Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on April 13, 2012, 02:19:16 PM
Then why are you so insistant on telling us all that we are wrong?  If we are intelligent enough to make our own decisions, why are they wrong when they don't agree with yours?  Why do you think that we have to be what to think?  It seems to me that you are the one that is trying to force opinions onto others.

I'm not telling you that. I do tell you that you don't have any answers as to what is really going on, because you have no answers.

You are entitled to your opinion and me to mine.

Enjoy it.


Quote from: Wilma on April 13, 2012, 02:19:16 PM
Then why are you so insistant on telling us all that we are wrong?  If we are intelligent enough to make our own decisions, why are they wrong when they don't agree with yours?  Why do you think that we have to be what to think?  It seems to me that you are the one that is trying to force opinions onto others.
Might be that the actions of EK, those that use Taxpayer funds or resources by a private company is absolutely wrong, and in many cases illegal as was determined in a couple of cases. IF your supporting illegal and wrong actions that in fact makes You wrong in your belief and decision.

In a corporation it would be called embezzlement and fraud you know.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



It's my opinion if you lack transparency and lack the ability to work in the light of day, and your use of deception and deception by omission, shows a lack of morals, ethics and principles. And in my opinion any that support such lack of morals, ethics and principles should revisit that support. Where is the christianity in that? I do believe most people in Elk County have already undertaken this process without my suggesting it.

By deception, I am referring to the use of resources that are not yours to use, i.e. county web site, county emergency call system, county equipment and county employees and who knows what else, to accomplish your personal goals.  

In effect taking advantage of all the county taxpayers and citizens and thier resources.

Also, writing letters of praise to yourself as Elk Konnected founder, and using your position as an elected official of the people representing every citizen of the county as Elk County Commissioner is also deceptive and shows a lack of morals, ethics and principles in my opinion. And County Commissioners who are associated with the organization acting as cheerleaders at County Commissioners Meeting shows the same lack of morals, ethics and principles in my opinion.

And to claim in an open letter to the public that you want to pull the actual communities together and end any rivalry while in the same letter dissing at least one possibly two of the real communities and in effect their city council, their city government also lacks tact and diplomacy as well as morals, ethics and principles in my opinion.

As our elected County Commissioners to vote for to vote to give yourself as Elk Konnected, LLC associates, members, cheerleaders, etc. also lacks morals, ethics and principles in my opinion.

As the County Commissioner who founded Elk Konnected, LLC and works for the Company that Elk Konnected, LLC pays membership fees to, in the thousands of dollars yearly, from county money in the form of  "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" by asking for County Taxpayers money and voting to give that money to your own organization also lacks morals, ethics and principles in my opinion. But then to say the money in the County Coffers is not really taxpayers money but that it is a different thing is totally wrong on your part, but once again it is just my opinion. If it is not Taxpayers money why is it in the taxpayers coffers? I know for a fact it is not Elk Konnected, LLC's money, at least until they vote at the County commissioners Meeting to give it to themselves, just think about that for a minute.

County Commissioner Hendricks came on this thread and started a dialog with everyone on this forum through this thread representing Elk Konnected, LLC gut has since refused to return? Why? If this thread is wrong why not prove it, right here? Is it because she can only operate in a meeting, where if something is said that she doesn't like , she can then call for the sheriff and have the outspoken individual ejected? Would that be especially true, if the question can not be answered honestly? I'd really like to know?

Didn't County Commissioner Hendricks also make the statement that this forum would be
Elk Konnected's major source of communication with Elk County? So w hy does she refuse to communicate? Isn't communication best in the form of two way communication if your saying you are there for the residence, citizens of Elk County?

And when as County Commissioners you fail to inforandm the citizens of the county what or who our employee, the Economic Development employee is working on is dispicable.  You were not elected to keep secrets from the citizens of elk County We don't pay you or our Economice Development employee to keep secrets from us the taxpayers and voters. Why would someone working with our employee ask her to keep secrets from us, more importantly why would our employee would she answer to other then her employeer? Perhaps it is her eployeer's, the Elected Officials, she is working for on the side? Because asking the name of the organization, company or person is not confidential information. The release of that information would have no effect on any trade secrets or the company's financial business. So I ask, what are our county officials hiding?

I would like to have the Elk Konnected, LLC Leaders, Owner's, Follower's and/or Member's tear this post apart line by line, quote each paragraph or each line and use their abilities to have an open and honest dialog about this post as well as this whole thread with the citizens and taxpayers of Elk County. Please put help put it all in perspective.

Don't just tell me it's vile, tell which line or which statement is vile and why, please.
Ya'all claim to be highly educated so iit should be no problem to let this un-educated, redneck hick see and read all the educated responses.
Lets discuss this.

  Do you have what it takes?

"Of course we should be skeptical.
Of course we should be questioning.
Of course we shouldn't be naïve."
British Prime Minister



Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 10:33:20 AM

I agree. Things are out of hand with our elected officials and their Konnection with Elk Konnected, LLC.  But being highly educated with a diploma and all that it sure seems your response seems to be lacking the intellect of even a hick (meaning me) to put into words what you are trying to say, and that resembles the answer to questions by all the Konnected Followers.

Real Intellegent, me thinks. :angel:


The only quasi-intelligent thing I've seen done is some copying/pasting.  Other than that, it's just the Rosco Show, once again dominating over 300 pages with senseless drivel, designed to do nothing but drown out anyone or anything that might resemble intelligent discourse.  Frank was correct...All of the people who used to post here have left, thanks to a handful of loons.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 12:53:43 PM
The only quasi-intelligent thing I've seen done is some copying/pasting.  Other than that, it's just the Rosco Show, once again dominating over 300 pages with senseless drivel, designed to do nothing but drown out anyone or anything that might resemble intelligent discourse.  

And didn't you say that back at page 90 or there about's, nearly the very samething and that you would not return?
Well, welcome back.

This above statement appears to be your honest opinion, and you are entitled to it, but I must say,
I am so sorry you have no comprehension of what is actually going on or being asked?
And all that name calling show's either a lack of upbringing or lack of education, which do you believe it is?

Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 12:53:43 PM
Frank was correct...All of the people who used to post here have left, thanks to a handful of loons.

Now, now there is some more of that name calling, please see the note above.

As a matter of fact, I would guess and say, with 699 Members, which includes the new member today and not counting the visitors, quite the opposite is true. Just my guess, I don't have enough facts either.

Have you counted all the posting across the forum, do you have the number of post's from a year ago?
With out facts, I'm sorry Frank is wrong and so are you. I'm so sorry you guys stoop so low.

What you have stated is just another lstory perpetrated by Elk Konnected Followers.

And I do strongly believe if the owners of this forum thought this thread was running people off,  they would simply delete this thread and give a few of us a royal ass chewing.

So back to the real issues, how about it?

Do you know for a fact what Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kommissioners plans really are?

Here is your chance to have some real and intellegent input. Enlighten us, please.
Please don't let us down.


Catwoman :
Frank was correct...All of the people who used to post here have left, thanks to a handful of loons.

Cat, I see you are still posting so you really shouldn't be so hard on yourself !!
Yea, I'm a loon too--I guess


No, Jar...You are no loon.  You are a person whom I used to enjoy talking to, when I lived in Elk County.  ;)  The comment wasn't aimed at you, as you should well know.  And, as I can see...Ross'  techniques are still very much in play, unfortunately.  It is sad to see it, given the amount of damage that the old windbag has done to this Forum.  And no...I am not posting like I once used to...There is no point to doing so when anything that is said is attacked in a most ungentlemanly, curmudgeonly manner.  As I said previously...Frank has it right...Unfortunately.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 03:45:41 PM
And, as I can see...Ross'  techniques are still very much in play, unfortunately.  It is sad to see it, given the amount of damage that the old windbag has done to this Forum.

Have you discussed all this damage with the owners of the forum?
I'm sure they would love to hear your opinion? Not!
You Elk Konnected, LLC Followers from afar have no answers, just bad mouthing, why is that?

Can you provide any really intelluctual input to the issues?

As I asked you earlier and I quote myself:

Quote from: Ross on April 14, 2012, 01:34:09 PM

So back to the real issues, how about it?

Do you know for a fact what Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kommissioners plans really are?

Here is your chance to have some real and intellegent input. Enlighten us, please.
Please don't let us down.

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