Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: jarhead on June 03, 2012, 10:01:22 AM
Café talk is that several people are running for county office's. Any truth to this and if so who's running and for what position ?

I'm hearing the same thing.
I don't have any facts.
If I can get time, I'll try to get by the Court House next Week.
Better yet, I just e-mailed the County Clerk and asked them to post a web page on the County web site.

The Elk County web site is now:
And the county clerk e-mail address is:
If anyone else cares to ask them to post the information.

I think we need more commissioners like Doug Ritz and that almost any change would be better then what we have.
For verification just re-read this thread.


How far does "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money go?

Romney's Solyndra? State-Funded Massachusetts Solar Company Goes Bankrupt
By Frances Martel
With the failure of federally-funded solar energy company Solyndra one of the hallmarks of the Romney campaign line of attack, it appears that Mitt Romney will have some explaining to do soon about a similar endeavor that failed in Massachusetts after receiving support from Romney's administration. The Boston Herald reports today that Konarka Technologies, a solar panel developer that received Massachusetts state funds, filed for bankruptcy yesterday.

Why isn't "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money used responsibly?
Perhaps because the party getting it, hasn't earned it, what do you think?
Perhaps because of planning or studying the situation?
Perhaps out of desperation to be something they can't be?
Perhaps to cover the golden parachutes of the the people at the top, to line their pockets?

Let's try to apply this to children!
If a child says his world will end if he doesn't get the latest cellphone with all the bells and whistles, do we just fork over hundreds of dollars for the child?
Would that be the proper thing to do?
And, then the child 5 months later is bored with it and wants the new one that just came out, do we do it again?
What does that teach the child?
Doesn't it teach the child to just keep begging?

Well, my philosophy is the same as my parents and my grand parents, when the child is old enough, and responsible enough to own a cellphone, then they are responsible enough to have a job and earn the money to pay for it.

What do you think or feel about that for responsibility?
Isn't it part of a parents job to teach their child responsibility?
My child will earn it for himself and be able to take a far better pride in it and himself.

Well, I think that should apply to governments, company's (LLC's) , corporations, and organizations.
By that, I mean if they are ran by responsible people, they don't need or deserve "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money. They need to be creative and earn it, in my humble opinion.

If you believe responsible adults need "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, please explain it to me?

If those adults claiming to be responsible are wanting to make things better, but can not operate efficiently and provide for themselves without "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money how can they do anything?

If those same adults keep taking "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money and can not explain how lollipops make life better for the majority of people, just how can that be considered responsible?

I have lots of questions about responsibility here in Elk County and no answers, why?

Most people that live here are responsible individuals, but a few form a group and no one is responsible for answering questions.

They more or less claim they don't have a leader, a lot like Occupy Wall Street (OWS) IMHO.
No leader?
No one responsible?
Do they have any form of "Code of Ethics?
Do they have any real plans?
If so, why don't they explain what they are?
Why don't they explain how they plan to accomplish them?
Why don't they explain how they plan to finance them?
Where is the responsible leadership?
Who are the admitted members?
Why do they hide?

Who assumed responsibility for the closure of their Wellness Center?
Where did all the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money that paid for the Wellness center go after the sale?

I think what else needs to be answered is, How much money is in their coffers, before they get another cent from the County Coffers in the form of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money.

I also think what else needs to be answered before the County Commissioners in open meeting is who accepts responsibility for the group?
Who is the responsible adult leader?
As well as all the other who, what, where, when, why and how's related to this groups intentions, and very clearly, or provide no more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money.

This would be the responsible action of our Elected Officials known as Elk County Commissioners. Don't you think so as well?
Is it perhaps, because doing the responsible thing, that two out of three of the commissioners, would br questionong their own actions?

Would that be a responsible action to avoid for those reasons?

? ? ? Questions, Questions, Questions ? ? ?


Since so much public money and grant money obtained by government employees is handed over to the control of the private, for profit, company called Elk Konnected, LLC, perhaps some open public accountability is in order.

Why can't a lawfully admitted managing or other admitted member of Elk Konnected, LLC (see Kansas statutes posted elsewhere in this discussion) be asked to make a public presentation to the county commission detailing their plan & program, provide a detailed accounting of their expenditures of county derived monies and demonstrate to the board the measureable results of their efforts?  Or have the lines between private (Elk Konnected) & public (county government) become so blurred that there is no distinction? 

A private company having so much influence over an elected government in America seems inconsistent with the founding principles of a representative republic.  It leaves open vast opportunities for personal agendas guiding public policies and special interest pandering.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Hello Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks
Isn't it time Elk Konnected, LLC and you upheld, what you
or your Followers said about
having an open and honest dialog with the
Citizens and Taxpayers of Elk County?

How about it Commissioner Hendricks
How about some accountability to the
Citizens and Taxpayers of Elk County?

Or will it be a continuation of

What happened to the $85,000 that you discussed earlier in this thread?
Has it been spent?
Is that why you need more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money?
Did that money get handled like the Wellness Center?

How much more money does your organization need for your imaginary communnity, before you let the actual /real communities have the money to provide recreation for their citizens to use as they see fit?

Without real answers how do you expect to be re-elected?


Yes, it's my honest and humble opinion.

And being the redneck hick, that I am without a college degree, I have to admit
I plagerized some of this, well a lot of it.
Especially the line about sex. LOL

My parents taught me to Beware of People Bearing Gifts.
Especially, people bearing gifts With "OPM" (other peoples' money) which I think includes "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money. Elk County Taxpayers Money which is in the County Coffers.

You see, folks, this is how I see it works.
First they take "OPM"other peoples money, "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money;
Then they offer you unsolicited gifts. (Lollipops)
Then they obligate you for those unsolicited gifts. (Lollipops)

Like a guy who buys dinner for a lady with stolen money and then tells the lady she owes him sex.
(No, no! Not in this case, that is being a bit facetious.)
It's more like, let us give Tax Breaks, to our friends.
Let's have a bunch of money for Economic Development to give to our friends.
Since Economic Development, can be made so difficult, you won't understand it
We can do, whatever we want, right?

Be sure to vote in November and remember all the answers received on all thw questions I have asked on this thread.

I'd like to hear some answers, can anyone refute anything on this thread?



Oldtimer, are you on the receiving side or benefitting from government money  ????

You can tell us.


Quote from: Oldtimer on June 04, 2012, 04:15:45 PM
You are one sick, twisted person.

Thank you for your honest opinion. It is quite refreshing.
However, you failed to dispute one single thing in this thread.
Why is that?


Quote from: redcliffsw on June 04, 2012, 04:33:36 PM
Oldtimer, are you on the receiving side or benefitting from government money  ????

Or simply a blind defender of the un-American notion that rights flow from the government to the people and that government knows best how people should live their lives?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I read this somewhere about organizations, and I found it rather interesting:

Our ability to maintain control over the public perception of who we are and what we represent - Our ability to network within communities where we operate:
To undercut resistance to the movement where possible

We may throw them a bone here or there, in an attempt to create our message, but will not offer up meaningful change.

I failed, yes, I failed to get the link.
Just something to think about and those lollipops.

Perhaps we should Honesty, Integrity, Ethics a little bit.
I recently read something from a book who's manuscript was written in 1950 but not printed until 1991.
Really great stuff.

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