Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 18, 2012, 07:46:44 AM
I know you mean well, but ya better learn more about Alice Connally Fisk before you jump on her particular protest wagon." OBAMA 2012." 8)
By the way, what does being a 74 year old great grand mother have to do with anything? This particular lady has been an activist for a very longtime...won't be out on the front porch with her knitting! ;)

Diane I'm not jumping on anyones protest wagon.

You seemed to have missed the message in the body of the poem.

About how words are twisted and used to confuse people.

Just as the fact that she is a 74 year old great grand mother, is really there to add some kind of idea, that she is an honest person.  

Isn't that the same idea behind some one saying they are a priest or preacher, a county commissioner or a chior boy or even saying they are a cop?  Does that make them honest?

Because someone says a person is a reputable person, does that make them reputable in all situations, or does that make the person reputable in everyone else's eyes ?

Is every organization ---- for profit or non-profit ---- to be trusted just because a group of people organized?

Are visionaries real or are they just a hoax? Where is their crystal ball? LOL

What is the difference between a scam and a hoax and a smoke screen, don't they share a common thread --- dishonesty?

If I wrote a letter praising myself, and stated that, I was welcomed with open arms by many people as an expert in military leadership and sent that letter to the general public, signed myself as R. Someone who Knows Everything About Everything .
Would you believe it?
Would you consider it diecietful?
Would you consider it a lie?
Or would you believe it to be truthful Diane?

I believe the jist of the poem is "Open Your Eyes" , can you see that?

I'm not discussing National Politics on this thread, I feel local politics is just as important as the National Politics.
Maybe, because I can't afford higher property taxes while the local Konnected Kounty Kommissioners want to give tax breaks to a few. Perhaps relatives, friends, cronies whatever the case may be. By having some COCKAMAMY program that is really not originally designed for rural use. And they won't do a study to prove whether the program will or will not do what they claim.

So Diane, the point is to open your eyes and ignore the twisted words but notice the lack of documentation.

I hope, I have explained my self suffeciently.

Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

          Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?

                                        Perhaps the time to act is now.

Don't you think?

Diane, I don't read a single thing from Elk Konnected, LLC or the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  or their Followers providing any positive feed back or disputing anything in this entire thread. Just name calling and threats, percieved or otherwise.   No real answers to any questions, why?

That in and of itself speaks volumes don't you think?

Just my opinion, nothing more. Have a great day, Diane.

Voting is important:

On August 7, 2012
November 6, 2012


Well, hello folks,

Are we warm enough on this bright sunshiney Sunday?
Well personally, I'm praying for rain.

I recently attended the Moline Crazy Days Parade and I was pleaseantly surprised by the quality of the parade.
I really enjoyed it.
Great job Moline.    
Saturday, I attended the Howard County Fair and was very  disappointed in it. The good thing about it is, it was so bad, it made the Moline Parade look like the Rose Bowl Parade. IMHO.

I have always enjoyed the Longton parade, and I am looking forward to seeing it again this year.
Their little parade has always been so much fun to watch.
I do try to enjoy and support the community events as best I can.

Now, I would like to just like to ask Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau where were all the Elk Konnected, LLC Volunteers and Followers and the Visionaries, that want to give Elk County that Superior Quality of Life ?

Why wasn't the little, privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC represented in either parade ?
Don't they take pride in the Elk County's (real) Communities and the real communities activities ?

Where we all the yellow T-shirts that you asked the County Government to buy for you with Elk Konnected printed on them ?
Are you ashaned of them ?
If not ashamed of the T-shirts, Why weren't they in the parades ?
Do many of the shirts exist ?
Or is it just the "one" I happened to see ?

Why didn't Elk Konnected, LLC, pitch in and sponsor either communities activites ? The announcer at the parade Saturday  read off a list of sponsors and I never heard  Elk Konnected, LLC,  mentioned, WHY ?  
Does  Elk Konnected, LLC lack (real) community pride ?
Or are they too good for the rest of us ?
Or are they just into their own imaginary community ?
It's a shame we will probably may never get any answers, don't you think that's a shame ?

Would it be perhaps, because, it would not be like the Elk County Government activities, where there is money, from the county coffers involved ?
Perhaps, because a County employee is involved doing the work,  that is paid by the taxpayers, but is also Konnected ?
Would it be Elk Konnected, LLC, perhaps makes a few dollars off of the County Coffers some how ?           Is that a possibility ?
County Commissioner Hendricks please come back to the forum and explain to us, please? Or is it just because Elk Konnected, LLC, can leach off the county government ?

I did notice little bitty stickers that said Hendricks for County Commissioner or something to that effect on some horses asses. They were just to small for me to read clearly. And I just got a brand new prescription and brand new glasses. Oh, well no big deal. I read some of the other candidates signs pretty easy, so I think they were more serious about running for office.  

Perhaps, we should vote to keep these Konnected Kounty Kommissioners with all their Konnected Ideas of Community Pride in office, so they can continue to vote to give money from the County Coffers to Elk Konnected, LLC ?


Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

         Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?

Diane Amberg

 Good grief! Well, since you opened the door, how, pray tell, did the Howard Rodeo not meet with your apparently "professional" critic's expectations? Apparently you were also expecting Moline's parade to be a flop since you were "pleasantly surprised" by it? How does one compare a rodeo to a parade anyway?  Did you write a critical piece for the paper? I guess I missed it.
    If that's how you "support" the community events perhaps you'd prefer to stay home next year and not expose yourself to such disappointment? Or get on some committees so they can benefit from your vast experience and knowledge. ::)
   Why is your "review" in the political section anyway?   How does a rodeo become political?  and why? I really don't get it.  Geeze! Stir that pot Ross. How much are you being paid to stir it? Inquiring minds want to know! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


QuoteWhy is your "review" in the political section anyway?

Oh, pshaw Dianne! ;) 
The review brought into light the Elk Konnected involvement.
Can't you connect the dots?
If you can't introduce the main issue, one goes to another issue that brings to light the original one, ergo in the Political thread.
And therein lies the main issue.....now
what was it?  Politics or the Parade...

ready for a Hot Toddy!


Quote from Diane:
How does one compare a rodeo to a parade anyway?

Did I miss something? Can't seem to find where Ross mentioned a rodeo. Thanks in advance for putting me on the right trail.

Diane Amberg

Sorry, I thought the Howard County Fair included a rodeo as a main event. Otherwise, what I said stands!


Totally off topic, but has anyone ever seen two unrelated people who write as if they were one?  Would that be a coincidence, collusion, or would it be a psychic event?  Never mind... back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2012, 06:26:06 PM
Good grief! Well, since you opened the door, how, pray tell, did the Howard Rodeo not meet with your apparently "professional" critic's expectations?

Nothing professional about my personal opinion, just as there is nothing professional about your comments.
You in my humble opinion are not a good spokes person for Elk Konnected, LLC especially since you are way out there on the north east coast. But, I have to give you credit for trying.

But is that the very best you can do, in support of Elk Konnected, LLC from long distance?
Reading something in, that I had nothing to say anything about? I did not attend the Rodeo because of a previous engagement. My remarks were centered on the parade and the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their organization  Elk Konnected, LLC, get the story straight, PLEASE ! ?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2012, 06:26:06 PM
Apparently you were also expecting Moline's parade to be a flop since you were "pleasantly surprised" by it? How does one compare a rodeo to a parade anyway?  Did you write a critical piece for the paper? I guess I missed it.

Apparently, you are totally wrong. I have always enjoyed Moline's Crazy Day Parades. This year they, just out did themselves and did an excellent job. What the hell is wrong with a little praise for such a small community?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2012, 06:26:06 PM
   If that's how you "support" the community events perhaps you'd prefer to stay home next year and not expose yourself to such disappointment? Or get on some committees so they can benefit from your vast experience and knowledge. ::)

You know, really I shouldn't stay home and not support the local communities, that is just the wrong attitude.
But I was asking where Elk Konnected, LLC was with all their support?
What's with their attitude?
Where was their steering committee?
All their visionaries?
All their Members?
All their Followers?
Where was their support for this community event?
Is it they only leach off the County Government ?
Are they too ashamed to march in a community parade?
Where were all those T-shirts bought with money from the county coffers advertising Elk Konnected, LLC ?
You know the ones placed on the backs of Elk County Children as advertisement?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2012, 06:26:06 PM
  Why is your "review" in the political section anyway?   How does a rodeo become political?  and why? I really don't get it.  Geeze! Stir that pot Ross. How much are you being paid to stir it? Inquiring minds want to know! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Read the post again, it was mainly political? Yes, when the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners vote to give money from county coffers to their privately owned organization it is political ? It's not I that stirs the pot, I simply ask for some answers and no one seems to have any real answers.
Why do you suppose that is Diane ?
Do you suppose this organization is that "Old Guard" Elk Konnected, LLC has spoke of, only wearing a new dress?                 Do you suppose that is possible?

That was a lot of fun Diane, thank you.

Oh at the ass end of the parade, I saw on the ass end of horses, little stickers that said something about voting for County Commissioner Hendricks but, as I said earlier, I'm not sure what they said, because they were awful small.

I think we need new county commissioners.

I'm hoping at election time we end up with some new County Commissioners that care about Elk County as a whole, and not just special interest for a few.

I hope the rest of the County feels the same way and votes that way.  

Have a good night Diane.


Quote from: Patriot on July 22, 2012, 09:04:43 PM
Totally off topic, but has anyone ever seen two unrelated people who write as if they were one?  Would that be a coincidence, collusion, or would it be a psychic event?  Never mind... back to your regularly scheduled programming.
You know what Patriot it does sound like someone else, to me as well.
Some one perhaps educated in twisting words and and controlling groups of people via the use of a circle of chairs.
However, I don't think the process works so well in this media.

Ir's like twisting words such as kickbacks to rebates and giving money away to special people as economic development?

That doesn't work for me either, but, it's just my opinion.

Diane Amberg

I admit I made an error about the rodeo. I thought you went. I know I shouldn't assume anything. So, OK, what about the County Fair in general did you not like? What didn't meet with your expert expectations and approval?
  Was it the belly dancers?  Bears on roller skates? Mud pie eating contest?  The mosquito chariot races? Please enlighten us, who are just waiting to hear and take notes for next year. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  I just copied your own writing style and tied a bunch of things together that really have nothing to do with each other. It was fun.
  I don't recall saying anything one way or another about Elk Konnected. I doubt they would accept me as a spokes person anyway...and I'm on the mid east coast.  I happen to like forward thinking people who stop talking and start doing. I don't care what group they are or are not in.Tag, you're it!
  You apparently have a preference for Longton at the expense of the other little towns, since you said you always enjoyed their parade and apparently don't always enjoy what Moline and Howard do, at least according to what you said, before you backed that horse up and rewrote what you had said.   
  See ? Now you know how it feels. If you don't like something, why not say nothing at all instead of insulting the time and effort people put in on those events.
    As far as my making professional comments... who cares. I'm not the one trying to influence people to think like I do and become so " anti "any one group.  I think you will be very disappointed in the changes that won't happen no matter who the commissioners are. Politics is what it is and certain things will happen just because they will. You will never be satisfied.
I do support the little towns out there, even from so far away. Not the same as being there of course, but I do what I can.
   Ross, everybody gets it, they know your opinions in detail. More than a year's worth!  Ad Nauseam! You keep asking "why" questions that aren't ever going to be answered.
  So what candidate/s are you backing? Speak up and let those candidates know so they can benefit from your help and campaign knowledge. How will you vote? How goes Ross, so goes the election? Could it backfire? You might want to be careful. have you ever worked for a candidate in a big state or national election? I have and local elections also. It can be very complicated and you can hurt your candidate if you aren't very careful. Back to my political posting vacation...just have to twist your tail occasionally. ;) :angel:

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