Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 10, 2012, 01:13:57 PM
   Wanna pick on me some more? How about if you clean your own house first! Ya wanna get dirty, go ahead, just keep messing with me. You just don't know what I could come back with. And I do mean several of you...Since you've been tearing into me, I've been told several very interesting things that you might not want made public. I'll just leave it at that and watch you blow your own top. Back off!
(emphasis added)

How on earth did I miss this little invitation to a libel suit?  I must be slipping.

Diane, if you feel froggy, leap.  Then grab Al and your attorney, come on over, and we'll have lunch.  Otherwise, you might take your own advice and back off!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

That's OK. I had my say and I'm fine now. I do know how to forgive. I just get sick of the constant picking and baiting and sometimes need to fight back. when it's aimed at me..It makes them look bad, not me. There is a lot of difference in"pointing out something" and slicing someone.
    If internally some of you feel  like hicks and are somehow below me...that's your own doing and your own insecurity and has naught to do with me. Have you forgotten where my father's people came from? Ya really have ta try don'cha?
  Patriot, perhaps ya just might want to review what there is negative about about you that you'd rather not be made public. You might not want to be so righteous.
 As far as how I write, not elitist, just educated. I'm not gonna start with "I seen" and the wrong use of their, they're and there, just because some don't know any better. That's their problem not mine. I know some teacher at some point tried to teach them and apparently they refused to step up and learn. Some people have genuinely good reasons, most don't.
  By the way, telling the truth is never libel...you surely know that. You're supposedly an expert on such matters.
  Ya might as well give it up. I'm not going to be driven off and the more you try, the worse you look to the reasonable, good natured people who read these posts.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 11, 2012, 03:14:19 PM
 As far as how I write, not elitist, just educated. I'm not gonna start with "I seen" and the the wrong use of their, they're and there, just because some don't know any better.

You just did again! If you are so edumacted I remind you this is the political thread and not the English Language or spelling thread.
So, please use that education and stay on topic, unless of course you used those technics in your so called teaching career or what ever it was. Start an English Language or spelling thread and see who follows it and see who cares. Thank you.

Now can we get back on subject please.

I'll be back sonn with what I consider weird information on this subject.

In the mean time Please carry on.


but diane, what you repeat is hearsay and most often is not the truth. Hearsay is inadmissible i court and can and is libel if you repeat it. :)  Unless you saw it with your own eyes, its very risky to repeat a rumor
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 11, 2012, 03:14:19 PM
That's OK. I had my say and I'm fine now. I do know how to forgive. I just get sick of the constant picking and baiting and sometimes need to fight back...It makes them look bad, not me.

Glad you're feeling better.  But, first, the above about picking & baiting... and then this...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 11, 2012, 03:14:19 PM
  Patriot perhaps ya just might want to review what there is negative about about you that you'd rather not be made public. You might not want to be so righteous.

Picking & baiting?  I have reviewed... and, other than the fact I still smoke cigarettes, my negatives aren't that impressive.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 11, 2012, 03:14:19 PM
By the way, telling the truth is never libel...you surely know that.

You are quite right.  But, I would suspect your earlier post clearly shows your intent as malicious & threatening. "I've been told several very interesting things that you might not want made public."  

So please be absolutely sure of the truth in whatever you might publish.  But you go ahead and have it your way.

In the mean time, have all you eligible folks registered to vote here in Elk County, yet?   http://registertovote.org/state-info/kansas.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Let's see, Ross. Not Steve or anyone else, just me, that figures. I will answer people who come at me, I don't care what thread it's on.
  I know you will show favoritism and I have no intention of starting a spelling thread, but then ask Steve how HE got off topic. HMMM? Take it way Ross! I'm ready to read the same old thing....again :-* and again, and again,  and again,  (I keep looking for something new) and again, and again,  and again... ;)


Well I find it rather weird because, I thought the business of the School District and the School Board was the Education of our children. So why aren't they working on making our school a Blue Ribbon School instead of dabbling in County politics?

Oh, that's right the School Board President is Konnected isn't he?
How many others on the School Board are Konnected?

What's really going on here?

Is the  Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" "Neighborhood Revitalization" Welfare program called rebates, for those that don't need it a product of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendrick's and Liebau's Elk Konnected, LLC which happens to be a privately owned company, is it?

Why is it on the School Board Agenda for Sept. 10th?

You know, I asked Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, right here on this thread if Elk Konnected, LLC wasn't just "The Old Guard" she referred to in her open letter on the internet and in print elsewhere and I received no answer? I wonder why? We all know they are reading every word of this thread. They even told me right here on this thread they were printing every one of my post's for a possible lawsuit. I really hope they are not wasting all that paper, because they could go green and save it to a disk or other device.

I know the El Konnected School Board President will come up with some story fer instance that the Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" "Neighborhood Revitalization" Welfare program called rebates, will provide for more people to move here and increase the school population or some sort of thing. To that I say poppycock, unless you can prove it.
But still it is County Business not School Board Business IMHO!

On Elk Konnected web site at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/
Elk Konnected, LLC which includes School Board President David Whetstone say they will Provide Solid Education! Where is it? Do we have a Blue Ribbon School?
Why isn't the School Board working to improve the education instead of getting involved in County Business and County Politics. As individuals I can understand but as a School Board I don't believe County Business or County Politics belongs there.

Is this what we want for Elk County?
Do we want a small group of people that Have failed at everything they have done, with the exception of begging for "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, welfare call it what you want? Do we want to keep these Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners in office?
Do we?

Think about it! Talk it over with your friends and neighbors? Tell them that, that crazy Ross is shooting his mouth off about it! I'm not running for office, so if you want to diss me please diss me gently. LOL

Remember to vote on it in November and lets improve Elk County Considerably!

Can we hear from some of you who have been quiet?


Quote from: Ross on September 11, 2012, 04:36:32 PM
Elk Konnected, LLC which includes School Board President David Whetstone say they will Provide Solid Education! Where is it? Do we have a Blue Ribbon School?
Why isn't the School Board working to improve the education instead of getting involved in County Business and County Politics. As individuals I can understand but as a School Board I don't believe County Business or County Politics belongs there.

Can we hear from some of you who have been quiet?

David Whetstone is president of the West Elk School Board. He wears many different hats. So do most members of the school board and of the community. That's what happens in small towns. I don't doubt his integrity, nor do I question the integrity of any of the West Elk School Board members.

I have attended school board meetings in the past, not so much this past year. Did you go to last night's meeting? Then you would know what was discussed and what wasn't. They are, and have been, working to improve our educational system. I didn't attend last night. If you're curious about it, ask a school board member directly.

Regardless of last night's discussion and meeting, West Elk has an excellent school system. It regularly receives Excellent in Education awards. Its students routinely place first in math, music and Scholars Bowl competitions. They know their "stuff."

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