Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 21, 2011, 01:21:33 PM
You should know  all about strange questions.   I think you have the market cornered.  The Rossopoly of inquirey.

That sounds just like another Perkins defense and I wounder why" When I am asking about Elk konnected, LLC and not about the Perkins?

Why are you so defensive?


I just read the following from an Experienced Non-Profit Finance Specialist:

In the US and many other nations, a non-profit organization is required to have a governing body, a Board of Directors (BOD). This  requirement is universal. It is the governing board that is ultimately responsible for any and all actions of the entity. Many Board's elect to hire staff to perform certain duties, but in the end, all responsibility rests with the governing body, as that governing body is the organization.

Since there doesn't appear to be a board of directors with Elk Konnected, LLC, and they state they are partnered with Elk County Community and Education Foundation at PO Box 956, Howard, KS 67349 would anyone care to tell us if their board of directors is also the Elk Konnected, LLC's Board of Directors?

Is it too difficult for an organization that says they are our organization to open up to the publis?


Just an information tidbit.

How to Form a Board of Directors
By an eHow Contributor
Whether you've just formed a nonprofit or incorporated your business,
you're required by law to have a board of directors as your governing
body. A board's structure and personality varies widely: Do you want
a hands-on working board, or big names that lend credibility to fundraising?
Hold casual or by-the-book meetings? The task is to recruit
a board that works well with your organization's style and mission.

1 Specify the board's rules of operation in the corporate bylaws. This document details items such as the number of board members, length of terms, officer positions and meeting conduct.

2 Determine the desired skill set before you begin recruiting. If your corporation lacks financial savvy, recruit an accountant. Plagued by personnel problems? A human resources specialist would make a good addition. Gather a well-rounded board that works effectively toward your organization's goals. See 374 Sharpen the Focus of an Organization.

3 Invite board candidates to the next meeting and see if there is a good fit in person as well as on paper. This also enables candidates to ask questions of the board and confirm their commitment.

4 Ensure that the board stays on track by clarifying its responsibilities. These generally include defining the organization's mission, selecting and evaluating an executive officer, raising funds, and enhancing the organization's public image. Boards are typically required to record minutes of meetings and keep them on file.

5 Establish committees when issues become too complex or numerous for the entire board to handle effectively. Divide-andconquer strategies can make better use of members' time and expertise. Have at least two members--this can include staff and volunteers--on each committee.

Read more: How to Form a Board of Directors | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_138781_form-board-directors.html#ixzz1N5vqx2Hu


Quote from: Patriot on May 22, 2011, 08:54:35 AM
Dr. David Whetstone, DVM
Associate Veterinarian
Countryside Pet Clinic
Andover, KS

Chair. Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Yes, the rain was very helpful, but I'd take tad more.

Let this saok in a bit so the ground can absorb more. We have slight chances each day for awhile, gradually improving chances every day. Looks like my pasture grass is growingg now, it needed that rain pretty bad. I thought it was going to have to rely on the morning dew.


Quote from: Ross on May 22, 2011, 08:56:35 AM
That sounds just like another Perkins defense and I wounder why" When I am asking about Elk konnected, LLC and not about the Perkins?

Why are you so defensive?
. Dear anyone not Loss,
Since You only need to have a defense for an offense it was not therefore defensive.    You have the issue with elk konnected.  The structure of elk konnected is such that evey "member "has as their option to be active or not.  If you look at the vision retreat attendees you will see that most have moved, quit or are not active.  What you should be concerned with is that every town has had and will continue to have  active participating members from every community.  Active residents from Longton and Grenola and Severy have been to each event.   Since it is a communist and socialist structure as you have discribed it there is no controlling Perkins mafia overlord like you wish there to for you to uncover.  The biggest financial supporter to date has been the state of Kansas.  Unless you count fifty dollar gifts from elk county citizens that do not support trying to survive with working with others ans a whole. One of the biggest nonfinancial supporters  of the creation of elk konnected was Larry Galvan of CQ county.  He has no kids in elk county schools,is not a relative to any Perkins,  doesn't have a business in town, doesn't have millions coming to him from wind leases, worked with saint like vigor with the boy scouts, supports every local event and wanted the communities to work together.  Why would elk konnected get support from Grenola, Elk Falls, Severy and Longton area citizens if elk konnected was trying to harm, dissolve, or assert unwarrented influence to all other county towns just to better Howard...  Elk konnected is not a Howard entity.  During the west elk school community conservations we hosted the meetings attended by the entire area.  The meetings were not held to push an agenda.  They were held to promote inquiry, conservation, and cooperation.  The bond issue was not defeated because of elk konnected nor would it have been pass because of elk konnected.  The wind farm did not come here out of a elk konnected discussion.  The payment of pilot money was not made available because of elk konnected. The goal and purpose of the wind farm conversation was just that a conversation.    The discussion on county budgets happens every year and will again for the next twenty years by the county commissioners.  Maybe because you are wrong in all your assumptions you go to redundant questioning for no apparent gain. You still question the integrity of the organization that is only goal is to better the community that you choose to live in.  You are not arguing the process or even the outcomes you are asking for who started the pony express and why.

I think you wounder not wonder  because you would rather deface messenger not the message.   Maybe  you are wounded.  Injured in some way by six  communities communicaing that now you lower yourself to searching out every member trying to see what they have to gain by this the evil cluster of cerebrum.  Are you going to post resume's also?    This free defamation is going to make you very popular.  If someone gets employed over the deal then are you going to take the credit for that? Do you get a head hunters fee?  I would challenge you to post my name, place of business, unemployment status, and resume.   

The message is clear the area communities must work together or die.     


"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
. Dear anyone not Loss,

Just a side note.. that's a really weird, if not incoherent, salutation

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
The structure of elk konnected is such that evey "member "has as their option to be active or not.  

Could you please post the organizational agreement approved by the LLC showing that to be the case?

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
If you look at the vision retreat attendees you will see that most have moved, quit or are not active.  What you should be concerned with is that every town has had and will continue to have  active participating members from every community.

Retreat attendees or not.  Active or not active.  Does not settle the original inquiry about admitted membership according to Kansas statutes.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
Since it is a communist and socialist structure as you have discribed it there is no controlling Perkins mafia overlord like you wish there to for you to uncover.  

Do you wish to rephrase your apparent agreement here that there is a communist and socialist structure or ideology of some kind  involved?

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
The biggest financial supporter to date has been the state of Kansas.  

Or stated otherwise (and more accurately):  The taxpayers of Kansas.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
One of the biggest nonfinancial supporters  of the creation of elk konnected was Larry Galvan of CQ county....

Really irrelevant to the inquiries made regarding taxpayer support, business structure and public official/employee involvement in the LLC and its' activities.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
Why would elk konnected get support from Grenola, Elk Falls, Severy and Longton area citizens if elk konnected was trying to harm, dissolve, or assert unwarrented influence to all other county towns just to better Howard...  

Without transparent access to the private agenda of the LLC, that question can't be answered.  

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
Elk konnected is not a Howard entity.  

No, it's a Limited liability company charted by the Kansas Secretary of State and organized in accordance with Kansas Statutes Annotated.  I don't believe Howard city has a business licensing ordinance.  But even if it does, the address of record for the LLC is rural,I believe.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
The wind farm did not come here out of a elk konnected discussion.  The payment of pilot money was not made available because of elk konnected.

How, exactly, did the wind farm come to Elk County?  Who participated in the negotiations to bring it here and establish its' overall placement?  Who negotiated the PILOT agreement?

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
Maybe because you are wrong in all your assumptions you go to redundant questioning for no apparent gain.

Or perhaps deflective, non responsive and obtuse answers have necessitated restatement of what have been valid questions from the start.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
You still question the integrity of the organization that is only goal is to better the community that you choose to live in.  You are not arguing the process or even the outcomes you are asking for who started the pony express and why.

Perhaps deflective, non responsive and obtuse answers begin to reflect on the integrity, transparency and true nature of the organization... in spite of its' 'positive' public involvement in kids sports, after school movies and trash cleanup activities.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
I think you wounder not wonder  because you would rather deface messenger not the message.   Maybe  you are wounded.  Injured in some way by six  communities communicaing that now you lower yourself to searching out every member trying to see what they have to gain by this the evil cluster of cerebrum.  Are you going to post resume's also?    This free defamation is going to make you very popular.  If someone gets employed over the deal then are you going to take the credit for that? Do you get a head hunters fee?  

What was that about defamation?  Are you asking those last two questions of 'anyone but Loss'?  And who is Loss by the way?

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
I would challenge you to post my name, place of business, unemployment status, and resume.  

If you think that's relevant to the questions presented, feel free to post it yourself.  But why the challenge?  If I find that information posted publicly, as I have others, I suppose I could post it here.

Quote from: PAT RIOT on May 22, 2011, 03:39:40 PM
The message is clear the area communities must work together or die.    

On that, we agree.  Our differences are in how that is accomplished and by whom it's facilitated.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Is all that uproar because they don't have an actual organization?
I really didn't intend to upset anyone, just wondering if this is the "ONE" to save us.
Is it prehaps because Elk County Community & Educational Foundation is the actual organization?
After all doesn't  Elk County Community & Educational Foundation have a board of governors and Elk Konnected, LLC says they have partnered with them. Also Elk Konnected, LLC says Elk County Community & Educational Foundation handles their money.
And Elk Konnected, LLC says Elk County Community & Educational Foundation donates money to Elk County Community & Educational Foundation. Isn't that sorta like Elk Konnected, LLC writing that letter praising themselves.

If all of Elk Couty supports this why isn't there a whole lot mor people .show up when Elk Konnected says show up. One or two hundred shows to me to be a lack of consensus of Elk County as a whole. One or two people from each community is also not a consensus of that community, now is it?

I just find it all kind of extraordinary. I am in awe by all of it

Especially in awe that an Elk Konnected, LLC supporter should be so disturbed by a few questions.


Again, I will state this: Most of the people that volunteer are the same people around here. I know this for a fact. Same is with parents that help with parties and events at the school in Howard, and sure it's probably the same at Longton, the same parents are there for almost everything, the same parents donate time, energy, and money for their children. The same is true with Elk Konnect, LLC, or any organization in Elk County. If people see that you will help, they tend to ask you to help, if you just sit by and complain or state uninformed facts, then they want ask, or if you volunteer.

As for the school meeting that I was talking about where Elk Konnect set up. They had nothing to do with any decisions, they just were there to make sure the meeting was productive and that it ran smoothly. The school board was there also, and helped to run it. So, we sat in little circles and discussed things with other people, I found it very informative. It helped me see how people in other parts of the county felt about things. Plus, met new people!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 23, 2011, 09:23:59 AM
Again, I will state this: Most of the people that volunteer are the same people around here. I know this for a fact. Same is with parents that help with parties and events at the school in Howard, and sure it's probably the same at Longton, the same parents are there for almost everything, the same parents donate time, energy, and money for their children. The same is true with Elk Konnect, LLC, or any organization in Elk County. If people see that you will help, they tend to ask you to help, if you just sit by and complain or state uninformed facts, then they want ask, or if you volunteer.

As for the school meeting that I was talking about where Elk Konnect set up. They had nothing to do with any decisions, they just were there to make sure the meeting was productive and that it ran smoothly. The school board was there also, and helped to run it. So, we sat in little circles and discussed things with other people, I found it very informative. It helped me see how people in other parts of the county felt about things. Plus, met new people!!

You said, "Most of the people that volunteer are the same people around here."  No one has questioned that at all. But the truth is there are those involved that do not live in Elk County, and that's a fact. But is really of no concern right now.

You said, "Same is with parents that help with parties and events at the school in Howard." First the school is not in Howard, the Howard city limits have not been moved yet. I am one of those parents that help with school stuff. The parents of students have always been helpful with school parties and events for years without the interference of Elk Konnected, LLC. So no credit there for Elk Konnected, LLC is there?

You said," if you just sit by and complain or state uninformed facts, then they want ask, or if you volunteer." Really is asking questions complaining? Is wanting to learn and know, about Elk Konnected, LLC complaining? You know, I received a complaint on here that I am too polite.

You said, "As for the school meeting that I was talking about where Elk Konnect set up."  Don't you mean that Public Squares Community, LLC ran the meeting. Did it consist of the same control method of the circle of chairs, and don't sit with your friends, and don't sit with your spouse? Don't sit with your spouse, I find that demeaning, Elk Konnected, doesn't believe I and my wife are capable of working together. What happened to their belief in strong families. That is just a means of divide and conquer. I will repeat nobody comes between me and my wife, nobody.

You said, "They had nothing to do with any decisions, they just were there to make sure the meeting was productive and that it ran smoothly. The school board was there also, and helped to run it. So, we sat in little circles and discussed things with other people, I found it very informative. It helped me see how people in other parts of the county felt about things. Plus, met new people!!" Apparently it was not very productive and they didn't listen or they only had Elk Konnected, LLC people. Otherwise all the school money would not have been wasted having plans drawn up and waste of money on  a bond election would not have been necessary. The county voted a Resounding "NO!", while Howard on the other hand voted, what 66% for it. That just seems to speak volumes of Elk Connected.

You said, "Plus, met new people!!"  I don't need an organization to met new people, but if that is your nee more power to you. Be Happy.

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