Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: patriotdad on March 27, 2012, 01:01:11 PM
They are not using the children. This is a genuine problem in elk county.  Right now there is 1 certified daycare in Elk County and they are closing and moving out of town.  Can you not understand this is a major problem for working families in our county?  Elk county will not be able to attract or sustain a population of young people if there is not adequate daycare. In most young families both parents are working and more often then not one of them will work out of town.  Without daycare they can not live here.  I could careless what organization is having the meeting, where the meeting is at, who is paying for it, or how many tax dollars it cost to have it.  It is a major problem that needs attention. 

There is good money in daycare. So there ya go Patriot dad, start a new business.

But yes, in my opinion Elk Konnected, LLC capitalizes on children. They take our taxdollars and say it is for the children. So they buy a lollipop, but what happens to the left over money. Where is the documentation and the reciepts. Oh, that's right  they are a privately owned company with closed books, right?  They really are not a community organization open to the community are they?

So now Mr. Follower explain some more, please?

Diane Amberg

 If you all can't get past what, to me, are some very minor issues to get some things done...and soon, it won't matter, it will be a dead issue, wind farm money or not.
  It looks like there is some envy and some "dog in the manger" pettiness that you have just got to get past or you may have lots of freedom, an intact constitution, transparent but strangled leadership, people afraid to speak out and watching over their shoulder in fear of being verbally attacked, and a dead county. Is somebody going to be a Henry Ford?  Sadly, I doubt it.
   Again with the labels...Mr. Follower?   Is that meant to scare him away?   Discourage him? Gonna send him to a "shaming room?" I thought you wanted open comment? I'm surprised.
Yes, you can tell me to butt out, and I sure hope I'm wrong, but I haven't seen any positive, happy,  productive comments on here in a long time. Just negatives. It's always what ''must" be torn apart, changed or destroyed. Just my opinion, take it or leave it.  Who is Elel, by the way?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2012, 03:12:29 PM
Who is Elel, by the way?

Sorry, mistress... it was a typo and should have been Enel.  If you don't know who they are, then we have a real information disconnect.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: patriotdad on March 27, 2012, 02:47:55 PM
The daycare that is closing is not closing for lack of demand.  The demand is there but there just hasn't been anyone come forward  to open or run a daycare. 

You mentioned one that is closing and the owners are moving (to a more highly populated area with better job ops, no doubt).  Then there is another that closed in Howard in recent months.  Apparently the demand and usage wasn't sufficient to support them.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2012, 03:12:29 PM
  If you all can't get past what, to me, are some very minor issues to get some things done...and soon, it won't matter, it will be a dead issue, wind farm money or not. .
   It looks like there is some envy and some "dog in the manger" pettiness that you have just got to get past or you may have lots of freedom, an intact constitution, transparent but strangled leadership, people afraid to speak out and watching over their shoulder in fear of being verbally attacked, and a dead county. Is somebody going to be a Henry Ford?  Sadly, I doubt it.

I'm sorry, I disagree with you about the pettiness. We have, what I consider a privately owned company called Elk Konnected, LLC claiming to be a Community organization that controls our County government and may have more control over our Local School Board that my be less then healthy for our local system. There is nothing petty about that. If you haven't heard most of the people in the US are not happy about Corporate America controlling our Federal Government either. I wonder why?

Elk Konnected, LLC needs to have what they call a Community Conversation to maintain their
status with the other little company called Public Squares Communities, LLC. That would be the main purpose of the meeting. There is nothing that Elk Konnected, LLC has the power to do (in reality) about a daycare at that meeting. In my opinion if the Company Elk Konnected, LLC wants a daycare center they should start one with their own resources (money). I simply say put up or shut up. But wait a minute they failed at running their own business of the Wellness Center in Howard and sold it, right? And these are the people with visionaries that think they can tell everyone else what to do, how are they qualified to do that? The man that bought it appears to be running it successfully, so far. There is something positive about the Wellness Center , no longer owned by Elk Konnected, LLC. Petty I don't think so?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2012, 03:12:29 PM
   Again with the labels...Mr. Follower?   Is that meant to scare him away?   Discourage him? Gonna send him to a "shaming room?" I thought you wanted open comment? I'm surprised.

There was no intent of being ugly, I usually just say follower, I was showing a little respect for him posting. I believe calling a man Mr. is respectable. I'm sorry you mis-interpreted my intent. My apologizes Patriotdad if I came across wrong to you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2012, 03:12:29 PM
Yes, you can tell me to butt out, and I sure hope I'm wrong, but I haven't seen any positive, happy,  productive comments on here in a long time. Just negatives. It's always what ''must" be torn apart, changed or destroyed. Just my opinion, take it or leave it.  Who is Elel, by the way?

Don't go away Diane, give me something positive to work with, please?

Show me something positive about Elk Konnected, LLC, please?

I have been asking and no one can tell me a single thing that Elk Konnected, LLC has done to improve the quality of life they  have been preaching for the last 4 or 5 years.

Not one thing from Elk Konnected, LLC or it's followers, why?

It appears to me they just want to feel important or they are hiding something, what do you think of that?

Do you know even the slightest thing they have done, besides handing out lollipops with taxpayers dollars?

Really they are a business, with supposedly business expertise, why can't they open a daycare without having a Community Conversation?

Our Elk Konnected County Commissioners seem to support our Elk Konnected Economic Development employee that the people she is working with under economic development has to keep who they are and what they are doing secret from the taxpayers who foot the bill. So why can't Elk Konnected, LLC keep it secret until they start a daycare, no meeting required under the standards set by the County Government.

Because they are required by Public Squares Communities, LLC to have a public meeting. They really are not designed to accomplish anything, but to controll that's my opinion, except to fullfill the requirement of Public Squares Communities, LLC  and to make headlines in the newspaper. Just my opinion.

And they usually have poped up at times when county money is involved. Right now it apears to be happening because the County may get a check soon from the windfarm soon.                     Is that convient or coincidence?

Diane Amberg

I can personally see why the EK folks may have intended to communicate here 'way back when but then decided not to.Having my own comments picked apart word by word and line by line has made me feel like a plucked chicken. ;D  People should be able to write here freely off the top of their heads so to speak, and not be made to feel like they have to have a lawyer standing by.
Is EK really planning to start a daycare? I didn't know that.
By the way, how would telling Patriotdad to go start a day care be considered anything but a putdown in view of the context of the conversation? It's not like you and I poking at each other in fun.He was very serious.
I'm going to go think about this again.I really do wish I could help in some way.


Elk County has some great daycare providers already...That's why a standard, stand-alone daycare hasn't been started up to now in Elk County. 


Diane, your remark about pettiness was found by me to be rather negative, so I asked you to give us something positive to work with. And what I got was self pitty about tearing your post apart line by line. I was simply responding to your post as clearly as possible. I said, "I'm sorry, I disagree with you about the pettiness."
Simple and not attacking.

I even asked that you not go away as you suggested that you might do.

I feel that line by line or subject by subject responses keep things from getting confusing and I find nothing belittleing or disingenuous about it either. Just honest and clear for better understanding.

I don't believe you can defend Elk Konnected, LLC's or it's followers coming and going based on your statements. It is simply because in my opinion they can not hold up to what they say being challenged is why they come and go. And no other reason.

Apparently no one can show anything positive or any improvements to the quality of llfe that Elk Konnected has said they were going to do for the last 4 or 5 years, why do you suppose that is? Especially with all the money they have shown to have acquired through "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs, don't you think there would be something even a tiny little something?

Perhaps that is why Elk Konnected County Commissioner Liebau finds these posts so "VILE" ?
And Iam not the least bit upset about him call these posts "VILE". He said so publicly during a County Commissioners meeting. And to explain why I believe that,  I find it supports these posts as being right on the money. My opinion.


Quote from: Catwoman on March 28, 2012, 04:27:59 AM
Elk County has some great daycare providers already...That's why a standard, stand-alone daycare hasn't been started up to now in Elk County.  

Catwoman you say Elk County HAS some great daycare providers already.
Which I think is great news.
So as to clarify, I feel compelled to ask are those Elk County day care providers still available?
If they are still available perhaps someone could give the some free advertisment with a short blurb here and on the forum under General announcements & Events.

We would not want to interfere with anyone daycare business but to promote wouldn't we?
And to tell them good job, right?

I think that would be a good thing for everyone. Don't you?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2012, 09:45:27 PM
I can personally see why the EK folks may have intended to communicate here 'way back when but then decided not to.Having my own comments picked apart word by word and line by line has made me feel like a plucked chicken. ;D  People should be able to write here freely off the top of their heads so to speak, and not be made to feel like they have to have a lawyer standing by.
Is EK really planning to start a daycare? I didn't know that.
By the way, how would telling Patriotdad to go start a day care be considered anything put a put-down in view of the context of the conversation? It's not like you and I poking at each other in fun.He was very serious.
I'm going to go think about this again.I really do wish I could help in some way.

He wasn't putting him down. he was serious. Most things like day cares are started by people and successfully ran by people like folks like patriotdad.  You can't have a successful business if your government pays for it. It ain't possible because the money is siphoned off from taxpayers.  Only when it is a at risk business do people take care to make sure it makes a profit in order for it to remain in business next year.  Any time a Govt.entity subsidizes something it is screwed from the beginning as the government has all kinds of strings attached to any subsidy they give out.  You essentially lose your business to the government.  Its just as simple as that.  Also with subsidization if it disappears it means the business cannot run without it as there was no market for it in the beginning to support it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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