Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 06:28:37 PM
I used to live there and worked every day of those years to better the lives of the people around me.  All you two have done is go on, ad naseum, accomplishing nothing. 

First your key word's are "use to live here".
Second you can say, "you worked every day to better the lives of others". anyone can say that.
I think, I'll say that too.

But what has that got to do with Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kommissioners abusing county resources and voting to give their own organization taxpayers money?

What has that got to do with a County Commissioner writing an open letter to herself as Elk Konnected, LLC?

What do those remarks have to do with anything pertaining to this thread?

Absolutely nothing. Can you understand and comprehend this bit of information?

I'll be back with some more for you shortly.


What it has to do with is your inability to do anything more than post...Post...Post...And yet have nothing of substance to back it up.  Yet, your posts deride anyone who is actually working for the people of Elk County.  Over 370 pages of the same crap, over and over again...And endless copying/pasting of your own comments, when no one will feed you anything to pick apart.  Yup, that's what it's got to do with.  Now...Live down to your antisocial tendencies and pick this one apart.  And be sure you've got the definition of Antisocial correct before you start expounding on what you obviously don't understand.  Now...Ready...Set...Go for it...Prove my earlier post as being absolutely correct.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 06:28:37 PM
What you call cronyism is actually people who are able to work together to get things done.  It speaks volumes that you don't seem to be able to contribute more than words to the situation in Elk County.

Please enlighten us as to what they have accomplished?

Was it that an Elk County Commissioner started Elk Konnected, LLC?

Is it that the Elk County Commissioner ask someone to represent her LLC to come before ant the other Konnected Commissioner begging for taxpayer dollars?

Is it that Elk Konnected, LLC failed at running their business known as the Wellness Center?

Is it that Elk Konnected, LLC keeps losing members of their steering committee?

Is it that Elk Konnected, LLC has used thousands of taxpayer dollars to a County Commissioners Employer known as Public Squares Communities, LLC?

Are you aware Elk Konnected, LLC  has drummed up so much support in the county that they have only 5 people on their Steering Committee?

Are you aware that Elk Konnected, LLC has te following Action Teams:
Physical Image
Youth Development
But list no people involved in the action teams?
Just check their web site http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/teams.php
While there read their story "About Us" and how they dissed one of our actual communities and it's city governments choices of governing themselves.
Here is the link. http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/aboutus.php
Is that one of the accomplishments you are referring to Catwoman.
Please enlighten us of all you knowledge of Elk Konnected, LLC's accomplishments.
I'm really confused about them.


omg...Goodnight, Ross.  Go take a pill or do whatever it is that you do to come off of one of these rants.  This has been an entertaining way to spend an otherwise dull Saturday evening, up to now...But your incessant repeating of everything that you've said before, ad naseum, is tiring in the extreme.  Sweet dreams, little man.  ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 07:48:57 PM
What it has to do with is your inability to do anything more than post...Post...Post...And yet have nothing of substance to back it up.  Yet, your posts deride anyone who is actually working for the people of Elk County.  Over 370 pages of the same crap, over and over again...And endless copying/pasting of your own comments, when no one will feed you anything to pick apart.  Yup, that's what it's got to do with.  Now...Live down to your antisocial tendencies and pick this one apart.  And be sure you've got the definition of Antisocial correct before you start expounding on what you obviously don't understand.  Now...Ready...Set...Go for it...Prove my earlier post as being absolutely correct.

Actually it has to do with your lack of knowledge of this thread and what is going on.
Actually the truth is you have nothing to contribute to this thread or you would?
You would say what has been accomplished by the privately owned company that you follow.
But there are no accoplishments, so you cannot list them. Please see the post directly above your last post.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 08:41:35 PM
omg...Goodnight, Ross.  Go take a pill or do whatever it is that you do to come off of one of these rants.  This has been an entertaining way to spend an otherwise dull Saturday evening, up to now...But your incessant repeating of everything that you've said before, ad naseum, is tiring in the extreme.  Sweet dreams, little man.  ;D

If you were not so narrow minded you would see it is not a rant but a wake up call.
There is talk on the street that Elk Konnected, LLC wants to open a teen center using taxpayers money from the windfarm.
What do you know about that?
It appears to me if Elk Konnected, LLC see's "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, they want it.
That's what I see, that's my opinion?
Wasn't there a Teen Center here that failed because no one used it?

I amstaying up watching the 3/4 mile wide tornado heading for metro Wichita. It has been on the ground for a long time. It is now moving into the Clearwater area. I am praying for all the residents of Wichita and the surrounding area. I can not even think of sleep till this is over.

You sleep tight little girl.


Well, now that the tornados have moved out of my area, I will indeed do so... :P...Sweet dreams and thank you for the prayers.  They're appreciated.



What, you haven't heard of the
"Coalition of Loonies and Free Thinkers Association. LLC"   ?You should try it?

Just sign up on the line provided, but then wad it up and throw it in the "gar'-ba'-ge".

Well, let me tell you about them, they don't allow others, such as group's, organization's, peer group pressure, self proclaimed visionaries, wizards, magicians or manipulators tell them what to think, or how to think.

They also don't appreciate open letters to the public providing false information by not stating the fact that the person writing the letter praising an organization is actually the founder writing about herself.

To join:
You don't want to sign in on a little piece of paper.

You don't want to sit in a circle of chairs waiting to be told who you can sit with.

You Don't want to be required to wear a name tag, with a little colored star.

You don't want to wait to be told what to think or how to think or what to say.

You don't want to be told constantly to think happy, positive thoughts?

You don't want to be told that nothing can go wrong just because taxpayers dollars are thrown at it.

You don't want to be told your opinion doesn't matter, but are not really offend by the people that do it.

You understand and comprehend that all these negative "you don't's" are actually are important positive aspects of your personal life.

You understand that you are as equally as important as so called leaders, especially the ones that have no idea what leadership really is.

And you understand this is all about you the individual, and that individualism is important. And you can ask the following about any subject;
         Why?  And
And realize these are very important questions in solving problems and turning them into something positive.

( I have a hard time writin on dem little lines with my crayon, so I spaces them out, thank ya kindly. It's betters my eyein it too. I is jus gettin oldern dirt.)

Well, just sign on the line _______________. We need your name to put in our ledger.
Oops, my mistake!
You are already a member just by the virtue of being you a free thinker. No need to sign anything at all. You are respected for being, you the free thinker.

The best part you don't have to volunteer for some organization because they say so, so they can take credit for your volunteerism, while they sit back and watch . You are free to do whatever volunteer you want to do. Commonly known as "Helping-Thy-Neighbor".

And you don't have to advertise it at an expense to the County Taxpayers.
And you don't have to pay any dues, to any LLC anywhere, anytime.

Ain't life grand?
Disclaimer: Meanin" B.S. if'n ya like.
This is just fer fun.
You aint required to believe even a single little bit of this here thingy, ya'all unerstan.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again..... This is far from over.  Those who want to blindly support Obama style politics in Elk County are in for an interesting ride.  While many who question may have been born at night, it wasn't last night.  Just remember... there really are no secrets, and sunshine is a great disinfectant.   :)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Maybe its just me and this is off thread (oh sigh, oh fuey) but that tax rebate wouldn't have anything to do with that new shop in howard would it?? I mean seriously, the timing sure is questionable.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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