).  Are the folks down there excited?  If a new house/business is built in Longton under this plan, the property owner would get back up to 95% of their property taxes, including the city's share.  I guess finances in Longton must be pretty good.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Jar, you must be doing something right somewhere along the line. Even though you whack at me once in awhile, nobody has ever PM'd  anything bad or mean about you. :-*  There are some very bad influences on here though. Be careful or Ross'll get ya for taking over his personal thread again.


pa·thet·ic   [puh-thet-ik]
1. causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
2. affecting or moving the feelings.
3. pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
4. miserably or contemptibly inadequate
(Source: Dictionary.com)

Also like the 'you don't care about the kids' or 'you don't care about Elk County' arguments.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The school is a taxing entity.  I'm sure they were discussing participating in the Neighborhood Revitalization program.  The USD tax can be rebated the same as the county.  And cities.  Why don't you talk to your school board member instead of bashing Whetstone. 


Quote from: patriotdad on September 12, 2012, 09:23:29 AM
The school is a taxing entity.  I'm sure they were discussing participating in the Neighborhood Revitalization program.  The USD tax can be rebated the same as the county.  And cities.  Why don't you talk to your school board member instead of bashing Whetstone.  

I do believe there are several school districts that are being approached with this plan.  Can they all afford to give up new revenue sources as well?  As for Whetstone, he's the board president in USD 282, is he not (as well as a major EK, LLC player)?  I guess it's lonely at the top.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from Patriot:
By the way, I understand the Longton City Council has voted to rebate city property taxes under the county Neighborhood Revitalization Program (when it is adopted). Are the folks down there excited? If a new house/business is built in Longton under this plan, the property owner would get back up to 95% of their property taxes, including the city's share. I guess finances in Longton must be pretty good.

Hadn't heard nothing about it but I will go ask the city clerk, my baby sister. Kinda strange my family "runs  the city" but I was left in the dark but aint nothing new. The only people who talk to me is a couple old widow women who are  after a young pup such as myself. Did hear that after being turned into the Health & Environment crowd for doing the evil deed of demolishing the dilapidated Brighton Hall and exposing all of to the deadly toxins of asbestos, now after spending a tidy sum, we find out it is asbestos free---BUT--- the rubble still has to be hauled to a landfill, at a greater expense.
Now when water rates have to be raised to pay for all it, I bet "the rat" will be first in line to bitch.


Let me beat Ross to the punch.  It's somehow Elk Konnected's fault the city has to go to this expense, right?  After all they were just trying to take care of a blight on the main street, right?   :laugh: ::)

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