Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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 I just started a new thread
West Elk Audit and Survey here is a quote of the first page.

Click on quote author=Ross link jst below to go to that thread.
Quote from: Ross on October 25, 2011, 08:15:20 PM
It was just reported to me by a reliable source that regularly attends the West Elk Schoool board meetings that there is an audit and public survey happening right now.

The public survey is located at http://westelk.us/we1/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Itemid=55
on the right hand side of the page.

The reason for posting this is because I was told that Mr. Reese our school superintendent and our paid employee, paid by our property taxes said something to the effect that he did not want the general public to know about this survey, only select people, such as parents of students, teachers and faculty, I would sure like to know why, wouldn't you?

Is it for control?
Is it Elk Konnected, LLC at work?
Isn't the School Board President also on the Steering Committee of the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC?
Isn't there other board members also on the Steering Committee of the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC?
Does our hired employee the school Superintendent Mr. Reese have an affiliation with  the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC?

When can we start trusting our elected officials and hired help?

Feed back, answers appreciated.


Where is Elk Konnected, LLC and County Commissioner Hendricks?
Don't you want to get Connected and have a meaningful, honest dialog as Steering Committee David Whetstone
discussed at the last meeting you had in Grenola?
You have been here, so, where are you?
Are you going to fail at getting connected like you failed at running your community wellness and enrichment network?

Let's get connected?


Haven't you noticed this thread has been Read 43487 times.

County Commissioner Hendricks has anything Elk Konnected, LLC
done been that successful in getting people connected?

These are some very good stat's, don't you think?

Does Elk Konnected, LLC really want to get Connected with the Real Elk County Community or
IMHO just with their imaginary Konnected Community?

What better way for you to connect then right here?

County Commissioner you visited here on one occassion and that really rolled the numbers up, do you understand the value in that?

Come on back Commissioner, please and talk with the people you work for.

Or is it that you can't stand the heat?


Good heavens people!  

First we have Saul Alinsky style ad hominem attacks of folks on this forum who question Elk Konnected.  Some attacks by people with no local skin in this game at all.

Next we get a totally useless article in the paper a couple of months back that claims to tell folks 'Who Owns Elk Konnected".  But didn't.  Side note... what a waste of good ink, Rudy.

Then there comes a Kommunity Konversation in Grenola attended by about 38 people (1/3 interested residents, 2/3 Elk Konnected members & backers, and 3/4 of the county Sheriff's department on the taxpayer nickle and some local kids) where the prepared answers were often incomplete & nervously read, sometimes inaccurate, often incoherent, even demonstrated as inaccurate and leaves much unanswered (or 'in the parking lot as they called it).  Generally about as satisfying as a stale, dry cookie without milk.

Next were 3 or 4 posts here by County Commissioner/Public Square Paid Facilitator/Elk Konnected Guru Liz Hendricks that clarified nothing.

Now we get a regurgitation of some of the prepared Grenola statements in the Rudy run paper.  Standing behind the safety of of the newspaper issuing top down dictates of the same half truths and selective answers that are hallmarks of the Elk Konnected & Public Square Communities community organization methods.  Talk about hiding.

Honest dialogue is NOT a one way, top down conversation or even 'round table' Post-It note ballots.  Stop with the liberal hide and seek games of public manipulation, Elk Konnected.  Your haphazard attempts to 'organize' our community are clearly nothing more than failed attempts to implement change that is to your elitist liking with the use of using emotionally charged pleas, highly controlled 'debate', one-way branding through media all with other peoples money.
Let the American system work... stop hiding behind press releases, self praising magazine articles and 'facilitated' meetings stacked with your supporters (organizers)... get out here in the open and debate the facts.  After 5 years of 'fixing' Elk County, you apparently have little to show for your efforts (and our money).  Now the court of public opinion is in session...  And you're missing.

Stay connected, citizens, this is your community, your children's future, your local governments, and your money we're talking about.

Side note... Rudy Taylor, you missed covering the Kansas Attorney General's revealing discussions of crime in our county & state, potential increased property taxation by school boards and other important issues at the Howard Library last week.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That was definitely some newspaper article, this week wasn't it? You will need the newspaper article to follow my questions, because Elk Konnected won't communicate and Konnect or engage with the citizens of Elk County on this forum, do you reckon they are afraid of the true community of concerned citizens?

Do you really believe all that stuff they want you to believe?

If you do, perhaps you should re-read it again?

Paragraph Number One

Elk Konnected  says they became an LLC/Corporation to protect it's members from the citizens of Elk County for liability. That's cool. Who protects the Citizens? Who protects the children form Elk Konnected, LLC?

What the heck is the difference between managing members and a board of governors?

What do they mean if there was a profit? How do we know that there wasn't a profit and that you don't pay yourself directly or indirectly? Where are the records?
Wait a minute doesn't Public Square Communities Pay our County Commissioner Hendricks or is she working for them for free as a volunteer? Didn't taxpayers monies from the County Coffers go to pay Public Squares Communities? Don't you think perhaps some of that goes towards County Commissioners wages as their employee?

Paragraph Number Two (a)
Who are the members of the steering committee?

Personally I believe they have changed the period of time on the steering committee from two years to there years, because I seem to remember reading that 2 years was the limit. So after it was brought to light that at least two of them had already exceeded that limit by several years they change it, IMHO. Note those that have exceeded even three year limit remain on. But hey a privately owned LLC/Corporation has every right to do that, right? But IMHO it is wrong if they say the Elk County citizens are members and won't discuss it with us, don't you?

Who really cares who the Steering Committee members are, the fact is they are called MEMBERS.
Weren't we told earlier there were no members? That's what matters.  At the so called Community Conversation one of the Steering Committee openly stated that they were just stupid volunteers. I took that to mean they could not answer questions without prepared speeches for them to read, what do you think?
Any remarks made outside of reading the statements provided to the volunteers were mainly answered by the Founder//County Commissioner  Hendricks. If I remember right she even corrected David Whetstone a couple of times. That to me shows only one person is Elk Konnected our County Commissioner Hendricks, what do you think?

Paragraph Number Two (b)
How are records of meetings kept.

Notes given to each member. If it is owned by the Community way isn't the community provided the same information? Oh, wait a minute everything is done secretly right. Just like the list on page one of this thread? Nobody know who suggested what on that list, nobody right, no names were given, taken or written down? So where are the records for the Elk County Community?   Or are you talking about an imaginary Elk Konnected Community? Please be precise?

Paragraph Number Two (c)
Who does the steering Committee report to?

They say they receive no Specific Instructions from Public Squares Communities, LLC ?


Doesn't Public Squares Communities, LLC tell you that you have to receive funds from the County Government, and School Board and Business and City Governments and other entities? Yes, I think they do, I read it on their web site, didn't  I?

And doesn't Public Squares Community, LLC's  professional facilitator control everything at the so Called Community Conversations. Don't they even call the sheriff if something is asked of Elk Konnected, LLC and run that person off instead of having an honest open dialog/conversation? Isn't that a negative attitude on the part of Elk Konnected, LLC? And you talk about the Elk County Citizens have a negative attitude, don't you?

You know two negatives do not a positive make. Yes, it was me that politely asked to speak publicly with your professional facilitator and he politely said outside then he politely raised hies microphone to his mouth and politely said where is the sheriff. So I politely left. The sheriff saw no problem and never arrested me. See where this is going? Elk Konnected and Public Square Community, LLC's professional facilitator in total control of the so Called Community Conversation in little circles so a person on the other side of the room has no idea what is going on, and you can't ask questions, just do what you are told to do, right?

Paragraph Two (d)
Is Elk Konnected, LLC owned

Elk Konnected, LLC says "From a visioning stand point , it is owned by the community to the extent that the community participates. What does that mean?

I feel I am participating in Elk Konnected, LLC By asking them to return to this thread and engaging the actual Elk County citizens in an open, honest dialog.

I also have a vision that Elk Konnected, LLC will eventually oblige that request? How's that for a vision?
Now, I believe that is really trying to get Konnected, don't you think?

Paragraph Three (a)
Does Elk Konnected, LLC receive funds from the County Government
(Our tax dollars.)

Elk Konnected, LLC now says Elk Konnected, LLC  has asked for donations to help pay fees to Public
Squares Communities, LLC (which is mandated by  Public Squares Communities, LLC isn't it?). Wait a minute Elk Konnected, LLC  said earlier that Public Square Community, LLC's  doesn't tell them what to do, right?

Their statement about the Park and Recreation doesn't mention making money available to Privately owned LLC's or Corporations now does it?

It also doesn't make reference to two Elk Konnected County Commissioners voting to give their LLC money from the County Coffers, does it?

They keep refereeing to the tax money as funds only to confuse matters don't they?  

If it is in the Elk County Coffers it is from taxes and it doesn't matter where it comes from, now does it?

Paragraph 3(b)
How is money spent?

They remind us, "(again a tax on the sale of alcohol at Flint Oak}" Why do they do that? Trying to confuse the issue? It is taxpayers money collected inside Elk County and is placed in the County Coffers. Strictly tax payers dollars and nothing more or less. Why, cause I believe it is illegal for any County Government to earn money, the counties can only tax.  

Paragraph Four A
Paid County Employee as Economic Development an Youth Activities Director.

Does she work for the County or for Elk Konnected, LLC? Does she spend her County work hours working for Elk Konnected, LLC?

I did not know that our County Government needed to partner with any privately owned LLC or Corporation?

How many other LLC's or Corporations has our county partnered with and why?

Elk Konnected, LLC
Says they don't care who gets credit for as long as their activities are pursued, how nice of them?

But if you look at the paper it is the Elk Konnected Softball Tournament but I am assuming there is no County Tax Payers Money involved because to enter it cost you the participant $150. The reason I mention the article is because I approve pay your own way as Elk Konnected, LLC. I am anxious to see how that works out for Elk konnected, LLC,. Perhaps they can find a way to be self sufficient, like I am, I earn my money.

Paragraph Five A
Why did EK leave the Elk County Forum?

Negativity was the excuse and the negative talk between neighbors, give me a break. What is on the forum are concerned citizens and Elk Konnected, LLC and people that are only reading the forum to learn more, and hoping for honest answers, I believe. Heck, I and Hefe de vaca have had words on here, yet when I met him in Howard just a few days ago, I instantly took a liking to him and we tend to disagree on Elk Knnected. And guess what Hefe didn't deck me. LOL  

But how much more negative can you get then using a negative answer to the question?
What a negative attitude for Elk Konnected, LLC huh?

However, the truth and I quote County Commissioner Hendricks who was on here just on October 6th , 2011
Read the whole think if you like by clicking on the first line of the quote. And other Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee Members have been on here.

Quote from: L Hendricks on October 06, 2011, 07:37:43 PM
1) One of the reasons I have not read or posted on the forum personally is because of the amount of time and energy it takes to read the post and then post honest facts.  Plus it seems that facts keep getting repeated, but they aren't the answers people are wanting.

She is perfectly right sometimes it is difficult to, "post honest facts".
And the answers that are repeated are definitely not the answers to the questions posted, therefore not acceptable. But  ask yourself what is the real reason for no wanting to be Konnected on the forum?
Is it they don't like feed back except in privacy? Is it that they don't want to answer questions that show their negative side?  Is it because they don't appreciate constructive criticism? Why? What is the real truth?

Paragraph Six A
Why did Ek use The County's web site

Elk Konnected, LLC didn't even ask permission, I am sure if they had, they would have been told they could have a link like everyone else, right? Not complete control of the web site.

But hey it was County Commissioner Liebeau's aunt that went before the County Commissioners and confronted her nephew. Kudo's to her? We need an honest person like her on the Commissioners panel don't you think?.

Paragraph Six B
Why did EK  use The County's reverse 911  

Elk Konnected brought us this system. Really,  thought it was County Commissioners and Taxpayers dollars. But it is a County resource that cost us all money on our taxes.

Did It ever did belong to Elk Konnected, LLC to use as they see fit?

What part or reverse 911 do they not understand?

911  Means emergency not games.

It is for emergencies only as determined by County Government not by Elk Konnected, LLC, right?

But you know it's kinda nice of them to offer up a sorta back handed acceptance of responsibility of wrong doing, what do you think?

So Elk Konnected, LLC come on and get Konnected won't you?

Stop hiding behind one way communications by using you affiliate the newspaper.

Stop with the excuses, those are just negative on your part in my opinion?

Come one come all Elk konnected, LLC Have an honest and open and meaningful dialog while getting Konnected.

We are not going away.

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about their actual goals. It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of empirical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of one way communication such as a newspaper, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??


How about some methodical review....

Since Elk Konnected operated as an unregistered entity (not a legal partnership, association, corporation, LLC, etc) in Kansas during the years 2007, 2008 and part of 2009, it was, by default, a sole proprietorship.  Who was that sole proprietor?

How much money has EK received 2007 to date from taxpayer (government) sources (i.e. Kansas Commerce Department, Elk County, various city governments)?

How much money has EK paid to Public Square Communities, LLC (and its predecessor Kansas Communities, LLC) from 2007 to date?

How much of those monies paid to Public Square Communities came from taxpayer funds?  Detailed figures, please.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


OK, let's try this....

What are the detailed expenditures made by EK from 2007 that directly relate to economic development and youth activities inside Elk County and what are the expected long term outcomes of those expenditures?

Come on, Elk Konnected, you really DO care about Elk County, right?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on October 25, 2011, 05:11:36 PM
As a side note, at the time of those posts & that meeting, Elk Konnected was not registered as an LLC with the State of Kansas.  It would have been, most literally, a sole proprietorship.  Now, who would that sole proprietor have been?  A sole proprietor who, by the way, appears to have received some $9000+ from the Elk County Community Education Foundation, which was founded by....... 

Redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top?

so you're cool with republicans doing this at the national level but when it filters down to your backyard you want something done.  Good luck
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on November 01, 2011, 11:15:09 PM
so you're cool with republicans doing this at the national level but when it filters down to your backyard you want something done.  Good luck

I haven't a clue what you are rambling about.  Then again, you probably haven't a clue as to what I'm talking about.  Perhaps you should try to antagonize me in another area.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Anmar on November 01, 2011, 11:15:09 PM
so you're cool with republicans doing this at the national level but when it filters down to your backyard you want something done.  Good luck

Perhaps you desire PLUTOCRACY?

If you are actually talking about, "Redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top?" Is it right in your opinion?

Is it what you want for our home county?

OR, Perhaps whatever you are talking about has been going on at the national level, look what this has got us.

Our country at risk becoming a third world country.

Possibly a serious depression soon.

But, as of right now a serious financial crisis dependent on other countries.

Millions of people unemployed.

Millions of people homeless.

College kids with big educational loans and debts they can't pay for because there are no jobs for them. Where are all those scholarships that makes college free?

It has happened all because of that different thingy IMHO.

Is all that good for our country? WOULD IT BE GOOD FOR OUR COUNTY

If problems are headed off at the local level,
perhaps then local politicians don't have to worry about
getting caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

And then they could apply pressure on those above them that do, and then get them to do the right things.

Yea, let's clean it up. Self help starts at home.

And Elk County is home.
So, yea. I'm all for that aren't you? Not in my back yard. NIMBY

I am not cool with republicans doing this, whatever this is.
Nor, do I approve of anybody else doing this, whatever this is.
No I am not impressed, nor do I approve.

Yes, NIMBY here at home in Elk County sounds real good to me,
far better
than, that different thingy.

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