Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Flint I have just barely looked at that sight and find it very interesting and loaded with info.
Thanks again.



You know that's exactly what I was thinking, there is a lot more to economic development then even the leaders of the county know about.

I'm learning.

For instance from articles associated whit the link provided by flintaqua many things should be done.

Here are just a couple that are expressed:

In recent years, considerable attention has been given to the potential impacts of
growth and development on communities throughout Wisconsin. In general,
growth has been viewed as healthy and desirable for communities because it often
leads to additional jobs; increased income for residents; a broader tax base; and the
enhancement of cultural amenities such as libraries and parks. However, communities
are increasingly aware that growth may also be accompanied by costs such as
increased fiscal expenditures for necessary public services and infrastructure,
congestion, consumption of local natural resources, loss of open space and unique
cultural attributes. In addition, development decisions are too often made without a
sufficient understanding of the consequences
of those decisions on overall community
well-being. Since changes induced by growth in a community are not always
, carefully planned development is necessary for ensuring that growth is
consistent with the long-range goals of the community.


Development impact assessment is premised on the assumption that a community
has an up-to-date, comprehensive land use plan. Without this, no context exists to
use development impact assessment information in decision-making because the relevant
community values and aspirations have not been identified.

It says Wiscinsin sure, but common sense says the same principles apply here.
Who has performed such a study in Elk County and when can we see it?

And more:

What is a Development Impact Assessment?
Development impact assessment involves a process to comprehensively evaluate the
consequences of development on a community. The assessment process should be
an integral part of the planning process as it provides extensive documentation of
the anticipated economic, fiscal, environmental, social and transportation-related
impacts of a particular development on a community.

Where can we get a look at these comprenhesive evaluations.

Socio-economic impact assessment focuses on evaluating the impacts development
has on community social and economic well-being. This analysis relies on both quantitative
and qualitative measures of impacts.

And there is so much more to read?

Is our county doing any comprehensive studies or are the operationg like Elk Konnected, LLC did with their Wellness Center and fail at running it?

Already at the County Commissioners meeting our Economic Developement Employee said she was working secretly with someone that doesn't want the public to know in case they fail. Why? Do they plan to fail? I have asked who authorized her to work secretly which keeps public information from the taxpayers she works for. No answer? Why?

Just asking?


Ross, may I also suggest this document, which is an indirect link from the previous mentioned page:


Please pay close attention to Chapter Four which begins on page 16, entitled "Organizational Development, Taking charge of economic development in your community"

And just so we're clear, just as you select excerpts from documents I have provided links to that cast a pale on what Elk Konnected, ECCEF, and the current ED director are engaged in, I will assert that the sources of information I provide, when taken as a whole, show that what they are doing, and what has been done in the past by myself, ECCFED, QUAD, etc. is completely in line with the practice of community economic development.

You can find fault, and I can find praise in the very same actions because of the fact that there is no one prescription for economic success that fits all situations.  Each and every local economy has a completly different set of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 

Any action taken to address these unique characteristics, and affect change in the community, must by definition be a compromise between many different stakeholders.  This means that what is seen as a failure by one or more stakeholders, can and will be viewed as a success by other stakeholders.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on February 16, 2012, 04:58:49 PM
Any action taken to address these unique characteristics, and affect change in the community, must by definition be a compromise between many different stakeholders.  This means that what is seen as a failure by one or more stakeholders, can and will be viewed as a success by other stakeholders.

And just who are the stakeholders?

Does that exclude the taxpayers that provide the money?


If they were any good at economic development, they'd have their own ideas to start their own business.

Last nite, I had a nice visit with a retired "extension" man.  I'd never seen Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano so we watched it.  We need more Americans like Napolitano and a lot less extension agents and economic development offices.  It just goes to show how the government can take folks' money and waste it while everybody ends up with less liberty.


Yes Ross, each and every payer of taxes within the given economy, regardless of residency, is a stakeholder.  And the term taxpayer is not exclusive to those who own property, it also applies to those who pay sales tax, liquor tax, fuel tax, etc.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Flint, it does not look to be voluntary for the stakeholder.

Wouldn't you say that folks are forced to pay?  Or would you rather grant them a title as being a "stakeholder"
while you government people run the show?

Ross, how does it feel to be a stakeholder? 


Quote from: redcliffsw on February 16, 2012, 05:31:39 PM

Ross, how does it feel to be a stakeholder? 

It feels like being abused.

Because we the taxpayers are left out of the loop.

But Elk Konnected, LLC with just a few members aappears to be running the the whole show as County Commissioners?

I asked a reasonable question at the County Commissioners meeting and was told by a County Commissioner that my posts on this Forum are vile right there at the meeting. And the question was also answered with, "I'll DEFEND Elk Konnected".

We already knew that, he's had sang his praises of Elk Konnected before.

What's with that?

We know at least two County commissioners are following this thread, so why don't they come out and tell us what they are doing. It appears they only want one way communications.

Like the column in the newspaper, one way communications. Which most of will be repeated when the minutes of the meeting are approved into the records.

They only want to inform us only of what they want to us to know?
But ask a question a person may not get an answer. Why? What are they hiding?

Like running a secret government is it?


Obviously, they're accepting and viewing their office as a hiearchical position to look down on you.

They're bringing the lifestyle and culture of New Your City and Europe to Elk County and Southeast Kansas.

Elk Konnected represents their culture.  Liberty is not in their vocabulary.

Ross, you're on the right track.  Stay right in there supporting individual liberty and property rights.


Thanks redcliffsw,

Nobody looks down on me and I don't look down on anybody.
I believe the same should be applied in our county government.
If our county commissioners that are Konnected believe that they their little privately owned company requires that they DEFEND it at the County commissioners meetings, then they must recoginize there is something wrong with it. Otherwise they would not have to sing it's praises and DEFEND it publicly at when being addressed at their meetings.

The little company of 6 or 7 members wants our property and school taxes to pay dues to another little company. I say pay your own dues if you want to be a privately held company.  If you go back in this thread you will find where Commissioner Hendricks showed the company had or has gone through, what $85,000? She also stated the money was coming the to Elk Konnected, LLC from ECCEF. So in my opinion they don't need to beggar-thy-neighbor for their tax dollars.
Also they don't need to take $$$$ from the kids and our school district.

I mean afterall it seems they alway use the kids as an excuse for begging for money, so why take money from the kids education? That sounds hypocritical to me. Now Commissioner Liebau I agree with you that is vile, to have to post.

Are we a welfare county for privately owned companies?

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