Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Ross on August 24, 2012, 04:27:00 PM
You may believe that if you so desire.

The list was composed by Elk konnected, LLC and provided to two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and one independent free thinking County Commissioner.

Not one Elk County Citizens name was attached to any suggestion, not one?

Therefore, the ownership belongs to Elk Konnected, LLC in my humble opinion.

And I'm pleasantly pleased to see that this bothers you?

Please see http://www.freedomadvocates.org/images/pdf/how%20to%20handle%20predetermined%20consensus%20meetings.pdf  for an education in control and manipulation.

You are pleasantly pleased to see that what bothers me?


Is there anyone running as a write-in? 

It can be done, two years ago in CQCo the write-in was elected to County Commissioner.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I'm sorry I am too hard for you to understand. I very often write things just for people to be able to get information. I'm  not the only one here who does that!
  That's one nice thing about being an Independent, I can agree or disagree with anybody anytime and not have to go along with anybody's party line.
  I do like some of what Ryan has to say, just as I don't believe Mitt can do all the things he is promising. I don't dislike everything Pres.Obama has done, but some things, like Obama Care don't help me at all.
  Once again it looks like the vote may come down to the electoral college and the popular vote won't mean anything anyway.
  By the way you most assuredly do believe in word word twisting to make people's words say what you want them to, often the exact opposite of what posters meant. You surely aren't going to deny it!? I'm sure a number of people burst out laughing when they read that. Do really not know you do it?You also engage in some of the most twisted logic I've ever seen,connecting things that have nothing to do with each other. Or are you some how trying to make polymers?
   You are going to withhold your business as some sort of black mail? And encourage your friends to do the same? Well, I guess that makes 3. ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Why? Isn't that sort of stunt beneath you?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2012, 09:41:31 AM
Ross, I'm sorry I am too hard for you to understand. I very often write things just for people to be able to get information. I'm  not the only one here who does that!
  That's one nice thing about being an Independent, I can agree or disagree with anybody anytime and not have to go along with anybody's party line.
  I do like some of what Ryan has to say, just as I don't believe Mitt can do all the things he is promising. I don't dislike everything Pres.Obama has done, but some things, like Obama Care don't help me at all.
  Once again it looks like the vote may come down to the electoral college and the popular vote won't mean anything anyway.
  By the way you most assuredly do believe in word word twisting to make people's words say what you want them to, often the exact opposite of what posters meant. You surely aren't going to deny it!? I'm sure a number of people burst out laughing when they read that. Do really not know you do it?You also engage in some of the most twisted logic I've ever seen,connecting things that have nothing to do with each other. Or are you some how trying to make polymers?
   You are going to withhold your business as some sort of black mail? And encourage your friends to do the same? Well, I guess that makes 3. ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Why? Isn't that sort of stunt beneath you?

I'll just take all that as a compliment, thank you.


I admit, I'm human and make mistakes and I also take credit for my mistakes!

Which makes alot better statement then:

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2012, 09:41:31 AM
Ross, I'm sorry I am too hard for you to understand.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 24, 2012, 06:00:36 PM
nor should you ever assume I always agree with what I write about.

Here is the important topic on this thread

However, this thread is about local politics as in a privately owned company called Elk Konnected, LLC which was started by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and championed by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Lie bau as Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners having the controlling votes in Elk County, Kansas County Government.

In essence Elk Konnected, LLC in my personal and humble opinion controlling County functions even to the point of hiring a Konnected Youth Development Employee who appears to me to support and work more for Elk Konnnected, LLC then for Elk County, Kansas taxpayers, IMHO!

i And again n essence Elk Konnected, LLC in my personal and humble opinion controlling County functions even to the point of hiring a Konnected Economic Development Employee who appears to me to support and work more for Elk Konnnected, LLC then for Elk County, Kansas taxpayers, IMHO!

That is the subject on this thread and the principles, integrity, honesty, openness, ethics and morales and yes even in the leadership qualities of Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should be questioned.

Also the Neighborhood Revitalization Program which provides rebates of property tax to a very few. Also, known IMHO as Welfare or "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money.

Any who take such moeny will be listed in public information and my very well have to deal with being boycotted, which is not good for retail business. So show mr the Economic Development in that?

Oh, so you say you will build a farm and don't have a retail business, fair enough. Which family member of your does have a retail business? Don't they require all of us taxpayers to purchase from them in order to make a profit. Would a possible drop of 20% or more in business be worth Welfare or "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money? Just asking?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2012, 09:41:31 AM
   You are going to withhold your business as some sort of black mail? And encourage your friends to do the same? Well, I guess that makes 3. ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Why? Isn't that sort of stunt beneath you?

It is in no way any form of black mail then their Neighborhood Revitalization Program that says I have to pay my fair share of taxes while others do not. It simply states that if votes and reason don't work there are other methods. I have always tried to keep my spending at home here in Elk County. However if the merchants don't appreciate it and choose tofurther finance their business through property taxes I can choose not to shop there. No threat, no black mail --- simple truth. What they choose is up to them.

Let the good times roll!

Diane Amberg

Duplicating your posts? Does that make them twice as...good...important...interesting... weird...or what.By the way most people take credit for the good things they are involved with, and take responsibility for their mistakes, not credit... So sez ye olde English teacher. 8)


Ross, just a question for thought:
It may be semantics, however " Revitilization" (1. to give new life to)
might be a stonger word than 'Incentive" (1.something that encourages somebody to action: something that encourages or motivates somebody to do something.)

Perhaps  your take on 'revitilization' is more as an incentive, which is something that I would not like to see happen (like allowance for good grades, does nothing for those who cheat)
However, revitilization just allows people to 'catch up' on business until the time frame is up.  I do know for a fact that businesses' have asked for that, in order to get their business up and running, without the burden of tax for a few years....and then were able to flourish with that relief.

They will be paying their fair share of tax, when due.  A commercial rate is at 30% tax.  Residential is 15%. 
I think this has been blown out of porportion, and I do agree with Steve about buckling down and doing it without help, or not be in business.....however not in this day and age of rocketing prices for fuel, labor, insurance, etc.

I am on the fence about this one.  and not because of "beggar thy neighbor"....that just sounds so wrong on so many different levels.  If the program doesn't exist yet, then NO one should be appling.


I agree Ready.
However this one is for homes or barns or whatever as long as it cost
$20,000 or more.


Usually that is NOT revitilization, that is for business' to be annexed.

Not sure I agree.  Thank you for mentioning that, Ross. 
I know it has been stated before, but I get lost in the "purple boxes".  lol



I think the majority of Elk County is in a purple haze, ever since Elk Konnected, LLC came about with what I consider a lot of word twisting and manipulation and then when the Konnection to the two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners with the controling votes on the panel emerged. All of which in my opinion show that a very few people are manipulating and controlling our county government. Just like in many other government area's in our nation.

That's why I say, we need change to at least one non-Konnected Kounty Kommissioner.

We need another self thinker, self motivated individual whose interested in the whole of the county like Mr. Ritz.

Someone who is above being manipulated ---- very simple in my opinion.

What I feel I have learned about Elk Konnected, LLC is they say what they think is good for us and that we should positive about and help make it work, whatever it is. If you disagree with them, then you are a negative person. Now if that is not the most negative attitude a community organization can have, I don't know what is.


Ross, again I ask what are you pleasantly pleased that bothers me?

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