Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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QuoteWow! What a fiction story writer you'd make. We are not accusing anyone of anything. Simply asking who is the registered members of Elk Konnected, LLC and why do they continue to deny using taxpayers dollars especially right after an Elk Konnected, LLC volunteer had just asked for tax payers money just before being asked.

The Elk Konnected Witch Trial of 2011. What a hoot!

you said, "This is not Salem, Mass 1692.  This is the United States of America, 2011 - prove something or shut the hell up already!"
Now that's funny, where are the witches to be found, do you know some. We are not out to prove anyting. Just asking who are the Elk Konnected, LLC registered members and why won't they have a conversation. Is it perhaps because they don't have the man from Wichita County available to control the conversation.

Why are you so upset by a few questions, so upset as to tell us to go away.

You said, "prove something or shut the hell up already!" Is that Elk konnected, LLC talking?
Is this you Forum? Who are you to give orders?

You might try being nice, it's good for the heart. Perhaps your preacher can give you some guidance onbeing nice.

Quote from: flintauqua on May 24, 2011, 03:39:21 PM
. . . lambasting anyone that has the audacity to say it to their face

It just writes itself, doesn't it?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on May 24, 2011, 03:39:21 PM
Ross and Patriot do not want answers.  Answers would bring their witchhunt to an end.  They are not out to prove anything, they are only continuing to accuse and insunuate without any proof, lambasting anyone that has the audacity to say it to their face (that is singular on purpose, since we only know the identity of one of them).  

The rule of law in this country is that you are innocent until proven guilty.  Not in the Ross/Patriot Elk Konnected Witch Trial of 2011.  Let's just throw Elk Konnected into the water with a bunch of stones tied to them and see if they float or sink.  If they float, they're guilty of evil doings.  If they sink . . . well maybe they were innocent, but now they're dead, so either way mission accomplished.

Ross and Patriot - This is not Salem, Mass 1692.  This is the United States of America, 2011 - prove something or shut the hell up already!

If this were a trial at law, you would be quite right.  It's not.  Witch trial?  I think not. The court of public opinion possibly.  Thank you for your judgments.  I've received several opposing judgments privately from folks who prefer not to be falsely demonized as witch hunters and the like. Just simple questions on a public forum in a free country. If our questions bother you there is no requirement to read them.

As I reread your post, I wonder... how exactly do you define lambasting?  Would "prove something or shut the hell up already!" qualify?

Now, is Elk Konnected, LLC a non profit?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: flintauqua on May 24, 2011, 04:05:31 PM
It just writes itself, doesn't it?

Apparently so.  Please see your previous post at  04:39:21 pm today.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


This thread is a riot. Guess different people read/post on it for different reasons. Some because they seek answers---some because they just like seeing people squirm in their seats ---some to see replies where certain parties "think" they speak for the masses and "try" to show how smart and well educated they are. I just know if I hated it as bad as some of you" say" you do, then I wouldn't read any of it. I think Pam has bigger kahones than a couple that do most of the whine assing. At least ol Pam will tell y'all she reads it for the humor. Hell if they started a thread about house cats I wouldn't even read it unless it gave recipes for cooking them-------but I would not tell y'all to shut up because I don't like that particular thread


Quote from: jarhead on May 24, 2011, 05:49:04 PM
. I just know if I hated it as bad as some of you" say" you do, then I wouldn't read any of it.

You are absolutely correct  tarhe-uh- I mean jarhead.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: flintauqua on May 24, 2011, 04:05:31 PM
It just writes itself, doesn't it?
Everyone knows fiction is a figment of your imagination. Being angry just isn't good for a person's well being. Be Happy.
But you don't know anything about Elk Konnected either, do you?
Or, do you know who the registered members are?


ok Ross and Patriot:
Perhaps it is a Ponzi/Pyramid scheme that works on the communities.
I would say 'tin foil hat' however that would be rude, and I actually think  and believe you are intelligent gentlemen....I refer back to my very first post, in my concern as to your insessant questioning....it won't nor perhaps cannot be answered here.
The group in question ( Public Square) is and just happenss to be a group that works in a few counties...look it up.  And your commissioner is on that group.
Now, since I am not quite so doubtful as to the intent of that group....they seem to have the same methods...or agenda as you would say in all the counties that have praised them. 
Now, that being said....you are so insessant as to finding out who is the core, the status of exemption and how did they get their money...well frankly you have a lot of insessancies/needs for answers.

I understand your concern that there may be inpropiatey (help sp Wilma) here. 
I understand your frustation at asking "just come clean folks".
It almost borderlines at someone asking, "OK...who put that poop on my door??" 
Well, frankly no one will admit...although it is true, it is real, and no one is talking.
Why????   Because your arms seem to be honestly flailing...

I am not here to berate you, nor to be rude. 


I understand there is an Umbrella of Elk Konnected LLC with Public Square directed underneath it. 
Connect the dots.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 24, 2011, 09:26:24 PM
ok Ross and Patriot:
Perhaps it is a Ponzi/Pyramid scheme that works on the communities.
I would say 'tin foil hat' however that would be rude, and I actually think  and believe you are intelligent gentlemen....I refer back to my very first post, in my concern as to your insessant questioning....it won't nor perhaps cannot be answered here.
The group in question ( Public Square) is and just happenss to be a group that works in a few counties...look it up.  And your commissioner is on that group.
Now, since I am not quite so doubtful as to the intent of that group....they seem to have the same methods...or agenda as you would say in all the counties that have praised them. 
Now, that being said....you are so insessant as to finding out who is the core, the status of exemption and how did they get their money...well frankly you have a lot of insessancies/needs for answers.

I understand your concern that there may be inpropiatey (help sp Wilma) here. 
I understand your frustation at asking "just come clean folks".
It almost borderlines at someone asking, "OK...who put that poop on my door??" 
Well, frankly no one will admit...although it is true, it is real, and no one is talking.
Why????   Because your arms seem to be honestly flailing...

I am not here to berate you, nor to be rude. 
You said, "I would say 'tin foil hat' however that would be rude" No, I think I'll grab the tin foil before I go to bed. LOL

You said,"The group in question ( Public Square) is and just happenss to be a group that works in a few counties...look it up.  And your commissioner is on that group." I think you misunderstood. The group in question Elk Konnected, LLC. Public Square Communities, LLC is hired by Elk Konnected, LLC. You are right our County Commissioner is a staff member with Public Square Communities, LLC and probably with a pay check from them which if true causes further conflict of interest. Now can you understand why they don't want to answer questions publicly?

You said, "in all the counties that have praised them" How do you know the counties praise them? If the rest of them are like Elk Konnected they write their own praises just as our County Commissioner who claims to be the founding member of Elk Konnected and is a staff member of Public Square Community, LLC has done. She wrote the letter as Elk County Commissioner and as if she had no connection to Elk Konnected, LLC. Perhaps now you understand why they don't want to engage publicly in a conversation and only want totally controlled conversations.

You said, "Well, frankly no one will admit...although it is true, it is real, and no one is talking." I just explained why in the previous paragraph. But we are talking and we are being heard loud and clear. That's why we are told very impolitely to shut the hell up.

You said, "I am not here to berate you, nor to be rude." And I believe that. Your input is greatly appreciated by me. Keep it up. Oh, shoot I'm being too polite again. LOL That's what they tell me.

I'm tired so Good night.


Can I ask a question, if the commissioner in question has a conflict of interest, which I see what your saying but don't agree with, would you say a teacher who coaches a sport and teaches has a conflict of interest? Would they have a conflict of interest if they had a child that played on the team they coach?? Just wondering. My point being, there are not enough people that want to start groups or be involved in groups, so just because they choose to be in different groups that makes it a conflict of interest. I have seen council members that own businesses do both. The businesses benefit the city and the city have bills to pay to that business, the council members just obstains from voting.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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