Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You asked for it.

I just received this list via E-mail from  ekclerk@sktc.net


County Clerk:
   Vicky D. Wedman, Republican

County Treasurer:
   Rachel D. Ware, Republican

Register of Deeds:
   Neva L. Walter, Republican Incumbent

   Douglas L. Hanks, Democratic Incumbent
   James C. Lear, Sr., Republican

County Attorney:
   Mary Ann Shirley, Republican
    Joe Lee, Republican

Commissioner District II:
   Elizabeth  Maria Hendricks, Democratic Incumbent
   Gary D. Hebb, Republican

Commissioner District III:
   K. R. (Ken) Liebau, Republican Incumbent
   Randy J. Julian, Republican
   Micky Wunderlich, Republican

Township Treasurer:
   Vera Jontra, Painterhood, Republican

Township Trustee:
   Judy Ellen Wiseman, Howard, Republican
Precinct Committeemen:
   Stephen M. Cook, Republican, Elk Falls
   Daniel Salander, Democratic, Howard
   Mike Bellar, Republican, Howard
   Douglas C. Ritz, Republican, Liberty
   Mitchell R. Dowell, Republican, Oak Valley
   Lawrence Jontra, Republican, Painterhood
   Lynn Perkins, Republican, Union Center
  Troy Bell, Democratic, Wildcat
   David Evans, Republican, Wildcat 
Precinct Committeewomen:
   Aimie A. Cook, Republican , Elk Falls 
   Priscilla Liebau Rivers, Republican, Greenfield
   Linda Rae Ritz, Republican, Liberty
   Kandy K. Dowell, Republican, Oak Valley
   Vera Jontra, Republican, Painterhood
   Ann Bell, Democratic, Wildcat
   Kathryn Evans, Republican, Wildcat


Now it's time to do some homework and consider where improvements, if any,can be made in the Elk County leadership structure.  Looks like the Primary (August 7, 2012) will be pretty important in the District 3 commissioner & county attorney races.  And the General election (November 6, 2012) in the races for District 2 commissioner & sheriff contests.... as well as that Obama contest.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well, doggie! Now, ain't that just something!
I just received my monthly magazine called Kansas Country Living.

I wonder, does the editor of the magazine read what he prints in it?

Oh, I get the magazine free, not really, I'm certain it is calculated into operating cost, which I pay through my monthly utility bill. I pay for that propaganda, anyway that's my definition of it.

On page 20, is yet another monthly article that has an association with Public Square Communities, LLC.
Remember now our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner is on Public Square Communities, LLC's staff and monies from our County Coffers go to pay the dues or fees for Elk Konnected, LLC to be a part of that whole mess "er" organization. Sorry, about that.

Before I go on, I gotta say, I thought the article was nothing but gibberish, and it's a crying shame, I have to pay for garbage like that, via my utility bill. I have talked to others that feel the same way.

Continuing with the article, it is written by a Pastor in Kansas City, Wyandotte.

County, Kansas. What get's me about the whole thing is, what business does a pastor from Kansas City,  Wyandotte County have, dissing Elk County along with 7 other S.E. Kansas County's.
Doesn't Kansas City and Wyandotte County have enough of their own problems for a preacher to tend to? Can't she better spend her time tending to the sinners in her area and tend to their health and Kansas City's drug problems and their peoples health problems? Can't she organize the Upper Eight? Or is she just coming down here to deal with the rednecks in the Podunk's?

She says, "The Lower Eight counties are some of the poorest in the region and have some of the highest death rates in the region from disease and cancer." This is hogwash, where are her statistics, what does she back it up with? What region is she talking about? Is it the region of the central US of A? Nothing, why? Hogwash that's why. Just dissing with a lot B. S. and I thought Elk Konnected, LLC and Public Square Community, LLC wanted to keep everything positive. Didn't our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, say she didn't mean to be dissing communities within Elk County when they started up? Yet, it appears to me that is the mode of operation, diss an area and then tell them what's good for them. And also tell them don't bring up anything negative. In other words leave that up to them. My opinion, but think about it, please.

She talks about Public Health and starting something, but to me it just isn't very clear what she want's to start! It sounds like she want's to start a network, that can then be manipulated and controlled, that's what it sounds like to me.

Why do I say that? Because we already have a Public Health Department, we have Medical Clinics. These are places anyone can go to get help and information about their health. So the lady talks, about getting leaders together for her to facilitate, what leaders? What, leaders would fall for this kind of line? She is keeping that information to herself, if there were any leaders or even any meetings? Why so secretive?

Oh, wait a minute, we have asked Elk Konnected, LLC some of the same thing haven't we? And we can't get any answers can we?

The pastor says," My plans as the facilitator did not work as planned, but did work." Now what the heck does that mean?

She said she navigated this regional community into a place of consensus by way of team work and collaboration. Now folk's to me that simply means she manipulated and controlled these people by using peer group pressure, if it actually took place.

The preacher said she was a neutral and objective facilitator? Huh?
Is your preacher in church a neutral and objective facilitator?
How would that work?
Doesn't your preacher facilitate your church services?
Sure, he or she does.
Your preacher prepares for the sermon and follows certain guidelines to keep the church services moving down the right path. He or she has goals for the sermon as well, just as any facilitator would?
Is there anything neutral or objective about him during that service?
I don't think so, I think the preacher would be locked in, on completing his mission of delivering the word of God, the gospel.

And this preacher / facilitator is saying she is being neutral and objective while trying to meet her goal.
To me that is a hard one to choke down.

If this preacher really believes there is a bigger health problem here, then where she lives in Wyandotte
County, I would suggest she open her eyes and look around Kansas City a little closer.
I'd ask her the following:
How many homeless people do we have in Elk County?
How many homeless people are there in Douglas County?
Don't those homeless people in your county, have a greater need for health care, then the homeless ones we don't have in Elk County?
How many of those homeless are family's with small children?
Can't this preacher do God's work in Kansas City, Wyandotte County?
Why would a preacher want to be involved in politics?

Is it to Build that network of political leaders for a matter of control?

Can't get it done in Wyandotte County, so let's take it to the podunks, is that the idea?

Oh, but we shouldn't question preachers should we?
But lot's of preachers have been questioned in recent years by the police and for good reason. Remember?

Yes "Oldfart" I'm twisted, especially when things stink to high heaven.

We need to get the vote out in November for new County Commissioners!

We need to get our County on track to tend to everyone County Business and not be sending money from the County Coffers to Leoti, Kansas or Kansas City, Kansas!

I think it would be an excellent idea to break this invisible chain that keeps expanding. This could possibly lead to less money leaving Elk County to Leoti, Kansas, me thinks?

Let's all vote in November.


Its fun to see some midwestern redneck using the term "dissing."  If only you knew the origination of the fake word.  If you want to make english the national language, better be sure you know how to use it first.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on June 06, 2012, 11:15:38 AM
Its fun to see some midwestern redneck using the term "dissing."  If only you knew the origination of the fake word.  If you want to make english the national language, better be sure you know how to use it first.

Well.. well... the schmuck is back.  Hey Ross... Anmar "may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you.  He really is an idiot." (from the harmonious sounds of Cool J, "I been dissin' you"

Been to sand-flea camp, sport?  Don't tell me that they have renovated al farouq again.  Or was it... wait a minute... Wow... I know.  It had to be the Camp Hamas for Kids, right?!?  Did you get to wear a little green beanie and carry a plastic rifle around? 

I understand the camp's curriculum still includes firearm training and military drills in order to nurture the next generation of militants.  But what happened?  Usually camp lasts until labor day... aaaah.. they kicked you out, huh?  Did you get to keep your martyrs pictures?  Come on... fill us in on Camp Hamas 2012.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Anmar on June 06, 2012, 11:15:38 AM
Its fun to see some midwestern redneck using the term "dissing."  If only you knew the origination of the fake word.  If you want to make english the national language, better be sure you know how to use it first.

Todays usage is what counts my friend and if you check Merriam Webster, you would find, I correctly used the word.
The orgin a\has nothing to do with todays usage, just like so many other words.

Definition of DIS
transitive verb
slang: to treat with disrespect or contempt : insult
slang: find fault with : criticize

Beyond that, did you understand the message.

I'm not just a redneck, let's clear that up okay, I'm a proud redneck-hick who had his fill of city life.
Thank you.

And have yourself a great day.


When conceived it was a project of almost unimaginable boldness and foolhardiness, requiring great bravura, risking great hubris. —Simon Winchester, The Professor and the Madman, 1998

What if something is Lost in in it's non-existent imaginary reality, what then?

I think Thomas Jefferson put it best in his 1816 letter to John Taylor: "I sincerely  believe, with you, that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." (And in my opinion other institutions qualify equally well no matter the scale of funding.)

However, the inference is that you would prefer that citizens who disagree with the President and his policies refrain from voicing their own viewpoint. Clearly, that's not the way a free society should operate. (And again, I believe that applies equally well here at home.)

If we can get the county Commissioners to assume that the taxpayers and the voters in this county are watching, perhaps they will act differently. I'm not asking you to side with anyone or to assume anything, I say is the truth. I am only suggesting that the more people that pay attention as individually concerned citizens of Elk County.....could make a difference. I believe we have seen the effects of this action through the spending of the wind farm money. We did not see the money turned over to private organizations. But we did see the money used for county roads and paying down the County Debt. Keep up the good work folks.

From the small high school coach to the Vatican, plenty of so called leaders and highly respected members of the community overstep their boundaries, and have shown a lack of ethics. So respect needs to be tendered gently in my humble opinion.

I read this somewhere about organizations, and I found it rather interesting:

Our ability to maintain control over the public perception of who we are and what we represent - Our ability to network within communities where we operate:
To undercut resistance to the movement where possible
To join with other organizations like, raising a common message
We may throw them a bone here or there, in an attempt to create our message, but will not offer up meaningful change.

True leadership requires principles, integrity, honesty, ethics and openness to ones employees or constituents.

There are always individuals or small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome. Such as surveys and lists they turn over to County Commissioners as shown on page one of this thread.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why. What does the individual or group have to gain (or lose) by the presentation of unadulterated facts or statistical analysis?

"I am as desirous of being a good neighbor as I am of being a bad subject."

Really don't you think questions should be asked and shouldn't they be answered honestly and openly, not
Behind closed doors?

I repeat:

True leadership requires principles, integrity, honesty, ethics and openness to ones employees or constituents. Anything less should be unacceptable, in my humble opinion.



Here is some more Vulgar and Twisted thinking, sorry I actually mean questions!

True leadership requires principles, integrity, honesty, ethics and openness to ones employees and/or constituents. Anything less should be unacceptable, in my humble opinion. And that includes every day actions. What do you think?

Check today's newspaper page 3. Left hand column right below Area Deaths. What do you see? I see in large print:

Elk Konnected Day camps
Will begin next week

I think it was either polite of them or maybe a strain on them to then say:

Elk County and Elk Konnected will be sponsoring a Kids Day Camp this summer in five communities located in the Elk Konnected area.

I wonder which it was, was it polite or a strain?

Didn't they do the samething last year? I call it hi-jacking, what would you call it?

And what the heck, Elk Konnected is mentioned three times in the article and Elk County only once, why do you suppose that is?

Don't we as taxpayers pay the Elk County Youth Development Employee to acquire the funds for this event as an Elk County Summer Day Camp?

Don't we as taxpayers pay the Elk County Youth Development Employee pay this employee to operate this Elk County Day Camp?

Are Elk County taxpayers required to fund Severy's Summer Day Camp? Why?
Is it because Elk Konnected has some imaginary area that extends outside of Elk County?
Does Greenwood County where Severy is located, fund anything in Elk County?
Don't get me wrong, I like Severy, but they are not located in the Elk County taxing area, they don't pay taxes in Elk County to support our County Government.

What are our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Konnected Youth Development Employee thinking? What's next Elk City in Montgomery County?

What exactly does Elk Konnected, LLC have to do with  the Elk County Summer Day Camp, except for having Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and also having our Konnected Youth Development Employee on their steering committee?

How much money is Elk Konnected, LLC putting into the event?

Is our Elk County Youth Development Employee acting in Elk County's best interest or in Elk Konnected, LLC's best interest?

Where are the principles, integrity, honesty, ethics and openness in this situation?

Would someone please point out the principles, integrity, honesty, ethics and openness in this situation?

Would someone please answer some questions?

How about some answers Elk Konnected, LLC or Elk County Commissioners?

Remember to Vote In November

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