Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 30, 2012, 11:29:08 AM
I had already asked if EK was planning to start a day care and got no answer. Is it a premature question or something that is coming up for discussion or what? I know sometimes how one feels about this kind of thing depends on one's perspective.
  This isn't the same of course but we've had a problem here with our prison. Folks want the inmates to raise their own food to save tax payer money, but the people who have contracts to sell to the prison don't want to lose the income...who wins? How does one decide? Yes, I know it's none of my business, but these kinds of things happen in many small communities.

The subject has been alluded to in the last several days by a follower and expounded on by myself and others. As to whether Elk Konnected, LLC would start it, I doubt it. They could not run their supposed Wellness Center and closed and sold it, to someone who can.

I agree with you Diane prisons and daycare are as different as apples and oranges. And I bet you have more prison employees than adults living in Longton. I'd almost bet there are more prisoners then there are adults in Elk County? But I don't have enough information to make that bet. Who owns and runs your prison, that would be the first question in the matter of it's operation? I would like to know what the population of the county is? I forget please remind me what state you live in and give me a county so I can check the county population.

But, I think I hear you suggestion that if government is involved it would be the moral, ethical, principled, Christian and Economic Development thing to do, is that what I am hearing? I personally think it would lack the moral, ethical, principled, Christian attitudes that should prevail over more money.

This is just an open discussion in hopes that people are not hurt by a government supported daycare.
In hopes that the people that have been providing daycare without government support are not forced out of business and on to the welfare rolls. I believe these people providing the service should recieve recognition versus being driven out buy government.

My opinion.

Diane Amberg

No, I did not suggest that a Gov't run daycare is or isn't moral or the rest of your list.
   Since you are speaking of the situation out there, I don't have an opinion. I already said I would stay out of it. I am just interested.
  Again, I live in the little mid Atlantic state of Delaware. The state has about 907,000 people, with my county, New Castle, the northern County of only three, having about 538,000 of the total population. The big state run men's prison is in rural lower New Castle County. I don't know any longer how many corrections officers and other employees there are. Some years ago, before I retired from the State Fire School in Dover, I was one of their instructors when they ran their Corrections Officers' Training Academy for their new recruits. I did their medical first responder, fire evacuation and hand held fire extinguisher training. I hope you took notes, I'll be giving a pop quiz later. ;)


I'd flunk your pop quiz.
I got a short memory.
I ain't meaning to be ugly or to serious with ya Diane.
Just take me with a grain of salt.
You can throw the grain salt over your shoulder for luck.
But don't throw me, please.
I got work to do, talk to you later.


Having Trouble Finding Daycare?

Please come to this community conversation to discuss this issue within our community.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
6:30 pm
The Hornet's Nest (old Moline Gym)
Free Childcare Provided (night of conversation)
Elk Konnected

Diane, and others -

    This is the announcement I saw about the Day Care meeting.

Diane Amberg

Thanks Mom. I did promise to stay out of this one. ;)
  Ross ,when I was still a very active EMT, after we had all our self defense training,I could have taken you right over my shoulder and broken some of your fingers on the way. We did practice on each other and several of our really big guys were surprised when I took them down. I'm out of practice now so I'll stick with just the salt over my left shoulder. :angel:


Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 01, 2012, 08:48:46 AM
Having Trouble Finding Daycare?

Please come to this community conversation to discuss this issue within our community.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
6:30 pm
The Hornet's Nest (old Moline Gym)
Free Childcare Provided (night of conversation)
Elk Konnected

Diane, and others -

    This is the announcement I saw about the Day Care meeting.

That's what we have been talking about for the last week or so.
Thanks for posting it. 
Ihave never heard of the Hornet's Nest, can some tell me what that's about?
I am curious about what the Hornet's nest is?

What community is having a meeting?
Wouldn't it be important to know that?
Would that be Elk Konnected's imaginary Kommunity where a few people are Konnected?
What Community, pray tell?
Is that a community of christians that would shut down other peoples business?

But really what could possibly happen at a meeting with someone telling you what circle of chairs to sit in, and who you can sit with, whether or not you can have a real conversation with questions and real answers?

Really check it out and let us know what nohing really happens except that Elk Konnected, LLC the privately owned company meets the requirements of Public Square, LLC's requirement of holding a meeting to maintain their standing with Public Squares, LLC? I do believe they are required to have so called Community Conversations to, that is right isn't it?

Will Elk Konnected, LLC start a daycare center? Does Elk Konnected, LLC have the money to start a daycare center?
If they do will they run it like they ran it like they did their Wellness Center? You know shut it down due to not enough business? And if you place a few of your children there, will you then be able to quickly move them back to the daycare they were previously at?

Does Elk Konnected, LLC have plans of getting their hands on more Elk County taxpayers money to start a daycare?
You know, Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Money?

Oh yes, let's not forget the windfarm money, I'm sure for some people it falls under money as something different. But it would still be in the Elk County Coffers and taxpayers money, right?  Couldn't that be used for the benefit of all taxpayers.
I still personally feel the money should be left in the bank and draw some interest and wait untill after the elections and perhaps until we find out how much will actually be paid by the wind farm after the first year of operation.

I know we have been lead to believe the yearly amount will be close to a million dollars. But consider, I believe that is based on 100% efficiency. I believe, we have learned that wind farms are but only 20% to 35% efficient. So without going into great depth my guess would be between $200,000 to $350,000 is what the county should be counting on receiving yearly. I sure hope I'm wrong! Just my guess, my estimate. So what would be wrong with waitng a short time to see what comes about so that people with greedy tendencies don't spend it wastefully. If the money was allowed to draw interest, I believe in the words of Elk Konnected, LLC the county could build something that could last a long, long time, a large bank account. Compounding interest on a large some of money tends to grow quickly.

Just my thoughts and questions and opinions.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 01, 2012, 09:24:15 AM
Thanks Mom. I did promise to stay out of this one. ;)
  Ross ,when I was still a very active EMT, after we had all our self defense training,I could have taken you right over my shoulder and broken some of your fingers on the way. We did practice on each other and several of our really big guys were surprised when I took them down. I'm out of practice now so I'll stick with just the salt over my left shoulder. :angel:

Now that's funny Diane.
You surely could have thrown me over your shoulder.
You know why?
I have never in my life, lifted so much as a finger to a woman, and I am teaching my son the same matters.
That's why I suggested the salt.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 01, 2012, 08:48:46 AM
Having Trouble Finding Daycare?

Please come to this community conversation to discuss this issue within our community.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
6:30 pm
The Hornet's Nest (old Moline Gym)
Free Childcare Provided (night of conversation)
Elk Konnected

Elk connect continues to do good for the people of elk county. Elk county has always been big on "help thy neighbor". Keep up the good work and ignore the negative comments by others.

   This is the announcement I saw about the Day Care meeting.

Diane Amberg

Why Ross, ya never heard of the Moline Hornets? (poke poke) Hence the Hornets nest? I'm just playin' with ya.They poke at me because I don't live there, but I do know important information like that. :-* ;)


Quote from: Ross on April 01, 2012, 10:55:27 AM

Oh yes, let's not forget the windfarm money, I'm sure for some people it falls under money as something different. But it would still be in the Elk County Coffers and taxpayers money, right?  Couldn't that be used for the benefit of all taxpayers.
I still personally feel the money should be left in the bank and draw some interest and wait untill after the elections and perhaps until we find out how much will actually be paid by the wind farm after the first year of operation.

I know we have been lead to believe the yearly amount will be close to a million dollars. But consider, I believe that is based on 100% efficiency. I believe, we have learned that wind farms are but only 20% to 35% efficient. So without going into great depth my guess would be between $200,000 to $350,000 is what the county should be counting on receiving yearly. I sure hope I'm wrong! Just my guess, my estimate. So what would be wrong with waitng a short time to see what comes about so that people with greedy tendencies don't spend it wastefully. If the money was allowed to draw interest, I believe in the words of Elk Konnected, LLC the county could build something that could last a long, long time, a large bank account. Compounding interest on a large some of money tends to grow quickly.

Just my thoughts and questions and opinions.

Ross, it doesn't matter how many times you throw out this guestimate idea of how much money the PILOT agreement with the Caney River Wind Project will generate.  The amount to be received by the county is fixed by legal document and has nothing to do with effeciency or actual production.  It is tied to installed gross nameplate capacity as measured in megawatts.  That number should currently (for the year 2012) be 201 MW.  That number times the PILOT per MW gives you the total PILOT for each of the 20 years of the agreement.  The amount per MW starts at $4500 in year one and increases by 2% (compounding) each year for the remaining 19 years. 

The documentation of this has been presented on this thread multiple times. 

Just another fact that you conveniently choose to disregard because it doesn't fit your narrow, negative viewpoint of the situation.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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