Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Your questions regarding Evanstrail asked whether that related to a proposed trail ride in the county, or the  T. J. Evans Trail, which turns out to be a bike trail in Ohio.  I was simply trying to point you in the right direction to get your simple answer.  Using the search feature of this site for Evans Trail, you will find a couple of posts alluding to it.  Simply put, the Evans Trail was one name for a wagon trail dating back to the 1850's that ran from Fayetteville, Arkansas to just east of McPherson, Kansas, where it joined the Santa Fe Trail.  It's route took it through what would eventually become Elk County.  Nothing secret about it, and certainly no connection to Elk Connected.
As far as "coming back out of the woodwork after so long", I'd like to point out I posted a couple of items just last week.  They happen to be in the Obituaries section.  This forum deals with a lot more than just your political diatribes.  Also, please endeavor to know which Mr. Durbin you are addressing.  There happens to be two of us who frequent this forum.


Quote from: ddurbin on March 07, 2012, 01:19:31 PM
Your questions regarding Evanstrail asked whether that related to a proposed trail ride in the county, or the  T. J. Evans Trail, which turns out to be a bike trail in Ohio.  I was simply trying to point you in the right direction to get your simple answer.  Using the search feature of this site for Evans Trail, you will find a couple of posts alluding to it.  Simply put, the Evans Trail was one name for a wagon trail dating back to the 1850's that ran from Fayetteville, Arkansas to just east of McPherson, Kansas, where it joined the Santa Fe Trail.  It's route took it through what would eventually become Elk County.  Nothing secret about it, and certainly no connection to Elk Connected.

Well golly, I didn't think to search "evanstrail" on the forum because I had no idea it would be on here.
I appreciate the history lesson and may jus look it up. Thank you it sounds very interesting.
I did do a google search an yes I read about Ohio but that was not what I was asking was it?

So, anyway the question now, is that going to be the name of the new tourist trail ride?

Quote from: ddurbin on March 07, 2012, 01:19:31 PM
As far as "coming back out of the woodwork after so long", I'd like to point out I posted a couple of items just last week.  They happen to be in the Obituaries section.  This forum deals with a lot more than just your political diatribes.  Also, please endeavor to know which Mr. Durbin you are addressing.  There happens to be two of us who frequent this forum.

You miss understood, it was the fact that we have not heard from any Mr. Durbin's on this thread for a long time. Unless I missed something. I don't know one Durbin from another. The only Durbin I knew was very respected by me and that was Stub, I liked him a great deal. I sure do miss him.

So why couldn't "evanstrail" speak for himself?



Because evanstrail (among many on this Forum) gets tired of your continued inability to see anything in my posts other than what your shortsited, closed-minded brain wants to see.  Then you just make shit up out of thin air to try and steer others away from evaluating the information in the posts for themselves.

I have absolutely no association with this tourist trail you keep speaking of, so I have no idea what the progressive minded folks that are working on it will wish to name it.

You are the one who looked up T. J. Evans Trail and asked if it had any bearing on my username.  So quit trying to say "but that was not what I was asking about was it?"

And there are lots of Durbins that read the Forum, or have in the past before it became the nearly exclusive realm of negative people like yourself.  Some that still have the surname, some that are married to people with other surnames, and lots that have Durbins in their family tree.


Why is it they use Progressive as the word to describe them when the progressive movement is a communist movement that only started taking strong hold after the wall came down in germany.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on March 07, 2012, 04:52:11 PM
Why is it they use Progressive as the word to describe them when the progressive movement is a communist movement that only started taking strong hold after the wall came down in germany.

Gee, Steve, nice attempt at deflection and mis-direction.  Been reading the Alinsky playbook again I see.  The playbook used by the reactionary right, libertarian Tea Party types about ten times as much as it is used by the liberal left.  Especially on this Forum.


Evanstrail, you said it very well and I think that a big percent of the people in Elk County and on the Forum agree with you completely. We have almost completely quit reading or posting on the Forum due to the negative, repetive posts of a very few. Thank you

Diane Amberg

Again, I will repeat myself and I'm sure you'll get frustrated by my bull dogging this, but if the economic development employee that was mentioned earlier was asked by a potential client or business scout to keep quiet for a time, you can be sure I wouldn't say anything either until a deal was about to be set!
   If it's going to somehow cost tax money, then yes, at that time it would be the time to announce the potential deal and allow for public input. If no tax money is involved then the deal would get announced at a time agreed on by the potential clients. Giving out public information doesn't necessarily mean on any whim by any person at any time. It has to be  considered "reasonable"and sometimes needs to asked for with a later time in mind so details and facts can be checked.  It doesn't mean anybody is trying to hide something.
  We just had something sad just happen here. The public schools are suddenly in an uproar after 10 successful years of NCS, because Newark Charter is going to expand once again and build a high school here.  A high school was never in the original plans.  We had parents begging us to build one since the lower schools were so successful. But we didn't announce the new high school until we had a deal in place for a closed large industrial building in hand and got through the city hoops. We did not announce that we had been looking at a different site, which fell through for a number of reasons. Why tell people and then have to unring that bell? It set us back by many months.
  There are untrue rumors flying as it is. Somebody has started a rumor that we won't have a cafeteria. (Sorry, it's right there on the drawings.) The lower schools don't. They have microwave ovens in their classrooms and the free lunch kids lunches are dropped discretely at the school by a little restaurant that makes them every day. Then occasionally they have special lunch days like pizza day or sub day or whatever. Everybody loves it. Someone else said that not having a cafeteria discourages poor kids from applying.Now how dumb is that?
The high school will have a cafeteria if for no other reason than it's a good rental hook.  ;)  Places here rent the schools for events on weekends.  The high school won't have foot ball and if that discourages some families from applying for the lottery...well ,you can see where their priorities are.Tough!
   No, it's not the same, but people do act really weird sometimes and listen to too many unfounded rumors or don't really know what people's jobs include or what their job contracts really say, the details I mean. Such negative behavior! Not good for anyone or anything.  "Anti" people in general tend to get together and listen to each other and then get into their own strange circular reasoning and start believing their own misinformation.Then nothing gets done except grousing.You'll get a reputation as a grump and a delayer and its really hard to accomplish anything then, even if some of the ideas are good ones because people are put off by it.
  I still have no idea why you got so upset over the day camp. Shouldn't free play be included? Should every moment be scheduled? Are you sure you know what they were doing, or not doing? Were the parents satisfied? If so, then what's the problem?
You have a list of gripes, some quite old now, that get trotted out at every opportunity. Why is that? I think I even have them memorized by now. I have a feeling people will now become deaf and blind to them and just write them off as "pickies" from an unpleasable person.
  Why do some of you resent those of us whose parents, or ourselves, spent many thousands to get that"toilet paper'' diploma. I certainly don't feel superior to those whose career choices didn't call for one. My electrician pal makes 'way more than I ever did. But our steady investments helped a lot. We were very lucky. (I wish I could still get 14% treasuries.)
    Ok, so I've talked much too much and I promise to shut up and go away....for now.


Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 04:23:21 PM

That is so cute, Evans trail. But I think I told you that already.
Oh. I realize you are using negative tactics to attempt to upset me, but guess what I still think it is very cute.
Did you learn that from Elk Konnected, LLC?

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 04:23:21 PM
Because evanstrail (among many on this Forum) gets tired of your continued inability to see anything in my posts other than what your shortsited, closed-minded brain wants to see.  

How in the world could you be getting tired of my postings since you have only been registered on this forum since February 17, 2011, 10:33:02 pm. But besides that if you can't handle the truth and some honest questions why come to this thread? Why punish yourself by coming to this thread when there are so many other threads. You are welcome to your opinion about my, "shortsited, closed-minded brain" as you called it and enjoy it to the fullest extent. Have fun with that.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 04:23:21 PM
Then you just make shit up out of thin air to try and steer others away from evaluating the information in the posts for themselves.

Such language! Is that the educated way to talk to a redneck. I in no way tell anyone what to think or what to read or what to evaluate. In fact, I have told folks to just ignore my opinions. But I see you have a problem ignoring them. I can't apologize for that, only you can choose what you do. However, I will try to respond to you politely. But please, set all of us straight and tell us what is made up. Are you refering to the Elk Konnected, LLC community(that's fabricated isn't it? As in not like a community like Longton or Moline), or what is it that is made up? I'd really like to know.

And, I think you are implying that people that read this are incapable of thinking for themselves. I have to tell you, I totally disagree with you on that implication.

How in the world could you be getting tired of my postings since you have only been registered on this forum since February 17, 2011, 10:33:02 pm. But, besides that if you can't handle the truth and some honest questions why come to this thread?

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 04:23:21 PM
I have absolutely no association with this tourist trail you keep speaking of, so I have no idea what the progressive minded folks that are working on it will wish to name it.

I never said you had any association with the tourist trail. I asked if that was going to be the name of the trail. (Also please see note further down) I'm sorry you are so upset about it.

What progressive minded folks?
How do you know they are progressive?
What do you know about them to make that judgement call?
Are they really progressive?
Would that be progressively looking for taxpayers money?
Don't any of them have a name?
Please clarify?

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 04:23:21 PM
You are the one who looked up T. J. Evans Trail and asked if it had any bearing on my username.  So quit trying to say "but that was not what I was asking about was it?"
Okay, so I was asking? But, I was polite and clarified my question. Now didn't I?
Oh and I was told by Mr. Durbin an Evans trail that cut right through Elk County.
Wasn't that nice of him to inform of that?

Quote from: Ross on March 06, 2012, 08:17:55 PM
Mr. Evanstrail
Would that by any chance be the company T. J. Evans Trails?
Just curious.
Quote from: Ross on March 06, 2012, 05:16:33 PM
 But what I was asking was;
Would Evanstrail by any chance be the name of the new tourist trail ride?
Just asking?

Quote from: evanstrail on March 07, 2012, 04:23:21 PM
And there are lots of Durbins that read the Forum, or have in the past before it became the nearly exclusive realm of negative people like yourself.  Some that still have the surname, some that are married to people with other surnames, and lots that have Durbins in their family tree.

That's nice. I did mention I liked and respected Stub, oh and Barbra too! I do eat at her establishment from time to time and it is always a pleasure to see her.

Quote from: frawin on March 07, 2012, 05:03:38 PM
Evanstrail, you said it very well and I think that a big percent of the people in Elk County and on the Forum agree with you completely. We have almost completely quit reading or posting on the Forum due to the negative, repetive posts of a very few. Thank you

I disagree with you Frawin but I really can't read their minds.
Annd I don't have a bund of visionaries.
How would you know about what other people are thinking?
And why all the frustration and anger if what you say is true.
Personally, I think the people that read this thread do so because they want to.
And because they can make their own decisions.

Perhaps your frustration is because all taxpayers have a right to voice their opinion and they also have a right to say no on a ballot if it comes up that would allow a Beggar-Thy-Neighbor program. Is that it?

And anyone can click on the link in the e-mail they receive and discontinue receiving the notification of a new post here on this specific thread, anyone can do that.

Oh by the way I don't wane to assume, so I will ask.
Are you two guys Elk Konnected, LLC followers?

I hope you each have a really great evening.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 07, 2012, 06:03:51 PM
Again, I will repeat myself and I'm sure you'll get frustrated by my bull dogging this, but if the economic development employee that was mentioned earlier was asked by a potential client or business scout to keep quiet for a time, you can be sure I wouldn't say anything either until a deal was about to be set!
You make a good point.
But she said she was told to keep it secret. I do not know of any employer that pays their employee to keep secrets from them. Do you?
If a company comes to our county government, they are coming to each and every taxpayer. And they have no right to use our resources in secret. They started costing us money by using a taxpayer paid employee. It's very simple.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 07, 2012, 06:03:51 PM
   If it's going to somehow cost tax money, then yes, at that time it would be the time to announce the potential deal and allow for public input. If no tax money is involved then the deal would get announced at a time agreed on by the potential clients. Giving out public information doesn't necessarily mean on any whim by any person at any time. It has to be  considered "reasonable"and sometimes needs to asked for with a later time in mind so details and facts can be checked.  It doesn't mean anybody is trying to hide something.

Any thing the county government does involves taxpayers dollars or dollars entered into the government coffers. It is that simple?
Without taxpayers there would be no County Government now would there?

There those that would have you believe that tax payers have no say, but that is completely wrong.
Again my opinion and it can be ignored by anyone that chooses to do so, with my blessings.


Quote from: Ross on March 07, 2012, 08:08:37 PM

But besides that if you can't handle the truth and some honest questions why come to this thread? Why punish yourself by coming to this thread when there are so many other threads. You are welcome to your opinion about my, "shortsited, closed-minded brain" as you called it and enjoy it to the fullest extent. Have fun with that.

And, I think you are implying that people that read this are incapable of thinking for themselves. I have to tell you, I totally disagree with you on that implication.


In my opinion, you and a very small handful of others want anyone who does not agree with you to simply go away, to stop posting on this Forum, you as much as said so in the quote above.  You want the readers of this Forum to hear only the views you put forth, you want them to be capable of only thinking the way you want them to, by chasing away anyone who has a dissenting viewpoint.

I decided to come to this thread to refute what spews forth from your mouth by giving factual information about things that are similar to what the forward-thinking people of Elk County are trying to accomplish.  I believe I provide an alternative to the incessant negative nit-picking that you and that small handful of others are so adept at.  It is up to the people of Elk County to decide if they pay attention to the never-ending bashing of honest, forthright people that is your forte, or to read and comprehend what I post and decide that the honest, forthright and forward-thinking people are on the right track.

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