Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Public Square Community Development
Grant Amount:
Grant Cycle:
Approved Date:
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Duration (months): 36



County Day Camp
Grant Amount:
Grant Cycle:
Spring 2009
Approved Date:
Monday, May 4, 2009
Duration (months):
Grant Purpose:
To support a six-week summer day camp experience for first through sixth grade students that teaches good nutrition and the importance of physical activity.
Elk County



Grants from the Kansas Health Association are not Taxpayers dollars, at least not directly.
Elk County Wellness Center
Grant Amount:
Grant Cycle:
Fall 2009
Approved Date:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Duration (months):
Grant Purpose:
will support a wellness center for residents of Elk and Greenwood counties by funding the purchase of exercise equipment. The center also plans to provide information about healthy eating and a variety of fitness classes for all ages.
Elk County Community and Education Foundation


Ok, now who is off topic??? So, what's your point Ross on your statements? Elk Konnected got grant money for day camps for the kids in the summer. Have your kids never gone to them? They are really nice things for the kids that the kids enjoy, and they also learn things!!! Oh, My we wouldn't want our kids to learn things in the summer!!! That wouldn't be good!! I for one, push my kids into summer school if they have an area that I feel they are lacking in. Why not, gives them something else to do and learn!!

I think what it all boils down to is you want to know who the members were at the time of the start and when LLC went into the name. I still think that it is in this post somewhere. Like the founding members, I think the names were there.

Patrick, your right about the ballet that the 2nd grade went to, I know I would have never thought of taking my girls to it. I helped at it this year, and also talked to Mr. Galvan's daughter. He was the one responsible for starting taking the kids to this. She and there whole family are big contributors to improving Elk County. The production was amazing!! I myself have never been!! I volunteered my time and helped at the event seat children and got to see it!! Well, worth the little time it took to seat the kiddos!!

I'm kind of self serving you know, but I want my children to have opportunities that I didn't have, like the soccer, the ballet, and other things.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 24, 2011, 07:38:46 AM
If you've been to a public meeting lately, you will see the meeting is run by a man or woman who is not really part of the group in an "official" capacity. They are called "facilitator." his/her job is to bring the group to "consensus," which means there is not to be debate or disagreement. The policy or project or program on the table is not discussed in detail so that the group can judge the item on its merits and vote on it. In fact, if you begin to question the policy, or ask who the facilitator represents, or in general show signs of disagreement, the facilitator quickly loses his/her charm and begins to describe you to the group as "uncooperative" or a troublemaker who is wasting the group's time. There is never a vote on the issue. Instead, the group somehow reaches "consensus."
-Tom DeWeese

You can find redcliffsw's full post in another thread in the politics forum, but this part fits very well here.  Groupthink, anyone?  Consider these things as you ponder past & future 'community discussions'.  I'll await responses to this labeling me as 'uncooperative', uncaring or just not with the group.  Sometimes a forest is better seen when you're not surrounded by the trees.

Now, who exactly is Elk Konnected, LLC, and why have they hired Public Square Communities, LLC, and just who the heck is Mr. Woodbury?   Why do you need an outside 'facilitator' to have a discussion, and why is intimate relations with county government one of their earmarks?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That sounds just like high school peer group pressure with a bully running the show by calling the sheriff.


Quote from: Ross on May 24, 2011, 08:40:11 AM
That sounds just like high school peer group pressure with a bully running the show by calling the sheriff.

Yeah... but in our case 10% (more or less) of the population came to a consensus (under the professional facilitation of a stranger) about what should be done with money paid to the county on behalf of 100% of the population.  That's what matters, right?.. Consensus of the few for the good of the many.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 24, 2011, 08:31:43 AM
You can find redcliffsw's full post in another thread in the politics forum, but this part fits very well here.  Groupthink, anyone?  Consider these things as you ponder past & future 'community discussions'.  I'll await responses to this labeling me as 'uncooperative', uncaring or just not with the group.  Sometimes a forest is better seen when you're not surrounded by the trees.

Now, who exactly is Elk Konnected, LLC, and why have they hired Public Square Communities, LLC, and just who the heck is Mr. Woodbury?   Why do you need an outside 'facilitator' to have a discussion, and why is intimate relations with county government one of their earmarks?

It is a good read.
I didn't understand what was really going on at the so called community meeting's except control and especially when I tried to talk with the man from Wsahington County. He said he would talk with me outside, but not in front of the community.  When, I asked why not in front of the community he simply called for the sheriff.  This article explains why that happened. I was not disruptive and I was very polite. When he called for the sheriff I politely turned and walked out before the sheriff's deputies arrived. I was not argumentative. But I guess with a control factor asking questions is considered argumentative.

I haave learned something new today.


PLAIN B-SSSSSSS!!! That's not how the meeting went that I attended. And Patriot your twisting words!! Because if that is the case, we would have a new school here right now!!!! The wind farm conversation was just that, a conversation. We, Elk County, does not even have the money. I believe that what will be done with the money is they will pay off debt, I could be wrong, but I do know the county commissioners and have faith that they will do what is best for all.

Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!




Youth Development

establish a coordinated youth development program in the Elk Konnected community

Physical Image

create a coordinated, six-community appreciation day to clean up our physical image

Community Wellness

create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network 

Community Standards

establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community 


Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons

For information contact:    Liz Hendricks, County Commissioner, 620/330-2428
Richard Fish, Howard State Bank, 620/374-2127

Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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