Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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The money is not your's (the public's/voters') or their's (commissioners') to give and thus democracy is not the answer except for their standing on the ballot in upcoming election.   

Why not clean house by voting them out of office?  That way, hopefully you've elected good people who will represent the public and not to allow the EK bunch to get their hands on folks' money by and thru government.

It's past time that Republicans stand for liberty - but will they ever ?

Diane Amberg

So the only possible way I could come up with my own independent ideas is to be related to someone you are opposed to? Sorry, not so!
   What I know is what I read from the few of you who write on here, both pro and con. You all aren't by any means the majority of Elk County, nor were you elected to represent anybody.
You are certainly entitled to your opinions. But I suspect there are people who do enjoy the outdoor films and such, as I know that people do go to them. Aren't they tax payers too?  Do you really think your neighbors are too dumb to know what's good for them and you should speak for all of them?  I don't. It takes all kinds of people to make up a healthy community and your area and little towns started slipping long before your current set of commissioners were elected. That's just the way it is.  But some loyal opposition is a good thing too!
  I happen to think it's nice that someone is trying to do something to turn things around a bit.
As far as Gov't is concerned, I personally think it has a responsibility to try to produce a climate where private industry can thrive...but that's just me.  It isn't always successful, I know.
    As far as where do I get my facts? The same place anybody can. Look 'em up and compare several years to see the trends.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: redcliffsw on February 13, 2012, 09:35:22 AM
   Why not clean house by voting them out of office? 

That's exactly what I am hoping for?
We just need people in the county to realise they have the power to control their county commissioners by sending them a message at election time.

That is what the thread has turned into.
Trying to get information out to the people about what is happening in this county.
Also that lollipops are not going to make the county into something it is not.

Diane Amberg

So who's going to run? So what is not considered a lollipop?..I know what is, but not what isn't. What kind of "doable" platform would someone need to win... and I do mean specifics.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 13, 2012, 11:52:43 AM
So who's going to run? So what is not considered a lollipop?..I know what is, but not what isn't. What kind of "doable" platform would someone need to win... and I do mean specifics.

I do believe all that has been pointed out through out this thread.

Diane Amberg

Not what I'll talking about. Some disagreements over gravel is all I've really seen that isn't just differences of opinion. I hope some good folks who would run haven't been scared off by local bickering.That would be sad.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2012, 12:13:10 PM
Not what I'll talking about. Some disagreements over gravel is all I've really seen that isn't just differences of opinion. I hope some good folks who would run haven't been scared off by local bickering.That would be sad.

Perhaps that's why they would run.


Economics at work:

One head line today read
,Greece Riots, Brussels Fiddles, Germany Seethes, Europe Burns

Think it can't happen here, ya better wake up.

Fredonia, Kansas --- I just read today that the 100 year old company, the Cement Plant is closing.
A very large ouch for their economy and their property tax base, and their economy, don't yaa think.

What about all those Federal Budget cuts that are coming.
Yes, the overspending needs to stop.
How do you think those cuts wiil affect the nation?

They are going to cut funding to the Mental Health Industry and to the Rehabilitation Industry.

There will most likely be large cuts to the Agricultural Industry as well.

None of these things affect me directly. But how about all those people around me.

There will be layoffs which means less money to be spent in restraunts, barbershops, movie theaters, local mom and pop shops, etc. This is a form of austerity and the pain will be felt by lot's of people, don't you think? Me included in some form!
I think it will affect everyone in some for or another, don't you?

We have seen this coming since the realestate bubble burst and all the bailouts took place. None of that is working for the common people of our country. But what are we doing to control our spending as a county. Just waiting until it is to late to do anything? Why not cut the waste now, instead of waiting?

So, what is our county and our school district doing wasting money, on privately owned company that claims to be an organization to improve the quality of life when they can not control the big picture and don't even consider it?

It's my opinion the school district is basically stealing from our children when and if they give school district taxpayers money to such company. Same with in the county government, the money could be used to repair equipment or repair county roads.

Someone please, just tell me why the waste of taspayers dollars?

Someone please tell me how using school district and county property taxes and other taxpayers dollars to pay dues for a privately owned company to belong to yet another privately owned company's organization in another county half way across the state helps Elk County's economy. The money is going the out of the county instead of coming into the county. Isn't that reverse Economic Development?

Should our school board be donating money to any business, when they said they could not afford to keep our grade schools open? Shoud a privately owned company even consider asking our school board for money which should be used for our children?

Can Elk Konnected, LLC or the County Commissioners or even the School Board members explain the benefit to the county when the money flows out of the county and away from our childrens education?

Very hard questions aren't they?
Does anyone have any answers?

Seriously, some real answers are welcomed?

Are there any real problem solvers out there and I don't mean visionaries?

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