Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Fortunately Redcliff and Srkruzich do not live in Elk County, own no property in Elk County, do not vote in Elk County. The people of Elk County have always been great to answer the call to volunteer for whatever they are needed for and they will continue to. Ross stated that he did not like to be asked to volunteer, yet he knocks the people that give so much of their time to help others.


Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Fortunately Redcliff and Srkruzich do not live in Elk County, own no property in Elk County, do not vote in Elk County.

Wow!  Talk about a lack of focus on real issues and negative assaults on folk.  What a fascinating study in sociology your perspectives offer.  Perhaps closed minded, 'hate the outsider' views like yours are part of the reason they don't live, vote or own property here. 

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Ross stated that he did not like to be asked to volunteer, yet he knocks the people that give so much of their time to help others.

Word twisting?  It's clear that you've missed what is really being 'knocked.' Your obvious lack of understanding is your problem, not that of others.

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
The people of Elk County have always been great to answer the call to volunteer for whatever they are needed for and they will continue to.

And of those private citizens you wish to exclude & profane, you really know nothing.  How open minded of you.  Perhaps if you cleaned your spectacles, spent less energy on self ingratiating and pounding on peoples personal situations, and could focus on the issues of government/private entanglements that this thread has been trying to address for over a year, you might gain a new perspective.  Personally, I won't hold my breath.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Fortunately Redcliff and Srkruzich do not live in Elk County, own no property in Elk County, do not vote in Elk County. The people of Elk County have always been great to answer the call to volunteer for whatever they are needed for and they will continue to. Ross stated that he did not like to be asked to volunteer, yet he knocks the people that give so much of their time to help others.

You are so full of yourself and twisting words.
First I have traveled extensively here in the US and in Asia.
Let's include Germamy as well.
I have meet plenty of decent and helpfull people where ever I have been.
Elk County nor Kansas nor the US of A holds any special title for being helpful.
And on the other hand I have found just the opposite in all the same places.

I have also seen plenty of organizations that claim to do things and accomplish nothing.
They talk the talk, but don;t walk the walk. It's representative of the worst Bullshit I have ever heard.

Why, do they do it? To make money and pay themselves a salary?
Do they do it to become President of some little club that pays a larger salary?
Really, why do they make claims they either have no business making or can not accomplish?
Where is the Rainbow Stew?

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Ross stated that he did not like to be asked to volunteer,

I have never stated I did not like to be asked to volunteer, let's get it straight. But if I choose not to volunteer that is my business, not your Elk Konnected, LLC's business to use to attempt to put me down. I am far above all that childishness. I may have siad the Elk Konnected is not going to badger me into volunteering for them. As did happen at a Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting. It did not work.  Elk Konnected, LLC again failed at trying something.

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
yet he knocks the people that give so much of their time to help others.

Who, exactly who have I knocked that volunteers, who? Name, names please?
Nobody even claims to be a member of this so called community organization. Or they hide? Why?
What do they have to fear besides fear itself. Or is it actually  the "Old Guard" that Elk Konnected, LLC claimed to have so much trouble skirting around? Did Elk Konnected, LLC actually accomplish something and skirt the "Old Guard" and now they are scardy cats?
What's the actual truth?

Oop's sorry got slightly off track. Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau during an actual Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Meeting told the audiance I don't volunteer. Is that County business! Besides how does he know what I do or don't do? I suppose if you don't volunteer for Elk Konnected, LLC you are considered the scum of the earth? Because that can be the only volunteering I can figure he would know to Konnect me to?

He failed as Elk konnected, LLC often does! He failed to tell the same audiance that he doesn't volunteer either. I wonder why?
Why doesn't he volunteer his time to help others.

Ya, all gave me achuckle today.
Keep up the good work.


Quote from: ELK@KC on August 28, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Fortunately Redcliff and Srkruzich do not live in Elk County, own no property in Elk County, do not vote in Elk County. The people of Elk County have always been great to answer the call to volunteer for whatever they are needed for and they will continue to. Ross stated that he did not like to be asked to volunteer, yet he knocks the people that give so much of their time to help others.
What does that have to do with what i talked about.    I don't own property in DC but you can be damned sure i have a say in what goes on.  I Don't care if its in podunk elk county or metro atlanta georgia, government is government and yes i'll speak out against the unethical, immoral and often illegal activities in any government. I don't have to be a  resident of that particular town or county.  And i'm going to call a crook a crook.  I've seen enough of it to recognize it in any town USA.   

One of the things that Patriot and ross have been talking about is this supposed volunteer organization called EK.  IF it was volunteer, then they would use their own money accept zero pay for it, and never request government to fund it.  It isn't volunteer if they pay themselves or government supports it. It then becomes a business.  Well Businesses have no right to receive tax dollars.  In fact they should be barred from receiving tax dollars as it for one is not available to all businesses which means that privileged few are getting unfair benefits.    I wouldn't donate squat of my time money or anything to a LLC that claimed to be doing volunteer work for the community.  I quit giving to the Red Cross when they stole money during 9/11 and got caught.  Never again.  I'll tell ya i've noticed and heard many folks in elk county talk about the corruption there and it is so amazing how it is covered up and no one does anything about it.  Reminds me of how jimmy venerable in stone mountain ga ran things back in the 60 &70's.   IF you don't know him he was the Grand wizard of the local klan. 

I grew up in this system and haven't liked it ever.  I think if your going to be in charge of peoples tax dollars by God you had better have an accounting of every red cent to be spent on Proper government expenditures.   
Anything else is thievery
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My words, questions and opinions are in blue so as to keep the recognition between me and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Letter to Elk konnected, LLC. I hope!

Really Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks what is Elk Konnected, LLC really?
Is it a business or a community organization of some sort?
Or is it just a Beggar-Thy-Neighbor money machine involved in County Government?
Answers please?

Elk Konnected | Facebook
Elk Konnected has worked at Elk Konnected, studied at Howard West Elk Junior ... Join Facebook to connect with Elk Konnected and others you may know.

She list's the following information on the organization:

Worked at Elk Konnected
Went to howard West Elk Junior – Senior high
Lives in Howard, Kansas

They have even failed at keeping up their thread here on the Forum
Check it out before they ask that the page be deleted.
I guess there wasn't to much interest generated.
It lasted less then a month. Wow! IMPRESSIVE, NO?

From Elk Konnected, LLC Web Site
At Public Squares Communities, Inc
Is this truly what they are about?
Elk Konnected
Strong Families

What qualifications do they have as social workers?
Just how do they plan to insert their selves in to the families of  Elk County?
And would it be legal?

Solid Education

What special qualifications does Elk Konnected, LLC have to interfere in the State and Local School Board operations?
Are they planning to circumvent the present and legal system?
Would it be legal?

Superior Lifestyle

Please explain what this means to you so we can understand?
As stated it means absolutely nothing and how do you propose to do what ever it means?

Stay with us as we grow

Here it is in the last half of  2012, where is the growth?
We know your failures, What have you actually accomplished besides further division throughout the county?

In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"?

What resident?
Our County Commissioner, the one working for Public Squares Communities. INC and who could make money for her employer? Is that the resident you are talking about in this letter? Isn't that you, yourself Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks?

Do we really need a County Commissioner that spends our monies with her own company? And for what? What do we get for the money? Whether it comes from City Councils, School Board of County Taxes? Is this what we need in a County Commissioner?
Inquiring minds want to know.

With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service.

Isn't it a shamefully negative attitude for Elk Konnected , LLC to shame and diss Elk Falls and Longton?
Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks stated openly that it was not their intentions to diss these two communities. But yet it is still up on her Elk connected, LLC web site. Why? If she did not intend to diss them, why not remove it. I just copied and pasted it right here. I'm to lazy to do all that typing unless i have to.
Besides isn't it the responsibility of the City Councils to abide by the wishes of their community. Or is their city council to bow to the wishes of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner. Almost communistic, the Devil made me say that. Sorry?
Do we really need this kind of Elk County Commission?

Yet on the other side, members across the county come together for a "tablesetting" event that raises over $3000 for the local foundation.

Isn't this an Elk Konnected. LLC sister organization.
What is the connection between it and Elk Falls or Longton? NONE?
Isn't that organization home based in Howard just like Elk Konnected, LLC?

How can these two polarizing events happen at the same time? We needed help! Conversations started with Terry Woodbury in January 2007.

Boy howdy, I agree with you on that you need help, because IMHO your propoganda is falling apart. Mixing apples and oranges in a letter to yourself doesn't appear to work to well either, do you think?
But all this came about because, you chose to make it appear that way, didn't you Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks?
Now wait a minute Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks wasn't Terry Woodbury your employer at the time. And now you have his position as President of Public Squares Communities? How much does that job pay? Will we be paying at least a part of that salary with our School, City's and County taxpayers monies?

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about their actual goals. It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of empirical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of one way communication such as a newspaper, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??

Borrowed words, but they all came from the same dictionary and slightly rearranged! LOL

And again, good folks of Elk County is this the kind of County Commissioner you want?


Really What is Elk Konnected, LLC?
Their Letter
Part 2 The end of the letter?
The truth please!

My words, questions and opinions are in blue so as to keep the recognition between me and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Letter to Elk konnected, LLC. I hope!

A month later, he traveled to Elk County to visit with two people, explaining the public square process and community building. These two people were tasked with finding engaged citizens from all six of the communities and representing the four sectors of the public square. Terry spoke to that group of 16 people a month later. They were interested, but not ready to commit. More people needed to hear about the process. Finally after the 3rd meeting with Terry in March 2007, a steering committee was formed and charged with raising the seed money. Without going into a lot of history of Elk County, finding engaged citizens who were not the "same old guard" from all of the communities was a challenge.

So Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks you must surely have known all of the "Old Guard" in order to keep them out of your organization. Were these the bad people of Elk County? If not, why couldn't you have had a more positive attitude towards their years of experience, organizing the county and used it constructively? Or is the positive attitude only for people, not within you personal circle? Or is Elk Konnected, LLC actually the "Old Guard" simply in a new dress?

While Elk County only has 5 incorporated towns, it was decided from the beginning to include Severy which resides in Greenwood County in the Elk Konnected community. Severy is part of the West Elk school district, which encompasses most of Elk County.

There is no incorporated Elk Konnected, LLC, is there?
Doesn't being incorporated have stronger connotations then LLC?
Does Elk Konnected, LLC imaginary committee have some sort of power over and above the actual/real communities Governments?

The nine member steering committee set off to raise the $3000 seed money - $50 at a time.

Wait a minute didn't we discuss and clear this up at the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting? Wasn't it agreed upon that Public Squares Communities received a check for $3000. 00 Beggar-Thy-Neighbor money from the Kansas Department of Commerce actually called a Student Scholarship?

We felt this amount was not going to break an individual and would encourage us to talk about "Elk Konnected" with more citizens. We spent time at a steering committee meeting discussing who would contact whom. And WE DID IT! We had 74 investors and raised $4250 by the end of July. To get a gauge of where our communities really were, we started interviewing "Konnected" people.

And you are still out begging right?
Who were these Konnected People? We keep hearing about people, but none have names, how is that? Are people only numbers to Elk Konnected, LLC?

Terry interviewed each steering committee members, who also filled out a "20 Clues Survey" (Community survey). Then each Steering Committee member proceeded to interview four people, each one representing a different sector of the public square. Meanwhile, Terry was interviewing people the Steering Committee had identified or other interviewees had named. By the end of the survey period, we had conducted 58 interviews with engaged citizens representing the public square. We had also collected 140 community surveys. We were ready for our first community conversation.

Why is it the majority of the citizens of Elk County never saw or heard of these surveys until this letter was written?

With a goal of having a successful first Community Conversation, the Steering Committee members each asked 10-15 people whom we thought would not attend otherwise, we distributed notices at the churches, and advertised in the local newspaper and cable channel. Elk Konnected's first community conversation was held at Longton - Elk Valley school's multi purpose room on October 26, 2007 with over 126 people in attendance. At the conversation, we looked at our top asset as identified by the "20 Clues Survey and identified ways to strengthen our weakest areas based on the survey information. We also identified examples of citizen engagement and looked for ways to build upon them throughout the entire area. At the end, people were asked to nominate one person from each of the public square sector who crossed over -"konnected" with – another sector. These names were then used to create our Vision Retreat attendees.

We quickly got to work by asking vision retreat nominees to go to the state-wide Public Square conference and six were able to attend.

Did any ot these people on the vision retreat return with any great visions? What visions did they have?
What was implemented from those visions?  Or is a visionary retreat just somewhere to go to have a hi-ball?

Our next step was planning the Vision Retreat, which we scheduled for Jan 9, 2008 at Flint Oaks. We asked those nominated to attend and 51 showed up for a day long retreat on the future of Elk Konnected. Utilizing the information from the Community Conversation, surveys and interviews, this motivated group created a mission statement, and formed five action teams, and identified 2 co-conveners and members for each action team.

With the mission statement of "Strong Families, Solid Education, Superior Lifestyle – Stay with us as we grow", the following action teams went to work. Their primary charge is listed below:
•   Community Wellness: create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network
•   Community Standards: establish standards in each community
(Where are they, what are they?)
•   Communication: establish a community-wide publication of all activities and events to patrons
Does this mean only your own personal circle?  
Or will you ever return to this thread to an open an honest dialog with Elk County?

•   Physical Image: organize a community appreciation day to clean up our physical image including business, city/county government, civic groups, school working together for each community and in turn so that each community helps other communities
The communities already had their own way of doing this didn't they?
And you failed at this one with the West Elk School and Howard Citizens didn't you? Sounds like far too many negatives for a community organization that wants everyone else to be positive.

•   Youth Development: establish a coordinated program in the Elk Konnected community
     It appears to me that Elk Konnected has exploited the children of Elk County far long enough, Do you ever plan to stop doing this? Always saying for the kids? When really it is for Elk Konnected, LLC to advertise it's self, will it ever stop?  Whenever Elk County Government has a Summer Day Camp you put your name on it with a large logo and the County gets a little line. Do you really feel that is proper when the County foots the bill to acquire the funds and provides the employee to run it? Just how does Elk Konnected, LLC sponsor the Summer day Camps? They don't do they?
Who and where are members, of this imaginary friend of yours called Elk Konnected Community?

So really who or what is really causing any conflict between communities, how about considering letters like this that pit's garbage that is a communities responsibility and a non-profit organization having a fund raiser (Beggar-Thy-Neighbor and sister of sorts to this Elk Konnected, LLC) serving steaks. The only correlation I can find is one generates sht and the other gets rid of the sht based on their City Council.

I'd like to suggest that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner concentrate on working for all County Citterns. Here is a great and positive attitude suggestion. Bring our county very expensive web site into the 21st Century. Publicize, public information on the expensive web site and accomplish something tangible for the citizens of Elk County. Stream County Commissioners meetings for the handicapped and all others, that can not make it to the meetings for some reason. Or is getting your name publicized in the paper your goal, does that make you feel important?

And now planning to open a Day Care Center with Beggar-Thy-Neighbor monies and supplies? I beg what are you Elk Konnected, LLC a business or a community organizer? [/color]

Elk Konnected, LLC you don't really want independent thinkers in County Commissioners jobs do you?

And again, good folks of Elk County is this the kind of County Commissioner you want?

I think you can do a lot better:
         Think Hebb,
          Vote  Hebb
It would in my personal opinion be a very  
        Elk County.

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC from Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about Elk Konnected, LLC actual goals. It would be nice to have some clarification.

"There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of empirical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of one way communication such as a newspaper, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??

Borrowed words, but they all came from the same dictionary and slightly rearranged! LOL

Simply my personal observations, opinions and questions?


What no responses, no answers, no disputing anything in the previous two posts?

Well let's try one mor letter, shall we?


My words, questions and opinions are in blue so as to keep the recognition between me and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Letter to Elk konnected, LLC. I hope!

Really Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks what is Elk Konnected, LLC really?
Is it a business or a community organization of some sort?
Or is it just a Beggar-Thy-Neighbor money machine involved in County Government?
Answers please?

Liz Hendricks
By l I Z H E N D R I C K S

By putting a fun twist on our
county abbreviation (EK), you
told me you were focused
on people, not boundaries.

Dear citizens of Elk Konnected: Who ever that is?
Congrats! You have done it! You have
achieved accreditation as a Public Square Community
after four years of using this process to
build hope for your community.

Don't you mean Congrats Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks after all aren't you the founding member and now President of Public Squares Community, INC? Do you still claim you and four family do not financially benefit from Elk Konnected?
I can see there is no conceit in your family, you seem to have it all. Praising yourself in a letter to your self.
Just what does accredation at Public Squares Communities,INC mean?  Does it mean, you simply suckered our taxpayers out of enough money, to pay sucker fees to Public Squares Communities, INC to join the club of 20 other suckers that did the same thing? I don't see no beef in that hamburger?

So what are the congrats really for?
Is it for suckering the citizens of Elk County with twisted words such as in this letter and the previous letters?

Your work has
been amazing, yet difficult. To me, your results
are incredible. And it appears the review team
from other communities agreed with me, or
they wouldn't have given you the "Good-Housekeeping
stamp of approval."
You started very small, with precision. You
were deliberate in who you asked to the first
three exploratory meetings in the spring of 2007.

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks don't you mean you and Public Squares Communities, INC where you were a staff member before becoming President of the organization were very deliberate in who you asked? The truth please?

You dreamed of engaging citizens from four
sectors (Business, Government, Education, &
Human Services) in all six of our communities.
That was huge! The very thought of linking six
communities anywhere in a common purpose
seems, to most people, impossible!

Don't you mean you dreamed of making money for your employer and becoming some kind of big shot?

When Elk Konnected started, the climate
in your communities was pretty dismal, and
anything but connected.

What a fine way to diss everyone in the county. Are you sure that what you have said here is what you meant? It really sounds like you are the only good person in Elk County, IMHO!

I had only lived here for two years when you started this fiasco.
I found all the communities perfectly connected by roads and highways.
And I believe that is not the only way they were connected. They had telephones and internet and this forum. What more do they need? Do they need a County Commissioner screwing everything up with twisting words to her own needs? Do they need a County Commissioner that tells the world that every community in Elk County sucks?

The six towns were
competing against each other, still harboring
old battle wounds from lost county seat wars
and lost school consolidation battles. Painful
memories fed the fear that if one town wins, all
the others lose.

Really! What crap! Who living today was around in the late 1800 when the county seat was stolen?

Your kids went to various school
districts–West Elk, Elk Valley, Central-Burden,
Fredonia, Bluestem, or Eureka–and those school
rivalries were, and still are, fierce!

There are lots of different school districts across our great country, so what is your real point?
Rivalry between schools has been around a very long time?
What do you want church schools and no rivalry sporting events?
Do you want to discontinue football, basketball, baseball?
I don't think so because you were the Head Volleyball Coach at West Elk, so this is just so much Bull, right?

In short, you were not working together.
Education was a community within itself. Business
was struggling, fighting against city and
county units of government. Government was
on its own course.

In short they were not working the way you wanted them to work. But they have worked fine for over 100 years. They are intended to be seperate. But then Konnected Kounty Kommissioner if County Government was/is the problem and you hold that position, therefore you are saying you are the problem, right? Just think about it! Don't you simply want to consolidate everything for the purpose of power and cotrol?

And human services–be they
volunteer groups, health care or churches–were
struggling to hang on while trying through
various civic channels to keep things positive.

What exactly is positive about this letter?
This letter reads to me as a complete cut down of our neat little county?
Do I hear an apology from you? Will you remove this letter from the internet. I think it sure makes Elk County look like a mighty bad place to live.

And this is your problem to solve, how? Please tell us how?
All this negativity spilling out of this letter you wrote is really depressing. How do you intend to fix this letter?
Starting a Wellness Center on Beggar-Thy-Neighbor money and then failing at running it didn't help?
Is starting a Daycare Center on Beggar-Thy-Neighbor and appliances, toys and dress up clothes gonna do it? How long will it take before the business fails?

So you tried to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong for the benefit of your privately owned business and what have you accomplished during these very stressful times for everyone in our nation? Nothng, absolutely nothing, right?[/b]

You realized that getting six towns working
together would be tough. So you utilized a thirdparty
facilitator–Terry Woodbury from Public
Square Communities LLC–to direct the process
and invite all citizens to engage. No county
commissioner or mayor or educator or minister
would have been neutral enough to do that.

There was absolutely nothing neutral about any of what you have attempted, nothing – that is my humble opinion.

Then, instead of focusing on your problems,
you built on your assets. Like using Elk Valley
school's successful Community Day to craft a
service-learning day for the West Elk school.

You failed at that as well didn't you?
All this bragging on yourself to yourself is all it is isn't it?

Or on linking the Physical Image action team's cleanup,
fix-up efforts to the annual festivals in all
six towns.

Don't you mean your failed attempt to link your personal organization to the annual festivals in all six towns failed as well didn't it?
What are you going to try to shanghi next?

Or tapping our many caring adults
to guide the Youth Development Action Team
(YDAT) in reaching out to all ages of young
people in all towns.

Who are they, where are they?
Don't you really mean using a county employee to work for Elk Konnected, LLC and the taxpayers pay her wage?

Every Saturday in April, I saw adult volunteers
helping 4-year-olds learn to play soccer.

Whoopie, more jobs and better pay for everyone?
Oops, I meant let's exploit the children every chance we get, isn't that right?
Who were these adults, were they the parents of the children?
So, is it volunteering when you go out to a play area and play with your own child?
And don't forget the paid County Employee in the picture.
Does she really have a choice to work for youin Elk Konnected, LLC?
I mean weren't you instrumental inmaking her positionon the county payroll?
And weren't you instrumental in hiring her?
And aren't you her boss as a county employee?
So, really what choice does she have but to work for you in Elk Konnected, LLC?
How long would she keep her job ifshe chose to leave Elk Konnected, LLC? Just asking?

For six weeks this summer, our teens will step
up to help Elk County's Youth Coordinator
provide activities for 2nd through 6th graders,
again rotating through all six towns.

Wait a minute wasn't that called the Elk County Summer Day Camp and put on by the Elk County Employee known as the Youth Development Employee? Weren't the kids that helped, paid in the neighborhood of $9 an hour? Oh, what tales we tell Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks that even beats some of the whoppers I hear while in the service. Good job!  

Where are your accomplishments Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks?
With all the confusion with all the hats you wear I can understand the confusion in writing the letter?

Do we need this type of confusion running our County Government?
Do we still need a County Commissioner in office that can be this confused?
Do we need a County Commissioner that by virtue of this letter has basically put down every community and every citizen of Elk County?

Voter's give it some thought and November will tell us what you believe Elk County Deserves?

I didn't read anything about Elk Konnected, LLC in the paper this week, did I miss something?
After all they use to be in the paper every week, I hope all is well with them?

Where are the morals, the principles, the ethics, the openess and honesty?
Where is it hidden? Please help me find it?[/color]



Doesn't Elk County deserve better


I never expected something like this to happen!
It always seemed to happen to someone else!
More on this down the post aways.

Because, I'm going to start out here on a bit of a negative tone.

It's about all the negative tones in Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks letters in my last few posts?
I find her remarks extremely vile, disrespectful and demeaning, about the great communities and the even greater people in Elk County!

Not connected my ASS! Yes, I can be vile too!

I would ask, that in the position of Elk County Commissioner that you remopve those letters for open viewing on the internet and above all write and publish an apology to every citizen of Elk County.

I now qualify for "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Neighborhood Revitalization Program?
Will I apply?
Hell NO!
Am I an old fool with old values, you bet!
The property tax is set up for several reasons and I believe every land owner in the County should pay their fair share.
Stop the scam on taxpayers.

I on this occassion have had to utilize one of the benefits of paying my fair share of taxes.
And I thank each and everyone of the true volunteers of Elk County that are supported with equipment provided with my tax dollars.
Thanks for getting out of bed, thanks for staying so long, thanks for being so polite, thanks for being you the great citizens of Elk County.

"Here is The Story"

Well at midnight fourty five this morning I was awakened by this big guy banging on my door. Or at leas I think he was big, I was still half a sleep. The big guy calmly and politely asked if I knew my barn was on fire. I thought I was dreaming or something. He politely said the fire dept had already been called. I got my pants on and walked out on the porch and sure enough it was on fire and apparently had just started. But boy, did it spread fast through the barn and the hay and the straw. My beautiful tack room with saddles and blankets my beautiful horse stalls all of it gone. But that is okay.

It is all insured and nobody was hurt, so all is well.

I will have a mess to clean up and a new barn to build in due time,

It's 3 am and some of the fire fighters are still here watching the smoldering.

The good stuff.
I had volunteer fighters from Grenola come up and talk with me.
I had volunteer fighters from Moline come up and talk with me.
I had volunteer fighters from Elk Falls come up and talk with me.
I had volunteer fighters from Longton come up and talk with me.
I had volunteer fighters from Howard come up and talk with me.
All offering kind words.
And I thank each and every one of them for doing so.
This county has great spirit, great kindness.

Not connected Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, you are full of it and owe each and every community an appology.
Are you a big enough person to write that apology and post it here on the forum and print it in the newspaper that your organization so proudly uses? Are you?

I agree with the fact that the County is not "KONNECTED" and there is no reason for them to be so, just because you say it.
Your little organization, has had many failures, are you  going to add to them by failing to write that apology and post it here on the forum and print it in the newspaper that your organization so proudly uses? Are you?

Folks it really is time for some change in the neat little county please remember that in November.

Vote for HEBB!
[/color]  [/b]

No, I don't live in your district but I do live in your county.
But I do believe it is time to vote Elk Konnected Kounty kommissioner Hendricks out of office for a better Elk County.

I think that bb in Hebb must stand for Better and Best for Elk County.

No, I don't have Hebb's consent to drop his name, but I hope is is okay with it.

It's 3:50 am and the last of the VOLUNTEER Fire Fioghters are just now leaving.

I'm sorry to say I could not stay out there with them, but I just had total knee replacement a week ago, and my time on my feet is limited. Thanks again to each and every firefighter from each of our great communities. You are the best.


Mr. Ross,
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your barn.  Yes, the insurance will cover the loss, but the attachment your surely had for your saddles and tack can't be replaced, plus a new supply of hay for the winter will be difficult to come by.  You do seem to be the type of person who will take this all in stride and presevere.   

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