Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 07, 2012, 11:59:50 PM
;D ;D ;D    Ross, that's bated breath...not baited. Unless you use some special kind of bait. In which case what do you catch? Patriot perhaps? ;D ;D ;D ;D  Sorry, I just couldn't help myself!

You made me laugh so hard.

Hey, if I can't laugh at me, I can't laugh at anyone else. Or with others, now can I?

I'se just a redneck old hick out here in the sticks.

Oh and Diane I have nothing against people with degrees.
Just people with degrees and an attitude.

I have had friends with multiple degrees and multiple doctorates and I was never upset with them.
I have also had friends with mensa IQ's that couldn't tie their own shoes.
I have family members that are school teachers.
In fact a cousin who is an excellent teacher, however her husband is a lousy teacher.

Nothing is perfect, especially me. But I try harder.

Have a good day Diane.


Quote from: redcliffsw on March 08, 2012, 05:19:03 AM
Evanstrail, your documents are promoted by government and government is getting bigger, not smaller.

Can you think "liberty"?  Or are you a simply a genuine promoter of more government for your causes?

Red these Elk Konnected, LLC followers are working so hard to prove that they need money from a "beggar-thy-neighbor" program, if they could find something in Russia to back them, I bet they would use it.

They tried using Ord, Nebraska who ran a "beggar-thy-neighbor" program called Economic Development to implement growth. That growth was suppose to be about population. The population was in decline in the year 2000. Well the only growth was in the merchants pockets and the decline in population continued right on through and is still happening. And they had a couple of pretty big employers which were not the school district. And still the population declined. But that did not help the Elk Konnected, LLC followers cause to further a "beggar-thy-neighbor" program, so let's go to North Carolina.

What is Elk County's major employers'?
Wouldn't that be the school district's and the county Government?

So do we need any further taxation? I don't think so.
I also don't think we need any more "beggar-thy-neighbor" organizations either.
If they can't work with the local governments and County Governments and instead build an organization to control those governments I feel that is as unpatriotic as one can get in my opinion. And I say that as a Viet Nam Veteran with ten years as a proud servant of my country.

And for those really nice Elk Konnected, LLC followers to continue the name calling just doesn't seem to help their case of proving anything. Except that they want that "beggar-thy-neighbor" program so bad they will do anything. They even tried to prove in an earlier post that it is very little money. Oh, so why is it  so important if it is peanuts. Probably because it is not peanuts. Really wouldn't it be a continuous money sucking program with no end to it. A bridge to no where so to speak.

If we can afford to give a tax break to a few residents in the county, why not everyone?

Do you think all the followers name calling will work this time, it didn't work earlier in this thread did it?

What do you think Red?


Look what I just read,


CONGRESS: THIS JOB SUCKS - Our own Jonathan Allen writes that for many members of Congress, "the thrill is gone." "They don't make national policy anymore. They can't earmark money for communities back home. The public hates them. And perks little and big, from private jet travel to a little free nosh now and then, have been locked down by ethics rules. As they head for the exits this year, many leaving Congress say the prestigious job of being a congressman sucks now, and that's why lawmakers young and old are trading in their member pins for a new life in the private sector. ...

That sounds like they really didn't want to serve the best interest of the Country.
But to serve themselves.
It sounds also like ethics got in the way.
No employer I ever worked for would have approved of that attitude and would have fired me had I had that attitude.
They would have fired anyone with that attitude, don't you suppose.
Ethics, Ethics Ethics. We need more ethics. Don't we? And attitude?


Here is another one that shows government at work for the betterment of the country. Not.

Highly payed officials played,
while firefighters risked their lives.

An interesting read, and a reason for more of the voters and taxpayers to pay attenting and be involved.
There are those who don't want you involved
because if you are involved they wouldn't be able
to get away with snow jobs.



D.C. has no count of jobs from stimulus
Received $885M from feds since 2009

By Jeffrey Anderson
The Washington Times
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Despite receiving more than $885 million in federal economic stimulus funds since 2009, the D.C. government — whose residents face one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation — cannot say how many jobs it actually created for those who live in the District.
Most of the money has been spent, and data suggest that overall regional job growth did occur as a result of the massive infusion of capital. But a review by The Washington Times of figures provided by D.C. officials shows that the city spent hundreds of millions of dollars without being able to demonstrate any significant improvement in the city's jobs outlook.

If anything, the employment picture has worsened in the District. At the end of 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the city's unemployment rate was 10.4 percent

Yes, I skipped a couple of paragraphs
No, I'm not hiding anything.

In the District, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate has increased by 8 percent since 2009, as the D.C. government was receiving historic levels of federal stimulus funding via contracts, grants, loans, tax benefits and entitlements.

The whole story at:            

So giving money away, or even giving tax breaks to friends/neighbors apparently does not create jobs.
Even in the nations capital.
Pretty much proves that "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Does not work.
Even with hundreds of millions of dollars.
Such a waste of taxpayers dollars, don't you think            


Wow, it's interesting what one can do with selective editing, new math and total disregard for common sense.

First, a very telling paragraph fromthe article was left out of the post on this thread:

"That figure contrasts sharply with a 5.5 percent unemployment rate in the metropolitan D.C. area, which includes parts of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia."

Secondly, the quip about the unemployment rate increasing 8% from 09 to 11.  That doesn't mean it increased from 2.4% in 09 to 10.4% in 2011, though that is what the author of the blog article what's everyone to think.  An 8% rise in the rate means it increased from 9.6% in 09 to 10.4% in 11.

Third, the assertion that all of this money has been pumped into the District of Columbia, yet no job growth "for D.C. residents" - Folks the actual District of Columbia is less than 70 sqare miles in area and about a 10th of that is water.  So, if you were to spend that amount of money within 4.5 miles of Century II in Wichita, and then only count the jobs created that were filled by people who lived only within that small circle, would anyone take you seriously, or would they realize that the vast majority of those jobs were filled by people outside that circle. 

Remember Loss left out the paragraph that happened to mention that the metro D.C unemployment rate was only 5.5%

And the right never tries to pull the wool over our eyes.


Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
Wow, it's interesting what one can do with selective editing, new math and total disregard for common sense.

Wow! Are you speaking on behalf of Elk Konnected, LLC?
If so you both have serious problems in my humble opinion.
I left the link for anyone and everyone to read the article, I was not leaving anything out.
Everything is right there through the link.
You seem to be insinuating that the people on this forum are unable to think for themselves.
On the other hand I think they are quite capable of thinking for themselves.
This is really stooping very low on your behalf, and I think you should show more respect for the citizens and taxpayers of Elk County. Just my opinion, ignore iit if you desire.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
First, a very telling paragraph fromthe article was left out of the post on this thread:
Really. Then the link I left for everyone to go to read the article must work. Thanks for verifying that for everyone. Nice job.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
"That figure contrasts sharply with a 5.5 percent unemployment rate in the metropolitan D.C. area, which includes parts of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia."

Is it necessary for you to interpret for everyone. Again insinuating ignorance of the citizens of Elk County. You show that you apparently don't think they are capable of thinking for themselves. Isn't that the reason for the circles of chairs, to control thinking.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
Secondly, the quip about the unemployment rate increasing 8% from 09 to 11.  That doesn't mean it increased from 2.4% in 09 to 10.4% in 2011, though that is what the author of the blog article what's everyone to think.  An 8% rise in the rate means it increased from 9.6% in 09 to 10.4% in 11.

And still you continue.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
Third, the assertion that all of this money has been pumped into the District of Columbia, yet no job growth "for D.C. residents" - Folks the actual District of Columbia is less than 70 sqare miles in area and about a 10th of that is water.  So, if you were to spend that amount of money within 4.5 miles of Century II in Wichita, and then only count the jobs created that were filled by people who lived only within that small circle, would anyone take you seriously, or would they realize that the vast majority of those jobs were filled by people outside that circle.  

I did not write the article, don't you understand that?
The Washington Times did.
If you have a problem with their writing qualifications you should perhaps address that to them. Simply e-mail them. I'm sure Elk Konnected, LLC would be glad to help you find their e-mail address.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
Remember Loss left out the paragraph that happened to mention that the metro D.C unemployment rate was only 5.5%

Again, I left the link to The Washington Times article right there for everyone, right?
But you proved that didn't you? You went there so you could tell people how and what to think, right.
Here it is again, the link:

Quote from: evanstrail on March 08, 2012, 10:16:03 AM
And the right never tries to pull the wool over our eyes.

No, Loss. Oh heck ya got me doing it. No Ross did not try to pull the wool over anyone's eyes.
I left the link so they could read the whole article. Evanstrail what is it you don't understand about that?
One more time, here is the link:

This is so much fun, don't you think so Evanstrail?

Oh, I did express my opinion and I know you don't like anyone doing that.
But here it is again.

"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs called Economic Development or called by any other name, do not create growth or prevent population decline.

Gee, I just improved on my statement of opinion.
Improvement is good, right?

Just ignore all this if you so desire, that's okay by me. I don't know nuthin'.
Ain't no one gonna vote no because of me. They will vote no, if they choose to, right?
They will also vote yes, if they choose to, right?


Quote from frawin:
Evanstrail, you said it very well and I think that a big percent of the people in Elk County and on the Forum agree with you completely. We have almost completely quit reading or posting on the Forum due to the negative, repetive posts of a very few. Thank you

I would respectively say, that would depend on who you are talking too. I know and hear from a lot of people that like the debate and seeing both sides of the coin. It looks to me like the same ol crowd is still posting just like they did several years back. Some come & go but that looks to be the norm in the past.



You attack everything I post on this (and other) threads, selecting paragraphs and sentences that when taken by themselves seem to back up your very narrow, close-minded viewpoint.

Then you attack me when I give my take on what you post?

Thanks for reminding me and everyone else of the amazing level of hypocrisy that you and patriot perpetrate upon this Forum.  You can present your opinion on my posts, but I and others can't present ours about your posts without being ridiculed and told to go away.  Ad to that patriot continuing to spout about transparency while hiding behind his so carefully maintained veil of anonymity, and the level of hypocrisy zooms into the stratosphere.

And now I have a question for you - Have you had a chance to look over any of those case studies on small town economic development I posted the link to last night.  Apparently you haven't since you haven't presented any of your out-of-context, nit-picking, always negative gleanings from any of them, overlooking all of the positive outcomes to find the one out of a hundred that you feel is negative and therefore means that the strategy is a total failure.


I am hearing rumors and I thought perhaps someone could tell me any information about them.

I heard there is a brand new home of about 6,000 sq ft in the N.W. corner of the county and a barn of about the same size or better.  I also heard that there might be a plan to instal the ability to run County Wide High Speed Internet from that location?
That might be terrific if it is true. Anyone know anything about it? I wonder what the cost might be to use it, if it is true?

I have also heard rumors that there are several other large homes that might be built in the county but that they are waiting for the rebate program to be passed. I find that very interesting. If that is true, that would be a major savings for the wealthy that can aford it, wouldn't it?

And I'm curious, why they are holding off remodeling the old bank building in Howard? Isn't that an LLC?

Do you suppose they might be waiting for that "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor' program?
Do you suppose they would build even without the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor' program?
I think they would. I built my place with out a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor' program?
And I bet most of you did as well.

Those all sound like they would add up to a tiny sum of money to help support the County functions.

Some of those would require add expendutures for gravel and road work crews, don't you suppose?

I'm just wondering, if there is any one that knows anything about the rumors I have been hearing?

I'd like to know more, if any one has information.

As far as the tourism plans, bring them on, and good luck with them.
I'm sure, and I hope you will make a lot of money at it.
I just don't believe you need a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor' program to pull it off.
There is bound to be big money behind it any way.
It's been in progress for quit a while hasn't it?
Summer isn't far away, tourist season, right?
And you will want County support in the form of better roads and better road upkeep which will be costly enough to the county in my humble opinion.

I just wonder.

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