Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I was reading something on the internet that brought forward the following Children's story. And I thought I'd share the reminder with everyone else out there on the Elk County Forum.

"The Emperor's New Clothes"
Author Hans Christian Andersen

A vain Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire hires two tailors who are really swindlers that promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "just hopelessly stupid". The Emperor cannot see the cloth himself, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor then marches in procession before his subjects, who play along with the pretense. Suddenly, a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but holds himself up proudly and continues the procession, deciding never to be so vain again and to take his position more seriously.

The tale has been adapted to various media, including the musical stage and animated film.

Is it really just a child story?
I'd really like some answers, wouldn't you?
Does anyone have an answer?


The windfarm is now fully operational   http://www.energyboom.com/wind/enel-green-power-brings-online-its-latest-north-american-wind-farm-kansas

And just incase you missed  PrehistoricRez post in September here it is again for you.
Quote from: PrehistoricRez on September 03, 2011, 01:20:17 AM
Thank you PrehistoricRez for that post.

Here are a few notes from that PDF

Landowners who lease land for wind turbines are, generally, "small" "winners" because
they receive income that they would not otherwise have. However:
• The amount of lease income they receive is overwhelmed by the higher electricity
prices that are imposed on electric customers who pay for the "wind farm" output.
(In effect, a "beggar thy neighbor" benefit.• )The landowners may be subject to onerous contract provisions that they do not
recognize when they sign the lease agreements. Also, landowners may find
themselves responsible for the costs of removing ("decommissioning") the huge
structures if they are no longer useful to or are abandoned by the "wind farm"
owner (as occurred in California). These risks will be discussed in more detail later
in this report.
3. Electric customers are big "losers" because they end up paying the higher cost of
electricity produced from the "wind farms."
4. Ordinary taxpayers are big "losers" because they end up bearing the burden of taxes that
are escaped by "wind farm" ownes because of all the available tax breaks and

The PDF also discusses the lack of Economic Development and the Economic Costs of windfarms. It is excellent reading.

Really a good deal our county bought into isn't it. Higher Electric bills and no no electrical benefit form the local windfarm.

Didn't Elk Konnected, LLC with their so called Community Conversations convience us what a good deal it was for our county?

Is it really a good deal?

At least Enid, Oklahoma is getting three times what Elk County is getting, they are getting it for their school district which should benefit the education of their children, don't ya think? And lower property taxes.


Hi Folks,

Good Monday Morning :)

Christmas has come and gone just like New Years has come and gone.
Some people are still on holiday while others are not.
I'm retired and on holiday anytime I want. But, I prefer to keep active and busy on my tiny little
farm/ranch and that way I don't sit around and get fat. I enjoy eating all the holiday cookies
candies and such, oh yea, I do! I put on 6 pounds over the holidays lounging around eating those goodies.

But, do I need our County Commissioner's Elk Konnected, LLC which failed at running a Wellness Center in Howard to motivate me to loose the excess weight I put on. Naw, I don't think so. Some funky little contest mimicked from a television show. Not even an origininal idea and not even mimicked very well. The tv show at least displays what they are doing, they show the people working out, they show the actual weight loss. If you sign up With Elk Konnected, LLC for a price they will let you use the Wellness Center that they could not operate successfully and sold to private individuals. How sweet is that? Will Elk Konnected provide cheerleaders like the TV show?

Mrs. County Councilwoman, just a curiosity question for you if you please. How much did you sell the Wellness center for? How much profit was made on it? Wasn't all the equipment purchased with handout money, donations that were suppose to be for a good cause? How much did that sale boost, what I believe you said was the $85,000 you have been operating on? Please correct me if I misstated the figure.

And what about all that good that Elk Konnected, LLC said they wanted to do for the children of Elk County. Is it because it's winter the children don't need anything? Oh, yea it looked like a few priviledged children were taken to Wichita to see the Nut Cracker to acquire some culture. Really? Culture? Really?

What I'm asking about are the few children that don't have runnung water or maybe heat in their homes? Did Elk Konnected, LLC help any children with Christmas presents of warm clothes or coats? Or does Elk Konnected, LLC only do in the summer when the communities have their festivals? Is that because that is the only time that Elk Konnected, LLC can get County Tax dollars to offer up the Elk Konnected, LLC lollipops. Don't you think Mrs. County Commissioner that perhaps the Communities could use those same County tax dollars to improve their own festivals?

Don't you suppose Mrs. County Commissioner that Elk Konnected, LLC could leave the County Tax payers money alone and use their own money that is being held by Elk County Community & Education Fund, you know the real and registered non-profit organization and let the communities use the County taxpayers dollars as they see fit for their festival's?

I wish you luck dealing with the fat people with your the Greatest Loser contest. I sure hope it does better than the Baseball Tournament or the Walk to Florida. Maybe the Visionaries Konnected with Elk Konnected, LLC will have more luck with the Fat People and figure how how to motivate them. I hope you have a turn out of at least 30 people, that would be about 1% of the county population. We can guess that at least 10% are over weight right? So a 1% turn out of thirty people should be pretty easy to accomplish for all those Visionaries? Go Visionaries Go! We are Cheering you on.

Mrs. County Commissioner can't you carry on the open honest dialog  you have so often said you would? Or do you lack the couth, tact and diplomacy or is it a lack of integrity or too lazy? What is the problem with talking and having an open honest dialog? Is it not possible for a politician? ???  ???


Well Happy New Year Mrs. County Commissioner I saw that much larger advertisement for the Largest Loser Contest you are running. Perhaps being so much larger than the one you put in the last edittion of the paper last year, well, perhaps it will attract more attention. So, I was wondering if you got any responses. I mean after all you offered to let people use someone else's business for a price to help them lose weight. Aperson would thing people would flock in for that offer, right?

That's the business that Elk Konnected, LLC started and could not mamage to keep running. I think it is a terrific think of you to try to boost business at that place. Good job, keep up the good work.. I'm still waiting for some of that honest open dialog with your Elk Konnected, LLC so how about it?

How about telling us about the baseball league you set up, how did that turn out?

Let's try something easy, shall we?

Who participated in that Walk to Florida, or whatever it was called? I missed what that was all about!

How many have signed up for the Largest Loser Contest?

What are the prizes?

How about giving us the scoop on what's happening with the Largest Loser Contest?

Oh, Mrs. County Commissioner on county business are we gonna restructure the districts this year?


Well, I just feel a need to post today and you will see why as you read along. And no you probably won't read any word of this in the Elk County Commissioners Meeting Minutes because it is not required to be in there.

First, I don't demand that you believe anything I write, I don't even ask that you believe anything that I write.
Second, I don't demand that you read this thread or to even ask you to read this thread.
All of that is strictly your decision.

I do believe, I am just as entitled to my opinion as anyone else in Elk County taxpayer or not.
I don't believe anyone is being forced to read this vile opinion.
I will discuss this vile thingy as I go along.

I also don't believe the taxpayers of this county care to see our tax dollars wasted, please correct me if I am wrong.

Folks, I have tried real hard to remain civil. Oh sure, I'm human and on a couple of occasions I have got perturbed with a with a few comments thrown my way. For instance when someone told me that this subject was bad for my health, sounded kinda like a backhanded death threat to me from an Elk Konnected, LLC follower, and I said so. The responder tried to make light of it, but I let it go. They have no idea what is good or bad for my health. I was also told by a follower that everything I post is being printed and that I could face a lawsuit. Well, guess what folks, I'm still here and I haven't been sued and my health has not been affected.

I Haven't done any thing wrong by addressing Elk Konnected, LLC with a few honest questions, which by the way appears lead by it's founder, Our County Commissioner Liz (Perkins) Hendricks and staffed by Dr. Whetstone (Perkins) and Julie Perkins, oh least I forget our County Economic Development and Youth Services Employee along with a couple of other volunteers. It also appears to be Supported by and Defended by Elk County Commissioner Liebau. Elk Konnected, LLC a private company doesn't mind coming before the County Commissioner Board meeting's with their hand out for taxpayers money. I believe, that money could be used far better by the actual, you know the real communities in Elk County, rather than an imaginary Elk Konnected Kommunity, don't you? It is the actual communities that put on the festivals that I enjoy going to? Why not let them have the money to enhance their festivals as they see fit? Instead of the money being used for advertisement for Elk Konnected, LLC by them handing out lollipops with a sign attached saying Elk Konnected?

Well, trying to keep moving along. As I stated above, I don't believe anyone wants to see taxpayers money wasted.

I attended the Elk County Commissioners meeting on Monday January 10, 2012 and when they opened the meeting with the community forum and asked if anyone had anything, I responded that I do. I told County Commissioner Chairman Liebau that I wondered why we had an Elk County Economic Development Employee (that's a part time position).  We were without one for sometime and having one now doesn't appear to make any difference.  (Her pay could I believe could be considered an economic cost that is a waste of money.) I said, I haven't seen one single thing done in two years towards Economic Development. Now folks none of this is  verbatim but Mr. Liebau's response went something like this: Mr. Ross it's like this, it is a very complex operation and it is very difficult to explain. I asked Mr. Leibau if he could define what Economic Development was. He said, "I have no clue Mr. Ross would you tell me!". So I gave a simple answer to bring jobs into the county. I also said, I haven't seen even a simple thing done like a web page on our Elk County Web site. County Commissioner Liebau asked our Economic Development employee if the new website was up and running yet. In my opinion, I really never received an answer.

Now, let me ask you folks out there, what difference does that make? The old web site has been available all his time and paid for by taxpayers dollars and a web page had at one time been posted there for Elk Konnected. LLC until Mr. Liebau's aunt complained at a County Commissioners meeting. So folks, why couldn't a web page for Elk County Economic Development have been established there a long time ago? A relatively simple thing to do. We the taxpayers are paying for at least that much.  For Economic Development there is Economic Cost that come out of our taxes to pay for the employee and the employee's budget. What good is all that money doing for the taxpayer?  

Big question, what are we getting for the Economic Cost  of Economic Development?

Couldn't the money be better used for road maintenance or lowering taxes?
How many tons of road gravel could be purchased with the money?

Well anyway, I switched over to the subject of the Elk County Youth Services Employee (part time position also). (This position was proposed by Elk Konnected, LLC and voted on by at least two Commissioners with ties to the Company.) At any rate I said, I haven't seen a thing being done for the youth of our county by this person at all this fall or winter on the weekends. So I asked, way do we need to be paying for this position? I also stated that is appeared the employee did more work for Elk Konnected, LLC during the summer months then for the county. At which point County Commissioner Liebau said, "I will DEFEND Elk Konnected. Elk Konnected does a lot of good things for Elk County."  That was not the subject in my mind, the subject was the employment of a Youth Services Employee. So Elk Konnected, LLC was not a point to discuss, it just that it appeared that our employee worked more for them, then for the County? County Commissioner Liebau then asked the Youth Services Employee what she was doing for the youth of the county. Remember now, nothing has happened all fall and winter, and please remember she is on the Elk Konnected, LLC steering Committee. But now because being asked, all of a sudden now we are told there are plans. They are planning to rent some movies. Someone else took the ball at this point and I (really actually) kept quiet for awhile.

There appeared to be a lot of confusion on the part of the Elk County Youth Services Employee about who pays for her travel expenses. If I recall right she said some times the Elk County does and sometimes Elk Konnected, LLC does and sometimes she does and that it just depends. (Whatever that means! Perhaps it's another one of those different things County Commissioner Hendricks talks about when talking about the County tax coffers, I don't know). But I find it very confusing because to me there just doesn't appear to be a clear line between Elk County Government and Elk Konnected, LLC. It appears to me to be Elk Konnected, LLC County Government. What do you think?

And then the discussion went to Economic Development and I was still being quiet. I heard the Economic Development (partime)/Youth Services Employee (also partime) say's she was working on something, with someone who wanted to remain secret in case the thing fell through. I'm thinking huh? I didn't speak up and perhaps I should have. Perhaps, I should have asked who authorized such secret activity? Perhaps, I should have asked when did we elect any secret keeping Elk County Commissioners? Why would they have to keep secret, that perhaps a major firm is considering moving here? That in itself would not be disclosing anything, now would it? Actually, I think that is probably a cover up for something else, perhaps for someone more on the local level, otherwise there would be no need for secrecy would there? If the people thought their plans were going to fall through, they probably wouldn't put out money to progress the project, would they? So what really is going on? What are our Employee and Elected officials hiding from us? What else are they possibly hiding? Perhaps our County Commissioners will come forward and clear the air, right here on the forum? Please consider this an invite from at least one taxpayer to clue us in.

Oh, well! County Commissioner Liebau then asked what else she had been doing. She responded that she had been taking care of calls from the workers at the Wind Farm about where to rent a place to live, where to eat, where to buy fuel etc. And County Commissioner Liebau asked me directly if that answered my question. I said that just sounds like a phone book and a real estate agent, so no. I didn't say it then but I'll say it now, that was good Public Relation work on her part and that is good for our image to a small degree.

Now comes the vile part and I apologize for not remembering exactly when it was said. However, County Commissioner Leibau made the remark,  "Everyone knows you've got it out for Elk Konnected". and also "Your posts on the Forum are vile." I responded with "Vile",  and then I said "I have always tried to be as polite as possible." And County Commissioner Liebau said that's your opinion." And we were done. I was not the least bit offended because he is entitled to his opinion just as I and everyone else is. At one time he had told us he did not have time to read the forum, but this remark about my post being "vile" seems to say otherwise, so Commissioner Liebau I am asking you to be more specific. Please tell me and the readers which definition of the word vile are you referring to? Go ahead, have at me.

Is it the truths that you find "vile" ?
Is it the question's that you find "vile"  ?
Is it the fact that people have the right to post their opinion's "vile" ?

I am not asking anyone to believe anything I say on this forum, I am just giving my opinion and asking questions?

Thank you.

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about their actual goals and how they plan to implement them. It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of empirical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of one way communication such as a newspaper, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??


Well, I think we have achieved transparency from our County Commissioners to a minor degree.
County Commissioner Liebau in my opinion has made it real clear his association with the private company Elk Konnected, LLC openly on at least two occassions during County Commissioners meetings and it appears to me County Commissioner Hendricks has claimed to be the founder of the private company Elk Konnected, LLC and on what I consider their board of governors called a steering committee. I see no difference between a board of governors and a steering committee except for the words that are used. If I am wrong please correct me and explain.

When asked about what our thousands of dollars are paying for in having to pay for a Youth Services/Economic Development Employee there were in my opinion no --- none --- zip answers to support the continuation of such waste of Elk County Tax Payers Money.  Do you suppose we especially continue the waste of money for a Youth Services Employee, who has done nothing all fall and up to this point of this winter soley for the reason that Elk Konnected, LLC suggested that we need such a position and that  two County Commissioners that support Elk Konnected, LLC  refuse to recognize the waste of money?

Oh, least we forget, it was said at the last County Commissioners meeting that Youth Services is now planning to rent movies and start showing them to the youth on weekends. That's really great, rent movies ---- something that can be done on any television set ? Is there a real need to do movies that can be rented for a dollar at Red Box or elsewhere? Is that really worth thousands of taxpayers dollars in salary? Is that really worth, possibly, thousands of taxpayers dollars for a budget for this position?  Really?

When asked about Elk County Economic Development again, in my opinion, I heard absolutley nothing that supports this great expenditure of taxpayers dollars. I heard an excuse in the form of a question, and that being, "is the new web site up yet?" We have hear that before, haven't we? How many more times will we hear that?

County Commissioner Hendricks did mention that the budget for Youth Services/Economic Development was only $10,000. I didn't clearly understand if that was for the two positions or, for one or the other, or $10,000 for each. Perhaps one of the commissioners would come on board and clear that up for us? Let's communicate Commissioners.

Where is the full transparency in our local Elk County Government? We were told at that last County Commissioner's meeting that our Elk County Economic Development Employee was working in secret with someone at their request. Do we pay this person to work for someone else and they tell her she has to keep secrets from the people that pay her salary. Who pay's her salary, isn't it you and me with our taxes? Doesn't that make you and me her employeer? Is that really worth thousands of taxpayers dollars in salary? Is that really worth, possibly, thousands of taxpayers dollars for a budget for this position?  Really?

Let's back up to that County Web site, what do say? The thousands of dollars spent on 21st Century technology and especially the internet why isn't it put to good use for the taxpayer --- you and me. There is so much public information that could posted on our web site that is missing it's pathetic. The Minutes of the County Commissioners Meetings could be posted there, the County budget could be posted there, tax assements could be posted there. And I am sure I am missing other information that could be posted there. This would make things much more convient for the taxpayer versus having to drive to the court house and have to inconvience an employee to wait on you and themn provide the information. It would be the GREEN thing to do by saving gasoline to drive to the court house.

Don't we pay our county commissioners and isn't their job to keep us informed and to answer questions openly and honestly during a dialog. I unnderstand that commissioner Liebau finds my post's vile, and I appreciate his opinion, and as far as I am concerned he is welcome to it. No offense taken on my part, because I find some honesty in it. Don't you?

Still waiting for some logical answers, but enjoying this terrific weather we are having today, so I am going outside and really enjoy the weather. Bye-bye for now.


Well, I think we have achieved transparency from our County Commissioners to a minor degree.
County Commissioner Liebau in my opinion has made it real clear his association with the private company Elk Konnected, LLC openly on at least two occassions during County Commissioners meetings and it appears to me County Commissioner Hendricks has claimed to be the founder of the private company Elk Konnected, LLC and on what I consider their board of governors called a steering committee. I see no difference between a board of governors and a steering committee except for the words that are used. If I am wrong please correct me and explain.

When asked about what our thousands of dollars are paying for in having to pay for a Youth Services/Economic Development Employee there were in my opinion no --- none --- zip answers to support the continuation of such waste of Elk County Tax Payers Money.  Do you suppose we especially continue the waste of money for a Youth Services Employee, who has done nothing all fall and up to this point of this winter soley for the reason that Elk Konnected, LLC suggested that we need such a position and that  two County Commissioners that support Elk Konnected, LLC  refuse to recognize the waste of money?

Oh, least we forget, it was said at the last County Commissioners meeting that Youth Services is now planning to rent movies and start showing them to the youth on weekends. That's really great, rent movies ---- something that can be done on any television set ? Is there a real need to do movies that can be rented for a dollar at Red Box or elsewhere? Is that really worth thousands of taxpayers dollars in salary? Is that really worth, possibly, thousands of taxpayers dollars for a budget for this position?  Really?

When asked about Elk County Economic Development again, in my opinion, I heard absolutley nothing that supports this great expenditure of taxpayers dollars. I heard an excuse in the form of a question, and that being, "is the new web site up yet?" We have hear that before, haven't we? How many more times will we hear that?

County Commissioner Hendricks did mention that the budget for Youth Services/Economic Development was only $10,000. I didn't clearly understand if that was for the two positions or, for one or the other, or $10,000 for each. Perhaps one of the commissioners would come on board and clear that up for us? Let's communicate Commissioners.

Where is the full transparency in our local Elk County Government? We were told at that last County Commissioner's meeting that our Elk County Economic Development Employee was working in secret with someone at their request. Do we pay this person to work for someone else and they tell her she has to keep secrets from the people that pay her salary. Who pay's her salary, isn't it you and me with our taxes? Doesn't that make you and me her employeer? Is that really worth thousands of taxpayers dollars in salary? Is that really worth, possibly, thousands of taxpayers dollars for a budget for this position?  Really?

Let's back up to that County Web site, what do say? The thousands of dollars spent on 21st Century technology and especially the internet why isn't it put to good use for the taxpayer --- you and me. There is so much public information that could posted on our web site that is missing it's pathetic. The Minutes of the County Commissioners Meetings could be posted there, the County budget could be posted there, tax assements could be posted there. And I am sure I am missing other information that could be posted there. This would make things much more convient for the taxpayer versus having to drive to the court house and have to inconvience an employee to wait on you and then provide the information. It would be the GREEN thing to do, by saving gasoline that would be used to drive to the court house.

Don't we pay our county commissioners and isn't their job to keep us informed and to answer questions openly and honestly during a dialog. I unnderstand that commissioner Liebau finds my post's vile, and I appreciate his opinion, and as far as I am concerned he is welcome to it. No offense taken on my part, because I find some honesty in it. Don't you?

Still waiting for some logical answers, but enjoying this terrific weather we are having today, so I am going outside and really enjoy the weather. Bye-bye for now.


I find it interesting that Mrs. Montgomery (formerly Brummel) told the county last Monday (Jan 9) that the new website would be up and online by Tuesday (Jan 10).  I just looked at www.elkcounty.org and see that the website is still not up!  I believe that we are paying iGOV websites (a private concern at www.igovwebsites.com) to develop/host our website.  This project has been ongoing for several months. Why the delay? 

We had/have the same illogical delays with the courthouse boiler installation & phone systems.  Why? 

We have had the same delays in dealing with insurance programs for county employees and with pay raises for employees who haven't seen a pay increase in 4 or 5 years.  Why?

We have the same delays with updates about the Caney River windfarm completion & PILOT payments.  Why?

Why are the always lots of good questions and a shortage of good answers?  Everything seems to wait until the last minute.  Why?  Perhaps one reason Elk County is shrinking is that our leaders/public servants always wait until the last minute to get their work done.

I wonder how Mrs Montgomery can continue to draw $2000 + a month from the taxpayers and be at the center of so many delays.  Perhaps if her office weren't so cluttered with stacks of Elk Konnected flyers, brochures, cards and other private company materials, or perhaps if she weren't being reimbursed for time & mileage to drive around putting up Elk Konnected flyers she could focus more on county business.

Good Lord folks, don't you deserve better?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Good Lord Patriot how vile of you. To ask questions so politely. LOL
Perhaps that's why our Elk County Economic Development/Youth Services Employee did not ask for a pay raise when everyone else did. You know all the delays and unanswered questions, don't you think?


I do want to say that when I started up my daycare in 2005, I used the assistance of the Elk County Economic Director, who was at the time Charles Durbin. He was vital in helping me open the daycare, set up my business plan, and a load of things that I really had no idea of at the time. And yes, I am no longer in business, but that is of my own choice. I am currently student teaching in which I will graduate in May with a Masters in Special Education. My whole point being that the one of the many duties of the Economic director is to assist people who need help in starting up businesses in Elk County. Now, you might ask or think that it doesn't take alot to start up a daycare, but to do it legally it sure does.

Again, I am just letting you know that they did help me.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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