Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Patriot on September 30, 2011, 09:41:29 PM
Quack. Waddle. Fly.

Perhaps you will be kind enough to reiterate the facts surrounding EK and their relationships with Elk County government and Elk County School districts.

Now I see you are an incoherent follower of Ross's manifesto. Like I said I have nothing to do with Elk Konnected. I gave you posts to all the info that you seek from what was posted by EK and what government entities posted.  I have seen a lot of questions but never any proof Elk Konnected did anything unlawful. In fact Ross has said they never did anything unlawful. Ross EK is a private entity, if you don't like the money they got , that at one time were taxpayers dollars you need to redress the government. You have no more right to question them;  than they do to question you (Ross) about the taxpayers dollars that you get from your time in the service, government shipyard worker, or any disability you may have received due to the shipyard forcing you to retire. (Please correct me for the part of your story  Ross, I recounted from your posts here. If I am wrong correct them or I will post quotes from you that suport my understandings).
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: Ross on September 30, 2011, 07:42:36 PM
Here is something interesting from Elk Konnected: http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/news.php
Elk Konnected
Success Stories

Elk County provide ideas on how to use wind dollars

Better roads and local tax relief are top suggestions

By Rudy Taylor

While no specific recommendations were determined , Woodbury was able to make several conclusions from the groups which were composed of eight to ten in each circle.
Elk County provide ideas on how to use wind dollars ----- Who in Elk Konnected, please provide a list of names???
                                                                                                  Oh, there is no list is there?
                                                                                           "there was no specific reccomendations "

Better roads and local tax relief are top suggestions -----   With the highest county taxes in Kansas you don't need a
                                                                                        Crystal Ball or an Organization or a Mr. Woodbury
                                                                                             to come up with tax relief do you ????
In fact all you need is for the county to get the money from the wimd farm then demand that you elected County Commissioners provide that relief. After all you elect the County Commissioners to serve you, and not Elk Konnected, LLC remember that? Doesn't that make since ????

Help me try to understand this statement, please?
If there was no specific reccomendations able to be determined how did Mr. Woodbury manage to come to any conclusions ???

Does he have a crystal ball???

He would not listen to me, he would not converse with me or anyone else at the meeting, why ???
He just gave orders, instructions to a room full of adults, such as don't sit with your spouse, don't sit with your friend, don't sit with your neighbor, and like puppets musical chairs started, WHY?

What did that accomplish except split up husband and wives (strong families), split up friend and neighbors (good relationships), force people to sit during decision making times with people they did not know simply to confuse matters ???

The people did not go to a Community Conversation to  socialize or make new friends during a suggestion and decision making time now did they????

Perhaps before or after the meeting but not during the meeting now did they???

This reads like Mr. Woodbury of Public Squares Communities of Leoti, Kansas in Wichita County, which is 338 mi, 5 hours 56 mins west of our County Seat, makes the decisions, is that what produced the list on page one of this thread ?

Elk Konnected you know we have been asking you for a long time, "Who is your leader", well since Mr. Woodbury appears to be the major decision maker and the leader of the so called Community Conversation doesn't that pretty much make, Mr. Woodbury of Public Squares Communities,LLC of Leoti, Kansas in Wichita County, which is 338 mi, 5 hours 56 mins west of our County Seat, the Elk Konnected leader ???

While no specific recommendations were determined

I can understand that with all that musical chairs stuff going on and no actual conversation, doesn't that make
sense to you ???

So were the specific recommendations determined after the Community Conversation ended ???

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??


Just a note...

Unelected community organization groups, whether ACORN, Public Square Communities or Elk Konnected, do not represent the broader electorate.  Until there is complete transparency and a verifiable separation between county/city government/public government run schools and this privately owned political action companies... this isn't going away. 

Stay connected, citizens.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: sodbuster on September 30, 2011, 08:25:51 PM
Ross, in my opinion this post above is way beyond the unibomber's manifesto. I don't know how serious you are with the posts on this topic or what your true motives are. I hope this is not your manifesto before we read about you in the news.

You talk about all these people in your family being lawyers, but that gives you no more a knowledge of the law than I do.
Therefore your legal advice is worth absolutely nothing. But may I ask does that represent your manifesto?

A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions.
I have already stated mine Numerous times, don't you read the posts??
I am a simple  dumb ass redneck that is asking simple questions that need to be cleared up.
And I do that based on my qualifications as a VietNam Veteran who has served my country as a patriot.
And it is my patriotic duty, and civic duty as a taxpayer and voter in Elk County to ask for the truth, simple isn't it?

So, yes my manifesto is way beyond that of the unibomber because I am communicating openly and honestly.
I am simply asking for the truth, ethics, and and principles in our local government.
And you in California seem to have an unknown problem with that, why?

And I doubt that you will ever read about me in the paper because I am just a red neck dumb ass, with no evil intentions,
Just questions that I guess might be deemed politically incorrect to some that let politicians walk on them based on POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

David your opinion is of no value to anyone until you post your manifesto in my opinion.
Is your manifesto to do what ever Elk Konnected tells you to do ???

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why ? "


this thread continues to entertain.  Isn't it ironic that at the local level, these right wing loonies are so questioning of these kinds of organizations, yet when a group like heritage foundation or Americans for prosperity comes along, they take the bait, hook line and sinker.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Elk Konnected how about some answers to some really cool questions?

What is Elk Konnected, LLC a private business doing to improve Elk County's economic situation or to make Elk County a better place to live?????

Just what can they do in this World Wide Economic Crises?????

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County? 
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??

Can anybody answer just one question with any intelligence and authority?

Diane Amberg

I just popped in again to see if anything was new.  Nope. After 5 months and people telling you you won't get answers here, do you really expect anything to change?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: sodbuster on September 30, 2011, 09:29:32 PM
Explain to me how any money\assets a private organization\entity recieved from ECCEF is your business. It was taxpayers money when the Kansas gov gave it to ECCEF. When Eccef gave it to EK it was none of your business. The rent the Wellness center paid was to SeeKan if I am not mistaken. That means they paid the government rent.  If you have problems with grants, farm subsidies, welfare, foodstamps, the fact Kansas recieves more federal money than they pay in, vote properly to fix it.There are 14 non profit charities in Howard alone that are organized under the same lasws as Eccef. They get grants, fed funds, donations etc.

Look them up:

Many 4h and FFA units
Church organizations

Elk Konnected is not receiving funds any differently than 14 other organizations in elk county,


sodbuster, I'm sorry, but Elk County does not have a VFW as far as I know. We have 2 American Legions, but no VFW.

Janet Harrington

Oops. I screwed that that up. Oh, well. No VFW's in Elk County.


 Copied directly from, Http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/elkco.htm mInus the back ground and picture.

My questions are in Blue.

You are talking about the county I live in, vote in and pay taxes in, the same county my County Commissioner that is shown at the bottom of this page lives in ???

You are referring to Elk County, Kansas just so there is no confusion, am I right ???

And you are referring to the County Commissioners who's duty is to represent the taxpaying citizens of Elk County, right ???

And you our County Commissioner don't see no conflict of interest in representing us the taxpaying citizens and representing Elk Konnected and representing Public Squares Communities who happens to be your employer, is that what you want us to believe ???



Strong families    Do you accomplish this  by coming between mom and dad at so called County Conversations by saying you can not sit in the same circle of chairs to discuss anything Elk Konnected ???

Nothing nor anyone comes between me and my wife, especially some privately owned company claiming to represent me to my County Commissioners, I sure hope you find that understandable?

I just don't see where your actions are conducive to strong families, would you please explain this for me?

Solid education What does mean, does it mean we don't have good schools now ?

Superior Lifestyle

Huh ???

Please explain for this redneck, farm boy, hick ???

Is it that you don't like our lifestyle ???

"Stay with us as we grow!"  

You are asking Elk County Citizens aren't you ???

What do you plan to grow into???


Please explain each of the listed goals, so I may understand exactly what you are talking about ???

Youth Development

Establish a coordinated youth development program in the Elk Konnected community  

Please what are you going to coordinate ???

What are you going to develop in our youth ???
Are you going to get the approval of parents about this development ???

Will you please explain in plain English how this development might work beyond what is already available ???

Physical Image

Create a coordinated, six-community appreciation day to clean up our physical image

Don't you mean just mimic what the individual communities already do for themselves ???

Community Wellness

Didn't your Wellness Center fail and shut down ???

We already have medical clinics where people go for wellness don't we ???

Or were you just referring to a workout center with exercise machines ???

Create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network

What does that mean before and after your Wellness Center failed ???

What type of infrastructure, how would it work ???

Community Standards

Each town has it's own ordinances, so please explain what you are talking about ???

Are you suggesting that each town lacks the ability to take care of their own community ???

Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community

What exactly is the Elk Konnected community ???

Does it have any boundaries, city limits, county lines ???

What enforcement authority does Elk Konnected have out side of it being a private business ???

I can understand a private company having enforcement authority over it's own property maintenance standards, please explain if you are talking beyond that ???


Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons

I believe we have that right here with the Elk County Forum and you tried that with the County Taxpayers Emergency  Notification and Call System without proper authorization and angered a lot of people, so is there something else you are talking about ???

What patrons ???  Who are your patrons ???

For information contact:  Liz Hendricks, County Commissioner, 620/330-2428
Richard Fish, Howard State Bank, 620/374-2127

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