Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that refused to second Mr. Ritz's motion to correct the date on the proposed Community Revitalization Program won't you please respond to a few questions?

I'd like to know and I suppose the rest of the taxpaying citizens would probably like to know

Who is this extra special citizen of Elk County that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners

Wish to accommodate with a back dated proposed Community Revitalization Program ? ? ?

Also, I'd like to ask how many others are there and who they are ? ? ?

Will one of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners show their leadership and provide the answers ? ? ?

These are very tough questions, however, real leadership should have no problem with proper answers in my opinion.

While you are being brave enough to show that leadership, how about explaining in detail, why everyone in Elk County should approve such accommodations?

Everyone on here knows you are reading this, so won't you come forward and have an open and honest dialog ? ? ?


Elk Konnected, LLC, through their steering committee media mouthpiece (and elected county officer), Ms Hendricks, has claimed that it was the county commission who asked EK to involve itself in determining the will of the people on issues such as wind farm money use.  EK has been the focal point in spending taxpayer monies from the county special recreation fund.  Taxpayer monies pay the salary of a county employee holding the position of Youth Development Coordinator.  This county employee is also holds a position on the EK steering committee.  This employee also writes grant requests in the county name soliciting grant funds from the Kansas Health Foundation amounting to tens of thousands of dollars that have come into the county coffers and are handed to EK allegedly to be spent completely on EK run summer day camps.  And this is just the surface.

A member of the EK steering committee sits as president of the West Elk USD school board.  And the private community organizer company, Public Square Communities actually lists one of our elected county officers as an employed staff member. Admittedly, EK has solicited, and received, monies from the taxpayers in at least one town in Elk County to help pay private membership fees to Public Squares.  EK has also publicly admitted using monies from a Kansas Commerce Department scholarship grant to pay dues to Public Square.

All these little twists & trysts raise valid questions about our government and this privately owned company.  Yet after over a year of asking, there are still no answers.  Even after self promoting newspaper articles and Grenola Konversations, we still know almost nothing of this money vacuum we know as Elk Konnected, LLC.  We know little about the marriage and apparent love affair that exists between Elk Konnected, the Elk County Government & one or two of our elected officials.  Let's try a refresher and ask again some basic questions about this private company who has such close ties to the Elk County government (official or otherwise).   And let's add another question to those below:  What liability does Elk County and county taxpayers have relative to EK activities carried out with county funds or using county resources?

Quote from: Patriot on May 05, 2011, 09:24:01 AM

How about this.... instead of you guessing and asking volunteers, take a look at these links which explain what an LLC is and how an LLC works.  These articles are real short.  The 'members' (owners) of an LLC are probably not the volunteers who do the work of cleaning ditches, being on action committees, painting, raking, etc.  There can be one or more members (legal owners) who actually own & manage the LLC.  Read these and see if you can answer the questions... 

What is an LLC:  http://biztaxlaw.about.com/od/glossaryl/a/llcdefinition.htm

     Who formed EK, and who receives the limited liability protections?
     Are volunteers protected from any liability for work done for or with EK?
     Does EK have liability insurance?  How much?  Through what insurance company?
     Who pays the damages if a windshield gets broken at an EK sponsored ballgame?
     What happens if one of our youth gets hit by a car while picking up trash along the highway at an EK sponsored cleanup?
     Do the kid's parents sign any liability waivers before their kids participate in EK functions?
     What about adult volunteers?  How are they protected in case of injury?

Who are the members of an LLC:  http://biztaxlaw.about.com/od/glossarym/g/memberofllc.htm

     Who are the legal members of EK?

What is the Operating Agreement for an LLC:  http://biztaxlaw.about.com/od/glossaryo/g/operatingagree.htm

     Where can you go to see the EK Operating Agreement, and what does it say?
     What are the investment interests, percentage interests, member voting rights, etc. for EK
     How is EK managed, and by whom?  Who is legally responsible for any acts of EK?
     What are the rights and duties of each legal member of EK?
     Who can sign contracts for EK?
     Who legally decides where any money that EK receives ends up going, who pays any bills EK has.
     Do EK's legal members/managers receive any pay or other benefits from EK? 
     Since EK is a business making recommendations to government, are they required to register as a lobby group?  Have they?

These, and many more questions remain unanswered.  When you can make public the answers to these questions, you will be on the road to ending all the recent debates.  My guess is that finding the answers will be very difficult.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So, I hear on the street that at the Monday County Commissioners meeting that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner said he was tired of being called a crook. I wonder who called him a crook? What is it he is really saying?

There is an old say that goes, if the shoe fits wear it.  

However, I only question the ethics of the association of votng by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners for everythng and anything and the moneys their Organizaton comes to the Commssioners asking for?

And the ethics of turning moneys over to Elk Konnected, LLC  without having accountability for the spending of such money in the form of reciepts for every dime. It's public information, let's see it posted on the County (very expensive) web site for the public to see. Or is Elk Konnected, LLC allowed to pocket the leftover $'s?

I also question the ethics of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners failing to second Mr. Ritz motion to correct the starting date on the proposed Community Revitalization Program. A very honest thing to do, why? The key word being proposed, meaning how can something being proposed have a start date over a half a year before it even has it's first hearing?

Is this an Elk Konnected, LLC  proposed plan? Is it designed to benefit Elk Konnected, LLC  friends and members by using our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

There is no or little difference between Elk Konnected, LLC  and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners running our County Government in my opnion?

I am really beginning to believe that Elk Konnected, LLC is actually the "Old Guard" that they refered to in their letter that indicated there was something wrong with having an "Old Guard", what do the rest you of Elk County taxpayers and citizens think?
Would Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks please try to clear the air on this?
How about you Kounty Kommissioner Liebau, care to clear the air and let us know where you stand?
Is it with Elk Konnected, LLC  or Elk County?
Would either one of you care to explain the ethics involved in what is happening?

Everyone in the County knows you read this forum and ths thread,  so this is a very good vehicle for responding to the voters. don't you think?

I know Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau finds these posts vile because he told everyone at a Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeeting and told me himself personally at that meeting/? I would just like to know what is vile, is it the Konnected thing, or is it the honesty ? Or is it asking for honest answers?

Here is your chance, will you take it ?

Where are all those Elk Konnected, LLC Followers ? How many of them are there? Who are they?
Won't they help the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner make a showing and help them communicate with the voters?
Afterall it is an election year.

Let's get the vote out in August?



     Ross, you're like a pit bulldog. No quit in you. :-*

     Patriot, I'm very impressed with your latest tone and willingness to debate in your posts. More people will pay attention now.  ;)

     Flintaqua, quite an inteligent and factually focused part of  this forum.  8)


Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 27, 2012, 02:49:21 PM
    Ross, you're like a pit bulldog. No quit in you. :-*

    Patriot, I'm very impressed with your latest tone and willingness to debate in your posts. More people will pay attention now.  ;)

    Flintaqua, quite an inteligent and factually focused part of  this forum.  8)

Why thank you Bullwinkle.

By any chance did you read KonnectedKounty Kommissioners Hendricks column in this weeks newspaper informing the community what took place at the County Commissioners Meeting this week.

Strange isn't it, I couldn't find her column, I wonder why?

If you find it, let me know please?
I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. LOL

If it's not there
I bet there is some plausible excuse
for not writing the column this week,
I'm anxious to read it, aren't you?

Or do you suppose, she doesn't want it in the paper, that two Konnected Kommissioners failed to second a very good and honest motion by the only non-konnected Commissioner sitting at the Commissioners table? Will that be in the minutes?

Can't you see how Elk Konnected, LLC is controlling our County just like the "Old Guard" that Elk Konnected, LLC wrote about in their public letter?

What is their real purpose with this Community Revitalization Program?

Is it purhaps to provide for themselves, or their friends, or their family?

Where is the study they claim in the proposal?

What is really happening here in Elk County?

Is it Corruption, or just a lack of ethics, just what is it ?

I was told Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau at the beginning of Mondays meeting said he was tired of being called a crook. Now I ask you, why would he say that at a County Commissioners Meeting? Will that show up in the minutes of the meeting?

I think it is very important for the health of Elk County that we get out the vote in August.

Don't you Bullwinkle?



Dang, here we were having such a good time with feed back from the Followers?
What happened?
It kept the conversation going.
Did this subject finally get to vile with the truth? 

Talking about vile, I've been wondering Konnected Kounty KommissionerLiebau, do you find Mr. Taylor's post's in his on line newspaper, under the Editorials, his opinions about our Kansas Governor vile   as well ?

I'm really curious what you find vile   about my posting my opinions and questions, would you be so good as to tell me and everyone else?

Oh and when doing County Government business, shouldn't it all be documented?

For instance in your proposal for Neighborhood Revitalization program the paper work says a study was performed, can we please see the documentation?

And while you are at it how about providing some numbers on the tax rebate program?
Numbers that show how much money will be returned to the builder/ taxpayer?
I'd like to see the rebate on the following figures especially since there is no upper ceiling or cap:
Lets start with the low end cap of $20,000
then the following numbers:


This should be no problem at all for our county tax people to put together quickly and easily, don't you think?

How about working for a constuent on this simple task, instead of working for Elk Konnected?
It shouldn't take more then five minutes of your time, should it?
You could even have it posted on the County's expensive Web Site for everyone to see!


Quote from: Ross on June 27, 2012, 01:58:47 PM

So, I hear on the street that at the Monday County Commissioners meeting that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner said he was tired of being called a crook. I wonder who called him a crook? What is it he is really saying?

There is an old say that goes, if the shoe fits wear it.  

However, I only question the ethics of the association of votng by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners for everythng and anything and the moneys their Organizaton comes to the Commssioners asking for?

And the ethics of turning moneys over to Elk Konnected, LLC  without having accountability for the spending of such money in the form of reciepts for every dime. It's public information, let's see it posted on the County (very expensive) web site for the public to see. Or is Elk Konnected, LLC allowed to pocket the leftover $'s?

I also question the ethics of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners failing to second Mr. Ritz motion to correct the starting date on the proposed Community Revitalization Program. A very honest thing to do, why? The key word being proposed, meaning how can something being proposed have a start date over a half a year before it even has it's first hearing?

Is this an Elk Konnected, LLC  proposed plan? Is it designed to benefit Elk Konnected, LLC  friends and members by using our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

There is no or little difference between Elk Konnected, LLC  and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners running our County Government in my opnion?

I am really beginning to believe that Elk Konnected, LLC is actually the "Old Guard" that they refered to in their letter that indicated there was something wrong with having an "Old Guard", what do the rest you of Elk County taxpayers and citizens think?
Would Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks please try to clear the air on this?
How about you Kounty Kommissioner Liebau, care to clear the air and let us know where you stand?
Is it with Elk Konnected, LLC  or Elk County?
Would either one of you care to explain the ethics involved in what is happening?

Everyone in the County knows you read this forum and ths thread,  so this is a very good vehicle for responding to the voters. don't you think?

I know Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau finds these posts vile because he told everyone at a Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeeting and told me himself personally at that meeting/? I would just like to know what is vile, is it the Konnected thing, or is it the honesty ? Or is it asking for honest answers?

Here is your chance, will you take it ?

Where are all those Elk Konnected, LLC Followers ? How many of them are there? Who are they?
Won't they help the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner make a showing and help them communicate with the voters?
Afterall it is an election year.

Let's get the vote out in August?

And you my fine sir should go back from where you came! This county has enough people that think they are smart when in fact they are clueless. Our commissioners are doing a great job. They do not need pain in the asses like you.


Quote from: dee on June 29, 2012, 07:07:51 PM
And you my fine sir should go back from where you came! This county has enough people that think they are smart when in fact they are clueless. Our commissioners are doing a great job. They do not need pain in the asses like you.

Glad to have you join the discussion.  Can you provide a few specifics regarding your views on the 'great jobs' the commissioners are doing? I have no doubt that King George III, his court, & many serfs  had views similar to yours regarding a few outspoken asses in their time.  In that case the asses included the folks listed below.  Sometimes outspoken asses shed light where there's been darkness for a long time.

  Button Gwinnett
  Lyman Hall
  George Walton

North Carolina:
  William Hooper
  Joseph Hewes
  John Penn
South Carolina:
  Edward Rutledge
  Thomas Heyward, Jr.
  Thomas Lynch, Jr.
  Arthur Middleton
 John Hancock
 Samuel Chase
 William Paca
 Thomas Stone
 Charles Carroll of Carrollton
 George Wythe
 Richard Henry Lee
 Thomas Jefferson
 Benjamin Harrison
 Thomas Nelson, Jr.
 Francis Lightfoot Lee
 Carter Braxton
  Robert Morris
  Benjamin Rush
  Benjamin Franklin
  John Morton
  George Clymer
  James Smith
  George Taylor
  James Wilson
  George Ross
  Caesar Rodney
  George Read
  Thomas McKean
New York:
  William Floyd
  Philip Livingston
  Francis Lewis
  Lewis Morris
New Jersey:
  Richard Stockton
  John Witherspoon
  Francis Hopkinson
  John Hart
  Abraham Clark
New Hampshire:
  Josiah Bartlett
  William Whipple
  Samuel Adams
  John Adams
  Robert Treat Paine
  Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island:
  Stephen Hopkins
  William Ellery
  Roger Sherman
  Samuel Huntington
  William Williams
  Oliver Wolcott
New Hampshire:
  Matthew Thornton

All signatories to the US Declaration of Independence
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: dee on June 29, 2012, 07:07:51 PMAnd you my fine sir should go back from where you came! This county has enough people that think they are smart when in fact they are clueless. Our commissioners are doing a great job. They do not need pain in the asses like you.

Nice first post... ::)

Anyway, would you be so kind as to tell us how this county has some of the best benefits of living here versus all of the other counties in Kansas? I mean, surely this county has endless amounts of benefits to offer considering it is one of the highest taxed counties in Kansas... right? And that's only scratching the surface.

Sure, you have every right to an opinion and can honestly believe they are doing a great job though surely if you feel that way about them then you feel the same about congress and the president... right? Again, you have every right to feel that as well but I implore you to read up on history and to find out exactly what kills nations... you'll find that the very things our leaders are doing (at every level of government) have time and time again resulted in failure and in some cases much, much, much... MUCH worse than simple failure. Depression, oppression, mass loss of life.

Politics isn't just some game we can play and if we get it wrong we can press a reset button to start over. No, politics has real life consequences... consequences that most people can't afford. Please do some research into history and see just how bad this path is that we are on at every level.


Quote from: dee on June 29, 2012, 07:07:51 PM
And you my fine sir should go back from where you came! This county has enough people that think they are smart when in fact they are clueless. Our commissioners are doing a great job. They do not need pain in the asses like you.

Thanks for calling me a fine sir, however, I am simply a redneck!
However I would find it more of a compliment if you just hollered, hey redneck, thank you!

dee, you know what, my first reaction to your post was one of astonishment.
Astonishment at the fact that you could say such ugly things, then I simply stopped and gave your post some more thought. And I realized, you gave no thought to what you posted, and therefore you have earned my sympathy.

You see, I am where I belong, I am where I cane from, I am American Citizen who has served in the military service of this country for 10 years during the Vietnam Conflict, this country, the US of A is where I came from, I was born and raised in this country. I am also a resident and a tax payer in Elk County which means this particular part of the country is my home, which again, is where I belong. Your rudeness only reflects ignorance to these facts.

Your rudeness, also shows your ignorance of a persons rights under the constitution of our country.

You see you have no more right, to live in Elk County than any other person, whether they are rich or poor. And the fact, that you can not handle the truth shows through in you rudeness as well. Once again, earning my sympathy, I feel so sorry for you.

You are right, I am clueless about the connection between Elk Konnected, LLC and it's membership and it's connection with our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their plans. I am also clueless about Elk Konnected, LLC and "The Old Guard" that they wrote about in their open letter. Perhaps, you could clue me in? After all, I have been asking for over a year and no answers, why? No answers, from the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, why? No answers, from Elk Konnected, LLC, why? I hope, you won't be like them and perhaps with your great deal of knowledge, can clue all of us in, Can you do that?  Can you tell us who the registered members of Elk Konnected, LLC  are?

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, just as I and everyone else is, so I have read your opinion and I very sincerely disagree with you. And that too is acceptable under our constitution.

In closing, I'd like to say if this country had more pain in the asses like me, perhaps we would not have all the lying and cheating on capital hill and perhaps our country would not be on the verge of a greater depression then the great depression.

Our governments are suppose to be government of the people, for the people and by the people. Not a government of the Corporations, the LLC's or the Wealthy now is it? Those are the problems that lead to corruptions aren't they?

By any chance were you at the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting when Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau's own aunt called him on the carpet for allowing Elk Konnected, LLC  to hijack the Elk County web site?

How did you feel about Elk Konnected, LLC,  hijacking the Elk County emergency call system?

And these are just the simple things, right? Are these acceptable to you?

Can you honestly answer these simple questions?

What else is being allowed by the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners behind closed doors?

I don't believe that last question can be answered, do you?

But, hey if you believe they are doing such a good job, you have every right to vote for them. And I hope you do. Your vote will count equally as mine and everyone else's vote. So go for it.

You are doing yourself, such a disservice by being rude. Since Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau refers to my posts as vile, I wonder how he would classify such a rude post as yours, don't you wonder?

It's a pleasure to visit with you and I want to wish you a good night and I hope you can find it in your heart not to be so rude in the future. It just is not very becoming of you.

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