Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Just  reminder tomorrow night is the big Kommunity Konversation at 6:30 in the old Moline Grade School.
Where by the way you ay be able to get your Kindergartner name tags with a Kindergarten colored star and be invited to sit in circles of chairs like Kindergartener's. What fun, huh?

There will probably be at least two Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners there, I bet, don't you?

I believe the plan is most likely in motion for a young lady to start a daycare and most likely in Howard, no crystal ball required is there? It just appears that's the way things work around here.

If the young lady starts a daycare here, and I wish her all the best in her endeavor. Good luck and welcome home to Elk County.

It's my opinion this so called Kommunity Konversation is probably more for the purpose of finding children for the daycare business more then anything else. But, could I be wrong?

Perhaps, it is being devised to figure out a way of getting county taxpayers "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, what do you suppose?

What is the problem with the Elk Konnected, LLC followers?
I sure hope they are not ill or anything.
Don't they usually show up by now, calling me names or saying how wrong I am.
They have me worried, that they may have caught the bug a few people I know have been suffering from,
and besides that I miss them.


Last reminder.
Big, big meeting tonight about babysitting.
Babysitters available during the meeting.
At the old grade school in Moline.
6:30 pm.

Possibly an opportunity to take a look at county commissioners and
other so called community leaders.

I say,
so called community leaders,
to me they appear to me to being lead by the nose,
to so called Community Conversations,
that are put on by a privately owned company,
What do you think?

Naw, I don't plan to go, but who knows.
No, got more important things to do,
Got lawn to mow,
Garden to put in,
Since I already know what is happening
Why Bother
I don't want to watch community leaders being led by the nose
There isn't much that can be accomplished
If it goes to "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" conversation
that's all it can be is talk
If it is a fishing episode to find children for babysitting
that's all it can be
Just talk
Like the list at the beginning of this thread
In my opinion.
But all the rest of you be sure to go and get your
Gold Star
Red Star
Blue Star

I hope they don't ove manipulate you
Have a good evening
I will have a good evening at home


How to start a daycare seminar:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13480.0.html

Not a bad idea... but so closely on the heels of the EK Kommunity Konversation on the same subject?

Coincidence?  I doubt it.  Background community organization effort?  Count on it.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That ain't no surprise.

Afterall, the meeting tonight, I figure is just a fishing expedition.
I was kind of expecting some kind of (sorta) big gun to be brought in.
To attempt to do what they can't do.

Who are they going to bring in next?

How about SEK or one of the many other organizations?

Afterall, they need a company from way over on the otherside of the state to start up, didn't they?

It doesn't reak of leadership but more of let's follow someone else, in my opinion.

I wonder why people just have to belong to an organization, and then the organization has to belong to another organization, and then to use yet another organization in order to accomplish something.

I just don't get where there is any leadership in any of that.
To me it's more like I follow you, if you follow me.
But, don't forget to pay your dues in taxpayers dollars.

To me it is just as screwed up as what has caused the national financial crisis.

Where is the ethics, the principles and morales???
Gone bye-bye.

Just a few thoughts and opinions on my part.


Sorry to go back a week, but I wasn't following the Politics section when this was posted.

Quote from: Patriot on April 05, 2012, 09:38:22 AM
I have notice the leftist, Soros supported, organization Americans for Prosperity is deeply involved in this.

If Americans For Prosperity is a Soros funded leftist organization, then how is it that it was founded by the Koch Brothers, who continue to fund it directly and indirectly?


"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


My mistake flint.  Thanks for the correction.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


It's beginning to look like Elk Konnected, LLC is beginning to learn something, don't you think?
I.E. who to use and when to use them, huh?
They had them at the meeting last night.

I understand about 20 people showed up for the great big Kommunity Konversation.
Five from Elk Konnected, LLC which included the two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and the KSU Extension person.

And I didn't see the sheriff's office vehicles there, wow!
Do you reckon Elk Konnected, LLC got the message about using the sheriff's department which is a County resource?

Oh, and guess what, no circle of chairs. I would guess because there were not enough people, what would you guess?

But let's talk about your dreams of what a daycare should be, really?

Where are all the visionaries, with the answers?

How about, a flower garden was suggested, really?
Is that what is important about a daycare?
I would think, who is going to start a daycare and who is going to pay for it, would be the important issue's, wouldn't you?
And what about how many children would be available to attend this imaginary daycare?
How much would it cost for a single child per week to attend this imaginary daycare?
I understand the Moline School was suggested for the daycare, because it is centraly located for the majority of Elk County actual communities. But was it really said, that it has to be in Howard?

Does Elk Konnected. LLC  have their eye on the windfarm money?

What is the privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC's real agenda?

Surely, it isn't to just hold meetings to discuss flower gardens and dreams about an imaginary daycare center, one that doesn't exist?

I would also like to ask, what is happening to the Elk Konnected, LLC's supposed Kommunity, is it shrinking, is it's population in decline like Elk County? Didn't only about 20 people show up for the Kommunity Konversation?

And weren't about a fourth of those Elk Konnected, LLC?

Wasn't part of the purpose of Elk Konnected to stimulate growth in Elk County, what's with the decline in Elk Konnected, LLC's Kommunity population?

What do you say Elk Konnected, LLC, let's knock down some of those barriers you have built, with some real open and honest dialog ?

How about it Elk Konnected, LLC and our Konnected Komissioners?

People really want to know the truth and the whole story.

What's this I hear, about plans for a teen center, using the windfarm monies?

Who's idea is that? Would that be another Elk Konnected, LLC big idea?

What happened to the big idea of a YMCA at the rodeo grounds?

What happened to the big idea of putting the first million in the bank?

What's the new big idea, is the new idea to spend until you drop?


I think everyone should see this, so I am bringing it over from:
Re: Ross's Berate-Thy-Neighbor

Quote from: ELK@KC on April 13, 2012, 06:59:54 AM
In reviewing all of Ross' posts, I think a better term for his Philosophy would be "Berate-Thy-Neighbor. I don't have anything to do with Elk Konnect, but I think it is a good program and I commend all of you that have worked so hard in it, to help the people of Elk County of all ages. I am pleased that the Elk Konnect people have ignored Ross and not stooped to his level and answered him on the Forum. The Forum was a fun place for so many until Ross and his cronies worked so hard to ruin it.

My Response:

Quote from: Ross on April 13, 2012, 10:02:43 AM
That just shows your lack of logical reasoning, in my opinion?
I have no power to do any such thing, nor do I desire to do so.
I have repeadily said, "Please ignore shatever I say or ask, and think for yourself.

So aren't you indicationg that the population of Elk County can not or should not think for themselves?

Or is it jsut another of Elk Konnected, LLC's followers bullying tactics?
I will allow you your opinion, as I have no choice in the matter, even, if it is foolishly false and denigrating to both of us.

I am not offended by this error of judgement on your part.

Please read the following:

"Of course we should be skeptical.
Of course we should be questioning.
Of course we shouldn't be naïve."
British Prime Minister

So, continue to enjoy yourself and those that you follow, with my blessings.

So there you have it folks, apparently I am Ross the heathen for asking honestly, questions that are not appreciated by Elk Konnected, LLC followers.

Dang me!


Oh yea and I seriously believe most people have a built in B.S. detector,
and are capable of thinking for themselves.

And I cheer those folks!

Perhaps you should too Elk@KC!


Then why are you so insistant on telling us all that we are wrong?  If we are intelligent enough to make our own decisions, why are they wrong when they don't agree with yours?  Why do you think that we have to be what to think?  It seems to me that you are the one that is trying to force opinions onto others.

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