Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on February 08, 2012, 07:03:08 AM
Diane, how much government help does the public need? 

Is the public so helpless that only you elites by and thru government have the ability to direct the needs of the ignorant masses?
Government people do not think "liberty", except only to take our liberty.

Really Red. My question is, how many years do they have to throw tens of thousands of dollars away onnt something called Elk County Economic Development with nothing getting done before they stop?
The same goes for what I have been mistakenly call Elk County Youth Services. They actually call it Elk County Youth Development. How many tens of thousands do they need to waste on it before they learn?

Where is the youth development in renting a couple of movies. I believe youth development is best left up to the parents to direct. What the heck is youth development to county government? To me it means teaching my child. There are many factors involved in child development. For instance the familys religious beliefs which may include sunday school for the purpose of learning, there is also boy scouts and girl scouts both learning experience. As well as the agriculture groups that are educational. But that would fall under the parents responsibility, not county government.

What is educational or developmental for the children to rent movies for them? Unless they are documentaries.

The county hasn't posted public information on the county web site disclosing public information, so what's the use of paying big gucks for that? 

Nothing below this line is based on fact, just guess. But I think it shows something to think about.

But back to the cost of Economic Development and Youth Development, let's just suppose that it cost the county taxpayer a simple number, a simple guess o f $50,000 thousand a year. And knowing that there are less then 3,000 people, so lets assume that 1,000 of those are property owners.  Since the web site does not provide that public information and it has not moved into the 21st Century, we will just take a guess. That could be possible $50 less tax on everyones property tax. Why, keep wasting the money if we can't get anything for it.

Is it just because, it was all Elk Konnected, LLC's suggestion to the county commissioners?
And aren't two of the County Commissioners Konnected?
Did Elk konnected, LLC sucessfully run their wellness center? I don't think so!
So, how is it then that Elk Konnected should know how to run Elk County Government's business?

Where else could the county be saving money?
Even if they do maybe, eventually get thousands fro the wind farm is that still a good excuse to waste taxpayers dollars?
Isn't the coffers of the County Government the taxpayers funds no matter where they come from?

Am I Still asking vile questions Mr. Commissioner?


Quote from: Ross on February 08, 2012, 01:37:01 PM
Isn't the coffers of the County Government the taxpayers funds no matter where they come from?

Yes, but not in the view of some county paid folks.  I've seen, first hand, the look of amazement on their faces when that concept was presented.  I've heard, first hand, some county officials repeatedly refer to their allocated budget funds as "my money."  I've seen, first hand, impulse purchases based primarily on the question, "do we have the money."  I've seen interdepartmental greed over taxpayer monies in action.  I've seen the ignorance that seems to think that state or federal grant money is 'free money', neglecting that some taxpayer(s) provided it.... therefore it wasn't 'free'.

That, to me, shows that some have no understanding of gravity of 'the public trust', and they should not be in their respective positions.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Sounds like this county needs some changes.

Perhaps some who would consider wasting taxpayers money a no-no.

Perhaps some who would put county business ahead of croynism.

Or any other ism's.

Diane Amberg

Is there anything spent that you wouldn't consider waste? Especially if others see some of the expenditures  as useful ? Is it just a matter in differences in taste? blue VS green?


Quote from: Ross on February 08, 2012, 07:30:46 PM
Sounds like this county needs some changes.
Perhaps some who would consider wasting taxpayers money a no-no.
Perhaps some who would put county business ahead of croynism.
Or any other ism's.

A group of Tax protesters were wounded this morning when a nearby
bridge collapsed into rubble from years and years of neglect.

The collapse also took down a set of power and telephone lines, knocking out service to nearly 1,000 local homes.  "In truth, those lines were ready to fall down on their own," confessed Stu Miller, a county engineer investigating the incident. "We were all kinda surprised they made it this long.  They were put up sometime in the 1950s."

The tax protesters, who call themselves "Tax Freedom for Howard" or T.F.H., were holding a rally in the parking lot near the overpass when it collapsed.  According to eyewitnesses, John Jacob Rosssinsin, the rally's chief organizer, was in the middle of his speech when the incident occurred.  "I believe that taxes, indeed, are the same as stealing from people," said Rosssinsin in his speech.  "We need to slim down government, drastically," he continued, and was then interrupted by the overpass' collapse...Boom!

Rosssinsin was hospitalized, along with 12 others, with very minor injuries and released this afternoon.  The T.F.H. almost immediately announced their rally would be rescheduled "sometime next week.... [and] no where near any crumbling infrastructure."

City officials downplayed the bridge's failure, attributing it to "increasingly robust traffic patterns... that emerge when you have a thriving economy."  "Although this particular collapse is unfortunate," said Howard Mayor, the Mayor of Howard, "as are all the bridges that collapse in our fair city each year, we have to recognize this as a symptom, no matter how terrible, of our city's continued commitment to strong economic growth, a low tax environment, and increased jobs for our hard working citizens."

County engineer Miller, meanwhile, admitted he felt "horrible" over what happened.  "Me and the other two guys in the engineering department, we feel just awful about what happened," Miller said.  "And when they get back from their mandatory furlough in April, you can bet we're gonna go out and do some inspections of the bridges that are still left!"

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 08, 2012, 10:26:27 PM
Is there anything spent that you wouldn't consider waste? Especially if others see some of the expenditures  as useful ? Is it just a matter in differences in taste? blue VS green?

I wasn't talking about what isn't wasted now was I?

But as I asked how many ton's of road gravel could be ppurchased with all that money to repair county roads?
I could also ask county machinery that is broken'down be repaired with that money?
Or couldn't county debt be paid down with that money?

What others seeingthe expenditures as useful are you talking about?
Would that be the five or 6 members of Elk Konnected, LLC that you are refering to?

I think Warph made a very good point in his post directly above this one, don't you?

I believe we need people as commissioners that are biased towards the entire county instead of one little area.

Diane, do you know what Economic Development actually is?
One of our county commissioners actually said at a County Commissioners Meeting that he had no clue, after explaining how difficult it is to explain and that is very complicated, do you understand those remarks?

And then neither of the other county commissioners offered an explanation.

Go figure?


To many elected people, economic growth means to spend government money.

It's Keynesian economics that's promoted and taught in the government schools and that's how most of us are geared.
Indoctrination in the government schools keeps on working.

Is it any wonder that we are losing our liberty?


Personally Red, because a county commissioner said it is very difficult to explain how Economic Development works and that it is very complex, but yet he said he had no clue what it meant, that makes me think it is very simple.

The term Economic Development apparently means a way of pulling the wool over the taxpayers eyes. Pretty simple, huh? Especially since we live in an agricultural county with a very small population?

But you know what Red, that is especially what makes Elk County so special and unique. The agricultural and small population. I did Not mean the attempt of pulling the wool over taxpayers eyes. I personally think we have the very best of quality of life right here, right now. I durn sure wouldn't move back to the city voluntarily.

That's why I have asked Elk Konnected, LLC how and what methods they intend to use to improve the quality of life in our great county. But, I'm sure you notice the lack of answers.

I would almost be willing to bet, if I were a betting man, that certain family or landowners will be asking for property tax breaks and / or county monies to start up their little tourism trail ride, if that is what it is. Most likely they don't need county welfare, either. But we can't get any answers from our elected officials. Is it possibly another one of those beggar your neighbor things,  just asking?

Do you suppose an artisian well and a wind farm are worthy of tourism and county taxpayer money? After all there is a free view of a windmill farm site just a few miles away to go see isn't there?

Why would our County Economic Development employee keep her activities secret from the people she works for, that being you and me and all the other taxpayers.? Could it be something associated with Elk Konnected, LLC and the County Commissioners themselves that are associated with Elk Konnected, LLC?

Do you suppose that is why neither the County Commissioners associated with Elk Konnected, LLC or Elk Konnected, LLC itself will respond in a responsible manner? Do you suppose that's why they won't have an open and honest dialog?

Why did our Elk County Economic Development person say who ever she is working with wants to keep the project secret in case they fail? Who authorized her to enter such a verbal contract on behalf of the taxpayers?

The only thing I would assume, that would remain confidential would be the company's finances if our employee were priviledge to know that information. The type of project and the party she is working with should not be confidential or secret information from the people that employee her, in my opinion, what do you think?

Would any of the Elk County Commissioners please and truthfully explain this? Everyone know's you are reading this and there is nothing secret about this thread. One of you have even posted to this thread, so please come back and clear the air.



Quote from: Ross on February 09, 2012, 09:32:45 AM

I would almost be willing to bet, if I were a betting man, that certain family or landowners will be asking for property tax breaks and / or county monies to start up their little tourism trail ride, if that is what it is. Most likely they don't need county welfare, either. But we can't get any answers from our elected officials. Is it possibly another one of those beggar your neighbor things,  just asking?

You apparently haven't heard.... our county commission is about to enact a new 'tax incentive' program that will provide property tax rebates for 5 to 10 years to anyone who spends more than $10,000 to build/improve their property.  Ms Hendricks is leading this effort which is closely modeled after the Meade County plan that Mr Woodbury of Public Squares is involved with.  I was told, however, that some would like to see the qualification threshold raised to $20,000 minimum.

Now I wonder.... who do we know that might be in a position to spend that much on new improvements.  Just imagine if a private company could get a grant from the ECCEF for $20,000+ to build something new (like a fitness center or tourism operation or RV Park) and then evade avoid the local property taxes through a program like the one being proposed!  Surely no one in Elk County would do something like that.  Why, that would be almost as underhanded as an elected official using their government position to solicit & secure a wind farm that resulted in the official's family (and personal trust) & friends receiving thousands in private lease payments for 20 years!  Or voting to give taxpayer monies to fund the operations of their private LLC.

Wow, Gomer!  What a racket!

That would be... almost... vile.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Much more vile then my asking questions, don't ya think?
Sounds like a beggar they neighbor program to me.
Isn't it time for people to speak out?

To me it sounds like an underhanded way to grab the supposed PILOT the county is to get.
But hey, shouldn't the county have already recieved the start-up funds?

Maybe we will never see a dime?

But there sure appears to be some coniving going on, in my opinion.

Where the County Commissioners with the answers?
Are they hiding out?
We know they are reading this?

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