Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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It occurs to me that there are dozens of other threads/sections on this forum, yet a couple of you seem to think that people only see one or two whose information/theme you don't happen to like.  Move on, nobody is forcing you to click or read, let alone post.  There are many others who are interested, believe it or not.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on March 07, 2012, 08:52:48 PM
It occurs to me that there are dozens of other threads/sections on this forum, yet a couple of you seem to think that people only see one or two whose information/theme you don't happen to like.  Move on, nobody is forcing you to click or read, let alone post.  There are many others who are interested, believe it or not.

If I post what I have to post in another thread, Loss or you will just link it back to this mega-negative blog anyway, so in essence I'm saving you a step.


Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
It is up to the people of Elk County to decide if they pay attention to the never-ending bashing of honest, forthright people that is your forte, or to read and comprehend what I post and decide that the honest, forthright and forward-thinking people are on the right track.

Might be nice if the 'forward thinkers' really became forthright and laid out their overall plan for all to see.  Like detailing how this proposed tax rebate plan is expected to enhance Elk County in a significant way.  Who's the expected benefactors of the plan?  What business are expected to make significant investments in the county as a result?  What neighborhoods are expected to see improvements?  Mrs. Hendricks answer regarding PILOT use was, and I quote, "We should grow our own."  What does that mean?  Is that what passes for thoughtful planning?  

Both Commissioners Hendricks & Liebau have stated at public meetings that they have no idea of how economic development is measured.  We give school kids tests to determine the success of our teaching plans, yet our 'leaders' implement plans with no knowledge of how to measure the success of those plans?  No specific targets or goals?  Hogwash.  Sounds like a boat adrift with no rudder.  If one fails to plan, one is planning to fail.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on March 07, 2012, 08:52:48 PM
It occurs to me that there are dozens of other threads/sections on this forum, yet a couple of you seem to think that people only see one or two whose information/theme you don't happen to like.  Move on, nobody is forcing you to click or read, let alone post.  There are many others who are interested, believe it or not.

And thanks for re-inforcing my commnet about you and Loss and your couple of followers that you don't want dissenting voices heard on certain threads.  Exactly when did this become your exclusive blogspace?


Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 09:06:48 PM
And thanks for re-inforcing my commnet about you and Loss and your couple of followers that you don't want dissenting voices heard on certain threads.  Exactly when did this become your exclusive blogspace?

When you can't successfully argue with the message, attack the messenger.  Not a new tactic, exactly.  I simply pointed out that no one makes you, or anyone, read this thread.  Fact.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
You still insist on trying to be rude, why?
Does it give you a thrill?
I still think your childishness is cute.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
In my opinion, you and a very small handful of others want anyone who does not agree with you to simply go away, to stop posting on this Forum, you as much as said so in the quote above.  You want the readers of this Forum to hear only the views you put forth, you want them to be capable of only thinking the way you want them to, by chasing away anyone who has a dissenting viewpoint.

No, No. Now you are twisting word. A lot like Elk Konnected, LLC does by calling themselves a community or saying they have community meetings which they don't have. They are Elk Konnected, LLC meetings and they can throw out anyone that disagrees with them. I never said for you to go away. I said if this thread is so upsetting to you, that you are not forced to come here. I do not have censorship privilege on this forum, so no, that's not true. I want them to read all you have to say.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
I decided to come to this thread to refute what spews forth from your mouth
Please drop the fixation on my mouth you are giving me the creeps.
I told you the words of honesty and questions get on this forum through my finger tips.
Besides it is my opinion that you are the one trying to shut us up with your childish rudeness.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
by giving factual information about things that are similar to what the forward-thinking people of Elk County are trying to accomplish.

We are waiting with baited breath to hear all the facts including who the so called forward-thinking people are.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
I believe I provide an alternative to the incessant negative nit-picking that you and that small handful of others are so adept at.

So you consider the truth and asking questions to be  "incessant negative nit-picking" .
Well I truly find that interesting. 

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
It is up to the people of Elk County to decide if they pay attention to the never-ending bashing of honest, forthright people that is your forte, or to read and comprehend what I post and decide that the honest, forthright and forward-thinking people are on the right track.

I said in a previous post that I felt the people that read this are quite capable of thinking for themselves while you were insinuating otherwise.
I even told them they could ignore everything that I say.
So what is your point?

The "Honest, forthright people" you speak of who are they?
If they you are truly speaking of "Honest, forthright people" saying who they are?
Oh I know you will sy we will bash them, I'm sorry to inform you that is as far from te truth that you can get.

If you read this thread from the beginning you will find that the bashing has come from the Elk Konnected, LLC followers.

There is that "forthright and forward-thinking people" thing again. If they are so forthright why aren't they forthcoming as well?

I am always glad to hear your opinion, I find it very entertaining. I am waiting for the factual information you are referring to.

I too, simply pointed out that no one makes you, or anyone, read this thread. Fact.

Well I'm off to bed, so good night to you. It has been my pleasure.


Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 08:56:37 PM
If I post what I have to post in another thread, Loss or you will just link it back to this mega-negative blog anyway, so in essence I'm saving you a step.

There is that mispelling again. Do you have a problem pronouncinng the letter "R"? LOL
And that "N" word again, you must really have some kinda hang up.
Could you use some help with that problem?
I know where you can get some help.
Just funning ya. Let's laugh together for a minute.

Why does that bother you?
If it is the truth you should be proud that we accomodate you.
Or is it that you have something to hide.

If someone did that with something I wrote on here, I'd be proud of that fact.
I'd feel complimented.

Aren't you proud of what you write?

If so what is the problem?

This is a public forum not your own private forum, not my private forum either, right.


I encourage every one to to a look at this site.  It is a compilation of thirty-some case-studies done by the University of North Carolina of what small towns and rural counties have tried to change their economic situation.  While a lot are from North Carolina and other states east of the Mississippi and the nay-sayers will say they can't possibly be applicable to Elk County, I say read them and decide for yourselves.

The entire document (259 pages) is here:


Links to individual case studies which are 7-15 pages each are here:


Happy reading to those with open minds.  If you would like more factual information like this, please PM me and let me know.

I expect nothing but negative from Loss and his small handful of close-minded, nothing but negative, nay-sayers.

Diane Amberg

 ;D ;D ;D    Ross, that's bated breath...not baited. Unless you use some special kind of bait. In which case what do you catch? Patriot perhaps? ;D ;D ;D ;D  Sorry, I just couldn't help myself!


Evanstrail, your documents are promoted by government and government is getting bigger, not smaller.

Can you think "liberty"?  Or are you a simply a genuine promoter of more government for your causes?

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